《Players in Remnant》Starting of the Initiation
They were taken by Ozpin and Glynda on the way back to Beacon. Though they arrived somewhat later due to the size of Misha almost filling the weight capacity that the vehicle can carry.
The trip was quiet. No one spoke up, and no one wanted to. Lordez and Orm were too busy feeling the wind passing through them.
Once they arrived, the sight of Beacon Academy was something.
Compared to YGGDRASIL buildings and landmarks, it was nothing to be awestruck by as they were virtual/digital made. And to their own world, it would be classified as an old-century architectural, retro design. And would also be considered a beauty due to the nature landscape done on the Beacon grounds.
Orm whistled. “A fine structure. The engineer who designed this better have his paycheck raised.”
Ozpin chuckled. “I’m very certain he is properly compensated for designing the architecture.”
“So it would seem…” Lordez commented.
“As much as I would like to properly introduce you as our newly hired staff, it is getting rather late. Miss Goodwitch here will guide you to your accommodating rooms. We will discuss more in the morning.”
It would be rude to not thank the man for giving them a place for the night. However suspicious it was, it is a kind gesture.
“Our thanks.” Lordez bowed his head slightly.
“Follow me.” Glynda stated as she led the two towards their rooms.
Compared to the distance they’ve walked from the docks and reached the main building, it was fairly far.
He had seen how huge the place was in the show, but compared to seeing it personally? Hell, almost felt like they were in one of those huge ass cathedrals back in YGGDRASIL. The space in those was hugeeee.
It didn’t take long for them to reach their destination. From what Lordez had learned, the staff buildings were separated in just the opposite direction of the student dormitories.
“These are your rooms,” Glynda said as she gestured to the two doors parallel to each other. “the codes to your doors will be given to you by the next morning once we’ve finished up your paperwork.”
Lordez grimaced slightly at the memory just before they took off in the bullhead.
He had used his ‘silver tongue’, as his friend and several certain clanmates would call it, to both lie and tell half-truths that they were not familiar with the technology such as Scrolls due to their village being isolated enough that almost no contact from the outside world was made.
Both Glynda and Ozpin were skeptical of that and asked where their village was, but he was able to put up a lie that their village was destroyed just years ago by the Grimm when they were young. They’ve been traveling ever since then.
Glynda was very much doubtful of his story, as it was very much obvious that it was a lie. Although for some reason, Ozpin didn’t seem to care about it much. He was very much certain that the old man, who literally lived many lifetimes, could sense that it was a lie, but he decided to let it pass. Adding much to his suspicions of why he would do that.
Since then, they would be given Scrolls after they’ve done proper identification work.
“Thanks, Miss Glynda!” Orm said jovially. “Really appreciate that, also Ozpin as well!”
“It is not a problem.” She said. He could very much see the distrust on the woman, but her gaze seemed to soften from Orm’s happy attitude.
He wondered if Orm seemed to remind Glynda of someone she knew about.
“We will see you around tomorrow then.” Lordez said.
“Yes. Good night.” With that, she walked off.
Seeing that she was completely gone, Lordez turned around to his friend. “Since we’re given separate rooms, I wouldn't have to deal with your damn snoring.”
“Oh please!” Orm rolling his eyes behind his bear cap. “Like I’m the one to be damned about some small damn trivial shit like that. And besides, you never heard me sleep!”
“You do that sometimes.” Lordez deadpanned.
“Oh well screw *yawn* off… Oh well, too tired to argue anyways. Also feel hungry, you got something to eat? Damn, should have asked Goodwitch about that.”
“...You literally forgot that you have food in your inventory?” Lordez raised a brow, knowing that his friend always kept a bulk of perishable consumables in almost every occasion whether they go to raids, mine, PKs, dungeon diving, or events.
Orm stared at his friend for a good whole minute before facepalming.
“Oh right… Forgot about that.”
Lordez shrugged. “Meh, we have those moments.” It was understandable. There are literally moments where you’d forget the most basic shit you’ve had. His friend was careless sometimes.
But not Jason's level of carelessness. That bastard literally dives into the worst situation possible without any items to support him.
Literally a suicidal dumbass.
“Now Imma go sleep *yawn* feeling tired as hell. Didn’t manage to get a proper sleep last night…” Orm said as nudges Misha gently into his room. “G’night man.” He said before closing the door.
Lordez just stared at his door for a few moments before letting out an amused sigh.
Opening the door, the room was bigger than his own damn apartment. And cleaner too.
Noticing a mirror, fuddling around on how he was supposed to take his armor off before finally knowing how, he then took off his equipment and immediately revealed his nude ass body. He was surprised to see how ripped he was. He could imagine seeing his friend doing this, but coming out from his energetic attitude, he was tired out of his mind.
Despite the charcoal-colored skin tone of his body, he could make out the really dark parts which he noticed were burnt flesh that felt like scales as he touched them. He would have looked like a hybrid of a black lizard Faunus if not for the open wounds and torn up flesh showing the organs inside along with flesh and bone.
A really buffed, burnt corpse.
A factor by his cosmetic race skin he implemented. With no idea how he would be able to remove it.
But what was more important was his package. It was still there attached to the body, and damn it was… huge.
After twisting his entire body as he examined himself in the mirror, he used {Create Item} to conjure clothing. A simple black shirt with a grey vest with grey padded pants.
Feeling comfortable, he lies down on his bed, feeling the softness as he sinks deeper into it. If he were a normal human, he would have felt sleepy by now.
As being an undead provides benefits, it brought some downfall to being one.
While unable to sleep, the comforts of his bed allowed him to rest his mind. This allowed him to think for tomorrow.
A Lot of things are popping up in his mind. Was this whole thing a lucid dream? He read articles that there are cases like this, but it definitely didn’t explain how he was able to feel almost all senses. If it was a dream, then he would spend it all wisely.
Was this whole thing an experiment? He doubted so, if it would be, then why else would someone pick a nobody as their test subject? For expendable reasons of course, but it might be something else…
Was this… everything real? If it were… Then he would have thanked whatever being is out there, that they were transferred into another world as their game characters from YGGDRASIL.
And into a world where he is most familiar with, ironically, also has some dangers awaiting for them if not careful. After all, some plans do not follow the same thing.
After contemplating many questions, plans and ideas in his head as he stared into the ceiling of his room, he sat up straight.
An idea popped into his mind. “What if I… {Summon: Wraith}.”
Seconds later, a shadow began to swirl around in front of him before slowly ascending off from the ground, forming into a robed humanoid figure.
“Scout around the school, do not make yourself known to anyone else. If they do, report it to me. Do not engage, you are to only observe. Go.”
