《Can a holy hero be born from such a person?》Chapter 16: Dungeon exploring part 1


"Both of you, why don't you come straight to the core like usual?" [?]

"We will go to the core, but this time there are some material that we want to collect and I also want to train Alfin and Kucin for their upcoming expedition" [Azumi]

"I take it that Kucin is the black cat tribe beastman beside you?" [?]

"Yup, i'll give you the detail later" [Azumi]

"Oh, one second Bumi" [Alfin]

"Yes princess Alfin?" [Bumi]

"You don't happen to know about Ishmelga aren't you?" [Alfin]

"Not that much" [Bumi]

"is that so" [Alfin]

"sorry" [Bumi]

"No it's ok, Ishmelga is clouded with mystery" [Alfin]

"I take it as a sign you want to know about what will happen next year?" [Bumi]

"Yes!" [Alfin]

"Well, like every being, our memory are also block but we dragon can vouch that it really happen" [Bumi]

"that is more than enough for now, is there anything you like to add?" [Alfin]

"hmm... i think about it since it is better to talk in person rather than telepathy" [Bumi]

"we will meet you in few day" [Azumi]

"Right" [Bumi]

After the short telepathy involving Alfin, Azumi nad Bumi, they found the first undead, zombies in the dungeon, and undead can be kill like any demon either by destroying its core or by using light magic

"Well Alfin, do you want to go first?" [Azumi]

"Sure why not, it's still afternoon outside so it will be far weaker" [Alfin]

"Good luck Sis Alfin" [Kucin]

Alfin, having a high affinity toward the upper 3 element and a below average affinity to fire element take out his magic staff from her item box

Item box is a space element magic, and using it is very hard, for once unlike the common element fire water earth and wind which can be grasp easily, the higher element is a hard concept to grasp, so eventhough there are people having affinity to them, it is hard to master, at best they can use it derivative like light and dark but controlling time space and illusion itself is hard


And Alfin item box not only compromise of space magic, she also applied time stop magic so she can store fresh thing inside and never got it rotten or aged. She taught Azumi how to use it and Azumi manage to make almost half the size Alfin can make and he also add freeze magic to compensate the time stop magic

Her staff have a magic core of Pegasus, a holy wind creature and she brought it by accident when she was taking a stroll in the city for a cheap price at one of the store run by an old couple, she almost have a heart attack when she found out its true value so she pay the couple the market price afterward

She then swing her staff creating a light arrow which pierce the magic core of those zombie in one hit, the zombie scream before dying attract the attention of the other zombie, so slowly their number increase

(just as I planned) [Alfin]

when a large number of zombies gather around she start chanting

"light, envelope us in your space, light dome" [Alfin]

She make the light dome bigger than the one when Azumi fight the fake raja, and most of the zombie trapped in the light dome disappear instantly

the one that escape were once again pierce by Alfin's light arrow magic

""That was fast"" [Azumi, Kucin]

"Oh please, both of you can even do it even faster than i do" [Alfin]

"Seeing Sis Alfin light magic make me wish i have some affinity toward it" [Kucin]

"have you tried the training method i mentioned?" [Alfin]

"I do, but i still don't have any affinity toward the light magic" [Kucin]

they proceed to the stair that will take them to the next floor, they ran into some zombie here and there and Alfin getting more and more better as time passes


"is that?" [Alfin]

"Yup, goblin zombie, they are weaker than normal zombie but more annoying since they are more in number and more agile" [Kucin]

"I see, than in that case" [Alfin]

Alfin begin to pour light mana drawing two magic circle, blinding light and space dome and then

"Oh light which blind my enemy, surround my enemy and destroy them, blinding light dome" [Alfin]

she chant those word and a light dome with blinding light magic in its centre cause the goblin zombie to be destroyed in one go

Chanting, while there are some common chanting, there are also variation here and there and an expert in one particular element can use a whole different chant to get the same effect, that is why when Alfin teach her student, she emphasize that no two chanting can be the same, try experimenting with different chant until they found one that they are most suit with

"perfect!" [Azumi]

"well the stair are right there, so let us go" [Kucin]

""yes"" [Alfin, Azumi]

they go to the second floor

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