《Can a holy hero be born from such a person?》Chapter 10: Azumi vs Guz


The yearly tradition of Alfin school started on its founding day itself when an orphan girl from the black cat races name Kucin passionately asking Azumi for a battle. She is a girl raised in orphan at capital city and when she heard anyone can enroll to this school, she beg Princess Alfin to let her be enrolled as well, of course Princess Alfin not only enrolled her but the whole orphanage children as well.

She was as expected couldn't even lay a finger on him and proclaim she will beat him next year, in which Princess Alfin set a condition

"Be the best student and i will let you fight him next year" [Alfin]

This fuel her spirit as well as the other students, and for 3 straight year, she became the best student just for a chance to fight him before her graduating from the school. She is currently an upstanding rookie in the capital adventure guild and when Captain Aurora try to recruited her into the squad

"Too many formalities, so no, i'm too lazy for it" [Kucin]

Aurora knew she must have pick this bad habit from Azumi so he blasted him for it, Azumi was conflicted as she picked up his bad habit while Princess Alfin just see it as Little sister taken up some trait from her big brother. Well, Kucin really do think Azumi as her big brother and the reverse can also be said true

of course Azumi and princess Alfin will from time to time go to the school to teach some subject but this tradition remain in the school as it was seen beneficial

"Sir Azumi, is it true that we can have a spar session with you" [?]

"Just call me Azumi, no need for sir etc and yes you 4 can join him" [Azumi]


"and here i was thinking i get the honor of fighting you one on one" [Guz]

"haha, don't be like that, how about this, you have one on one with me then you can join them afterwards and fight me as a group, is that ok?" [Azumi]

"Sure, Guz doesn't have any word in this anyway" [?]

"I do, and yes Sir Azumi I agree" [Guz]

"Just call me Azumi and I will tell your homeroom teacher about it so go and make any preparation that you want, but don't use it as excuse to skip class" [Azumi]

"hear that Guz, Blanc don't be a lazy bump" [?]

""No we won't"" [Guz, Blanc]

The 5 selected student are the best student Guz who is a little bit clumsy, Blanc a naughty student who is Guz and blade best friend, Blade a very quiet boy, Lydia a hyperactive and cheerful girl and Emma a smart mage student

Afternoon 1200pm

All the students and staff have gather in the training hall and currently waiting for the signal to start the sparring session

"Do your best Guz" [Lydia]

Lydia shout from the sideline

"Sir Azumi, send him to his grave" [Blanc]

Blanc shout in response to that

"what an active bunch" [Azumi]

"they are my best friend after all, and Sir Azumi, I will give my best" [Guz]

"likewise" [Azumi]

and the moment arrive Mrs Usagina give the signal to begin the match, Guz a spear user rush to Azumi

Azumi just dash to the right and lightly with his keris swing it to Guz arm

Guz sensing it dash backward and send a water magic to Azumi

Azumi using a wind magic entrapped the ball of water and send it back to Guz, Guz not anticipating it was hit by the wall of water and was thrown away slightly to the back but he get back up within second


Guz then send his mana and make 2 magic circle using both water and fire

"Oh heat, rise the temperature of this water and make my enemy burn, Scald" [Guz]

he then proceed to throw a wind paper containing magic circle to cause acceleration infront of magic circle

the scald water with the acceleration magic of the wind rush to Azumi

Azumi dodge to his left, impress by Guz effort

"I'm not done yet! [Guz]

he still activated the magic circle and at the same use the same technique and launch it again at Azumi, now 2 scald water rush and follow Azumi

"not bad" [Azumi]

Azumi then jump upward and causes the 2 scald water emerge together

"oh scald water, go and chase your target, scald spear" [Guz]

the 2 magic fuse to become a spear shape, and was launch at a high speed toward Azumi

Azumi using his wind mana and earth, make a concentrated shield infront of him, the first to slow down the impact while the later to act just as a shield, the mana spear hit the shield and disappear

(not bad, if he is more skilled, he can control that high speed spear and hit me in the back, well i hope he can do it soon) [Azumi]

Azumi landed gracefully to the ground

Just then, Guz enchanted his spear with the scald magic

the concept of enchanting weapon was consider a lost art few years back and one of the reason the lich lion raja was so hard to kill is that there is no strong light magic user that can kill it from far away, until Azumi came and introduce back the lost art which he self learn and slain the raja by enchanting his keris with light magic. Now he taught the technique to the school, few adventure and the 1st knight squad

After Guz finish the enchantments, he then take a quality circle magic paper which was imbuded with magic of time and wind magic, its for Azumi favourite magic, acceleration so he recognise it instantly

"Here go" [Guz]

Guz then throw his enchanted spear toward Azumi and just as Azumi want to dodge it, Guz run toward him at high speed

(I see, he pretended to use the magic paper on the spear but he actually applied it to himself, not bad) [Azumi]

Guz uses the same scald magic again and launch multiple projectile toward Azumi and once his spear is right behind him, he grabbed it and thrust it forward

Azumi block it using his keris and fling the spear upward, Guz loses his grip strength and in that moment Azumi landed a punch toward Guz abdomen causing him to lie down on floor

"Stop the sparring, The winner is Azumi!" [Usagina]

clap was thrown from all directions for the intense battle, and this make the student especially the new one even more pumped up to study

"Dammit, i even ask Senior Kucin to help me make a quality magic circle paper" [Guz]

(I knew it, those magic paper have trace of high quality monster core, there is no way a student can get it that easily) [Azumi]

"still, it is a good fight, go and rest for 10 minutes and join your friends afterward" [Azumi]

"YES!" [Guz]

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