《Players in Remnant》No Plan, just Rest
Through the rest of the night, he could say he had done some good deeds for the city. Having to get rid of several souls gone from this world. Killing someone to save those children was a first and he knew it wouldn't be the last, but he won't care. And thinking more about it would create a massive headache he didn’t want to occur.
But personally, some people needed to be gone. But he wouldn't impound a crusade to erase scum from the city, not yet of least.
But they disgust him for it brought up a bad memory.
He won't lie about the taste of their fear whenever he appears in front of them. Oh how disgustingly delicious the taste was.
Other than that, he didn’t regret it.
He found the contingency for the Breach to be lacking. The Skull Spiders, while superior in their own way, are inferior in number. He could summon a couple more, but just having one type of summon wouldn't be ideal.
So he went back to the FOB in the downtown warehouse and used the corpses.
His first experiment was to use the corpse as a medium for his summons. The Skull Spiders needed none of it as they seemed to be existing longer than usual. So he had assumed whatever caused them to stay permanently - a theory he had been thinking now assured by their said presence - it would work on something like the Skull Spiders.
The Undead however, would be a different topic.
“{Summon: Elder Lich}” Upon the spell cast, a black, oily-like substance appeared in front of him and covered the body of one of the scum he had killed. Thankfully they were no one of importance, merely a thug.
He should have felt something, like a desire to throw up but felt none. Just as he suspected and expected.
The body slowly turned into a corpse of rotting skin and bones, covered in robes and holding a twisted staff adorned with gems at its end.
Red eyes glowed brightly, as if awakening from a deep sleep.
The Elder Lich bowed its head as it spoke “Lord Summoner.”
The initial shock of his summon speaking faded as he felt something calmed him down almost instantly.
“Welcome,” He greeted. “You will be overseeing the base operations of this city as well as making more secured Forward Bases around in the city. Do not make any action that would risk the city or your existence without killing any witnesses whatsoever. Be sure to spread out hidden forces around the city and remove any Grimm within, the Skull Spiders will be in your command. Report to me if you have any important information; whether it would be a potential threat or something that needed to be clarified.”
“As you command, my master.” It bowed its head with its bony hand placed on its heart to emphasize his words.
“Good,” He nodded in satisfaction. “If you have any questions whatsoever, you may ask of me. No matter if it is a minor one, no information is deemed useless.”
“Such wisdom, as expected of my summoner.” Praised the lich.
While he didn’t mind the praise, he found it too… formal for his taste.
As he was about to leave, he remembered the two children he had saved. “And kindly monitor the children with care and do not risk any of your existence known. The Skull Spiders who have acquired a body for your summon will brief you of such.”
“As you will be done, my summoner.” It bowed its head once again.
Thinking if there was anything else to be done for tonight, he thought none. So he returned back to Beacon with the night done.
Immediately he laid on his back on the bed, trying to ease his mind from overthinking. Despite having something that suppresses emotions to make you calm might seem like a curse right of now.
He felt tired, yet he enjoyed it. It was a different kind of work, one he had enjoyed doing so. He never felt so challenged in a situation like this - aside from the stressful work-life he had in the First World that he never liked but it was necessary - teaching youthful minds and breaking them out of their naive shell on the world.
He chuckled. ‘I’m beginning to act like that zealot punk.’ The memory of hearing his former clan-mate speaking of what he calls as “spiritual advice” or “wisdom of reality”.
Very few times he had made sense from what he recalled in his ‘speeches’.
Reminiscing in the past that he hadn't noticed it was already morning until the alarm clock ringed to his notice.
Muttering a curse on how time seemed to go fast when he ‘rests’ his mind, he quickly changed his attire back to his “Huntsman” alias.
. . .
He was satisfied with today's class.
Jaune had visibly been improving ever since yesterday's trip to Forever Fall. Clearly he had been receiving some mentor training by his crush Pyrrha.
He still wonders how the boy didn’t notice the ever so obvious hints that she was pulling on him.
Aside from that, the others also have shown some improvements as well.
Especially Weiss, the ever so ‘wanting to be perfect’ student attitude she had. But it seemed she also had heeded some of his advice at least. Better than nothing he supposed.
Ruby on the other hand, was god-awful in hand-to-hand combat. She really is dependent on her weapon.
Initially, she didn’t want to take up to the kind of training, but he managed to persuade her that if she couldn’t retrieve her weapon, she should at least know how to fight without any weapons… Or anything she can use as a weapon at least, but that is for some other time.
Yang, well, there's nothing much to say other than small improvement on her part. She was almost the embodiment of a battle-thirsty player or something of a berserker.
But not as suicidal as Jason though. That fool was almost the death of them on every occasion that he wasn’t allowed in PK hunting… In some moments of time. A double-edged sword for both against their enemies and their clan.
He could still remember the time where he had brought in a horde of Dragons at one point. He thought they were going to die and lose all of their shit. All of them were mad at the dumbass.
Putting that aside, Ren, while nothing to put of note other than him needing to up his stamina. He had noticed he gets tired when he fought against the (Snake Grimm) in their initiation. As well as chasing Nora riding on a broken-legged Ursa…
Speaking of the hammer-wielding maniac, she was almost comparable to a Highlander of Midgard. Except that she has a hammer-grenade launcher as a weapon. A heavy-hitting bombardier that deals extra damage with a small bonus lighting attack he could say.
