《Players in Remnant》Painting the town, Nightmare Red
The viking stretched his limbs, his bones popping with a satisfying sound.
Orm had woken up early at five in the morning to get himself ready for another stroll around the school grounds.
He would be bored, but it damn beats working too hard. He’d felt like this was his vacation after all those stressful damn years of working to survive, it wasn’t even living anymore.
It didn’t feel as tiring as much in this place they are in now. He wouldn't care much about the old world. The past is in the past, no point lamenting about it unless there is something that would make them go back home.
To which he hoped they would not.
Back to the place where the air is poisoned, nature is a myth, blackened skies of smoke and you can't see the stars? Hell, you can't even have a safe stroll at night!
But here? It's the opposite of their old world.
Much freedom of movement, and the amount of blessings around them that the others wouldn't know that they were so lucky to be born in this kind of place.
He stopped staring at the rising sun before it became too bright for his eyes to handle, and began walking around the campus.
He was used to waking up early due to his scheduled work, which is damn stupid in his opinion. Though he would be sleeping like a log tonight, he had earned it as he reminded himself of the shit he had endured from the old world.
He left his bear Misha to roam around the less-crowded areas where students might be to avoid distractions and troubles.
The last time he had one was when someone decided to mess around with his bear, they were lucky that he was able to stop Misha in time from clawing the student’s guts out of him.
And for that, the students became more than wary of not messing with the security guard’s bear.
Though a few females were brave enough to stroke the bear’s fur, Misha didn’t seem to mind so long as they didn’t annoy him.
He spent his free time reading a book or an article he’d find interesting in his Scroll, or monitoring the students within his sights.
A few hours passed by and he was feeling hungry enough to eat a person - not that he would do it though.
As he was passing through the courtyard, he noticed a certain bunny faunus reading a book on a bench… Or at least trying to if not for CRDL harassing the reader.
He groaned in annoyance to deal with this kind of ignorance. What was the point in discriminating against someone because of their looks?
Even he wouldn't PK the Heteromorphic Players because they wouldn't be penalized and gaining EXP. Not unless they decided to bother him, he’d break their shit time and time again to make them stop.
If they wouldn't stop after that? They would regret not doing so.
Pushing the daydreams out of his mind, he approached them. Nearby students noticed and were preparing to see how this turned out.
He growled in annoyance that the fools wouldn't try to stop them from bullying. Cowards, the lot of them.
He was nearing them, though the members of CRDL didn’t seem to notice him, only Velvet did though she didn’t say a word but only widened her eyes.
“Is this what I think it is…?” He growled out, making the team CRDL turn around.
“Piss off you…” Cardin snarled at the speaker before feeling a tinge of regret on doing so as he didn’t finish his sentence. It became very, very clear that they were intimidated by the sheer size difference of Orm and them.
Even Cardin, being considered the tallest of their team, would only be a head short compared to Orm.
“You want me to do, what, Mr Winchester?” His frown was very visible to all. The nearby students were watching this scene unfold.
“N-Nothing sir!” Cardin replied instantly.
“...Doubt so,” He growled before punching Cardin in the face, making a loud thud sound in contact with the impact, making him fly across the grounds and crash onto a pillar.
The students took about a few seconds before realizing what just happened. The security guard punched Cardin, and they didn’t see his fist! No one was able to!
Cardin was knocked unconscious from that punch. Luckily, his Aura was able to absorb the punch, despite his Aura signatures informing that he is at the yellow bar line zone.
“Get that punk out of my sight.” He growled-ordered, the teammates quickly carried their leader and scurried out of the security guard’s sight.
‘That was just perfect,’ He sighed mentally. ‘fortunately I held back my strength good enough and my weakened state helped in not killing him. The prick’s lucky.’
Turning his attention to the stricken shocked bunny student, he spoke gently.
“Are you alright?”
‘Of course she isn't alright you dumb fuck, she got her ears pulled! No shit that is uncomfortable!’
“Y-Yes, I’m f-fine!” Velvet said before flinching in pain when Orm gently poked her ears experimentally.
“Judging by your face when I touch your cute ears, I doubt you are fine.” He frowned. Velvet flushed in red when he called her ears ‘cute’. “How many times has this happened? Often?”
“...Sometimes.” She meekly admitted while looking down on the ground.
“...Pathetic.” He blurted that single word without a thought, and instantly felt guilty in saying it.
“What?” She said, eyes wide opened and her expression being of shock for someone calling her pathetic.
“You are a senior, a few years older than those fools. And you let them bully and harass you without end, and you still let them?” He growled out annoyingly. Frustrated by the word he had called her, and he has to bullshit his way through. “As my brodir friend had said this before and I’ll say this again; If you need anything, do not hesitate to do so. Let us know. It is our responsibility.”
“Ok…” Velvet nodded slowly, though her expression was one of sadness. He could see tears threatening to escape from her eyes. Ok, now he felt like an asshole.
He frowned at himself for doing it, and felt a twinge sense of guilt on pulling his outburst on a kid of all people.
