《Players in Remnant》Starting of another Conclusion
After the Initiation, it was another free day for the staff and the students, much to the latter’s brief joy before being reminded that their first day of Beacon would start tomorrow.
So right now, they would be getting along with each other and socializing.
Ozpin already went ahead to his office in the tower, no doubt to ponder on the talk they had last night. He had not told much aside from that he acknowledged the information that the Soul Wraith had given to him, and that he knew a few things.
And by few things, he meant the details of their secret war between Salem, her pawns, the Breach, the fall of Beacon – much to the man’s worries but he assured that he had a plan for that – and the aftermath.
He didn’t tell much on the events and anything else beyond that. While it didn’t sound right, it was logical to do so. Giving literally all the information is a bad move.
Not unless it desperately needed action to perform.
While he trusted Ozpin/Antonio, there is a certain limit of trust he would give him and so would he as well.
“Thinking much?” Orm spoke through his mid-chewing of an opened chip bag. Smelled good, pity he couldn’t eat it.
“Yeah,” He said as he took a sip from a glass of wine. It obviously wouldn't make him drunk much - and neither does alcohol - and the benefits of being an undead is exquisite… in a way.
“Try not to, *gulp* bad for your health.” Before placing a handful of chips into his mouth.
“Well too bad, someone’s got to think for the future. Especially with time not in our time.” He said.
Orm grunted. “You're like that because you took the job as a professor and training kids.”
The undead shrugged. “Kinda like it, keeps me working.”
“You mean stressed.” He deadpanned.
“Hey, don’t pull that shit on me. You yourself worked several jobs more than me.” He smirked in retaliation.
“That's because I had no damn choice.” He chewed another handful. “Anf dat, ah livd orh ah dai.”
He snorted but didn’t make a reply. Letting the silence settle down in the room… Minus Misha’s quiet snores sounding on and off.
They were currently in Lordez’s room with Orm eating snacks he had bought from the vending machine, and Misha taking a small nap at the entrance of the room, in one of the corners.
He didn’t want any fur coming in deeper.
“You’re cleaning that mess.” He gestured as the crumbs of the now non-existent snacks that his friend had consumed.
“Yes dad~” Orm imitated a child’s voice but sounded miserably. “I’m someone who has no frigging manners, Lordez.”
“Just reminding you.” He said, making Orm grumble as he chewed his snacks.
Pulling out several papers that included his profile documents and a recently forged paperwork on both he and Orm - courtesy of Ozpin - and one that includes his class schedules.
He noticed that he would be appearing in classes at least 3 times per week, to all school year levels.
He wouldn't mind teaching these kids combat actually. Much better than dealing with idiots in the forums and sometimes in-game YGGDRASIL on “How to do this?”, “Where do you go for this?”, “Where do you get that?” slick.
At least he found several people who are not stupid in his opinion to understand the information he gives to them or a guide.
Seriously, just because he knew some ways into the system and some exploits doesn't mean he is a Dev.
. . .
Today is the day where he will beat the crap out of the students to make them stronger.
Which is technically true - in such a crude manner of saying it - so that the students would learn from their mistakes and become stronger…
That is if they wish to become stronger.
He was not deaf to the word that is spreading throughout the academy. An unknown Huntsman dueling the renown Headmaster of Beacon, and they seemed to be on equal terms!
And him being told to be some kind of a lizard “Faunus”, as far he is concerned on that, he’ll have to deal with a couple of racist punks who think they are better than said species.
While he was indeed human, he could tolerate those methods very much... well, less.
There are always pieces of idiocy at present, no matter the world.
As he was nearing the Training Arena, he could feel a cluster of souls within the room. Meaning that they are already there, as well as a couple of familiar souls that he had remembered for a couple of times.
It wasn’t hard surprisingly, it was like feeling different yet similar textures of materials. And each one would smell… Unique in some cases.
Ruby for an example; smelled like Roses - obviously - and somehow… Light. Which would be as it seemed, considering her lineage as being the “Silver Warriors”.
Entering the room, he heard the chatterings from the students coming to a cease and slowly turning into hushed whispers.
At most times he would be very nervous and unnerved to have many eyes upon him, but he had gotten used to it in later times.
“This is everyone, yes?” He hummed as he scanned each and every one of them. Mostly around are young blood, though he eyed several senior students around.
“Introductions would be a first; as much as you all are wondering who I am,” He made a dramatic bow. “My name is Lordez D. Grimm, and I am your new professor in Combat Classes.”
Hushed gasps and whispers mushed throughout the student body, all unexpected and surprised by his name, with few on the statement of him being their Combat Class professor.
“But enough with the theatrics,” His tone was sharp, making a couple of students flinch from it. “This place, Beacon, is a place to train, fight and become Huntsman. In the battlefield you will make decisions beyond what you can even try to make. And all of them would turn out to be a very important factor on your decisions. You must be focused and careful. We are not playing in a playground anymore you lot, for you all will be turning out to make decisions that would either save you or cost you your lives. For it’s a matter of life and death situation.”
The Amphitheater was silent as the students gazed upon their new professor. His words deep and cold, striking hard yet cutting through precisely like a surgical tool.
“Now, I’ve heard some rumors circulating around the academy on those who are… willing to seek a challenge from me,” He felt some spirits rising in expectation. “I will say you lot are making a grave mistake on doing so.” He then glared at them all.
“...Are there any willing? If so, stand up.” He paused, letting his words be processed by the students. “I wish to see if any of you are competent enough to fight, or willing enough to make their hands dirty.”
Compared to the unnerving initial start of his words, this one brought a chill down their spines.
They glanced at one another, trying to see who is willing to take up their professor’s challenge. And if they would compare who is the scariest between this new professor and the Witch of Beacon… It would be a tie.
Lordez waited patiently, trying to see if there are students willing to take up his call of action. He waited few minutes more in silence before about to decide that-
“I’ll do it!” Everyone almost snapped at action that they would thought they cracked their necks at such speed, the source being Yang. “I’ll fight you, Professor!”
Lordez placed his hands at the side, grinning behind his hood at the answer.
“Change and come down.”