How he wondered if that would manage to break through his equipment’s defenses he wondered…
Team CRDL were still horrible. He had increased their training two times the average duration, much to their complaints, it would be punishment for running away from a single Grimm. An Ursa Major being that.
They argued that it took them by surprise, and he countered back at them that only one person stood up against it and won. From three of them ran away, leaving their team leader behind from the face of death. And the only one who stood up was the leader of team JNPR.
That got them to shut up immediately.
Plus, the cowardly act the three members have done had given them additional punishment for doing so. And if they would reflect on it and become better, it would be to his great satisfaction personally.
Character developments, such an interesting thing to read when you're rooting for the character.
CRDL, as much he considered them as assholes, felt they could do better if their attitudes weren't exactly… what he said.
After the classes, he went back to Vale to visit a certain librarian.
. . .
Entering the bookstore, the place looks exactly how it looks in the show. Though the place had a smell of wood, paper and glue.
Not that he minded it, he walked up to the counter and rang the bell. A voice calling out from the back “Be right there!”.
He huffed with a smile. He considered the man to deserve some laid back vacation. He may be a former White Fang member, but he was redeemable and wanting some quiet in his life.
The man appeared carrying a stack of papers and laid them onto a nearby table.
“Welcome to Tukson’s Book Trade, home to every book under the sun.” He said with a smile. “How may I help you?”
Lordez smiled. “Do you have a book called “Times of Nightmares”?”
The bookkeeper pondered for a moment before saying. “I think we do have that book… Let me check.” He brought out a small book, no doubt containing books listed in the store.
“Ah, we do have it.” He said. “Do you wish to buy it?”
He nodded. “How much does it cost?”
“50 lien.”
He raised a brow. “A hefty price for a book.” He commented.
“Well, I do keep my books in a good quality. No reader would like to read books in a horrible condition.”
“Agreed,” He drew out fifty lien from his coat hiding the fact he was using his inventory. “Here.”
The man took it. “The book’s in the back, wait here. Let me get it.” And so he went.
It didn’t take long for Tukson to return along with the book he had bought. He really didn’t want to buy the book, but curiosity got to him about the book anyway.
“Here you go.”
“Thank you,” He said. “Oh, and if I may, there is something that I must give to you...” He drew out a small folded paper from his coat and slid it towards Tukson.
The man glanced at him before picking the paper up and unfolded it, reading the contents. His eyes widened as he raised his brows a few inches higher. The man had his expression harden, glaring at Lordez as he set the paper down gently.
Lordez raised a hand. “I came here to warn you, not to stop you, Tukson.” He said calmly.
“What do you mean?” His eyes narrowed suspiciously. “Who are you?”
“Leave Vale, you are being hunted by a couple of assassins who are coming in the afternoon. I suggest you pack what you need is necessary and leave before they arrive.” He turned to leave, but Tukson called out to him.
“Wait! Why are you helping me?” Confused and concerned about the sudden information he was given. He knew this day would come, but so sudden? And how did they know he was here?
He stopped, turning his full attention back at Tukson. “Because, you seek peace do you not? Leaving the White Fang from their fanatic ideals and methods. People like you are worthy to continue living.”
Lordez reached into his coat and handed a [Scroll of Beacon] to Tukson who took it as he looked over the scroll. “Whats this?”
“When you are in trouble, burn the scroll and help will come.” He smiled before walking towards the door. “A small reminder that time is ticking, use it wisely.”
“You haven't answered my other question,” He said. “Who are you?”
“Oh dear, almost forgot about that.” He glanced behind him. “I am merely a Messenger. Take care my good man.”
With those words he exited the door and used {Time Stop} to quickly go into an alleyway, and {Gate} back to Beacon.
From Tukson’s perspective, he saw the man simply disappear the moment the door closed. He went out to try and see where he went, he simply vanished in thin air.
He wouldn't believe the man’s words, but he was at a loose end. And there likely will be someone coming to tighten some loose ends.
He chuckled and went back into the store, gathering his things.
‘I suppose I owe him one…’
Lordez sighed as he arrived back into his room.
‘Finally, one part done.’ He thought as he checked the time. It was mid-noon lunch. Normally he would have dismissed it easily and gone to the cafeteria and grabbed some food. But then he realized what was today…
Today was a special day.
The food fight.
“Oh damn, I ain't gonna be late for that!” He exclaimed before {Messaging} to his friend.
[Oi, Orm]
[Eyup, whatcha calling me for? You kinda surprised me a bit] The viking grumbled.
[Sorry, not sorry] He chuckled. [Anyways, you free this time around? I’m about to head to the cafeteria and grab some food] He grinned.
[Ah, you there already?]
[Nearing it. You free?]
[Yea yea, just finished my last… there we go. Free to go, on the way right now]
Chuckling at his friend’s attitude, he was now nearing the cafeteria and stood by the entrance waiting. It didn’t take long for him to notice him approaching.
“So, you paying this time?” Orm cracked his fingers.
“Yeah, sure. Though you’ll enjoy what is to come in a few minutes.”
“What do you mean?”
Lordez smirked. “Just grab some food and follow me.”
The two went and bought their own lunch. Though Orm had bought twice as many than Lordez had. With Orm having a couple of fries, three pound burger, and a soda. Lordez, on the other hand, only had a soda pop, nuggets and steak.