He placed his hand onto her shoulder, whilst Velvet in turn raised her head, looking at him.
“I mean it…” He said in the most gentle tone he could ever muster. “Do not let anyone bully you, you are and will become a Huntress. You promised yourself that.” He poked his index finger on her forehead lightly.
She looked at him before blinking her tears away, nodding in response with a determined face.
“Say it, promise yourself…”
“I, I promise, M-Mr Hank-”
“Louder! Say it with confidence!
“I-I promise Mr Hank!” This time, she spoke with more confidence.
“Good, for the day you become one. I will be proud of you.” He patted her head gently, ruffled her hair a bit before walking away. He didn’t notice that Velvet’s face turned red like a rose.
‘Damn, she is way too cute. I couldn’t resist from not touching her soft ears.’ He groaned internally before sighing. ‘Really couldn’t resist such cute things.’
He felt calm in his strolls, feeling like those short stories of an old man taking a stroll through the park, finding a sense of calm. He is too young to feel that, but perhaps… He could understand how the old man in the story felt.
Feeling satisfied and a little bit bored, he decided to head to the Emerald Forest to conduct some rage-inducing fights.
Oh sure the Grimm were practically harmless to both him and his friend; especially Misha.
He walked to a place where no one should be, though he took precaution by looking around before dropping off the cliff that leads to the Emerald Forest.
The height was tall enough for a normal person to splat into mush and gore. Even a person with Aura couldn’t take a risk and land with nothing to cushion the fall.
For him though?
It was a quick route.
He landed without care, making a crater upon impact. It was loud, but he doubted anyone on the cliffs could hear the sound he made.
Walking out of the crater he just made, also without a care in the world, he walked and whistled his way through the deep parts of the forest.
It was that time of the month where Beacon should mitigate the Grimm numbers wandering in the forest to lessen the danger. Even also the possibility of Elder Grimms lurking around.
But not that Orm would care. He was only here to fill his boredom.
*Growling Sounds*
And the call of fate, they have come.
Orm sighed as he saw himself being surrounded by Beowolves. The wolves wouldn't even count as a warm up, not with their numbers no. Hell, even the Alphas would come a close second.
Immediately, the wolves lunged at him all at once. He blinked. It was a surprise, normally the Beowolves wouldn't lunge at him all at once. One of them would take the chance first, and if the first one failed, more but one would follow. But never all of them.
He smirked. This is a surprise.
He didn’t need to use his skills for this one. He grabbed at the Beowolf that nearly reached him in the jaws before spinning himself around like a tornado, smacking said Beowolf around to its kin like a club.
It pushed them back no doubt. He then smashed the Beowolf he was holding onto the ground, smashing its head effortlessly. Its black blood splattered around him and dissipated into the air.
Sensing something from behind, he twirled around and raised his arm to block an incoming claw.
“So, you're planning smart eh?” He grinned.
An Alpha Beowolf. It used its brethren as cover for it to take its chance to catch him by surprise.
This one is smart.
But unfortunate. . .
“You’re only satisfying my bloodthirst, pup.” Orm made a wild smile, making him looked like a crazed man finding satisfaction in murder.
Orm gripped its paw to the point where he pulverized its bones, making it roar in agony. Lucky for it, Orm ended its life with a punch to its mouth and his fist appearing at the other side of its head.
He pushed the body away from him, letting it fall to the ground motionlessly.
“You tried, and tried you failed.” He muttered as he saw the Beowolves he comically smacked around with another Beowolf - best definition on beating a motherfucker with another motherfucker - getting up.
“You better last longer this time.” He grinned as he threw himself at the Grimm.
. . .
He didn’t know how long he was in the forest, but oh boy he was having fun.
A large number of Grimm seemed to appear out of nowhere varying various types of Grimm. Beowolf, Ursa, Deathstalkers, Nevermores, Gryphons; it didn’t matter to him. Just as long as they bleed and satiate his taste for a fight. He was forced to use his weapons due to the sheer number of bodies that the Grimm threw at him.
And oh how they delivered him the greatest, bloodiest warmup of all. Though from an outside perspective, it looked like a man enjoying the time of his life while beating the fuckton of monsters surrounding him in all directions.
But it was just the opposite.
No matter how many the Grimm threw themselves at him, he remained unharmed despite his equipment having received so much beating and covered by so much Grimm blood that he looked like he dove into a pool of it, and that it's almost impossible to tell whether he was injured or not.
And all around him were dissipating pieces of corpses from various types of Grimm.
“Heheheh…” He chuckled as he wiped his mouth with his forearm from the Grimm blood. “Now that is a warmup.”
Oh how he wanted more, but seeing that no more Grimm wanted to try and take a piece of him, they ran away. No doubt that Salem was watching and it probably decided it was a waste of time to try and kill him.
She might learn from this and use a different tactic against him. But let her try, nothing would work and it would only make him more amused to take on so many enemies at once.
Reminds him of grinding through tons of mobs.
With that, he decided to return to Beacon. He would check the time, but unfortunately his Scroll was damaged during the massacre of Emerald Forest.