Yang didn’t need to say another word as she quickly went to change to her combat gear.
In his mind, he really didn’t expect Yang of all the people would challenge him. But that just meant that things were going along with his plan.
He didn’t want to ask Yang to fight him at the sudden start of the day, which would seem weird. And starting a matchup fight at the very damn start for the first years was also too damn sudden. He was about to halt it and continue on with the orientation but surprise surprise.
Things would somehow go to plan.
. . .
“Yang’s gonna lose.” Blake gave her two cents.
“What makes you say that?” Inquired Ruby.
“Wha- Does there really need to be more words to be said considering how he literally fought the Headmaster with almost no effort at all!?” Jaune exasperated as he waved his hands frantically.
“I think you're exaggerating too much…” Pyrrha giggled inwardly at the blonde’s reaction “But you're not wrong, he seems to be very skilled.”
“He also has more than one weapon at hand.” Ren observed. “Although, why separated?”
“Because I like my weapons to be weapons and firearms to be firearms, boy.” Lordez stated as he gave a glance their way, shocking them and the rest of the students “I do not wish to have my weapons be so confusing and taxing.”
The cast went quiet before one of them spoke up, although meekly.
“Then… Wouldn't that slow you down in a way? Having to carry many things on your person, wouldn't it be very restrictive in your movement?” Blake answered.
He chuckled. “I know you have seen me fight during the “Professor’s Initiation” yesterday, Ms Belladonna. I do not think I would need to answer your question for that when the answer was what you had witnessed.”
And he was right, he fought with a scythe and fists. And most shockingly; very damn fast. Almost fast as Ruby’s Semblance.
It didn’t take long for Yang to return, stretching her arms and cracking her fists at the ready. Clearly itching for a fight.
“I’m ready, teach.” She smirked as she put her fists together, for a brief glance her eyes glowed red.
“Overconfidence will be the end of you, Miss Xiao Lang.” He said before taking several steps back, giving a distance from her. “Step forward and take your stance.”
The brawler didn’t say anything before following his orders and took in a boxing stance.
Lordez took out his scroll, activating the match timer before putting it away.
As the countdown began, everyone was on the edge of their seats, no doubt anticipating the match they would see.
The professor unwrapped the chains on his left arm before letting it fall to the floor, leaving a meter long chain line. He only placed his foot backward, behind him his chain. As if in that form, ready to lash the chain like a whip.
They were confused by this. Was he going to fight with a chain? They were certainly expecting to fight her evenly, fist against fist, considering his odd stance mimicking a boxer. But it seems their expectations were broken.
Yang rushed forward head on, taking the initiative on delivering the blows against the professor, who just blocked using only his right hand and dodging those he couldn’t block in time.
She wasn’t that… Fast to begin with. When he fought against Ozpin, the man was damn fast than he could anticipate.
But Yang? Her movements seemed like she was several seconds lagging behind the real time result.
After several delivered punches, he sidestepped a hook before pushing her, making her stumble over her feet before regaining herself. She looked pissed, snarling in irritation.
Lordez didn’t move as she rushed back, this time she was aiming for his center mass while striking at area points that would be used to immobilize.
But of course, she couldn’t land a hit.
“Let me hit you, damn it!” She growled as she moved for a leg sweep, only for Lordez to block it with his foot.
“...Very well.” He spoke, surprising her.
Lordez moved several steps back before standing firm and letting his hands behind his back, as if bracing for a hit.
“I will let you take one single shot on me, and if you fail to knock me down, I will return the favor.”
“Oh? Getting a bit cocky there teach?” She smirked, raising a fist.
“You failed to even land a hit during the initial match start, I supposed I would give you a chance to see if you are… capable.”
Yang was pissed, angry at his teacher’s statement as she let her Semblance feel through around her.
“I. Am. CAPABLE!” She shouted as she lept towards him, rearing her fist for a powerful strike.
Lordez did nothing as he saw Yang’s fist explode at his chest, no doubt using a shotgun shell for extra damage. He was slightly disappointed that she didn’t go for his face, but still, she is still naive and young. Or perhaps Tai didn’t teach her striking at critical points around the body, considering he is a brawler as well.
When the strike landed, it brought a small shock wave that made the arena grounds itself shake from it.
Yang made a victorious grin, thinking that she brought her professor’s aura down. But her expectations broke when she glanced at the screen, signifying that her opponent’s aura is still green! And her strike only moved halfway!
Everyone at present was also shocked beyond their core. Yang’s strike was capable of putting someone’s aura to the yellow zone, dropping them to a dangerously near area. Yet this man was able to tank the hit and also has his aura barely even moved!
Who is this guy!?
“Hmmm… I expected more but… You still needed training to be more capable.” Lordez commented.
Before Yang could react, Lordez swirled his right hand, placing his hand formed fist onto her chest before Yang suddenly recoiled backwards. Making her skid through the arena and towards the edge, almost falling out from it.
Yang grinned before suddenly her legs feeling weak as she felt her stomach becoming numb. She felt the insides of her stomach moved!
‘What!? My Semblance should have absorbed that!’ Yang thought as she buckled her legs in, trying to lessen the pain from overcoming. But she failed and stumbled forward as she held her stomach.
“What!? That can't be!” Ruby exclaimed in surprise.
“Huh? What are you on Ruby?” Blake raised a brow at her team leader’s unexpected expression.
“Yang’s semblance allowed her to absorb damage and turn it into energy, like double damage.” She explained. “But that… Yang shouldn't be hurt from that!”
“Perhaps it's his Semblance that did that?” Ren gave his two cents.
“It can't be, he was moving too fast when he fought the Headmaster!” Weiss replied.
“Perhaps he used Aura to make himself go fast? It is possible, but however difficult.” Ren gave his thoughts.
Lordez glanced at the bickering cast before slowly moving towards the stunned Yang.
“I’m surprised you manage to hold on from my One Inch Punch.”
When he took one more step forward, the blonde brawler delivered an uppercut to his chin. It did barely any damage to his protection, but the sheer knockback from an Aura-covered fist did its work.
