

The laws

Time, space, life and death...

A being who rules above them, A God!

And one who rules above Gods, Sovereigns.

I am such a being... A Sovereign, the last of them not to say the least.

Sigh... Too much time has passed since the creation of the universe and all that remains is cosmic dust, and even that is scattered throughout the continuously expanding universe... Calling it dead wouldn't be an over exaggeration.

And while I could remake most of the galaxies, it will still be dead... The laws have been stretched out too much.

All other beings governed by the four primordial laws will die almost instantly even if I try protect them.

And while I myself with a couple hundred of gods are able to survive, it is uncertain for how long we can go on... Newborn Gods aren't able to survive long enough to develop, and while I could help them survive and develop... For how much longer?

And so I with the remaining Gods made a decision even at the cost of most of our powers and even life... Remake the universe!

A feat inconceivable even by Sovereigns... Most likely they would reprimand me, were they here to see this. Something that's never been done, to recreate our Creator... The difficulty is unimaginable, but we have been preparing since the great Cataclysm.

"Start." I spoke for the first time in billions of years. I used my actual voice, not my spirit to speak!


'So that's how it felt to truly speak with your voice. Normally I can't convey as much information as I want to... not to mention the lack of air and the inability to have vibrations. It's a more cumbersome way to communicate, but at the same time pleasant.' I wondered as I watched all that had created us leave, only to become the base of our new universe.


Our new Beginning!


'Is it a success?' I asked one of the gods as he turned to dust.

This isn't good!

''The universe is leaving us, and only blankness remains'' A God shouted!


The recreation wasn't taking place

'This wasn't the way it was supposed to be, no... It wasn't supposed to be the end, not by my hands!' I quivered at the thought I had destroyed the universe. It was far more complex than anything I had ever seen, I couldn't understand anything even with my comprehension of creation, time and space.

No... I could feel, I could feel it's recreation taking place, and then... Destroyed.

A battle beyond my level... A being eating the re-creation of an entire universe!

You would think you have seen anything, but at the very end you're nothing but a frog in a well.

'Hah, There is no way I'm gonna let it all end like this!' I yelled as I run towards the beast Devouring our universe.

The universe was all slowly collapsing to be re-created, all but the parts that Creation eater got.

I did not know if the Creation eater was a consequence of my actions, or if it had been hiding there all along... waiting for a chance.

But it mattered little. What did matter though, was the final creation of the universe.

Even as I stood next to the beast it paid me no attention, as if I wasn't worth it.

It was going to regret it... I was going to make it regret it!

I tried to get even closer... But quickly I understood that anything I did would be to no avail, it actually ate a portion of my body!

Simply from getting close to it...

I wasn't rush though, I continued watching it as it ate away the bits and pieces of the universe at an astonishing speed.


So far it hadn't eaten even a quintillionth of the universe... But how big was actually the universe, just how much energy did it contain and how much time had passed since it started eating?

All of the Gods were dead, only I stood in the dark emptiness.

I wasn't going to rush anything and head to my destruction, but I couldn't bear watching this continue...

From what little I have managed to understand about the beast is that he can eat... Of course that's what everyone could see.

But I saw a depth below that. It didn't only eat my universe, but it also affected the area around it.

Weird enough? I thought that space existed only in a universe, but it seems that wasn't the case.

The beast's power is tremendous, but that area around him seemed all the more powerful.

The mysteries kept increasing

But in the end it... I knew I would never have the power required to explore all of the existing mysteries even before all of this.

But I also knew I wasn't powerless.

I led the universe to its collapse and recreation.

Eating creation might be and I'm pretty sure that it should have been impossible, but what about moving it?

Normally Gods rule above the laws, but still need them.

Sovereigns go a step beyond that, and not only do they not need laws, but can even create their own.

Of course creating your own law isn't anything easy, nor can that law exist everywhere. Only in an incredibly small part of the universe where you keep it protected from other laws seeking to stabilize the universe

But I went a step further than that, and that's how I kick-started the recreation of the universe.

A law that should be pervading the entirety of the universe... 'Turn!' I used all my power for one command, but that wasn't anywhere near enough to escape, 'Dominate Space' I commanded my law... to dominate the entirety of the space law. My soul trembled and I almost died, but I wasn't just done 'Assimilate'.

That was my limit... If I'm correct this Vail too is a higher law than space, but it's still space.

I felt it connect with my law, and

'Teleport' I moved the entire cosmos but the creation that beast had eaten somewhere randomly.

I used an unfathomable law with a bit of trickery, but I'm sure no one will oppose to that...

My law broke, same with my soul. I couldn't do anything to the beast, but I didn't need to either.

With my fading body I saw the universe collapsing tens of hundreds of millions times faster than before, and from one point... A Big Bang!

'Hah, creation eater 0, last stupid Sovereign 1' I laughed heartily as I faded till there was nothing of me left.

I had succeeded!

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