He might have to remind himself to put his Scroll into his Inventory before going crazy.
When he returned, he was noticed by many students who looked at him like they had never seen him before. Probably because of the amount of blood that is dissipating that he looks like a ghost dipped in Grimm blood that they moved away from his path.
“W-What happened to you!?” One of the students was shocked by the amount of Grimm blood on his person...
He bellowed a laugh and said. “I went for a good warmup in Emerald Forest.”
That made the ones who heard him slack-jawed. He just laughed at their reactions and headed on his way to… probably his room and waited for his friend to fix his equipment. His friend might scold him, but who cares? He had fun.
He was heading to his room for a change, but as he was about to open the door, a voice called out to him.
“Mr Hakonarsson,” He recognized it, it was Ozpin.
“Headmaster.” He greeted. “You need something?”
“...Yes, I have been calling you through the Scroll. You haven't picked up so I went around looking for you, though where have you been?” He asked. “You looked like you had some… extreme difficulties.”
The viking chuckled. “I went to Emerald Forest for a warmup.”
The Headmaster slightly widens his eyes before nodding. “I see…”
“You said you have something for me, Headmaster?” He grinned.
“I may think you might need to-”
“Nonsense,” He waved his concerns away. “I’m still fine, no wounds on me.” He said loudly.
“I was about to say that you might need to shower and change clothes,” The Soul Wraith-in-disguise chuckled, much to the vikings embarrassment for the assumed words. “but since you are fine nonetheless, I’m giving you a mission.”
“Oh? A mission?” Intrigued. “But first, I’ll be changing my clothes. Seems rather…”
“You may,” Ozpin chuckled.
A changing montage later. . .
“A simple resupply mission,” Ozpin handed his Scroll to him, revealing the details of the mission. “32 miles from here is a trading town named ‘Jarash Town’, they sent out a distress call. They have been holding out since two days ago, possibilities of the said town might get overwhelmed by the Grimm and are running out of supplies.”
Orm read more in the Scroll. Apparently he will be staying there for a couple of days until the townsfolk would be able to manage the situation properly and for him to weed out the huge number of Grimm that have surrounded the town. There was a wandering Huntsman that had fortunately been there to defend said town, but they were not enough to handle the sheer number of hordes that had been attacking in wave after wave. And it has been growing ever since the first attack.
The viking grinned as he looked up from the Scroll. “I’ll be diving into the fray, you don’t need to worry.”
“I’m glad you accepted.” ‘I thank you my lord.’ He nodded his head in thanks.
“Who is the Huntsman in Jarash right now?”
“It would be Qrow Brawen, he had arrived in the town just in time for the initial attack.”
‘Weird name…’ Then it clicked to him. “Ah… Ruby’s Uncle yes?
“Yes it is.” Ozpin confirmed. “In the meantime, you’ll be assisting Qrow in handling the defenses for a couple of days or so.”
Orm shrugged. “Doesn't matter the duration of the work, I’ll be heading out soon?”
“Better now. There is a ship ready to depart, if you need to do any preparations-”
“I’ll head out now. You don’t mind me bringing Misha?”
“You can bring him.”
“Thanks.” Orm flicked a two-finger salute before heading to the ship docks.
Ozpin let out a mixed sigh of relief and frustration that he didn’t know he was holding it in.
While he is thankful of the Supreme Being’s assistance on Jarash Town, he couldn’t help but find it suspicious to why he would accept such a hassle? Was it because of Qrow? He wouldn't know, it would seem rude enough to anger him and risk danger to the school.
And most of all, he hadn't been able to ask for HIS help in finding the Spring Maiden. And yet to ask for the Supreme Being of Nightmare for assistance would seem… risky when he was busy.
And risking angering said entity that would no doubt rival his Creator and True Master.
“It is fine, rest assured from that matter. I'll be giving you the time and letting you know when your associates of your brotherhood organization will know of our acknowledgement of your war. This kind of secret will not last long, which is why I'm doing my task in Vale wisely." Were the words of the Nightmare Lord.
He had very good concerns on what the Dark God’s plan was in Vale, but he could tell he was preparing for the ‘Breach’. But it was months away as he had informed him. He couldn’t help but wonder if he had lied to him about it.
He asked about it but only received a cryptic response; "The time will come for me to show up as a shadow of the realm of the living... I will not be known as Lordez D. Grimm once I make my move there, but only known as a Lord of Nightmares."
He could not understand what the Supreme Being of Nightmares meant by that… But he understood that he will reveal his true self to the world. And it will be during the ‘Breach’. He would protect the people of Vale, yet could not help but be worried on how they would do it.
He made another heavy sigh before walking back to his office and grabbing another cup of tea.
Caffeine won't do for now, tea would help him relax his senses for a bit…
Hopefully just for a bit.
Orm sat in the side-part of the Cargo Airship, with the supplies in the rear end for a supply drop, as they were moving to the location of Jarash Town.
The flight was particularly moving at a decent pace, due to the weight of the cargo the ships were carrying and its relatively slow mobility, it was understandable.