Yang’s eyes turned red as her hair burst into flames. Roaring her battlecry with a mix of rage, she delivered a barrage of punches at Lordez.
The undead gritted his teeth as he felt his frown turning into a smile. He then grabbed Yang’s wrist with his chains, halting her punch as he decked her in the face.
Quickly and swiftly unwrapping the chain, he then wrapped it again tightly around her waistline before throwing her overhead and onto the ground.
Lordez threw her onto the ground so hard that she was almost buried by the debris.
The students were appalled by the brutal move shown by their new professor. Almost as if he was fighting like crazy, no form to his moves.
Lordez then loosen the chains before pulling them back to him.
“...” The audience couldn’t say anything from this scene. From the Initiation fight against Ozpin, he fought honorably, but yet against Yang he showed almost none of that at all!
Lordez eyed at Yang as she slowly got up from the ground, her figure undamaged, but she was visibly ‘bruised’ due to the Aura protecting her.
“Arrogant, naive, slow, and unnecessary movements. That is what I see from you.” He stated coldly. “This is whether to see if you are capable enough. And I see none of it.”
“Shut up!” She roared as she closed distance towards him “I can still fight!”
Lordez didn’t say anything as he wrapped his chains completely against his wrist before blocking a punch from her.
And grabbing her head and knocking her down to the ground.
“Your spirit is willing, but you lack training to support it.” He frowned as he pinned her down, struggling. “Be calm…”
He continued to soothe her with calming words until she calmed down, ceasing her struggling. Her eyes turning back to normal purple and her hair breathing none of its fiery orange flame.
Sensing her calm, he released his hold before gently picking her up to her feet.
“A rash-headed child you are, reckless without abandon; I will commend you for your ferocity and spirit.”
“Huh?” Yang blinked, utterly shocked and confused on the Professor’s 180 turn of a behavior.
“You still have much to learn, little dragon.” He smiled, using her name’s nickname. “Train to become strong, maybe one day you will achieve greatness in your life.”
“Mrs Rose,” Said girl, looking at attention. “Kindly assist your sister back to her seat, if you please.”
“S-Sure sir…” She answered meekly before heading down to assist her sister, followed by Blake assisting her teammate which was a bit surprising considering her isolationist behavior behind her books and some other… books.
“Sir Grimm, that was uncalled for!” Turning to the voice, it was Weiss.
“I must ask you to be more specific on that statement, Mrs Schnee.” He said kindly.
“The way you beat her up, that was uncalled for!”
“...While that is a fact in some perspectives, but in some, it is needed.”
“This is what you are here for yes? To become a Huntress or Huntsman? Becoming defenders of people yes, but you will also be fighting against people as well.”
“That doesn't-!”
“Grimm or not, Miss Schnee, you will fight against both. Whether you like it or not.” He said calmly, but despite the tone, it brought shivers to the students.
“In a fight that would mean the next day of living, or the end of your lives, honor is nothing. Grimm doesn't care what you are called, what you are, or your name. They care NOTHING but the end of our lives. But that doesn't mean it would only be the Grimm you will be fighting, you will be fighting against other people as well. Bandits, thugs, rogue Huntsman; life will be lost, and blood will be spilled.”
“Then what about your fight against the Headmaster? It looked like you showed honor to him.” Jaune unconsciously muttered before realizing that he spoke out loud, being pointed out by his teammates, he covered his mouth with his hands. Fearing the wrath of their Professor, he received none.
“Because he is experienced, and the fight didn’t risk either of our lives. If it would, then there would be blood and a limb gone.”
That gave a reaction amongst the students, mostly fear and disbelief. For their handsome-looking teacher turned out to be scarier than the Witch of Beacon! For the spectating senior students, it would seem that combat class would become a more… scary subject this year.
. . .
The class continued as he properly trained and sparred several times, giving pointers, tips and tricks. Fighting is not something to be lax on. While there are people who like to fight, pointing out certain people he knew who would really love to, he wouldn't want children to die.
He could do something about it, but that would risk his cover, plan and their progress. They need to learn by themselves, only he is there to guide them, they will only choose which path to take.
Class ended with the bell ringing, he could hear students sighing in relief that their hell ended. In their shoes, he would understand. But such training is needed for the upcoming, horrible event.
As he walked out of the Amphitheater, he heard a voice calling out to him.
“Hey man! How’s teaching?” Turning around to see Orm waving his hand in a jovial manner.
He knew that his friend was checking around the school to get the feel around the place, it was basic tactics and something smart to do… It was both.
He still wore the same equipment for his alias; except his furry cape was nowhere to be seen. He wore a bright blue arm patch on his left arm and a large customized vest labeled “SECURITY” both in front and back.
The normal security equipment didn’t fit for someone his size…
“Ooof, for their first combat class?” Despite the bear cap hiding his eyes, he was sure he was looking at him with questioning eyes.
“It IS their first day in Beacon. While they might have trained and learned in schools that-I-don’t-care, this is their first day to experience my way of teaching.”
“Seeing the looks on their faces, I’m guessing you scared them and had it rough?”
“Still lacking. They will fear and hate me for it, yes, but it is necessary. I told you about it didn’t I?”
“Yes.” Orm sighed, but he understood what his friend was on about.
Vytal Festival, the Fall of Beacon, would be in about the last month of the year. An event where lives will be lost, ruin to the people’s lives, and the despair that would settle in.
“Still think that you had it rough on the kids…” He went quiet before looking at the Undead player. “You do know they are still kids yes?”
“...” He didn’t answer.
Orm sighed once more before patting at his friend’s back. “Just don’t take it too far. I know they lived differently from yours… They are still soft.”
“But other than that, what happened? I saw the blonde little dragon limping. Don’t tell me you roughed her too much eh~?”
“She damaged me.” Oh that expression on his friend’s face is damn satisfying.
Lordez began to explain how it went down. Being on Yang’s power capable of dealing damage to someone like him. Though it wasn’t surprising, it also wasn’t expected.
Her Semblance being able to absorb damage done to her, and return the damage twice fold.