The summon nodded before phasing out of existence from his room. The Wraiths are useful in reconnaissance operations, as they can practically go through virtually almost all obstacles… If they are not magical embedded to an extent.
Unable to sleep, he decided to head out and bath in the glorious night sky while breathing in the fresh air.
It was a really… exotic experience.
Living in a world where nature is destroyed, the world destroyed by major wars that made the planet into a desolate place to live. That living in it is hell, and with the damn elites not making a thing to even even out the plate…
Because that's what humanity is.
He wasn’t able to sense Ozpin approaching him from behind as he was too ‘in depth’ by the stars he wasn’t able to see before because of the dusty, poison clouds.
“I see that you are still awake, Mr Grimm.” Ozpin said calmly as he approached the undead’s side.
Slightly surprised, he glanced at Ozpin, who seemed to be gazing at the stars along with him.
“I wasn’t feeling like it, Ozpin.” He replied.
He didn’t see it, but he sensed that the Headmaster nodded his head in that statement. “There are times like it…”
Comfortable silence blanketed around them, only the cold wind breezing around them.
“But that is not what you are concerned about, are you Ozpin?” He said, breaking the silence.
“...Yes, it is not. As expected of a Supreme Being.” The man’s face turned serious, his eyes tensed with concern and worry. “May I ask, why are you here?”
“...Would it be a surprise to tell you that I do not know?” Lordez calmly said, surprising Ozpin.
“A being such as you do not know the reason?” Ozpin felt his eyes widen by the revelation.
“Why are you surprised at such?” Turning around at heel. “Are you not a Player as well?” He questioned, unexpected by his findings.
Ozpin shook his head. “No, I am a creation by my Creator; Sargke.”
Lordez was quiet, silently processing this information. Pulling all brain information in his head, he recalled no one named ‘Sargke’. Perhaps he will ask his friend if he knows someone with that name.
So instead of Ozpin being a Player, he was a NPC? This puts up questions.
“How were you able to tell what we are?” He questioned.
“I was able to tell by your mere presence, your power was leaking ever slightly. And that your equipment was magical in essence.”
“You didn’t choose to {Appraise} me and my friend back in the police station?” He raised a brow. If he did, then he would know because a Player of YGGDRASIL who never puts up anti-divinity or scrying spells against them? Is a fool… Like Jason on the other-hand.
“No. When I entered the room, your energy was very similar to my Creator, but not the same. I felt joy thinking that my Creator was here, but sadden that it is not.” He sorrowfully said.
“...Are you angry?” He said neutrally.
“No. Disappointed yes, but angry at such thinking? No…” Ozpin quietly said at the last part.
Lordez was not rude enough to speak after that. But he wasn’t satisfied by the answer he got.
“You are still here for another reason. I can tell.” He said lazily.
Ozpin didn’t seem surprised at that. “…I am concerned by your presence. That you would harm my… students. And the people of this world.”
Lordez was quiet at that before bellowing in laughter. It wasn’t loud, but loud enough for only him and Ozpin to hear.
“Your concerns for that is… Heheh… Surprising.” He turned around fully, facing Ozpin. “What are you truly? You are no human that is for sure, and you seemed concerned with the humanity of this world.”
“I am a Soul Wraith. While it is quite unexpected for something like me to be concerned with the well-being of the inhabitants of this world I… I was made to be a guardian for them.”
Soul Wraith, a spirit entity. It is easy to mistake this being as a Wraith, an undead variant of a spirit. Soul Wraiths can hop from one body to another, possessing it.
Soul Wraiths tend to be passive, only attacking when provoked. One of the passive undead entities that can easily be worked around by low level Players. Despite being passive, they are also one of the most dangerous enemies to fight against. If they are non-magical.
Being able to ignore any non-magical armor is a nightmare for physical-build Players. Or those without any defense against them.
“...Who are you truly?” He was not curious by this. By RWBY canon, Ozpin was Ozma, a human cursed by the Brother God to reincarnate over and over until the deed is done… Unless he is in a Alternate world of RWBY, where Ozpin is not Ozpin at all.
“Gods cannot understand Humanity.” That is one thing he could agree with Alcatraz, as in his most moments of craziness or wildness.
“My name is Antonio Verdatz. A Soul Wraith, and I have arrived in this world at least three thousand years ago, reincarnating from one person to another. And I’ve been waiting for a long time to see if anyone has come from YGGDRASIL.” He bowed his head.
“...I suppose you are going to tell me everything you've known in this world.”
Lordez could tell that this would be one big of a headache he will experience… Despite not living.
. . .
The next day was the arrival for new First Year students. Where they will be taking their initiation on the next day for a fresh start rather than starting now.
It would be difficult to assess the student if they are exhausted. Let alone dying in the Initiation because of it.
But right now, Glynda was questioning him on letting Ruby Rose into Beacon 2 years early, but due to her being trained by the last active member of STRQ, Qrow and her father Taiyang, it was only by time that she was going to be recommended sooner or later. It was a good opportunity to grab it.
The Witch of Beacon relented on Ozpin letting Ruby Rose in, but she then begins to question on hiring the two named Lordez Grimm and Orm Harkornasson.
Truly, it would be foolish to hire someone into Beacon, but the circumstances lead him otherwise. To let someone into Beacon easily is not one he would do, but these individuals are different.
Two Supreme Beings suddenly here, was this Fate punishing him for not being able to destroy the Queen? He wouldn't consider them as enemies, but he wouldn't also consider them as allies nonetheless. It is a foolish assumption to think otherwise.
It felt suddenly out of nowhere to offer the Supreme Beings if they were to join Beacon as staff. He didn’t know why he did that, but before he could apologize for the sudden question, he noticed that the two were considering his offer.
It was surprising as it was unexpected, but he supposed they have their own reasons. He cannot fool Lordez Grimm. When he informed him about Remnant, he noticed that he gave no reaction whatsoever. Some he clarified, but only to a certain extent.
It was like he already knew… And he was just confirming whether he is lying or not.
‘As expected of a Supreme Being…’ He thought.
“I still cannot understand why you want to hire them.” She murmured as she placed down a cup of coffee for Ozpin. “We do not know anything about them, they were not registered in the system, and there does not seem to be one person who has even seen them before!”
Ozpin hummed as he delightfully sipped his favorite drink. “Call it, “intuition”, Glynda.”
“And what if you're wrong?” She retorted. “We cannot act carelessly with those we don’t know.”
“And I’m not, Glynda.” He said calmly.