But he was not alone for the ride.
He brought Misha with him. His companion needed something to do other than slacking off around in Beacon.
He then called a {Message} to Lordez.
[Hey, you busy there?]
[Huh, what made you call me at this hour? Something wrong?]
[No no, it's just another one of the missions that Ozpin gave me]
[Oh? What did he give out to you? Search and Destroy?]
[No] He mentally said in a low response. [Just a simple resupply mission.]
[Eh? Why? You can't handle that kind of mission category alone dude, the hell are you thinking?] He could hear the concern of his friend’s voice.
[Calm down man, I won't be going in alone! Ozpin said that Qrow is at the place on where I'm supposing to be going and I'm just there to reinforce the defense along with the supplied im bringing]
[Qrow? Why the hell is he there? Never mind, remember what I te-]
[Yeah yeah, "Limit your power/strength to a minimum"] He mentally said it in a lazy tone. [Don't worry about me m8!]
[...Just don't overdo it]
[Won't do] He grinned before he cut the connection off.
“We’re just taking a short vacation, ain't we Misha?”
Said bear just looked at him and huffed in reply. Orm simply chuckled as they waited for their destination.
And by luck, they were already close as the pilot had notified him.
Lordez watched as his students trained as per his instructions.
The progress is… slow. Good but slow, and it wasn’t enough for him. But considering their natural state, he can't help but stay in this course until they are suited enough for much more… rougher methods.
Those lacking in stamina, he put them in stamina and cardio training. Ren for an example, as he was lacking so. No doubt that he was skilled, but it wouldn’t matter if he had run out of breath quick enough for him to get killed.
Those who lacked in close quarters training, conventionally Ruby and Weiss, as they both have been relying on their weapons that their CQC skills are extremely poor that even a Beowolf can beat them.
Much to their argument on not letting go of their weapons, he made a point that there will come a time for them to not rely on their weapons, but rather their fists. And if not their fists then their legs, if not their legs then their entire bodies would become weapons themselves.
Better to fight without a weapon than to become a clueless and lost person who couldn’t do anything.
He also had those who have ‘poor’ fighting quality to spar against one another and speak out their weaknesses and fix on that. Especially team CRDL. The whole team was completely weak in his opinion. They are quite strong and skilled compared to a normal person, but entirely weak in the Huntsman’s standards.
Also to speak about their team's poor team coordination. All they did was attack and attack without planning, hoping to overwhelm their enemy.
That would normally work in very, very few cases. And only on weak enemies as well.
Even with those who fully rely on their Semblances, they will need to fight without them.
It was a harsh way of teaching those who have already gotten used to their own fighting styles, but it was necessary for them to learn more than to learn nothing at all to cover all bases.
He made sure that none of them would slack off in their training, or else they would receive a harsher one than before. Even when conflicts and arguments came up, he shut them down.
And also changing their training schedules alternating to not conflict in their other academic subjects.
Their status, according to his appraisals on each and every one of them, was getting better. Although in a slow pace compared to the normal leveling up in YGGDRASIL. But with his presence, they were gaining levels at a slightly faster pace. Their levels go up by 1 in weeks.
Probably the cause of his Train job class. A utilized class job that can boost the EXP gain to those whom he trains. Of course it couldn’t boost those who went past level 55 and above, due to the comments on ‘how very unbalanced’ and find it a practically a broken-ass job to gain an EXP boost for free. Which was understandable on why they had to restrict it by such.
With the ‘Breach’ coming in soon, and how the timeline seemed to have changed by a bit because of their intervention, they’d probably need to get stronger to get through this.
Besides, the ‘Breach’ would just be a show for him. The ‘Fall of Beacon’ would be the main course for them to handle.
Perfect timing it is because tomorrow, the particular team RWBY and a couple of ragtags would go to Vale and help investigate the White Fang activities with Blake as to how it went down in canon.
He wondered if they were capable of fighting toe to toe against Roman and Neo. He had doubts on their skill afterall, it needs some… polishing to do.
Plus they are thieves not warriors, they fight dirty to win and survive.
Speaking of Vale, he had heard news on crime being lessened and troubles in the night had drastically decreased. No doubt the cause of his summons was at work.
He’ll have to check up on the kids he had saved on one point, he was sure that the boy didn’t use the item else they would be hearing news about walking trees moving around.
The plot hinting at the return of the ‘Nightmare King’ is ongoing, but oh how he thought of the pleasure of unleashing the fear of the darkness amongst the people in the world.
Their glorious expressions would delight him evermore so. . .
It had been almost an hour since they, Orm and Misha, had dropped down to Jarash Town along with the supplies.
The town has thick walls and its defenses are sound and standing tall. Although if he hadn't arrived just in time for the walls to be repaired without anything, he doubted that the town would stay strong against one more wave.
Supplies were distributed, and he himself was an additional protection against the Grimm.
Some eyed his bear companion warily.
“Supplies are here! Who’s in charge of this place?” He shouted loud enough to get the attention of the person in charge, and it did.
A man called out in reply as he raised his hand to let him be seen and walked through the crowd towards Orm.