Being cursed by the {Weaken} enchants on most of his equipment without losing most of his stats, the same goes to Orm, they are vulnerable to damage and are comparable enough to be around level 20 to 35 base stats.
He came to explain that the damage from Yang would be comparable to a fist of a child. And how he returned the damage using {Ignore}. The spell itself is self-explanatory; its specifics is that it was a mere low-tier spell that allows physical attack to ignore weak armor and magical shielding.
Useless against those who are high level and more protection as well.
Plus, it was experimental to see if it would work against someone with Aura. And the fight against Yang? That was purely unintentional. His challenge was a farce, he wouldn't expect for someone to take it, since they literally saw how skilled and strong he was against Ozpin that no one would have the balls.
But by the lord was he so wrong on that.
He could have backed away, but he went too deep into that ‘seeking challenge’ bs.
And for how he literally smacked her through the floor like a ragdoll? It was… Shamelessly by instinct.
Orm bellowed a laughter, grabbing attention and scaring several students who were passing by.
“Y-You literally just did child abuse!”
Lordez groaned in annoyance. He made a point. What he did literally counts as child abuse.
Oh sure they are already 18, young adults and so, but they are still children… Growing children.
“But anyways, don't you miss it?”
“On what? The beating of a child?” He guessed annoyingly, almost expecting for his friend to say such a thing.
“I mean our world… Like don’t you have someone to care of?” Orm suddenly became melancholy.
He turned silent, the atmosphere feeling gloomy.
Such a topic was… Something he didn’t want to talk about. The memories back in his world were… selectively good. That he can count them in his hand.
“...Since Mom died, there's no one to take care of. I’ve got friends, but it's the gang and some others from Ainz Ooal Gown. Aside from that? None… Though I miss my Dad.”
“You never talked about him.” Orm gave a glance.
“That being never able to meet him ever.”
Orm blinked. “That doesn't make any sense, why would you miss someone who has literally never been in your life?”
“I don’t know, always had that nagging feeling behind my back. My mom told me about him, but it wasn’t much. I wanna know who he was really…” He said quietly. “Not that I’m curious to hug him though, I just want to know whether that asshole is still alive so that I will beat him for leaving me and mom alone or that he died somewhere in that shit world.”
“Bless you.” Khorne said plainly, glancing from reading the reports on several things from days ago. “You ok?”
“Y-Yeah, I’m good.” Sniffling his nose, Alcatraz took a deep inhale before releasing it. “Weird… I shouldn't be sick should I?”
“Dunno,” Khorne shrugged. “Must be a glitch in the Matrix we're in, or someone else is talking about you. Read mangas and novels that would say it be that.”
Alcatraz glared as his pal. “This is not the Matrix you idiot, and it's not possible!”
“Says someone who literally has a belief on “Expect the Unexpected?” Khorne let out a smug smile as he looked at him.
“...Touche ya bastard.”
“The bastard probably doesn't care about me anyways.” Shrugging the sadness away, he turned to look at his friend. Concern was written all over his face, despite his eyes being covered.
“Don’t tell me you're having a breakdown, not right now.” Orm made a mocking gasp sound as he covered his mouth in exaggeration.
“Fuck off ya bastard.” He growled before hearing Orm’s stomach growling, as if responding. “…Hungry?”
“Yeah… Off to the cafeteria?”
“Sure, it's lunch time anyways.” He shrugged.
. . .
Reaching the place to grab some grub, Orm would have had Misha follow him to the place but Glynda was very strict and thorough on not letting the bear into the cafeteria. One of the places that the bear cannot go to.
It was a very understandable cause, despite Orm's disappointment in not scaring the students about a huge ass bear in said cafeteria.
“Sure that covers your paycheck?”
Lordez eyed at Orm’s tray full of burgers, almost carrying two dozen of them. Compared to what he is carrying; a large steak with two wrapped meat-filled taco.
It's actually called “Shelled Meats” in Remnant for some reason, but from what he had remembered in the pictures in the old world; these are called tacos.
“Half of these are for Misha when I’m done eating.”
“And half of those are for you isn't it?” He deadpanned, noticing Orm’s eyes glinting in hunger as he already knew the answer to that now.
Finding an empty table for the both of them, they took a seat as Orm immediately unwrapped a burger and ate it joyfully.
“I know man, I know.” Lordez chuckled from his friend’s reaction. He couldn’t say much as being limited to only taste meat, but he knew what he was going through.
Compared to the artificial paste and shitty food products? This was literally heaven.
“Oh man, the texture, the flavor, the taste, the damn juiciness!” He raised the burger like it was holy and delicate.
Lordez, humming as he cut through the meat with a knife, he then took a bite out of it and he was out of it.
It was too damn delicious.
“Much better than back home ain't it?” Orm cheekily said as he took another huge bite on the burger, leaving only 1/4 of it.
‘He really took a chunk out of it huh?’ He thought amused as he took a small bite on the taco. While he couldn’t really taste the crunchiness of the shell, it only added another satisfying texture to the meat.
As they ate in total satisfaction and silence, Lordez managed to overhear Nora’s statement on “Breaking his legs.”
‘Looks like the part is here.’ He thought as he saw Velvet being harassed by Cardin and his team.
While he could ignore and let it play out as in the show, it was stupid. He had the power to intervene, Fate is not controlling him anymore, he is by his own story.
He stared blankly at the steak, despite the meat in his mouth, he felt that his appetite for eating was degrading. No doubt on the sounds of Velvet being harassed.
He growled in irritation, gaining Orm’s attention as he broke from his tasty burger paradise.
“Stay here, keep my food clear.” He said before standing up and approaching the scene, he didn’t wait for a response as he knew that his friend knew what he was going to do.
Some of the students eyed at Lordez as he was closing in on the group, excited for the anticipation to happen.
"Ow! That hurts!" Velvet cried out as Cardin continued to pull her ears out. "Please stop..."
Lordez felt his hand grip tighter than ever. Tight enough that his skin would have bled if not being an undead.
The scene was almost the same from the horrible shit fucking memory.
That goddamn school.
If any tighter, his fingers would have gone through his dead flesh. So he hid it within his pockets as he approached them, noticing the silence from the students around them as they too are anticipating what would happen, despite knowing the outcome.