He was depressed about not being able to taste the fries. His Undead State would be the fault of that.
“So mind telling me what the hell kind of show we are supposed to be waiting for?” Orm said annoyed. “Because I don’t see no bloody person preparing for a show.”
“Just follow me…” He said as he noticed a vacant table in the near corner of the entrance. ‘Perfect.’
“Put your stuff down,” He said as he set his tray on the table. “we’ll carry this table over there.” He gestured towards the corner near the entrance of the cafeteria.
“Why do we need to carry them?” Orm raised a brow as he and Lordez lifted the table, grabbing their chain with one hand and slowly walked towards the corner of the entrance as they ignored the students looking at them. “Hell, why the hell are we doing this?”
“A show’s about to be put on, and this spot,” He motioned for Orm as they gently set the table down.
“And what kind of show needs us to move to this spot then?” Orm asked as he sat down.
“Well my friend, your questions will be answered soon.”
“Well aint that too fucking vague.” Orm huffed as he bit on his burger. Unsure on what entirely is going on here or his friend is pulling a fast one on him.
It didn’t take long after hearing loud crashes from the tables in the center point. A moment later, the place went chaotic as students from the source of the chaos began to run away, followed by many others.
“The hell? We under attack or something?” He set his burger down, getting ready to rush in what just breached into the place.
Lordez motioned him to sit down. “The show is about to begin, don’t worry, no one would get hurt.” A table then crashed near to them.
“Huh, coincidence. Just watch, you probably need to take cover from the food.” Lordez said as he grabbed the table and tilted in a way they would be covered by anything coming at them.
“What the hell do you mean-”
“FOOD FIGHT!!!” Shouted in a girly, familiar voice from where the chaos was sourced.
And thus, the Battle of the Cafeteria has begun.
“What is going on!?” Lordez and Orm turned to see a couple of students standing dumbfounded.
“Ah, you two,” He called out to them. “I might suggest you get in here or else you’d get hit.”
“Huh? What's there to worry?” Neptune asked, and to his response was a loud crash of soda cans raining from the ceiling.
“That, you wanna get yourself dirty? Because that's how you get dirty.” Lordez commented as he drank a hidden flask kept in his overcoat, its contents filled with Blood Wine. The only liquid he could consume with taste. Hell, water didn’t even taste… nothing at all.
The two quickly got to their cover just in time for the soda cans to land on the spot they once stood.
[So these are the two lads you told me about…] Orm hummed as he examined the two boys up and down.
[Yep, curious little lads they are. But we can discuss it next time. For now, enjoy the show] He grinned.
[I’m still curious on what show you are trying to say-]
Then came the laughter of Nora. ”Ha ha ha ha! I’m Queen of the castle~! I’m Queen of the castle~!”
“That, is the show I was telling you about.” He glanced at his friend, who seemed to be leaning in interest as Ruby gave her battle speech. “Just sit back and enjoy the show.”
“Huh, kinda like dinner and a show.” Said Neptune as he took a seat on the chair.
“More like lunch and a show.” Commented Sun.
The battle went on as the show would have. Although the slight changes, Jaune is able to stand his ground a little better. Ren was able to last longer than before and he needs to back off and regain his stamina.
He still gets his ass clapped by Yang though.
Though the question still remained…
“How the hell are the food not breaking off?” Orm said flabbergasted at what they are witnessing.
“Apparently, you can pour Aura into an object and it would just become hard as one.” Sun answered. “Although I never heard you can use food as a weapon…”
“Welp, looks like we just discovered another feature for Aura then.” Neptune chuckled.
“Better not to question everything we don’t understand.” Lordez commented.
“I second that statement.” Sun said, with Neptune nodding his head in agreement.
Orm crunched some fries before leaning forward to the couple of students with a container of fries. “Want some?”
“Oh, thanks man.”
“Yeah, sure. Thanks.”
They turn to see Yang get launched through the roof, up into the sky. Sun whistled in response.
“Damn, that melon hammer is tough as steel.”
“Jeez, is this normal here?” Neptune said disconcertingly.
“This place is an academic place that would also teach you to combat Grimm, what did you expect from a place that is bound to have some crazy moments like this?” Lordez lazily commented as he eyed Weiss being thrown onto a pillar and getting knocked out.
“...Point taken.” Neptune said before turning to Lordez. “Though I don’t seem to get your name…?”
“Lordez D. Grimm.” He introduced himself. “And this man is my friend-”
“Name’s Orm Hakornarsson, just call me Orm. I’m the security of this place.”
“Wait, then aren't you supposed to stop them from messing up the place then?”
“Why should I if I’m entertained by this… Battle?” The viking smirked.
“...Huh, I see your point.”
“Weird names though… No offense.” Sun said.
“None taken.” Responded Lordez. “We get that many times.” He chuckled as he bit through a portion of his steak. “Although less talk, we better enjoy the show before it ends.”
With that, the trio turned their attentions back towards the… messy chaos that is going on.
They were fortunate to be able to witness the battle untouched by the stray projectiles headed towards them.
Sodas, debris of table, chair and rubble in the mix, foodstuffs, everything is just blowing right at them. With only the table preventing any of them getting hit.
No magic was involved.
It didn’t take long as Pyrrha unleashed a storm of sodas at Blake, knocking her out of commission, leaving Ruby as the last one standing of RWBY.