“Sometimes I do not understand you and I think your ‘intuition’ might be wrong on this one.” She sighed. Rather experienced in his unusual ways of dealing with things. Unable to completely understand his true meaning.
“You know me too well,” He chuckled before setting down his drink. “But considering Mr Grimm and Harkornasson… They might be able to make a change.”
“...Are you suggesting to include them into the circle?” She widened her eyes in disbelief. “But we do not know them until last night!”
“No, I am not suggesting that… yet.” He said before Glynda could say more. She does have a point, if only they weren't Supreme Beings, then he would have thought the same. They may not be his Creator, but he is not foolish enough to fight against either of them. At best, he would please them. At worst… He would be against them.
‘I do not even think they needed to be in our small circle…’ He mused at the thought.
He had told everything to the Supreme Being that exuded a nightmarish aura. He had known when he first came into this world, the encounters, and the obstacles. Not once he has told a lie, for he believes it is foolish to do so. Creator or not, a Supreme Being is something beyond a God.
“But, they would be quite useful against Her.” Glynda said, breaking Ozpin from his thoughts.
“How would that be? If you are not planning to let them in our circle, what then?” He said smoothly, seemingly seen as unfazed.
Ozpin hummed, looking out through the window. Seeing massive airships carrying newly freshmen to Beacon. More studying and becoming Huntsman and Huntresses…
That is if they are qualified to become one.
“Time will tell, Glynda. Time will tell…”
. . .
Lordez was standing at the hallway near the Training Arena’s entrance, calmly glancing at the students entering.
His friend Orm was running a small perimeter check, making himself busy as he wouldn't want to listen to a small speech for the students. A ‘waste of time’ as he says it. He did have a point, he could do something else than just overlook Ozpin’s prepared speech to the newly arrived students. Being grim and all.
The teacher’s initiation, which will be the two of them, will commence once the student’s initiation along with the teaming ceremonies is completed.
But being about to become a Professor already for Beacon, he guessed it's not harmful to overlook the students whom they will be training once class starts.
7 minutes before all students are gathered in the Training Arena. Some of the cast arrived, he didn’t see Ruby and Jaune yet. He guessed that they arrived barely in time for the orientation speech to start.
He could hear whispers from the students about him. Praises, awe, and intimidated comments to his person. Mostly fear towards him.
He probably knew the reason why.
They couldn’t see his face since it was shadowed by his hood, but when he checked himself in the morning while wearing it, his eyes were glowing dimly.
Plus his appearance screamed “edgy”. But the comments from the students told him otherwise.
And there were also a couple of racists among them, baring Cardin and soon-to-be-teammates and few others he didn’t know. He also noticed Blake was giving glances his way while pretending to read her book.
A faint movement from her ribbon bow he noticed.
Standing in silence he waited until Ruby and Jaune arrived into the Amphitheater.
He sighed as he heard a {Message} beeping in his head. It was coming from Orm.
[Ozpin there yet?]
[No, about in a… few minutes the speech is about to start]
He heard a chuckle. [Hahaha, you sure you don’t want to be here right now? I'm slaughtering Grimm!]
[No, one of us needs to be present. Technically me since I’m necessary as I’ll be training these children to fight]
[Haha, you should have gotten a guard duty instead!]
[And you’ll be bored soon when your enemies are just simple Grimm shit] He mused. [Anything?]
[Nah, no changes around. Just the only things you mentioned that appear in the first season of the show. None of these Beringels, Griffons or anything you mentioned about actually. Should we be worried?]
‘So it’s still going through canon.’ [No, just clear the surroundings. And technically, we aren't hired yet for the job. We still have to do our initiation]
[Really? Odin’s damn tooth,] And other beautiful and creative wordings spouted around by the viking. Was he coming one with his avatar? [Will it be the same as the kids? Cause it’s hella damn simple]
[...I wouldn't think so] He said as he noticed Ozpin walking up to the stage. [Oz’s is here. I’ll ask once this whole thing is done. Just have some fun there, and I’ll call you]
[Gotcha!] With that, the {Message} disconnected.
Ozpin walked up the stage, glancing towards Lordez’s direction before walking towards the mic.
It went on as the canon depicted. The Headmaster giving a small depressing yet motivating speech to the first year students. The youth wont understand its meaning, but considering they are becoming the guardian of humanity and combating the Grimm, it served its purpose.
As it would sound like a soldier’s last quote.
As Ozpin finished his speech, Glynda tuned in the mic. “All of you will gather in the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow will be your initiation, be ready.” She announced before walking off the stage.
After that, the students began to murmur. Ignoring them, he made his way through towards Ozpin, who was seemingly waiting for him.
“They are too young to understand your words, Ozpin.” He said, feeling most of the student’s confusion to his small speech. “You speak too vaguely, as you have a way with words.”
“I learn from experience, Mr Grimm. And it would rather be foolish for them to be excited about becoming a Huntsman.”
“Understandable and agreeable.” Morally, it is evil. But necessary. The Grimm are a force of evil to counter Humanity. They wouldn't care if you make any mistakes, have titles, popular or not, they will kill you.
“I apologize if we weren't able to-”
Lordez held his hand out, stopping Ozpin from finishing his words. “I am patient, there is no need to worry. And besides, it would be interesting to see how the children will fare in what you are planning for them.”
Ozpin didn’t react, but he felt his shoulders weigh slightly less.
“Of course,” Keeping up the act. “it would be a surprise.”
“Mister!” A familiar voice called out towards them.
It was Ruby, waving her hand out in greeting as she jogged up to them. Lordez smiled, unseen but he returned a wave at hand.
“Ms Rose, unexpected seeing you here.” He greeted.
“You too mister… I didn’t catch your name.” She tilted her head slightly.
Lordez chuckled. “Yes, I wasn’t able to introduce myself.” He held out his hand. “My name is Lordez Grimm, your soon-to-be-teacher of Beacon.”
“Your name is named after the Grimm? And you're going to be our teacher!?” She widened her eyes in surprise. He already expected this kind of reaction.
He would have thought another name for his alias, but he just blurted out his name so suddenly that he didn’t think when he said it, only after. No use crying over spilled milk, but he can use it to his advantage.
“My parents named me that, bland naming-creativity yes, but I got over it. And yes, I will be soon.” He shrugged before switching onto a different topic. “And on to you, I’ve heard from Ozpin that you were recommended to Beacon. You must be quite lucky that he was in a mood.” He smiled slightly, also noting the Headmaster making a smile as he was referenced.
Though, he could tell that he had already known the reason why.
“Yep! Two years early into Beacon!” She said proudly. “I thank the Headmaster for that!”