“You are in charge?” He hummed.
“Yes. And my thanks to you that you’ve arrived here quickly along with the supplies, another attack and we might not last any more days.” The man said. “My name’s Varok Oak, mayor of this town.”
“Orm Hakornarsson, a… Huntsman.” He said unsure before settling on the title.
The mayor began to tell him about the situation around the town. Their militia initially consisted of 50 men, now down to 28. The town walls were damaged and were fixed with patchworks, and the Grimm seemed to be focused on going through the gates as it was heavily torn apart from the other side of the entrance.
Though some Grimm managed to get past the walls and delivered casualties amongst the townsfolk before being killed. A fair amount of people died defending this town, to which he gave a small honorable prayer to them.
After the mayor had spoken all that was happening around, Orm told him that he will be staying in the town for a while until the Grimm waves arrived and will only leave once he had ceased their problem to… not exist.
“Thank you for the assistance, sir Hacornarson.”
Orm grimaced at his butchered surname. “Just call me Hank, my last name always gives people trouble on those who try to pronounce it correctly.”
“It certainly does, no offense.” The man chuckled. “It is a very unusual name.”
Orm waved it away. “And before you ask about the reward, I don’t need any. Just helping out is good enough for me.”
“I thank you for that, I don’t even think we would be able to rebuild with the very little Lien we have.”
“Then better save it up to rebuild your homes then.” He bellowed a laugh before calming down. “But honestly, personally; I find it rewarding to help out.”
Before the man could ask why, the bells suddenly rang and a militia shouted out: “GRIMM ATTACK!! GRIMM ATTACK!!”
Making everyone brace, as the civilians got into their homes while the militia and some volunteers armed up and got to their station in the walls.
“Looks like I better get moving, you already know what to do, yes?”
The man nodded. “We must make something out of this!”
Orm laughed. “You speak as if we will lose.”
He didn’t need to say anything more as he and Misha went towards the gate and oversaw the massive horde of Grimm appearing from the treeline.
He could tell the men on the walls with him were nervous but held strong. If he was the same of the lesser men, he would have reacted the same.
But he was one with his Avatar, and there was nothing for him to fear.
For he is here!
The moment the first Grimm Beowolf reached the gates, he immediately dropped down and smashed the Grimm's head with his boot. Misha followed suit as he tackle-rolled down, taking several Grimm down.
He could make out shouts and cries towards him, but he didn’t listen to their words closely.
For he is here to enjoy the best fight in his life!
Deciding to make it worth it, he used a taunting skill that will no doubt attract all the Grimm towards him, and him only.
“{Hlakka eda Lauss: Sneida}!” - {Cry Out and Let Loose: Taunt}!
And almost a second instant, the Grimm paused before making a mad dash towards him. Almost as if they cannot control themselves and maddeningly threw themselves towards him.
It only made him grin as the thirst of battle grew.
Grabbing his greatsword on his back, he then let out a roar of his own and charged.
Lordez sighed in relief the moment the school’s bells rang.
As he waited for the students to leave the training room, leaving him alone and double checking to insure he is indeed alone, he immediately used {Gate} and headed on to Vale’s FOB.
He changed to his other appearance in case someone had miraculously got his ‘real’ appearance that is one of Beacon and decided to connect the dots in and boom, the plan is going to fail unless he decides to remove said possibility and if someone decides to report it.
Worst case scenario, he has to kill the witness.
Best case scenario and also the easiest choice to make, mind wipe.
Immediately as he walked through the {Gate} as a sight of Skeletons carrying boxes which are no undoubtedly Red Sap from the trees of Forever Fall.
Why the Red Sap?
He had a very special thought on making some kind of a bait bomb to attract Grimm in a non-magical method fashion.
The more intelligent creatures such as the Skull Spiders, immediately took notice of his presence and greeted him with a bow.
“We welcome your presence, Creator.” A Lich stationed in the FOB greeted him.
“At ease. Is there anything to report?”
The Lich nodded as he gave out information that had happened throughout the past weeks.
In their shadowy patrols, they managed to capture some people who would not be missed by anyone, and some members of the White Fang.
It proved to be useful as they managed to acquire information from the White Fang, plans, routes, and also their preparation for the Breach. Though he will be having to judge on whether to execute them or let them live at the moment.
Half of the members were rather young and were newly recruited to the cause. Either they were pressured to join or willingly done so, he won't decide their fate immediately.
And for the non White Fang members? They were racists and thugs. Some both. Either way, he can't kill them despite the want to end their bastardic ways. They have reasons, he just needs to be careful on which one is reasonable than stupid.
“Keep them in the cells until further notice. Execute the humans who seemed to have murderous intent on the Faunus. Spare the White Fang members for information, and if possible, mindwipe their memories from joining the organization.”
“Understood my Creator.” The Lich bowed his head. “Is that all, my lord?”
“Continue on.” He nodded, seeing the Lich walking away and continuing its job.
Almost immediately after that, he almost stumbled in surprise.
He paused and slowly placed his hand to where his heart was… He felt his heart… beat.