“Here it comes, hold on to the food.” Lordez said grimly, bracing himself as he hid his food behind him.
“Wha-Whats coming?” Sun couldn’t help but ask.
“A storm’s a brewin’” Orm grinned as he stood up and held the overturned table that has been acting as their shield in the duration of the Battle of the Cafeteria. “Hold my snacks too brodir.”
Lordez hummed in affirmation, taking his friend’s food into cover.
The two students took cover behind Orm’s back, seemingly deciding that taking cover behind a man with a huge frame would be a good idea on whatever is going to happen next.
Ruby gave out a cute warcry before she blurred, and almost immediately, rather than a storm of soda cans, this paled in comparison to Pyrrha’s attack.
This one came in like a hurricane.
“AHHH!” Neptune screamed at the sudden air pressure.
“So this is what you mean by brace.” Orm said, impressed on Ruby’s feat to be able to use her semblance in such a way that uses the environment around her.
It swooped up the entirety of JNPR members, smashed themselves onto the wall as they were helplessly getting bombarded by Ruby’s vortex of doom. It took a while for the bombardment to cease before the wall around JNPR turned into an abstract art, with the members slowly peeled off from the wall and falling onto the ground.
“Is… Is it over?” Neptune asked as he and Sun peeked at the side of the table.
“Considering that there's no more fighting noise anymore, aye.” Orm commented.
“Wait, why is your name… Grimm?” Sun realized, recalling Lordez’s introduction.
Lordez hummed. ‘The boy is quite straightforward in his methods.’ “Bad parent naming humor.” He said without hesitance, the question itself was expected.
“Oof, they must have a lack of names to name you with the Grimm.” Sun jabbed a joke lightly.
“They didn’t have enough time. They stayed behind to buy time while the two of us escaped from death.” Lordez said plainly, putting up the alias he had made up in the past week. Though despite being a coverup excuse, he felt quite somber in using that.
“Oh… Sorry.” Now Sun felt like an asshole while Neptune glared at his best friend. Orm simply just looked at his friend neutrally.
Lordez waved his worries dismissively. “Don’t be, you didn’t know. For the name, I was baptized by the name in the heat of the moment… It's best you don’t speak to anyone about this no more.”
“Yes sir!” Sun stood at attention. “We won't say this to anyone!”
“Hey, don’t include this on me!” Neptune snarled at his friend. “You're the one who jabbed it at him.”
“You’re my friend, so that means you’re part of this too!”
“No I’m not-!”
And before he could finish his sentence, the cafeteria doors burst open as Glynda entered with a glaring snarl on her face.
She raised her crop, twirling it slightly like a wand, and used her semblance coming into play.Chairs, tables, broken pieces of the structure, everything within the room were moved through the air and taking back in their former positions - including the tables that the Players and a pair of certain students used as a shield in the duration of the fight, which Orm and Lordez had to pick up their trays before it goes along with the fixation - like the Battle of the Cafeteria hadn't happened... Everything was fixed, no mess and all the damages were fixed.
“Children, please…” She said sternly, glaring as she tilted her glasses in a better position. “Do not play with your food.”
The silence lasted only a few seconds before Nora let out a huge burp, causing Orm to chuckle, and Yang came crashing down through the ceiling, both teams laughing, while RWBY, laughing at their team member’s return from orbit as well as checking on her if she was quite alright.
Glynda was about to reprimand the teens for their behavior as well as the incident, but Ozpin arrived through the doors, putting a hand on his secretary’s shoulder. “Let it go…”
The secretary sighed in both frustration and exhaustion. “They are supposed to be the defenders of the world…”
“And they will be,” Replied Ozpin. “But right now they are still children. So why not let them play their part?” He looked back at the teams’ bickering and sighed. “After all, it isn't a role they’ll have forever.”
Those words made Lordez think back on his treatment of them. He hadn't looked at it that way, for he was so focused on getting the teams to be stronger, better than their canon version of themselves, to prevent more deaths and mistakes that they will in the future.
And this made him have to rethink his plans… Children are still children. It would be better for them to enjoy it while they still can before they mature to the real world…
“Enjoyed it when it lasted.” Orm said jovially. “Would there be more in the future on this one?” He turned to Lordez.
Lordez mentally cursed at his friend for revealing that they were there, grabbing the attention of both Ozpin and Glynda.
“You! You were watching them make a mess in the cafeteria?” Glynda growled in annoyance.
“It was his idea,” Orm pointed at Lordez shamelessly. “he brought me here to watch the ‘fight’ as he said it.”
“And you accepted it nonetheless.” Lordez spared a lazy glance to his friend while mentally putting a future reminder of himself to seek revenge for throwing him under the bus. “And there is a reason for that.”
“Oh, pray tell?” Ozpin asked in quickly before Glynda could say anything else.
“It would be to see if they would be able to adapt through a… very unusual circumstance, that I must say. Using weapons and tools similar to their own and incorporating it into their own styles is helpful for them. Plus they fought without our intervention for I believe it would affect their combat prowess. And additionally, they are still children - as said by the Headmaster - and it would not be unusual for such an event like this to happen.”
“Wait, so your saying that fighting with food is part of their training?” Sun commented, a bit weird for such a scenario like this to be considered training but then again…
“Anything can be used as a weapon, it's just how well you use it is the question.” Lordez smiled.