“You are most welcome, Ms Rose.” He said calmly with a small smile.
Before she could say anything more, Lordez decided it was time to cut it short. He might spill something important if they continued on. “I might suggest you follow on with your sister into the Ballroom, ready up your things for the initiation tomorrow. Rest well for the big day.”
“Oh! Well, see you then Mr Grimm, Headmaster!” She said before walking to her sisters side as they walked towards the direction of the Ballroom.
“...She does look like her mother.” He whispered, and Ozpin heard that.
“You knew Summer Rose?” He couldn’t help but ask. He wasn’t expecting this at all. Sure he did tell her about Summer Rose when he was informing him everything about Remnant, but not Summer’s appearance! For a Supreme Being to acknowledge a weak being such as a human is something of a great honor!
The undead laughed. “No, not personally known no. But I do know of her, not that I know her. A quirky attitude, energetic, optimistic and cute… While her personality is childish, I find it disappointing that she perished before she was able to cultivate her daughter even more…”
Sure he was sad, but leaning more on disappointment that Summer Rose was not able to teach her daughter more about the origins of the Silver Eyes.
And the story behind their clan’s annihilation…
That and also he read some fanfiction that involves Summer Rose’s childhood. While not canon, it made him sympathize with the woman on her clan’s annihilation.
Ozpin on the other hand, was thinking something else. The Supreme Being was blunt, but he held truth in his words. It was a waste that Ruby Rose was not able to know the origin of her silver eyes.
A clan with silver eyes, embedded with the power to harm the Grimm, is a mere fragment/fraction of power given by the God of Light. Annihilated because of a mistake he could never undone, and something that he had regretted to ever waste as such.
“I shall see you on the next day of the morrow, Ozpin.” Lordez said as he walked past by the man and headed towards the exit.
“As to you too, Sir Grimm.” He bowed his head slightly. Staring at the Supreme Being’s back as he vanished at the next corner before walking back to his office and bury himself in the worst thing that he has ever encountered; Paperwork.
. . .
Next Day. . .
Today was the Initiation for the first years.
Lordez, Orm and Misha were standing at the edge of the cliff, facing Emerald Forest. With the exception of the bear curled up in a nap like a dog.
He swore that Nora was looking at the bear with… let's say interest.
The place where the unsuspecting students will be launched into the forest. Also the place where Jaune was obliviously launched and screaming like a girl, much to Orm’s laughter and to the confusion of the gathering students.
“Are you certain you aren't sadistic?” Lordez said as he watched the students ‘flew’ through the air. And seeing a certain girl hitting a certain crow mid-flight.
“I don’t suppose I am one, Mr Grimm.”
Orm chuckled as he sat down on the ground beside Misha, who was still napping.
“I don’t suppose we would be needed in case a surprise is going to happen?”
Ozpin nodded. “Only when truly needed.”
“Hey,” Orm called out to his friend. “Wanna know who would pair up with who?”
“Gambling is not allowed in the school premises, Mr Harkornasson.” Glynda reminded.
“No legitimate item would be done, just a simple friendly guessing bet.” Orm said with a grin.
Lordez raised a brow. Either his friend forgot that he knew what would happen in this part of the episode… day?
. . .
Orm grumbled and mumbled in a childish manner as he watched in his newly-obtained Scroll.
Lordez had won the guessing. And much to his friend’s frustration, knowing who will pair up with who, he totally forgot about that.
They watched as the partners were formed through the hidden cameras planted throughout Emerald Forest.
Glynda pitied the last pair formed, which were Nora Valkyrie and Lie Ren. She would pity them more if she were ever to know their past.
Some secrets however, are meant to be kept secret.
When she mentioned about Jaune being incapable for combat, he totally agreed. Jaune is like a typical naive protagonist wanting to find something in themselves or a goal in their life.
But in time he grows much more later on in the series, something which he admired the boy for his tough resilience, as was his low self-esteem.
The cast meeting up was hilarious on screen, and they managed to recompose themselves when the Deathstalker and a giant Nevermore appeared.
Everything went as it is in the series, so nothing to worry about.
Other than that, Lordez was noting on every single one of them that are lacking in their respective fields.
For example like team RWBY.
Ruby, while deadly fast and versatile with her [Crimson Rose], she lacks hand to hand combat if she were parted from her weapon.
Weiss is flexible in her fighting style, although is rather gullible and arrogant in her movements. Being formal against your enemy won't do you any advantage. In any case, it would just be used against you. Time is important in a battle.
Yang, a rather headstrong fighter that would deliver heavy punches backed with shotgun-gauntlet shots. Her personality is her weakness as was her overconfidence.
Blake, in his terms, was somewhat lacking in power. Her technique however was fine…
All of them though do flashy moves that would cost a second, and a second in combat is important. Less the mobility in their movements, the better they will do in combat.
It would also apply to him and his buddy, considering there are some spells that were ‘flashy’. Such as {Super Tier}, which would require a full damn minute to cast the skill.
That also goes the same to other Hunters-in-training. They are supposed to be the ‘Guardians of Humanity’, not a showbiz.
Once they managed to finish off both the Nevermore and the Deathstalker, the teams then returned back to the cliffs with the relics at hand.
“So, what's your evaluation on them?” Lordez turned to his friend, who was now sitting beside his bear companion.
The viking shrugged as he grumbled. “Needs work.”
“Of course, they are still children.” Ozpin smiled. “It would take time for them to properly hone their skills.”
Lordez smiled, despite his face covered. “Do not worry, they will learn in time soon… It's better for them to be prepared in the face of danger rather than be ignorant about it.”
“You make it sound like they need to grow up or something.” Orm grunted.
“Of course, the present will not last forever. And time will not wait for no one.”
. . .
With the initiations finished, the teaming ceremonies conducted went as in canon.
Although there was a slight change. Ozpin had announced that there will be another initiation be done by the next day.
Lordez frowned but he was expecting this. Although the Headmaster had not told any details about another initiation for the new professor who will be joining beacon, only that there is another initiation.
The man likes to make unexpected surprises it seems. Has something changed him during the previous 3 thousands years ago?
The first years were then transferred into their assigned dormitories when the ceremonies were finished. As it was already evening, barely anyone was out in the hallways.
He could never get used to how spacious the damn hallways are. While in YGGDRASIL, there are lots of places that are more spacious than the Beacon’s hallways, but being here in person is much much more different from just seeing it.
Right now, he was standing on the edge of the Beacon’s cliff, gazing over the nightly horizon.
A real night sky cannot be compared to a virtual sky. It is… different, seeing it personally. It overwhelms him from the beauty of the stars, along with nature.