“Would you kindly,” He began, his tone clearly not amused. “cease your touching on the young lady, if you so Mr. Winchester?”
The boy in question let go from the girl’s ears and turned around. “Oh I apologize sir, I was simply just playing with-”
“Cease the bullshit, Mr. Winchester. Or else I’ll have your hand, the one which you grabbed the poor lady’s ear with, removed.” He frowned, not wanting to deal with this bullshit any longer, but he didn’t want to continue seeing the girl suffer from stupid racism.
Cardin snorted, but he could see sweat coming off from the boy. “Alright, I’m off-”
“And kindly apologize to Ms. Scarlatina here, if you so please?” He glanced at the girl, rubbing the soreness of her ears.
The boy’s face crumbled into annoyance and irritation, turning into mild anger. “And why would I do that, freak?”
“Because if not, then you wouldn't mind me removing your hand from your arm? It seems to be dirty that cleaning it wouldn't work. We might need to get a prosthetic for a replacement.”
He was glad that he was dead enough to say it in such a cold demeanor that it literally shocked the students around him, and he could feel fear rising.
‘And shit, Grimm might be abound… Nah, already summoned a few Wraiths around the perimeter.’ He thought.
He could summon any other creature in his arsenal, but Wraiths are the perfect guards for Beacon.
Humanoid around a normal average human, is able to phase through walls and become invisible, cannot be harmed through normal means, and can paralyze anyone with their touch. (Similar to a Lich’s touch, but less lethal)
The standoff didn’t last long as Cardin lowered his head and apologized to the girl so meekly that he saw that he sounded like a little boy.
He then walked away followed by his teammates, who were also giving out fear vibes from them.
Though he swore that he had smelled piss stains around, he couldn’t specify who exactly.
Now seeing that the trouble is gone, he turned to the bunny who was quietly rubbing her ears.
“Are you alright dear?” He said as gently and calmly as possible, though his appearance didn’t seem to help as he could feel the nervousness off from her. Hell he could literally see her hands shaking from anxiety!
“I-I’m alright sir.” She tried to say in confidence, but failed.
Lordez frowned. “You are not, Ms. Scarlatina. Don’t try to lie the obvious on what just happened in front of me.”
“I’m… I’m sorry.”
‘God damn it.’ The cuteness was overloading, hell, if he weren't an undead and the status forcing CALMNESS on him, he would literally hug her.
“...May I see you ears?”
Velvet hesitatingly and slowly nodded as Lordez gently examined. Swollen bruises he could see, he wondered why the girl’s Aura wasn’t activating from harm. Was it because she wasn’t in battle? Another question untold and needed to be known.
He quietly used {Silent Cast: Restoration} on her. Velvet felt something like a comfortable blanket wrapped around her as she felt almost better than ever! Like waking up from a good night’s sleep!
“Hmmm… While I do not see any major wounds around, you were bruised by that idiot. I apologize for not coming in sooner and notice the situation, Miss Scarlatina.”
“U-Uh, don’t be sir. Its alr-”
“If this ever happens again, Miss Scarlatina, do not hesitate. Ever. In such a decision for me to remove that idiot from you.”
“I… I understand, sir.” She nodded, lowering her head in embarrassment.
“Don’t be…” He smiled. “Now, you wouldn't mind being alone or should I take you to-”
“N-No! I-I’m fine sir. There’s no need for that.”
“Hmmm… And also, where are your teammates? Shouldn't they be with you?”
“Ah, they were… doing something else. I went ahead to the cafeteria to eat, so they might be coming anytime soon.”
The excuse felt weird, but he detected no lie behind it. So she was telling the truth… Although he still wonders what caused for the rest of her team to lag behind?
Honestly, he would have her sit with him and Orm and not worry for Cardin to come around and harass her again.
Or he could have her sit along with team RWBY and JNPR, but he wouldn't know how, but he felt like they would get along quite well…
He noticed that there were still tears in her eyes, so he wiped them off gently, surprising the girl.
Though her face suddenly turned bright red and he could feel the heat coming off from her cheeks.
Was her ears suddenly standing up straight?”
“I will take you to a group of people who you might get to know along with your teammates if they are to arrive.”
“Would that be… ok?”
God damn, that look with the bunny ears with the cute eyes? Frigging waifu material-
What the hell is he thinking!? Is he turning into a fucking pathetic weeb!?
Shaking the thoughts out of his mind, he made a gentle smile, or so he hoped it would be.
He laughed. “Oh do not worry little bunny, they are first years and they will tolerate you. You might get along with them pretty well.”
Lordez guided her towards the table of where RWBY and JNPR were at, and it was obvious that they were also watching what had happened.
And he was certain he saw Yang stiffen almost at attention when she saw him approaching them.
‘Was she still afraid of the beating?’ He wondered. Was he that rough on her…? He might need to lower the tone of the training a bit, make sure they wouldn't get traumatized because of him.
(Im pretty damn sure it's both you and your methods in training m8)
“Students, this is Velvet Scarlatina,” He introduced as he gestured to the bunny faunus, who meekly gave a weak smile and a wave. To which Ruby and Nora returned with. Cute. “Your senior student. She will be sitting alongside you for the meantime until her teammates arrive, I pray that there is no problem with that?”
“Nope!” Ruby enthusiastically said as she made a pop sound on the “p”. “None at all!”
“Yeah, we don’t mind her sitting with us.” Yang supported her little leader of a sister’s answer.
“Good, expect no trouble at all then students.” He nodded as he left them to their tools.
“...I kinda expected him to break Cardin’s legs.” Nora commented as she watched the professor’s back getting further away.
“Nora!” Ren scolded, although he would agree - if not her method way in dealing with the bully - he would at least rough him up.
“Are you alright?” Blake spoke up for the first time, being silent and all when the group chatted their way almost… every way.
In truth, she was concerned for her fellow Faunus.
“Yeah…” She brought up a smile. “No big deal.”
“No big deal? No big deal!?” Yang almost slammed her hands onto the table. “He bullied you, it’s kinda a big deal!”