“That… is the most absurd excuse I ever heard!” Glynda exclaimed.
“While I wouldn't mind for this to happen, such an idea incorporating food into it is… unusual in the norm.” Orm said.
“This… scenario,” Lordez emphasized by gesturing throughout the entirety of the cafeteria. “is one of the many scenarios that would be where the expected and unexpectedly happen.”
“He means to say that he finds the fight very entertaining that he didn’t want to stop the kids.” Orm chimed in with a stupid smirk, knowing that he may have cucked his friend into oblivion.
Lordez sighed as he was being unleashed by scolding remarks from Glynda, receiving sympathies from the men - while glaring to the one being that would be the death of him.
Vale. . .
An old man was on top of a ladder setting up a sign saying “Newly Reopened!” in front of his shop, which was recently fixed from the mess it had made a few weeks ago.
Humming in a good mood of satisfaction, he slowly went down the ladder, unaware of something that is about to-
*Bump*, *Thud*
The old man fell down on his rear, slowly recomposing himself from what just happened before he heard a young voice in front of him.
“Excuse me!” Exclaimed the girl in worry. “I’m really sorry, I’m not from around here.” She offered a hand, on which he took it.
He grunted as he stood back on his legs.
“Um,” The girl started. “Would you mind pointing me in the direction of this shop?” She pulled out a small piece of paper, showing it to him. He read the contents and recognized the shop and its address, he had also known the owner of the said shop, and he was really friendly.
He nodded, giving her the directions she asked. It is not too far from here, just a couple of minutes walk.
“Go straight ahead,” He pointed to the road to his right, “turn at the right corner after 5 blocks, and you’ll see the shop.”
She let out a bright smile, though he sensed there was some… hidden to it, he couldn’t tell. It must be just an imagination.
“Thanks!” She said as she waved a goodbye and walked away.
The old man returned a wave and made a small smile, happy that he helped someone on their way. As he was about to enter his shop, he dusted himself to rid of the dirt particles when he had unknowingly bumped onto her - or rather she bumped into him - he felt something was missing on him.
“My wallet should have been here…” He muttered before going into his shop, thinking he placed it somewhere inside.
. . .
Emerald walked away as she waved a goodbye to the old man.
Humming to herself in a good mood as she stole the old man’s wallet as a thanks for giving her directions.
And it didn’t even take a single five minutes for her good day to be broken.
“I knew you were lost.”
Immediately recognizing the voice, she turned around with a snarl on her face, glaring at her… partner.
“Mercury!” She frowned. “I will seriously pay you to shut up.” She put the old man’s wallet, filled with a decent amount of Lien in it, in front of his face, just inches from touching his nose.
“That's not your money.” He smirked.
“But it could be yours for five minutes of silence.” She glared, though she was hoping that her partner would take the money and shut up.
Mercury looked up, mockingly thinking before letting out a prideful smirk: “Hmm… No deal.”
“Grrr. Fine.” She said harshly, taking out the Lien out of the wallet and threw the wallet away uselessly. Tucking in the contents of the wallet into her attire and walking away.
“Heh, whatever. You want me~.” Mercury smirked much to his amusement in turn on annoying more of his partner.
They walked onward to the directions of the shop told by the old man, and it didn’t take long for Mercury to sigh in both boredom and frustration, much to the annoyance of Emerald.
“So how much further?”
“A few blocks.” Trying to ignore him.
“Uhh, this place is so dull.” Mercury said, unimpressed with the place and at the same time adding more annoyance to his partner.
“Ehh, I kinda like it.” She said. “Tall buildings, diverse culture-”
“And nice dopey people are easy to pickpocket.” Mercury said lazily.
“That's every city.” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh Emerald!” Mercury said as he put on his best fake pleading voice. “Master Thief! Please don’t take my money!” Placing his hands together as if he was begging. “I barely have enough to get by.” Smirking at the last part.
Emerald glared and growled at him before stomping away towards the Bookstore.
Mercury sighed as he grumbled. “You're no fun today.” A bit disappointed she wasn’t annoyed enough.
As being assassins on the hunt, they were unknowingly being watched from the shadows…
. . .
The two entered the shop, Mercury immediately browsing the books, whilst Emerald went to the counter and dinged the bell.
“Be right there!” Answered a voice coming from the back of the store.
And a moment later, out came Tukson carrying a stack of books and placed them aside as he delivered his business motto. “Welcome to Tukson’s Book Trade, home to every book under the sun.” He then faced his customer. “How may I help you?”
“Just browsin’.” Answered Mercury as he slammed the book closed loudly before picking up another one.
“Actually… I was wondering,” Emerald spoke. “do you have any copies of The Thief and The Butcher?”
“Yes, we do.” Hummed Tukson.
“That's great!”
“Would you like a copy?”
“No, just wondering.” She smiled.
Mercury slammed another book closed, picking up another next.
Psychological tactic, scaring their victim in order to make them draw out a foolish move. Normally it would be useful in most cases… This however, is not one of them.
“Oh! Oh! What about Violet’s Garden in paperback?”
“He’s got it.” Mercury called. “Hardback too.” Raising the said book before opening it and checking its contents.
“Ooh, options are nice.”
“Ehh, no pictures.” Said a slightly disappointing Mercury before he slammed the book closed, loudly. “Hey, do you have any comics?”
“Near the front.” He replied before returning back to the attention of Emerald.
