《Can a holy hero be born from such a person?》Chapter 15: Alfin dungeon


Dungeon, theorised to be a living monster in a variety of shape such as cave, lake, pyramid etc that have it magical core at it lowest part, with the strongest being in the dungeon usually guarding it. Dungeon is said to spawn treasure to lure man kind there as their mana is said to be a dungeon most favourite food, of course over a period of time some monster and demon also gather there, some of them was born from the dungeon itself while other live there due to the protection factor. While the theory of dungeon as a living organism is common, Alfin doesn't believe in it that much due to simple reason, when a dungeon core is destroy, there are still functioning albeit to a much lesser degree

So she theorised it as a system by nature with a magical core at its centre and a boss beside him gathering mass of energy to further their growth and it just so happen that human is their favourite source of mana, so by using this theory she created the first artificial dungeon, which was named after her, when suggested by a "traitor" disguise as her best friend

As for the core, she uses an enchanted lich lion raja magic core and as for the boss, let just say she is lucky to have an earth dragon itself, as both she and Azumi found the earth dragon heavily injured when Searching for a suitable place for the dungeon, and in attempt to heal the dragon, she merge the dragon as part of the dungeon system healing the earth dragon in the process and making the dragon the dungeon boss. Thus, the dragon swore to serve Alfin dungeon and was given a name, Bumi.

A dungeon is like a golden mine, in fact it can be said even more valuable, as not only treasure, some spot from the dungeon can be used to mine precious ore, not only that, the monster loot and the rare treasure stimulate the economy of the city managing it, as adventure will dive in to get some loot or from a request and send it to merchant guild which in turn sell to other merchant, it is also use as training ground by both adventure and soldier


A unique feature of Alfin dungeon is that the boss is docile, and because she make a rule stating anybody that try to hurt the dungeon boss or the dungeon magical core will be sentenced to death, no one dare to do so. In response, if they managed to make it to the lowest ground, there are small room with simple transportation spell that bring them back to the surface. Because of such rule the dungeon is thriving. Of course, over expansion of dungeon is another issue, so she herself, Azumi and Bumi will regulate the size by manipulating the dungeon core from time to time. Currently, there are 65 floor on these dungeon. Alfin aim to make it hundred floor, in comparison, the lowest floor dungeon ever recorded was the purple sea dungeon at 195th floor

The dungeon being made from lich lion raja core has a large population of canine beast and also undead, some other species is also thriving there but the two mentioned before make up 70% of the monster found in the dungeon, so fauna element and darkness element was the predominant element surrounding the dungeon. The beast will usually roam in the morning while the undead at night, there have been a report of lich being born but a group of A rank adventure have taken care of it, so a warning have been issued to other adventure to be extra careful on the lower floor as lich is really a dangerous demon

Having reach the dungeon, the three of them "bypass" a short line of adventure, they actually line up like the other, but those adventure refuse to make the princess of the country, which is also the owner of the dungeon to wait

"well, that was fast" [Kucin]

"Of course, the princess with a similar name to the dungeon arrive, it will be weird if she have to line up" [Azumi]

"Let not forget who is responsible for the name!" [Alfin]

"Kahkahkah, i love democracy" [Azumi]

having said that, the three enter the dungeon

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