For the past months ever since he and his friend had been transported into Remnant, he had never felt his heartbeat. Never. Not even his own body heat as he is literally a living dead.
Yet for the first time ever since the transfer, his heart beat.
“What.. was that?” He asked no one exasperatedly.
Waiting for a few more minutes, he didn’t feel his heart beat any more. Staying dead as it was.
“Was I imagining things?” He murmured as he rubbed his temple softly. Easing his mental stress this way.
‘Either I’m going crazy, or I’m melding in with my Avatar… Oh for christ’s sake, I’m one with my Avatar already. What is there for me to panic about?’ He groaned in annoyance.
He went out of the building and jumped onto the rooftop of the buildings and simply just went through his merrily stroll through the chilling night.
The sight was… brutal.
Hell, calling it brutal would be the understatement of it.
It was a bloodbath.
Blackish blood, guts and gore splattered and flew through the air in all directions.
The men stationed on the wall could only watch the Huntsman who just went over the wall, swinging his weapon wildly around him while laughing without care for his life.
Even the bear who followed the man seemed to be having a moment of their life.
In the end, the two were covered in so much blood and gore that they would look like they had gone through a Grimm hell bath.
“Heheheh, that was fun.” Orm smirked as Misha grunted, making a sound that seemed like approval and satisfaction.
He and Misha slowly walked back to the town after their bloody massacre to the Grimm on the field behind them.
His grin only went wide as the expression of the people manning the walls could ever give it more amusement.
“Oi!” He called out, breaking some of the guards out of their stupor. “Where can I wash this git off me? I know they vaporize and what not, but damn they still stink!”
It’s the one odd thing about the Grimm. Sure they tend to disappear whenever they die, leaving no remains for a clear investigation of their corpses, but they leave a faint similar smell of metal.
“Y-You can head on to the Clear Sky’s Inn!” One of the guards responded, although stammering his words before formulating it properly. “You can get yourself cleaned up there!”
“Thanks!” He nodded his head in thanks.
The guards could only look at the Huntsman’s back going further away from their vision in awe and fear.
“...Ya know, I was having doubts on how that guy would be able to hold off a horde like that initially, except with the bear. But now seeing his capability… I think making him pissed off is a bad idea.” One of the guards commented, to which all the guards agreed.
They sincerely wouldn't want to piss someone off who could literally hold off a huge horde varying different kinds of Grimm, hell, he managed to use a King Taijitu as a frigging bat and swung it around as an improvised weapon!
Back to Lordez. . .
It didn’t take long for him to sense the familiar souls in the vicinity of his passive’s range.
He was observing specifically Ruby and Penny at a fair distance and using the roofs to disallow any obstruction to his sight.
It was the same as how the canon goes; the two started to talk, then came in onto a nearby plaza with a hologram Ironwood boasting on his newly designed android models - seriously, they could have designed it more better and practically more durable - then came on one of the guards noticing the two, making them run off to which also making Ruby confused on what is going on.
It did, however, make him laugh when Penny literally threw her in a dumpster. It was more funny seeing that in person as well.
While watching, he received a {Message} from one of his summons, saying that the Skull Spiders he had ordered to watch Blake and Sun from the shadows, had now found them in a White Fang recruitment building. One of the buildings that the White Fang used to recruit more Faunus to their cause, and he had them monitored for the past few months.
He stuck around for awhile and left the moment he saw Ruby getting out from the dumpster and removing all the trash that stuck to her clothing.
The sight somehow amuses him.
He then heads on to the location of where Blake and Sun are. Using {Gate} would be no problem at all, but why should he use it when he can get there just in time?
Anyways, he arrived just in time for the two to be chased by an Atlesian Paladin which is no doubt being piloted by Roman Torchwick.
There was no need to intervene… Aside from minor collateral damage on the highway, he didn’t need to intervene. There was a chance that they managed to stop Roman from going into the highway, but considering the chances that the plot had not changed, he blatantly took it blindly.
He simply went ahead to where Roman should fall from the highway and RWBY fought against him.
Merely waiting, it didn’t take long enough for the scene to take place.
Lordez hummed as he saw team RWBY regrouped themselves before leading the fight.
He was here to see if they had grown.
“Freezer Burn!” Ruby shouted as she and Blake jumped back, Weiss came charging in with her Myrtenaster before stabbing the ground conjuring an ice field before darting backwards. And at the same time, Yang launched herself upwards and fell down, using gravity as momentum as she punched the ice field.
Immediately, it brought the effect of a cold, chilling smokescreen. Making the thief blind to his surroundings.
The team immediately circled around the mech. It then spotted Blake and Yang and began shooting in their general direction.
Ruby fired her Crescent Rose behind, using the recoil to boost her forwards and sliced the mech’s leg. It didn’t cut through its armor, but it managed to make it stumble.
“Checkmate!” Ruby called. Immediately, Blake and Weiss dashed forward and struck the legs of the mech. Though their attacks could hardly penetrate through its outer exoskeleton. Though Weiss jumped onto the mech and stabbed one of the sensor optics before kicking off from the mech using her semblance.