From time to time he wonders if this was all a dream, a dream to torture him when he wakes up back to reality from a suspected coma. He hated the reality of his world.
Cursed, battered, destroyed and barren.
He knew the flaws of humanity's nature, but he can't help but be angry at his former kind.
‘…This is natural.’ He thought. ‘Dreams cannot become reality… not all of them can become reality.’
He laughed, realizing now that he is thinking similarly to both his former clan leader Alcatraz and that fanatic zealot Leon.
‘Those punks personality is damn rubbing my mind… yet they are not wrong in their mindset.’ As to being ignorant and close-minded on the world is a stupid move. While it would be a bliss to being ignorant of reality, the consequences it would draw to one who is… ignorant as such.
His undead state wouldn't let him sleep, but he was ‘rested’ in a way. Whenever his emotions spiked, he guessed it was the work of the status effect, numbing his feelings. It wasn’t… restricted in a way.
It was more like someone threw a cold blanket at him when he felt hot. Like a sudden temperature change.
He stood like a statue as he gazed at the stars, he didn’t check the time on his scroll on how long he had been sightseeing the night sky as dawn was coming.
Staring at the rising for a few more minutes before feeling the sun glaring into his vision, he decided to go back into the academy.
He suspected that the Headmaster was awake observing him. He felt glad that the man didn’t bother him with questions like before.
The information bomb was still getting into him until now.
He frowned at the future canon events in the show, as some of it made no sense and only revealed little details that he should ever know.
A pity that Monty Oum (Bless the man) didn't manage to finish it. It would have been a hell of a masterpiece.
He spotted Orm walking towards him, yawning as he stretched his upper body. Although the bear was absent, he guessed it was lazing around in his room.
A small smile appeared as a mischievous thought appeared in his head when he imagined a scene where the bear suddenly opened the door and the passersby were shocked to their core on seeing an actual bear inside the building.
“Hey man, mornin’.” He greeted with half the effort.
“Ditto to you. Had a good rest?”
“Hah! Twice the good nights rest!” He whispered-shouted, having the consideration of not waking up anyone else. Even though they are very far away from the dormitories and the staff’s sleeping quarters. “How about you?”
He shrugged. “Watching the night move as dawn breaks calmed me down.”
“Wait, so you didn’t manage to catch any sleep?” His eyes widen at the revelation. “Shit, didn’t think about you on that.” His face cringed in slight embarrassment.
“Someone has to watch the point,” He lamely excused with a joke in his tone. “But all in all, has its benefits.”
“Myeah… An unexpected yet welcoming surprise after all.” Referencing the transfer into this new world. “Ima head to the canteen and grab a grub, wanna come or not? Since you can't… eat and all.”
He smirked. “So you can hog all the food all your own ya prick? Hell no, and correction: I can eat.”
He doubled-take that. “Wait, you can!? And when the hell did you find that out!?”
Lordez shrugged. “Only guessing since I know I can eat based on my race lore.”
Orm deflated. “So you're only… guessing that you can eat?”
He grinned. “Since we're heading to the canteen, we can find that out.”
“We can't let anyone find out you dumbass.” He said seriously, his outgoing attitude gone.
He laughed softly. Amused. “And I’m not stupid enough to do that, not enough motivation to get the memes in.”
They went to the canteen, seeing that it was empty and the kitchen staff were supposed to arrive later in the afternoon and work tomorrow in the morning, considering this is an extended delay due to an Initiation for a new professor as they were told.
But that doesn't mean they couldn’t acquire snacks. There are vending machines that sell snacks, while it wouldn't fill their stomach - the amount of junk food you need to make you full is quite large… depending on how big the bag is - the taste however was enough for an appetizer.
Lordez was unable to find anything that he can consume, for Orm however, used almost worth 100 lien on purchasing snacks and drinks. Eating them like an enthusiastic child would eat their favorite food.
They stayed and converse on their plans on what to do in this place, or rather, this world.
Lordez was still coming up on a draft plan on taking control over Remnant, which Orm was surprised but briefly realized the plan behind it. He supported it, as being idle around time was not his thing.
Lordez, admitting that he wouldn't do much on governing a place, let alone a fucking PLANET. He had some familiarity in RTS games that would involve building a community, city, and a planet.
And he could imagine the stress he will have when dealing with the paperwork… The god damn paperwork.
He could either do nothing or burn this world to the ground and be done with it, and both choices would be very stupid in the long term when the deed was done.
He was no genocidal maniac, nor was he a couch potato. If he wanted something done, he would get it done.
Orm is the same, although he would prefer to do it his own way of… doing things. But most of the time, it worked effectively and efficiently.
It was surprising to see that in him considering his wild and berserk yet precise fighting style. Unorthodox in movement yet with a wasteless form.
Khorne and Orm would act similarly as they sometimes sync in together like a well-oiled fighting machine.
Any more of his thoughts were cut short before hearing the beeping on his scroll. He checked the message sent to him by Ozpin, indicating that the Initiation will be starting in the Training Room about 25 minutes given time.
Replying a short message to the Headmaster before heading towards the place.
“Where you going?” His buddy asked as he munched on another opened snack that contained flavored chips.
“Initiation starts about 25 minutes, I’d rather be there ready ahead.”
Orm laughed, making some of the chips in his mouth fly out. “You act like you’re a student.” He grinned.
“Shut your hole,” He retorted, although without any anger as he knew it was a friendly play. “you coming?”
“I’ll be on your rear in a while, cause my lord, these snacks taste delicious!”
“Wait till we try out real food in awhile.” He replied before leaving his friend to his… munching munchy state.
Although he will go to the Training Arena for the Initiation, he had a thought on changing the use of his arsenal.
Considering the Initiation will be indoors, open and with no cover, the usage of his sniper rifle would be useless. Ozpin, or rather Antonio whom he will be fighting against informed by said man, has nothing aside from his magic that would deal any ranged attacks. Unless he decided to use them while in a cover of it being his “Semblance”.
Speaking of Semblance, he has not yet thought about it until now. He could bullshit literally about anything that would be seen as his own Semblance, but to specify which and how it generalizes his powers would be difficult.
He could use spells to buff him up, and in terms of Semblance would be seen as a Booster. Yet he also has spells that would summon creatures, making him similar to a Schnee; or use his offensive spells but that would be difficult to draw down to.
His inventory, he could bullshit by saying that it was some kind of a Void Inventory that only the user himself could access.
So unless he chooses one right now, it would be the time. But right now he is deciding on which weapon he should carry for the Initiation.