“Yeah, sure your ears are not getting swollen or anything?” Jaune inquired.
“I’m pretty certain.” Velvet gently rubbed the part of her ear where it was stretched out by.
“And you’re our senior! Why didn’t you stop him from bullying you?” Weiss asked.
“Well I…” She paused before looking down. “I… I don’t know exactly.”
That softens the Ice Queen’s expression, mentally finding it to her own fault for asking such a thing. It was known that there was discrimination against the Faunus, and it didn’t help not one bit that the White Fang is also terrorizing the population as well.
“Sooo…” Nora started, sensing the awkwardness starting to come up around the table. “What do you guys think about Mr Grimm?”
And with that, she caught their attention.
“What do you mean? Aside from him being a… mysterious person?” Jaune said.
“You find him mysterious?” Weiss looked at him questioningly.
“I mean, we don’t know much on him. And his name is really odd, I mean who would be named after the Grimm itself!?” Jaune exasperated. “There's a secret behind this mystery.” He added once more as he tried to speak like a detective.
Keyword here; tried.
“He’s got a point.”
“Oooooh, maybe he is Grimm!?” Nora exclaimed with such exaggeration with the use of her arms waving in the air wildly.
“Don't be silly, it might be because it has to do with his looks?”
“Judging by their handsomeness, are you Ice Queen~?”
“W-Wha-!? No!” She denied instantly, thought with a hint of red tint on her face says otherwise. “I meant that his skin is pale white and has those… dark spots all over his skin!”
“They were scales.” Blake commented as everyone looked at her when she suddenly spoke up. “The black spots are his scales.”
“Really? Huh.”
“So he might be a Faunus hybrid then?” Jaune gave his 2 cents.
“Perhaps,” Pyrrha said, somewhat agreeing to her crush’s thinking. “there are Humans and Faunus that intertwine with each other, maybe that was his cause of it?”
“It could be, I mean, what else would it be?” Questioned Ruby with diffidence.
“Maybe it might be his fake appearance trying to blend in with the society and his first name was an alias to gather more information about Beacon Academy. Or maybe he is some dead guy who somehow got resurrected and got back into the living and wanting to become a Huntsman to protect Remnant! Or maybe he is some kind of a god-like being that is trying to understand what us mortals makes ourselves more interesting than anyone else in Remnant as they limit their powers so that they won't easily be noticed by anyone in the public and any other third person parties that the Headmaster is secretly battling as he leads along with a small yet secret organization for at least thousands of years, or maybe more!” Nora Valkyrie finished with a loud exhale as she took deep breaths from her long… sentence.
Everyone just stared silently at the pancake eater in mild concern, less for Ren as he was used to her antics.
“Is she… always like this?” Velvet looked at the others in question.
“Ehh…. Yeah….” Ruby answered… although with uncertainty.
“She is being herself.” Ren answered for his fellow, to whom he simply made a small pout before vacuuming a pancake with a big inhale…
Seriously, I do not understand what makes pancakes taste a bit… different.
Maybe it's because of the different taste to each person? I don’t know.
“But what about Mr Hacor-something?”
“Mr Hakornarsson,” Pyrrha corrected. “But yes, I also don’t ever hear of someone like him. Having a bear companion is something that would draw attention from.”
Indeed, it was not uncommon for Huntsman and Huntresses to have animal companions, but not many.
“I wanna ride it!” Nora said with a grin.
“Nora, I don’t think you should.” Ren replied.
“Yeah, doesn't seem like a good idea.”
“Why not!? I rode that Ursa before!”
“You broke its legs before mounting it.” Ren deadpanned.
“Are you gonna break its legs if you're gonna ride the bear Nora?” Jaune smirked.
“If so, I prefer you wouldn't do so. Misha has tough bones.”
“See? Even he agrees-!”
They turn and see the hulking bear-cap wearing man chewing with a burger in his hand.
“Mr Hakor…something!?!”
“Bah, just call me Orm and be done with it. I know my last name is quite a tongue twister for you lots.” He waved dismissively. “So I hear you talking about my bear?” He said slowly, making the students to misunderstand the change of his tone as… threatening.
“N-No sir-!”
“Hahahaahah!” He bellowed in laughter, holding his sides with his free hand as he - almost without paying attention - held his burger carefully as not to fall onto the floor.
“I kid, I kid!” Wiping a tear from his eyes. “Though regarding Misha, I will warn you he wont agree to anyone being on his back.”
“Misha? Sounds like a girl's name.” Yang commented. “But you say it's a male…”
“Aye, the bear is a male. But the name is… based on a forgotten legend.”
“Oooh, really?”
“Aye,” He nodded. “A bear that lives in a land of Sanus. The bear is an incredibly powerful foe that it can rival a Deathstalker at hand, and mere dark mockery such as the Ursas are compared to nothing in the power of its claws.”
“I never heard of this.” Blake said, interested in the legend.”
“None of us do.” Yang said.
Orm snorted. “That's because I said it is a ‘Forgotten Legend’. Do you fellows have clogged ears that you couldn’t hear properly?”
“So is that bear the same one in the legend!?” Ruby said excitingly.
Orm chuckled. “Sadly no, the bear was not seen and the legend itself was lost throughout time. The reason why I know of this legend is because of our village’s knowledge before it decayed through time. Misha is a bear I found during my travels, while he is a wild big cuddly bugger, he can handle a bunch of Grimm on his own with no problem.”
“Wow.” Velvet awed.
“I wanna fight him.” Nora said cheekily.
Before anyone could object, the man simply chuckled more. “In terms of strength? It would be a fight to be seen, but I wouldn't underestimate Misha at hand. He is fast despite his size.”
“What's your weapon Mr Orm?” Ruby said suddenly.
“Sudden change of topic little hood? You don’t like Misha?” His frown was shown for everyone to be seen.
And before she could apologize or anyone would scold the man, he just bursted into laughter.
“Hahahaha, you bunch are easy to tease.” He chuckled. “You could say I specialize in axes, I prefer hacking and slashing anything in my way.”