“Oh! No wait, what about the Third Crusade?” She said slowly as she grinned, watching the man’s expression fell as he thought hard on her question.
“Um… I… Don’t believe we carry that one.” Tukson said apologetically.
*Slammed closed book* “Oh.”
Emerald chuckled at the ironic convenience. “What was this place called again?”
“Tukson’s Book Trade.” Tukson replied with a small huff.
“And…” Emerald drawled. “You’re Tukson?”
“Thats right.” He nodded.
“So then I take it, you're the one who came up with the catchphrase?”
“And what was it again?” Mercury smirked.
Tukson sighed, in annoyance and frustration. “Tukson’s Book Trade: Home to every book under the Sun.”
”Except! The Third Crusade.” Exclaimed Mercury in an overly-dramatic exaggeration.
“...It's just a catchphrase.” Shrugged Tukson, not seeing it as a big deal.
“It's false advertising!” The boy exclaimed.
“You shouldn't make a promise you can't keep, Tukson.” Emerald began, with Mercury slowly, one by one, dimming the windows.
“I hear you're planning on leaving. Moving all the way to Vacuo. Your brothers in the White Fang wouldn't be happy to hear that… And neither are we.”
The killing intent was clear as day and no one had yet made a move. Mercury was blocking the entrance to prevent escape, with Emerald confronting the man as she was quick to respond to any attack whatsoever.
“Heh… Heheh… Hahahahah, HAHAHAHAAH!” Tukson bellowed a laugh so loud that the two looked at him as If he was losing his mind.
“Oh, looks like he is losing his mind.” Mercury smirked.
Then, something felt wrong when he spoke.
“Praise be, the Master’s plan.” Tukson’s voice changed, it didn’t sound the same. It was dark, as if it was some kind of an evil monster speaking underneath the person’s skin.
“The hell are you sa-!” Emerald began to say before quickly moving away from Tukson as she widened her eyes as she and Mercury noticed a change.
Tukson’s hands turned into a monstrous hand sporting four huge claws on each.
The duo readied themselves from the unexpected turn of events. The air turned colder and felt more cramped, the blood lust coming from ‘Tukson’ made the two sweat in cold.
“Foolish mortals… Did you expect easy prey?” ‘Tukson’ grinned as he pounded over the counter with his huge claws at the ready.
Mercury and Emerald dodged to the sides. Emerald fired at ‘Tukson’ who flinched at the shots but relatively unharmed. Mercury came close as he pulled a roundhouse on the jaw.
It did visible damage as Tukson stumbled backwards from the impact, Emerald, finding that bullets didn't seem to work, she switched to melee and aimed for the neck. Going in for an easy kill.
‘Tukson’ however, was quick to change maneuvers in a surprisingly acrobatic way by bending his back in an arc, kicking his leg onto the girl in a counter move.
Mercury rushed in, swiping his feet towards Tukson’s in order to make him fall. ‘Tukson’ merely raised his leg up before spearing his claws forwards, to which the boy barely dodged his attack and returned a counter.
This time, firing a shot point-blank range from his boots in a desperate attempt to finish this monster off.
The shot got through Tukson’s shoulder, but it didn’t stop him from attacking them.
Both Mercury and Emerald continued on as they struggled throughout the fight as they dodged and weaved, and countered against ‘Tuksons’ attacks. Fortunately, he was defeated. But not without receiving any injuries.
Mercury had gotten a large cut on his left arm, profusely bleeding. A bruise on both of his legs with his robotic feet now visible.
Emerald had lots of cuts all around her clothes, also sporting blood spots in several cuts of her clothes, she also had a large claw-shaped injury on her back - ‘Tukson’ managed to hit her on the back when she spun around - leaning onto a shelf for support as she was exhausted.
He managed to cut through their Aura, much to the surprise of the two, but they managed to overwhelm him.
‘Tukson’ was on his knees, revealing a fist-sized hole on his chest. Despite this, ‘Tukson’ chuckled. Much to the shivering of the two.
“What *pant* What the hell are you?!” Mercury gripped tightly on his bleeding arm, preventing more blood loss.
“A message… For your mistress… Tell her… That “The Nightmare… Is coming…” “ Were its last words before it collapsed face-front onto the floor, immediately upon its collapse it dissipated into dust.
“What… The fuck was that?” Mercury groaned painfully. “And what the hell did he, it, mean by a “Nightmare”!?”
“I have… No idea.” She let out.
They’ll have to get back and report this to Cinder, because there it seems there is an unknown variable added to the plan.
And they need to prepare countermeasures against… whatever the Remnant they just encountered.
Timeskip in another place… Beacon…
“GRAAAAHHHHH!” Hand waved wildly around in the air. “Fuck. All. This. Paperwork!” He groaned in annoyance.
He was currently doing paperwork as said by his words. While he had taught kids in combat, he still had to do paperwork.
Both fortunately and unfortunately for him, he had worked back in the Old World which gave him a rather extreme experience in handling paperwork that it seemed rather timid compared to Remnant.
Might be because the Old World is filled with greedy cooperatives that rather get results than efficiency in the workforce.
Gritting his teeth in anger from the memory before feeling the anger disappear and the forced calmness numbed him.
He sighed. ‘At least none of those asshats would see this, they wouldn't stop laughing if they did.’