A Combi-Form weapon is quite interesting as it would be able to make the user adapt the combat situation and prowess, but depending on its adaptation usage, he didn’t find it amusing to his style.
Plus, the amount of extra maintenance to deal with said Combi-Form weapon would waste time and resources. Unless he would use the spell {Create Greater Item} and make something similar to it, he would experiment with it next time.
Except the one acting as his ‘gauntlets’, that was an exception due to being available in the game.
Aside from his sniper rifle; the only ones left was his [Dead Ringer] - the scythe made out of bones and its handle wood and wrapped with bandages - and [Stinger] - a yellow-jacketed metal gauntlet that also acts as a mini machine gun. Hypocrisy at its state.
[Dead Ringer] is a weapon that he gained during his mid-level state in the early days. He didn’t throw it away as it was his best weapon when he was level 56 and it was useful in grinding mobs for resources and the prodigal-son of his first ever weapon in life-stealing. An item with a sentimental value and a deadly usage.
[Stinger] however, was a drop from an automaton mob creature he got before in the early years. It was so weak, however, that he only used it to annoy his companions when using its gun-mode. Of course, there was also another thing he found it very useful for a change aside from [Dead Ringer]; was it can literally, when used as a melee, knock back opponents really, really damn far.
On par with the one member of Ainz Ooal Gown who uses a similar item as well.
The sniper rifle was simply just an ordinary firearm… With the mix of multiple enchantments that he added and the bonus piercing-damage against armored targets, it was useful for low-leveled players with builds of range damage or similar to that.
All in all at the end, he decided he would use two of said weapons. Unless he would be using any other thing else, two said weapons came to his mind first.
He thought of that all within the almost 2 minutes real time. The hallways were empty, but he was careful to think by using an empty room to put his sniper rifle into his inventory before walking to the direction of the Training Arena.
It wouldn't take more than 10 minutes for him to arrive, no more than 20 if he took his time.
When he arrived, no one was there aside from Ozpin and Glynda conversing with each other in the middle of the arena as the Witch was using her Scroll to set up the Initiation preparation.
He took a glance at his Scroll and it was only 21 minutes before the events started.
“I see the students are still not yet here.” He commented, making his presence announced as the two turned and noticed his arrival.
“Mr Grimm, there is still extra time before the Initiation begins.” Glynda said sternly.
“True, but there is no harm in arriving early than late in due time.”
“A healthy mindset.” Ozpin said, agreeing to his logic. With Glynda the same.
And if only her students would take in the same mindset as well, then there wouldn't be any troubles in time. Despite her level of tolerance and experience on that from the past students before.
Before any of them could speak, Lordez spoke again. “I will be waiting at the benches, as to not disturb your preparations for today’s event.” He said as he walked away from them.
. . .
As the man headed towards the benches, Glynda couldn’t help but sense the man’s calming confidence in his words. As if he knew he would win the Initiation of being a new Combat Professor.
The other, Orm Hakornarsson, at first she felt that the man wouldn't do much as a security considering his appearance that looked similar to someone from the frontier. His attitude didn’t fit his hulking appearance, and it reminds him of a certain stout hearty professor.
It made her wonder if the two were related somehow, like a long lost relative.
“Skeptical in the man, Glynda?” Ozpin asked as he turned his eyes from the man’s back and towards hers.
“We still know next to nothing on the two. I’ve checked the geographical background on which they mentioned a village there, but there doesn't seem to be any notice in the reports.”
“Well they did mention that the village was isolated, perhaps that their village was well isolated enough that they couldn’t connect with any of the frontier villages…” Ozpin hummed.
“...Why are you defending him Ozpin?” She needed to know. In all her years working with the Headmaster, even when she got promoted as the Mistress of Beacon - the time where he told her the secret war and his immortal life - she still couldn’t understand his lining.
Ozpin was quiet, thinking the words he would say next. If he said something vague, then she wouldn't buy it.
“There is a… recognition on them.” He said slowly, trying to say the correct words. “I know they are not harmful against us, only that they would be if we were to… antagonize them.”
“So they are dangerous?” She narrowed her eyes in suspicion. Then why did he allow them to be in the academy then!? And by recognition, did he know about them long ago?
“...Yes, but I most certainly want you not to harm our relationship towards them. They will still follow us yes, but that is if the circumstances are met.” He said softly as if assuring, though she knew him long enough to hear a hint of concern in his words.
She looked at the immortal in confusion and slight understanding… if she guessed it correctly…
Before she could open her mouth once more, she noticed several students coming in from the entrance before turning into dozens.
“It looks like we are to finish the preparations, Glynda.” Ozpin hummed as he watched the first years, and a couple of second and third years - most likely to witness the initiation of the new professor coming to Beacon.
As they have been in the academy long enough to see what this event is all about.
Glynda sighed in annoyance, feeling a small headache before taking a few finishing touches to her Scroll before the Initiation begins.
Sometimes she couldn’t help but dislike to know that the Headmaster isn't telling her everything…
. . .
It took a while before the event was about to start, and the students filled in the seats as they waited for what was to come.
Lordez had left the room when the first group of students came in, much to the confusion of them.
The First Years were no doubt confused, wondering what this whole thing is about. Though some were informed by some of the Second Years and higher as they had already known what this event was about since they saw this before.
Orm had arrived, standing and leaning at the entrance of the Training Arena. The students were also wondering who the man wearing a bear cap is, even the senior students also didn’t know anything about him.
Ozpin hummed, seeing that all the preparations are ready and the audience now fully here.
He then welcomed those who attended and explained the purpose of their gathering and much to the surprise of most of the students was that a new professor will be participating in the Initiation, with the students being their witnesses and would come to know who their new professor would be.
At first, they thought the man leaning near the door was the new professor, but much to their surprise it was not.
And at the almost dramatic timing reveal, Lordez walked through the doors. Much to the surprise of the first group of students who came into the Training Arena, though some of them had figured that it would be the said person, but with their suspicions confirmed, it is now.
Though some senior students wondered what came for the Headmaster of Beacon to hire this guy as their new professor, as well as the man with the bear cap.
Although, they could agree that the man that just entered had one hell of an intimidating appearance. With the hood shadowing his face and his outfit? It screamed ‘scary’ at their faces.
Most of the students are excited to see what would happen next, with the senior students wondering who will be fighting against the man in the Initiation.
Much to everyone’s surprise - with the exception of Orm and Lordez, as Ozpin informed him about it - it was the Headmaster whom he will be fighting.
The two players were amused by the students’ reactions.
Glynda then explained the rules of the Initiation.