“That sounds…”
“Ridiculous, I know. But I like it.” He grinned. “Now kids, I’ll leave for your lunch, better to spend time with each other more than me being here.”
“See you later Mr Orm!” Nora waved at him, to which he returned before making his way back to the table - with Lordez who was eating subtly in his food - and grabbed another burger for him to chew in comfort.
“Well, that went…” Jaune paused, trying to say the proper word. “Better?”
“You could say that again. But he sounds more cheerful than Mr Grimm.”
“He also has that odd accent as well.” Ruby giggled.
“Wait a minute Ruby, didn’t you say you met them before during that night you were in the police station?” Yang suddenly says, remembering that part where she told them that. The absolute shock on her dad’s face was amazing.
“You were in a police station?” Weiss asked, surprised about this. Everyone in the table looked at the team leader of RWBY with various expressions.
“Did you… do something bad?” Velvet looked at her with concern.
“No! It's not like that!” Ruby defended, trying to remove the misunderstandings.
And thus, begins the whole other nonsense of misunderstandings. . .
. . .
After the two players had finished their lunch and left the cafeteria, the bell rung; signaling for the next classes to start.
Lordez was not worried about being late for his class. This was his first week in teaching the students. He and Glynda alternate from time to time to maintain the schedule.
He didn’t mind. At least it would bring some weight off the woman’s shoulders, it would at least do some good for the hard-working woman.
Orm had gone ahead to feed the bear with the remaining burgers and after that, the viking player said they will be having a small stroll in Emerald Forest. Considering that the Grimm are extremely weak in literally all circumstances - even being hoarded around won't be able to cause them any danger - that if the situation were to differ greatly from what they expected on something that is not supposed to happen, then Orm will switch back to his equipment.
Lordez was about to head back into his room and organize some things, make up plans and preparations for the Breach event, settling some information system in Vale, then heading it through the other continents.
Information, after all, is a very valuable resource. It only depends how you use it.
Ozpin had messaged him via Scroll with the reason being of a small incident he had caused during his morning teaching.
It was easy to guess that some of the students - particularly Weiss possibly - had complained about his training methods.
The elevators sounded as the doors opened, revealing Ozpin sitting down handling a small pile of paperwork as he took several sips on his coffee.
He also noticed that Glynda was here as well. No doubt to scold him about his brutal methods. It shouldn’t surprise him, but it did. They were… naive in a sort of way.
“Hello Mr Grimm,” Ozpin greeted, turning his eyes onto the approaching man. “I’ve received several complaints about your… training method?”
“I’m surprised they are this green considering they attended their own Combat Schools.” He remarked.
“That is not an excuse, Mr Grimm.” Glynda glared at him. “You shouldn't also be challenging a student outright in the first week of the school, as that is supposed to be the mid-term! It is too early!”
“It is the way that I can determine how good their prowess is, or whether they lack training.” He replied coolly with the thought of bullshit.
“That is still unacceptable!”
“Glynda,” Ozpin said calmly. “do calm down.” Before turning towards him.
“Mr Grimm, while you are definitely new to this place, I suggest you also do not bring such hardness on our students. It is a fact that they are rather delicate in a way, as such they are still children.”
Lordez said nothing. Outside, there was no change of expression. On the inside, he grimaced on his foolish hardiness.
He had to remind himself that these are children living in a normal life, not the same ones who had to endure the hellish and fucked up conditions back in the old world.
In comparison to them and in a sense, they are extremely lucky.
“...Acknowledged.” He replied. “Although, I will make no promises on whether they would have to challenge me to see their skill and the results of their training. I will, however, change the difficulty in the methods I use for them.”
‘As many of them fight differently and have various methods and skills that would seem the same to others, yet different in a sense.’
Reminding him of training New-Bloods back in YGGDRASIL. The smallest hint of tips and tricks he could ever give them would be considered to be extremely helpful.
“They will be turning into warriors of Remnant, Defenders of the People, and Bane against the Grimm of Darkness. They will come to experience struggles, stress and losses. All I am is making it not a common thing to happen. To break them down, is to encourage them.”
“These are not soldiers that you are training-!”
“Yet, they fight against the monsters to what I understand doesn't care about both Faunus and Humans. All they seek is the death of both lives.” He stated coldly.
“That is-!”
“They will experience death and the horrors of it in time, Ms Goodwitch.” He softened his gaze and gentled his tone. Almost surprising the both of them in the change of… behavior. “To think one’s self that they will overcome greatness and struggles, is an extreme desire to see and rule against it…”
“I will still treat them and see them as children. I will not force them, I will not make them bend against my methods, but it is necessary.”
Ozpin sighed as he settled his cup of coffee. “I understand. But if you decided to make extreme methods within the school’s premise, I have no choice but to fire you.”
Lordez nodded. Ozpin wouldn't actually let him get fired, not that he wanted them out of his sight. The man is obviously concerned in not keeping an eye on two extremely powerful beings that could literally break the planet in half.
“Now, Glynda,” Gaining her attention. “Would you kindly leave us both alone for the moment? I wish to speak about something else with Mr Grimm.”
The woman looked like she wanted to retort but gave in with a sigh. “We will talk about this later.”
She then left them both alone in silence.
Even after she was gone, both of them didn’t speak a word.
“Quite an act.” Lordez grinned.
“Thank you, my lord.” Ozpin bowed his head. He could hear a faint exhale of relief in the breath of his words. “I apologize for my words there.”
“No need,” The undead player said dismissively. “it needed to be said as to convince her.”
“But still… The incident was… concerning to say at least.”
No it wasn’t ‘at least’. It really wasn’t when it involves the Supreme Being in such a scenario like this.
“May I have a… concerning thought be spoken, my lord?”
“I… I think that you are going too far to the children.” He said carefully, not wishing to upset the Supreme Being. “They are young, lacking experience and in need of guidance.”
“They are not ready, is what you mean.” Lordez hummed. “Admittedly, I am quite harsh on the children… It was intentional, but I would not go as far as killing them. They have potential after all, better form it rather than throw it away.” Ozpin shivered slightly from the Supreme Being’s words.