She also manages to pull a quick save on Blake by summoning a glyph on her, narrowly escaping the danger from being stomped by the mech’s foot.
The mech retaliated by firing missiles towards WB, to which they flipped backwards dodging the missiles. Though it did a dirty trick by firing a shot as Weiss was dodging mid-air.
She quickly recovered and summoned a glyph enhancing speed/time-dilation onto Blake who unceremoniously landed on the ground, grunting in pain.
Recovering onto her feet, the mech fired another wave of missiles towards Blake, though she managed to send some flying slashes at them, making them explode mid-air.
“Ladybug!” Ruby runs towards the mech, using the recoil of her sniper-scythe boosting her and sliding underneath the mech and taking a slash out of it. Blake came along and attacked in sync with Ruby as they hit the legs back and forth.
This combo ended when the mech fired upon Ruby who managed to escape from the cannon fire just in time. The two jumped up and aimed their respective weapons on the left arm of the mech, destroying it.
The attack made the mech stumble backwards before regaining itself, although as it recovered, Yang jumped onto the mech’s back and fired shotgun rounds upon the vital part of the mech.
The mech jumped backwards and demolished several columns along the way, but it managed to do the trick on having Yang struggling to hold onto its back. The mech changed its arm and delivered a punch on the blonde teenager, sending her through a pillar.
“Yang!” Blake cried out in concern for both her teammate and partner.
“It’s ok!” Ruby said reassuringly. “Each time she gets hit, she gets stronger and uses that energy to fight back! That's her Semblance!”
The mech pulled its arm and delivered a heavy blow on the finally recovered Yang, who simply did not give a single fuck the moment she blocked its punch.
With the rage built up with the help of her semblance, she completely obliterated the mech singlehandedly.
Originally she would have some support on Blake, but here? She just went on a rampage.
It did surprise him that they were able to change how they would destroy the mech, with Yang totally wrecking it.
Roman got off from the mech, stumbling around disoriented and confused. Barely able to recompose himself.
Yang fired a shot at Roman, which was blocked by the sudden arrival of Neo with her Parasol.
Roman smirked. “Ladies, Ice Queen.”
“Always a pleasure,” He waved flourishingly. “Neo, if you would…”
Neo curtsied slowly, no doubt using this for the distraction to escape. He could see two figures running to the faint-hearted construct - the bullhead - and getting on it.
He wouldn't try to stop them. Besides, he would try to see if they could be… brought to his side. They have their usefulness despite their flaws.
And they wouldn't side with Cinder and Salem anyways, they are their own person. They just happened to work with them because it aligned with Roman’s interest.
Yang angrily charged in, and delivered a haymaker on the loli’s smirking face. And on impact they shattered into pieces like glass.
Trying to make sense of what had happened, they were too late as they turned and noticed a bullhead taking off with Roman and Neo on it flying away.
"Looks like he's got a new henchman." Yang seethed, slowly the tension in her voice was shrinking down.
“Yeah,” Weiss’ tone sounded suspiciously jovial despite what had happened. “I guess she made our plans fall apart?”
Ruby giggled, Blake groaned in annoyance, and Yang huffed in discontent disappointment.
He would also agree, it was a bad pun made in a horrible timing. But it put a smile on his face despite the horrible joke made.
"No," Yang deadpanned. "just no..."
"Wha- But you do it!"
"There's a time and place for jokes." Yang said as she walked away.
"Was this not it?"
"No it just wasn't very good."
Now would be the good time to show himself and scold the teens for their selfish and dangerous actions… But if he did, then it would mean that he doesn't fully trust in their strength and growth from their training, and that they would have to be dependent on him for a bit longer than usual.
He also should have expected that the ending would have happened the same as in canon, although at a much quicker pace than usual.
And they did this to help Blake’s obsessive insecurities about the White Fang afterall, to investigate the White Fang and their inactions to the Vale and creating even more insurrections and chaos amongst the city. Dividing it.
He hated diversity. It stagnates progress and would sometimes set them back due to the problems that might pop up.
Seeing that they would be fine without his watchful gaze upon them, he left. Wondering what part he should have the teens play in the ‘game’.