For the soon-to-be-professor to pass is either making him fall out of the circle arena, yield or the aura hits on the red zone. Any weapons are allowed, but he disregarded his sniper rifle as he knew Ozpin would close in to disallow him in distance. Based on what he saw on Ozpin’s fighting, he tends to focus on close quarters using his cane.
But this is an alternate scenario now, Ozpin, or rather Antonio may have a different style in fighting. He will have to be cautious.
Regarding the Aura, he was able to ‘hide’ it using {Unholy Armor} to have it look like it is his Aura. The drawback is that it is pure black and it almost mimic’s the dark mist when they dissipate.
And full on ironically coincidental that his last name is also Grimm.
Lordez and Ozpin went onto the arena and stared at each other.
Lordez pretended to take something out from his overcoat before opening his palm and summoning [Dead Ringer]. He could feel the surprise coming from the audience in present, it was understandable. Seeing that he drew something incredulously big that wouldn't, couldn't possibly fit inside a coat.
Though he could feel the excitement from a certain red hooded girl upon seeing the scythe. Most likely knowing another scythe user is exciting. Aside from Qrow, her mother and the rumored “Death” in the past.
Brandishing his weapon, holding [Dead Ringer] with one hand, he relaxed his stance and letting his weapon down.
Ozpin in return merely pointed his weapon down, his form relaxed.
Normally both fighters would prepare in a stance once the match begins, but for an outside perspective, this looked like a duel between pros.
There was tension in the air as the place was silent, waiting for the next move of both fighters.
“...Begin!” Glynda shouted, starting the match. The students shouted and cheered… Before it died down. And unexpectedly, the two didn’t budge.
It was an awkward situation. Normally in a dual, they got used to seeing the fighters charge forth. But this? This was different. They stared down at each other, as if waiting who would move first.
Ozpin’s expression didn’t change nor did he flinch. They couldn’t see the expression on Lordez’s face due to his hood shadowing it.
And the first move goes to Lordez, but he just… walked slowly. Like he is going for a stroll.
A few seconds afterwards, Ozpin did the same.
The two walked towards each other without a care in the world. It almost provided a calm serenity before the two stopped in front of each other.
Lordez was first to raise his scythe, pointing it towards Ozpin. Its blade was almost in his reach.
The audience was confused as they were astonished. Was this it? Is Ozpin forfeiting the match? Was it fixed?
Questions and questions popped up in their minds, even Glynda as she had no idea what was going on.
Ozpin then raised his cane, pointing it towards Lordez. His cane touched as it clinked onto the side of his scythe, as if a sign of respect.
If anything, this almost looked like watching a show.
And almost suddenly, they blurred. For a second they disappeared, only to reappear the next second. Then the clash of weapons was heard.
Shockwaves came after each clash of their weapons against each other.
Their movements so fast, that even those experienced couldn’t see it properly. It was as if they were fast, too fast for their eyes and brains to comprehend.
It was almost a minute before the blur then stopped. The flow was broken when Lordez drove his scythe onto the ground, its blade sinking deep as the floor cracked and bursted outwards from its impact.
Ozpin managed to jump backwards before leaning in forward again, his speed almost incomprehensible as if he weighed nothing. His cane aiming for his open side.
Lordez couldn’t pull out the scythe in time, so he blocked it with his arm, the chains covering his arm creaking from the impact but never wavering. The undead counter-attacked by delivering an uppercut, but the man swiftly yet barely moved his head to the side, only grazing a cut on his suit.
But the Headmaster didn’t relent. He quickly kicked Lordez in the stomach, it didn’t damage him but he was pushed back away from his scythe.
He had to give credit to the man, no, the Soul Wraith. Whoever his Creator is, he is sure had made him as an impeccable warrior. No waste in movements, honorable, and doesn't give any opportunity to his enemies. Like giving away from his main weapon; the [Dead Ringer].
A wonder to how he did not finish the secret war on Salem. If he was this ferocious in his attacks, then how was Salem able to fare?
He pushed those thoughts away in almost a second as he noticed the Headmaster rushing in.
Grinning as he placed himself in a Muay Thai stance, his arms distancing forwards.
Ozpin delivered his attacks with the same ferocity, as did Lordez, who blocked and dodged his attacks.
The undead saw an opportunity to counter attack him as he held the Headmaster’s weapon at hand. He punched him in the chest before delivering another set of rapid quick punches like a jackhammer.
Ozpin blocked the last attack before swiftly delivering an elbow to the neck. Lordez flinched at that, feeling damage that actually stung. But he quickly grabbed back his cane before sideswiping him with a kick on his side, pushing him away for another 10 meters.
The two stumbled in their position as they regained themselves before entering into another staredown.
All of this happened within the span of a minute.
The audience was just stunned in dead silence. The fight was unlike anything they have seen compared from the Vytal Festival Tournaments.
It was breathtaking to witness the fight.
“Did… Did anyone just see that?” A student stammered before managing to form a sentence.
“We did…” Replied another in a tone of surprise.
“What was that!? That was amazing!” Shouted Ruby from her seat. “They're almost as fast as me!”
“That was awesome!” Yang exclaimed in excitement. “What kind of stance is that guy using!?”
“He knows how to use a scythe, and hand-to-hand combat!?” Jaune exclaimed.
“They're in lockdown again,” noted Pyrrha as the two looked calm… Almost too calm.
“They move so fast…” Blake muttered, her eyes were wide open ever since the first impact of the fight.
The two began to… walk? They circled around the arena slowly opposite of each other, as if trying to find an opportunity of attack. But it came to an unexpected surprise as it seemed to let the man… pick up his weapon?
The man pulled his weapon off the ground, inspecting the blade as he ran his hand over it, as if caressing it. He shouldered the edge of the staff, before crouching down low, very low onto the ground. His body almost touching the floor with his hand supporting his weight forward.
(Imagine Dark Souls 1st Phase Gael)
Then it came to a surprise, his stance looked animalistic, as if mimicking a Beowolf ready to pounce on its prey.
Ozpin had his cane behind him, forming a tail sword stance. Leaning forward and bending his knee, as if preparing a charge.
Blake widened her eyes in recognition. She read a book on something so similar to this moment! A fallen beast and the avenging swordsman.
The scene before her shockingly matched the image she had when she was reading that book!
As if synced, the two leaned forwards and then… They blurred once again before reappearing but the two on each other’s positions, as if they teleported.
Ozpin was at where Lordez was at, and Lordez was where Ozpin was. It was as if they traded places.
But it was different, their weapons were drawn. Their forms still.
*Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep* *Beep*-
The audience looked to where the source of the noise was coming from, and despite what they were looking at, it was unbelievable.
The screen showing both’s Aura… Ozpin’s Aura was at the Red Zone, and Lordez’s at the Yellow zone but almost an inch closer to the Red.
“...Lordez Grimm has won the match” Announced Glynda as she quickly broke away from her shock on the match.
It was quiet, before the silence was broken by a single clap. Then followed another, and then another, and then another, and then many more. It broke into an applause, then cheers sounded out.
Ozpin turned, and many gasped at the sight. His suit had a clean cut across his chest and shoulders, as if someone sliced him. But his body didn’t show any significant blood anywhere.
Lordez turned, and many gasped once again. A massive cut on his outfit torn across from his liver to his heart, showing his charcoaled masculine chest. Much to the blushes from the females, and the small embarrassment and jealousy from the males. From afar it would have looked like there are ‘rough’ spots on his body, but if they were closer, there are scales that seemed to have blended in perfectly with his skin.
There was no damage to his skin at all.
The man inspected himself before shocking with his next action; laughing. His voice was deep yet soothing, it almost didn’t match his intimidating appearance at all!
“You almost got me, Headmaster.” He said as he walked towards the man.
“I apologize if had damaged too much on your-”
“Nonsense,” He waved dismissively, caring nothing about the damage done to his clothes. “What matters is that we are still standing and unharmed. Although I think we can both agree we went a tad bit… too far in our fight.”
The Headmaster smirked. “It seems so, we had gotten too engrossed in it.”
“And so it seemed… I suppose that I passed the Initiation then?”
Ozpin nodded. “Yes, indeed you have. Welcome to Beacon, Professor Grimm.” He stretched out his arms wide, it would have looked proper if not for the damaged clothing showing his chest skin beneath it.
“With the Initiation done,” A third voice appeared, joining in their conversation came in Glynda. “would you two please fix yourselves?”
“Hahahahaha!” Bellowed a chuckled laugh from the viking as he approached them. “It was a good fight brodir! A very good fight!”
Lordez chuckled before pulling back his hood. Then came in more surprise, although it was more on the female side as they blushed at the sight. A very surprising sight.
The partial black scales on his face seemed to add another additional factor of his rugged handsomeness as well. From this, they would assume that he is a Faunus, much to several Faunus students’ surprise as well.
“Look at that sexy~” Yang purred at the sight.
“Oh my.” Pyrrha covered her mouth, though a red tint on her face was noticeable.
Ruby squirmed as she covered her face as it turned the same color as her hood. Blake said nothing but was capsized by his looks, though a blush as there as well.
Glynda looked shocked, though her face has a small hint of tinted red on her face.
“WE HAVE A SEXY PROFESSOR TO JOIN US!” Screamed one of the students, although he swore that it was Nora who shouted that.
Ozpin chuckled at the reaction of the statement. It does look like this year would be interesting.
For Lordez however, he was grateful and thankful that he had chosen to put an illusion to hide his skin tone before he went out of his room.
Although, the amount of surprise he would have gotten if he didn’t, bathing from their reactions to his appearance would have been ecstasy!
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Isekai Izakaya Nobu
Imagine there is a bar, which serves a variety of food and drinks and makes you feel like you have been transferred to another world! The bar, which is called “Nobu”, is located in a back alley of the Old Capital. This is a small tale that revolves around this otherworldly bar.
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The second personality played a cruel joke with the main character, but he did not despair. Having received the opportunity to become a transmigrator, he gets a new life. During sleep, he goes to a new world, the world he dreamed so much about ... The world of Naruto. In his new life, the main character will meet new friends to begin his journey, overcoming all difficulties. Follow him and see how he will conquer this world with his own hands.
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I always dreamed of being one of the Awakened, one of the heroes that fights back the Insanity on his own terms. They’re always pictured driving the newest cars, wearing the latest clothes, using the best gene-mods and implants. They’re supposed to be more than just human. At least, that’s what I thought until I Awakened. Now my life is a mess of corporate intrigue, shifty politics, cyberzombies and at least one group of revolutionaries whose ideas are sounding better every day. I never wanted to be the punk that brought the system down, but the temptation to just glitch out is growing by the minute. Glitch is a Cyberpunk LitRPG set in a near future where some people are given abilities that allow them to do things that no normal human could ever do. This fiction is written, maintained and owned by Edgar Malboeuf. Copyright 2018
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Re: Seven Lives
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Shadowrun: Blake Island School of Magic
It's a high tech, low life. It's the Seattle Metroplex in 2074. It rises like a steel and concrete cancer out of the earth. Poverty is rampant, corruption is everywhere, crime is out of control, corporations basically control everything, the old United States is fractured, magic has come back and now it turns out that humanity has been joined by elves, dwarves, orks and trolls. The old world ended but the rent is still due. Life goes on. You'd be surprised what people can adapt to, especially if they don't have a choice. One of the places where life goes on is just west of Seattle. Surrounded by the waters of the Puget Sound is an island. On that island is the Blake Island School of Magic. A decade ago it was known for producing some of the most talented awakened in the world. That reputation was hijacked by the wealthy corporate elite who now park their teenage children there. And since it's a boarding school, their parents mostly forget about them. Three young people, who are certainly not wealthy or elite, are chosen this year to attend this school of magic in hopes of revitalizing their reputation for talent. One from the ash drifts of the Puyallup Barrens, one from the most densely populated slum hive in the world and one from prison. This is their story. -- This story is set in the Shadowrun universe. If you're not familiar with Shadowrun, it mostly tells the stories of deniable mercenaries called shadowrunners in a cyberpunk dystopia. Instead of telling another story solely about shadowrunners, this story will tell the tale of young people navigating a world that is indifferent to them at best and actively hostile at worst. Shadowrunners will be in the story and we'll see them operate, but they won't be its main focus. This story originally began in 2017 as a passion project and continues to this day on the Somethingawful.com forums. The unedited version is over a million words strong. There are currently seven books in this series and I am currently in the process of editing them. If you read this story then you won't lack for content. -- The Topps Company, Inc. has sole ownership of the names, logo, artwork, marks, photographs, sounds, audio, video and/or any proprietary material used in connection with the game Shadowrun. The Topps Company, Inc. has granted permission to the Blake Island on Royal Road to use such names, logos, artwork, marks and/or any proprietary materials for promotional and informational purposes on its website but does not endorse, and is not affiliated with Blake Island on Royal Road in any official capacity whatsoever.
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Raph x Marcy
this is a story about Marcy (me/OC) AND Raph and their crazy love story starting from when they first met, to their proposal
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