[My Creator,] A rough, husky voice sounded. No doubt the Elder Lich. [I apologize for disturbing you, but there is a report regarding the assassins in the bookstore]
[What is it?] Pausing his work to give his full attention to the words of his summon.
[The Shadow Doppleganger has sent them a message you’ve requested, the script went as planned by your incomprehensible wisdom my Creator]
‘That's because I knew what was going to happen beforehand’ He grinned. [I see, have a Shadow Demon to follow them in their shadows. But just in case, have several Skull Spiders monitor them. Do not take any action unless necessary and avoid any visible contact]
[By your will, my Creator] With that, the {Message} deactivated.
He grinned at the anticipation of the event of the Breach, where he could finally rule over Remnant and end all the problems once and for all.
…Now he sounded like a villain. ‘Oh well, you either live like a villain or die like a hero…’ He shrugged, though he had a feeling that he had butchered the phrase a bit.
Though he would love to see the peoples’ reactions to his planned alias form and his summons. It would be one hell of a catastrophe, but there are no results without any sacrifices.
He then noticed something coming into view of his window. Walking towards it, they were Atlas airships, meaning Ironwood has arrived for a ‘greeting’ with Ozpin.
He frowned that the General arrived a bit earlier than he had expected to be, but it didn’t change anything majorly in his plans. But it would be proper for a seasoned veteran of YGGDRASIL to put up backup drastic measures just in case.
You cannot have a plan without a backup plan.
. . .
It took longer than he had expected to finish up the paperwork, oh boy how he wanted to burn those stacks and laugh crazily, but that would just be stupid and it would bring problems in the future.
Hell, he got used to using computers in handling documents. Using paper was seldom, but it was common as it held a symbolic presence in data storage.
After dealing with the cursed paperwork, he then went to Ozpin’s office to greet the General. Ozpin wouldn't announce that he would join into their secret circle just yet, it seemed to be too soon to do so.
The elevator doors opened and he stepped out of it. Only Ozpin was the only one in the room as he gazed outwardly at the window.
“The General has arrived had he not?” He began to say as he walked towards Ozpin.
“Yes, yes he has and we had a… small disagreement on his arrival of his fleet.”
He waved the concerns lazily. “Not that it would affect my plans, the number of ships he has brought here is rather tame. I’d consider it more of a scouting force than a fleet.”
Ozpin turned around, facing him. His expression was neutral like a poker face, though he could see a tiny hint of concern on his face.
“I’m not planning to get rid of him if you are concerned about it.” Lordez said as he walked near the window. “It would bring quite a number of problems if done so.”
“I would prefer you not to, Lord Grimm.” Ozpin said.
“Because you are quite befriended with him is it?” He hummed as the Headmaster nodded with a tiny hesitance. “But his reckless behavior seemed to be a trait proven to be quite… problematic.”
“Lord Grimm-!”
“Rid your concerns away, Headmaster.” He said sternly, making the heteromorphic immortal flinch on his feet. “I will not, I repeat, I will not destroy him… Only if he has proven to be against me and standing in my way, so I will be forced to do so.”
“I… I thank you for such a mercy, my Lord.” He bowed his head once more.
“...” Lordez went quiet, only staring at Ironwood’s Airships above Beacon’s docking just a few hundred meters afar.
“I will not force you upon extremely radical and improper decisions, Ozpin.” He said softly, gently this time. “I will not force anyone in the matter of the Unification, or rather my rule to this world. But in order for the problems to go away, requires drastic decisions. And those decisions might cause sacrifices, and it requires the strongest of wills.”
He didn’t turn to see the man’s expression, but he could tell that he was contemplating his words hard. He sighed mentally as he then turned away from the window and faced Ozpin.
“I shall take my leave then, Ozpin. And I would prefer you would rather not overthink the scenario that is to come… And neither your worries for a possible genocide upon the world that would conflict your code of defending the innocent.”
He wouldn't lie when he saw the man’s poker face broken into surprise and disbelief, he felt glee and satisfaction upon seeing it.
He spoke no more as he cast {Gate} and left the shocked Ozpin alone in his office.
Without having to do anything within the day, he supposed he could use a stroll around the campus. The hallways were confusing as hell, even though he had familiarity on the paths, he felt like he would have gotten lost easily if not for the signs directing where the hell is where.
It felt nice to do so, calming even. Unlike his Old World, there was literally nowhere to stroll around safely as it is not beneficial for many reasons.
Wasting your filter on your mask, dangers lurking, dirty and poisonous air filled with both toxins and pollution, and there was curfew even.
But here? Those restrictions don’t exist anymore to hold him down. The feeling of freedom is great that he would never let it down.
His friend would say the same.
Speaking of friends, he should have been bored out of his mind just walking around the school perimeter and checking out any problems, but it seemed to be the opposite.
Despite what he had seen from his behavior; impatience seemed to be one of them, he didn’t feel like rushing to whatever objective he was to do so.
He guessed that his job was more stressful than he thought if just walking around and checking if everything’s fine, he wouldn't blame him.
Both of them had gone through the same journey, only just with different obstacles in their path of life.
It didn’t take long for him to encounter a rather familiar individuals wearing the uniforms of Haven.
Cinder, Mercury and Emerald. Though it seemed the last two seemed to be more roughed off than usual. Perhaps the Shadow Doppelganger put them harder than he expected?
“Hmm? I have never seen you three around here, might I ask for you names?”