“But it is necessary. These children needed to be ready for the upcoming event, and that event will be a fight that will change history.”
Ozpin remembered, and he didn’t wish for it to happen. But to how the Lord of Nightmares recalled the words as if he himself has seen the future? He didn’t doubt it.
It would be foolish to.
“But, we still have time. Time to prepare, and we shall use it.”
Lordez then walked towards the elevator, signifying his leave.
“Peace does not last forever, Ozpin. And neither does war.” Lordez said, striding towards the elevator. “But, let us enjoy the peaceful times we have right of now. Because, after all, when the time comes; it will not be a pleasant change for all.”
As he finished the sentence, the elevator doors shut, leaving the Headmaster to stare to where the Supreme Being had left in silence except for the sounds of muted gears clinking and clanking almost every second.
Ozpin felt his hands turned into fists. The anticipation and anxiety coming to him.
‘I will keep my oath to you, my lord.’ He swore inwardly. ‘There is still good in humanity, for it is just misguided… I will protect them all.’
Lordez sighed.
“I swear, this is really getting stressful even for me now.” Muttering to no one in particular. He was fortunate enough that he sensed no one nearby towards his destination.
‘Having a weird, alternate universe with all these complexity on this shit is going to bring some damn problems in the future. That I can tell and hopefully will not happen.’ Rubbing his temple out of mental stress.
Walking down the hallway, he came to see Jaune and Pyrrha moving somewhere. He recalled this scene, the two would be heading towards the roof and Jaune would unknowingly reveal his secret to both souls.
Honestly, he wanted to help the blonde boy grow. But he felt that it wasn’t needed, for that problem will be fixed soon. All he needs is combat training. Despite his passiveness in combat, he is a decent tactician.
And besides, he will be going with them on a field trip to Forever Fall. And after the trip, he will be giving them rigorous training that would be compared to as hellish. To see if they would be able to level them up.
As he arrived in Emerald Forest, checking his surroundings and sensing nothing within his radius. The nearest Grimm would be further than 100 meters.
Nodding in satisfaction, he then equipped the [Cloak of Illusions]. Hiding his appearance beneath the glittering grey cloak. While it is rather a weak magical item, its usage to fool and deceive the user’s appearance was quite useful. Even capable to deceive the eyes in thinking that they are invisible, to which they are actually not.
“{Fly}” He cast as he slowly floated before swooping upwards towards the sky and stopping at a height he found acceptable.
He could only feel breathless - despite not needing to breathe as he is an undead - whenever he gaze his sight towards the night sky with its stars and the shattered moon.
It took a while for him to remember that he had something else to do. Flying towards the city of Vale, its lights shining brightly even though he saw minimal activity of people walking around the streets. No doubt that it is past 10 o’clock.
Descending slowly as he landed on top of a random rooftop building, he quickly cast {Summon: Skull Spiders}. With the result of at least 3 dozen being summoned from a magical circle that just appeared.
Their appearance was similar to a Huntsman Spider, though their carapace was instead replaced with black-scorched skeletal armor. Their eyes emitting a dark purple glow in them, almost as if they were tainted. Their size was almost bigger than an average cow.
These spiders specified in ambushing and assassination - despite their size. Though they are also durable and fast enough that they can react faster than the speed of a bullet.
While they are weak in YGGDRASIL terms, he was confident that these spiders would be able to take on an Elder Grimm with little to no effort.
Depending on which Elder Grimm they would be fighting or whether it would be 1 on 1.
Circumstances would differ in many situations and scenarios.
The spiders ‘bowed’, lowering themselves even further. Almost touching the ground. Awaiting for their master’s order.
“I want you all to hide in the shadows of this city. Do not reveal yourselves to anyone until I give the order to do so...” He paused, letting the order sink into their heads. “None of you shall attack Humans nor Faunus alike in this city, avoid attention. If you see a Grimm, eliminate it without being spotted. Avoid being noticed at all costs.”
The spiders made a clicking sound, almost indicating that they heed his command.
“And also, report to me if any of you encounter a place to set up. A cave, abandoned building, warehouse, anything that doesn't have any activities in the area.”
“Now go.” He said finally, making the spiders let loose as they lept, crawled, and blended in with the shadows of every stone of the city, spreading out.
The man sighed before floating back onto the air. The satisfaction on this part of the plan is done, he’ll push through once the spiders come back with results.
Setting up a FOB within the city of Vale would do some good as the Breech will happen. Early reaction time since they literally had set up right in front of the coming disaster.
That and the Atlas ships are slow enough for a decent reaction time. By the time they had arrived, the Grimm would have gotten through half the city.
And with the Fall of Beacon…
While the plan is to save lives and get rid of the Grimm as much as possible, the Kingdom of Vale shall be the first to witness the upcoming rising being to come.
‘I’ll play along with your games. After that, all of you must be ready for the real nightmare to come.’
- In Serial41 Chapters
Long Island
Long Island was not the first virtual reality game or to say a VRMMORPG. Not the one which changed the world and became a legend. No, it was made when there were lots (quite a few) of virtual reality games already on the market. Each game had its own unique AI feature, its own unique adventure, promising everyone a chance to become King, if not a God. In such a time Long Island was made. Just a little different, just a little unique. Swamy was starting his own adventure, in life and in game.Note - Thanks @DameCarnelian for the cover. Just so people don't get confused, that ship is not Raka's ship :)
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Poetry Jar // Wattys Shorts Winner
A WATTYS SHORTS WINNER: POETRY CATEGORY#1 in Poems#1 in PoetryA collection of poetry about the most powerful feeling in the world. Love hurts, but love heals. Love shatters, but love fixes what's broken. Cover by @salemkeating
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Heroic World
""Why I am brought here?"A man decided to end the humanity of his world, then was brought back to life in another world with his memory intact.#NoteAuthor is lacking in grammar, english is not his first language.
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Dainty; YoonTae
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Haikyuu boyfriend scenarios (DISCONTINUED)
Oya oya oya
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fanfiction | taegguk
Where in Jeongguk reads a Taekook fanfiction and Taehyung finds out.| COMPLETED |cc: -strawberrykoo
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