- In Serial80 Chapters
Godly Otaku Divine System
G.O.D.S._________________________________________________________The Otaku Zhen Shi died and reincarnated in another world. Cliche much? Yup!Then he got a system! Cliche again? Yup!But, this system steals stuff from Gods and kindly gifts them to the less fortunate... namely to himself! Huh... That's sort of new...He also has a magical library in his mind! Wait... isn't that strangely familiar? Flaws!Also, his best bro is the Legendary Great Merlin with a plus one! Now is that cliche...?________________________________________________________________________________________________ Zhen Shi was a nerd and an otaku that had traveled all over the world with his absent parents until... he was pushed off a cliff? But fortunately, he reincarnated in another world with a system! This new world seems to have unexplained connections to the Gods and Deities of almost every mythology back on Earth, and their influences are seen everywhere, from every kingdom to every clan... Thankfully, Zhen Shi isn't an ordinary person. He is a bookworm easily entranced by the workings of the world and very familiar with world history and mythology. So he has an advantage over everyone with his knowledge! Moving on, did I mention he's a shameless bastard at the forefront of ridiculous situations? With even more shameless Merlin and Co. to keep him company? With his beloved but mischievous system *cough* scapegoat *cough*, Zhen Shi embarks on a journey facing happiness and sorrow alike as he attempts to reach the heavens!________________________________________________________________________________________________ AUTHOR NOTE This is my first novel. But I intend to finish it!Release rate: 5 chapters/week [DEFINITELY! Sticks and stones may break my bones, but this will happen!] The story will bring in some references from popular Chinese novels, games, and anime. But it will mainly include real-world mythology. Also, the cover is original. Also, you can hop into a fun community and learn much more on discord, https://discord.gg/NWW2AGy
8 683 - In Serial69 Chapters
Book 1 is complete. Book 2 is currently updating. For centuries, the portal to another dimension remained closed. Now, it is mysteriously open again, and the link between Earth and Heartstone allows us to journey once more to this magical realm. Book 1 - Arwin arrives in Heartstone and meets some lovely damsels who are unfortunately in distress. He faces off against blue blood nobles to help the people of the Blue Region. Book 2 - Arwin befriends Yaz, a talking skeleton and sets off for adventure. But before they get going, they stumble across a tribe of gorgeous nymphs. All seems fun and games until the goblins arrive. This series is a portal fantasy (isekai) that features wordplay and puns and plenty of cultural references. Reminiscient of Piers Anthony's Xanth series and Terry Pratchett's Discworld, but for a more adult audience. Book 1 is also available on Amazon and other online stores. You can also download from Patreon.
8 67 - In Serial22 Chapters
The Unbinding series Arc: The Dark Spiral Book: Darkborn Shae is broken. Deeply hurt by life, unable to fit in and without the perspective to understand what the people around her mean by their actions. Her only link to the world around her, a pet cat, dies, and her world is turned upside down. When an opportunity presents itself, she grabs onto it, unaware of the part she is made to play in plots that may well determine the fate of mankind. Forum post: https://forum.royalroadl.com/showthread.php?tid=100419 *** 03-May-2018 For all intents and purposes, this book is now finished. At least the second pass. Editing a book is soo much slower than writing it in the first place :( Book 2 of the Unbinding series, chapter 1 has been submitted, and should be readable any moment now. Please check it out, read it, enjoy it and maybe even comment on it. Join me on twitter to get updates on my progress, @mroysson *** Cover background Photo by Joel Filipe on Unsplash Cover design by Al Pearce (https://twitter.com/alpearcedev)
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Cheating Side Kick
Noel was a normal ordinary modern-day man who died in a car crash. After his death, he got an offer which you could not say no: Get reincarnated with extra cheat-like ability tailored to his soul into a fantasy world. How big a surprise was, that his ability is to “dupe”? And even bigger surprise, he was not born into the MC, but into his fat and useless cousin? This story is about a journey in xantia-like world where also a kind-of system exists. Partly dramatic with some xantia troupe comedy. Its also about character development….and of course, there will be power level jumps. Let's follow Noel into his very honest try to climb at the top of the food chain, battle calamities, and conquer impossible dungeons. P.S: English is not my first language, I will be happy if you point out my mistakes, thank you. EDIT: Curently HItaus on Mount Forever. :/ . I m sorry.
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Chaos Rising: A Dungeoncore Fantasy
“I’m innocent!” Chaos shouted at the seven black walls of her cell. She considered her words for a few moments before adding “Of this particular crime! Come on, idiots, let me out!” Chaos, the firstborn, goddess of fire and games, has committed her fair share of sins. Heresy. Rebellion. Theft. Assault. Insult. Abduction. Seduction. Warmongering. All the classics. Mostly for a good cause, occasionally by mistake and sometimes for the sheer fun of it. She was innocent, however, of the murder that landed her in prison for seven times seven lifetimes. But her sentence is over. She’s out of her cell and out for revenge. To win back her power she'll need mortal followers to use as pieces in the games the mortals play. But Chaos has been away a long time. She is betrayed, fragmented and forgotten, a shadow of her former self. Her only ally is Snotgut, a one-armed goblin who eats his own toenails and fears absolutely nothing - except soap. Together they must build a dungeon and raise an army so that Chaos can once again become the greatest being in the universe. All that stands in their way are every god and goddess Above, the Empire of Order Below, the titan kings, the heroes’ guild, the mages’ academy, and every other mortal and immortal institution which Chaos had offended, which is all of them. Empires will fall and heroes will rise as Chaos schemes her way back to her rightful position at the head of the pantheon of gods! Dungeoncore! Comedic fantasy! Epic fight scenes! Space ships Elves throwing fireballs! Welcome to the Universe of Above and Below where chaotic good(ish) characters sometimes save the day! Updates Wednesdays and Sundays!
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Baby of the family
The story of Decs life(or my version of it)
8 118