“We're visiting from Haven, sir…” Cinder said politely. Though she frowned mentally, they had looked up the information regarding Beacon before they infiltrated the academy, and there was no picture of this man.
“Lordez Grimm.” Their eyes widen at his name, expected as usual. “I take it, for the festival, here you are?”
“Y-Yeah we are… You got a very… weird name.” Mercury said, making the other two glaring at him.
He waved it away. “An expected reaction for people knowing my name. Now, as for foreign exchange students, your dormitories are east of here.” Pointing towards the dormitories.
“Thank you for the directions, sir Grimm.”
He chuckled. “Call me Lordez. Some people seemed to be rather… Hesitant in speaking my surname being that it is what the monsters were called as.”
Cinder chuckled. “So it seems, we’ll be heading our way now then Lordez.”
Lordez nodded before moving past them. And thinking that they were past of ear-shot, they were concerned about him.
A person going toe-to-toe against the Headmaster of Beacon and passed a very unique Initiation. Wary of the man and his capabilities, and that they would try to recruit him if possible.
He almost laughed at the idea of them recruiting him, thought it would seem amusing to join them, only to betray them for himself. Though going through such a path would bring dire consequences to what he is planning.
…Though he would imagine how fun it would be to just simply see faces of his ‘allies’ and turned against them.
He looked up towards the night skies and wondered... How many paths would he be able to take for this once chance of a reincarnation-lifetime?
- In Serial27 Chapters
Crows of a Feather
Young Adult, Low Fantasy, queer MC and lots of queer supporting roles. 1-2 chapters a week on Royal Road, usually around 3k words. Early access and extra content available on Patreon! After his mother perishes in an earthquake, Oscar Velásquez moves to San Fransisco to live with his eccentric uncle, Killian. Uncle Killian has three rules: 1. Always be home for dinner. 2. Family doesn’t lie. And 3. Don’t go out on a full moon. Oscar soon learns about the world of witchcraft, magical creatures and a looming threat. Before he can learn to control his magic, Uncle Killian goes missing and it’s up to Oscar and his friends to find him.
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Chronicles of the Spider
Tribe. Pack. Horde. Kin. Dynasty. Family. Clan. Race. The people will war.They will fight and die.They will run and hide.They will overcome and survive. The people will bend.They will be segregated.They will be domesticated.They will be led by the hand. The people will end.Undifferentiated masses.Unending struggles.Abandoned hopes.A world under stress. The people will become... The powers that be control everything,and the weak know no rest. But after the greatest of all wars,as even the mighty recover,even their control slips,their borders bend, A people are given a chance.Freedom.Change.Power. --------------------------------- Cover "Venus" by Hldrmn.Link: https://www.flickr.com/photos/halderman/28447620104/This image is distributed under the creative commons liscence.https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nd/2.0/
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The Violet Dragon Familiar
Five hundred years ago, the world was a much different place. Knights and mages roamed the lands, taking on quests and battling monsters. It was an era of great adventure… but it has come to a close. Monsters are long extinct, and with them, magic. You see, much like a tree creates oxygen, monsters produced mana – the ethereal substance that made casting spells possible. With no monsters to fight, the age of heroes ended. Now, the world is caught in a storm of technological advancements, new wonders seeking to replace the long lost magic. Evan Thames is a young man growing up in the prosperous city of Dewton. As the son of a famous general, he’s pretty high class, comfortable in his life… but that all changes when he recieves a mysterious parcel from his long absent grandfather.
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You World
You were web surfing on RoyalRoad, wondering about what kind of crap you will stumble across while you searched for your daily dose of stories, seemingly with nothing better to do in your life. While scrolling down that never ending list of novels, you noticed a novel named ‘You World’ which immediately grabbed your interest, and decided to click on it – yeh, you and that curiosity of yours. You waited for the page to load, then began reading the synopsis with maximum concentration. By now you are probably wondering why this novel is written in the 2nd person perspective and why the hell the narrative has suddenly changed from the past to the present tense – or what kind of weed this author smoked while writing this. While lost contemplating, an invisible force attacks your body, ripping your soul apart. Your body doesn’t feel anything but your conscious fades away as your precious soul is taken away from you, somewhere far and far away… [small hiatus - working on a more serious project :)] Tags: 18+ Mature, weird stuff, weird stuff, and even more weird stuff.
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(DEMO) Colorless vol.1- Phantamoire Enigmata
This is a demo volume consisting only seven chapters. The sole reason of this publication is to show the world a glimpse of the project. Therefore, the final quality of the product will be lot more refined and polished. This demo might get deleted from RoyalRoad after the actual publication. Synopsis: "Knights wearing their shining armor serving righteous justice riding their glorious horses." We all have heard that story- Heroes who do the right in the purest way without any tampering. But, is it really that easy? Is the world and it's heroes really that pure? After all... fairytale is just a lie. I might be the first author in the world who despises writing. I haven't read any story books or novel in my entire life but children's story book (not even ten of them). So, why do I write? Simple answer- the story. Inexperienced I may be but I believe my project and it's quality. The actual story will be posted somewhere in 2019. The story will be devided into 7/8 volumes and 90 (approx.) chapters. I have been working on this project for 1 year now. It took me 5 months to finalize the concept and plot, 7 months for the story and it's already been 6 months in writing along with 2 times of total revamp.
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