《Dungeon Siege》They Don't Pack A Punch, But Isshin Does
The sun had just risen. And Isshin wakes. Sat down in seiza position, 'Seems like the knowledge transfer worked just fine.'
"Hail to the Creator, I express my gratitude for giving this one his life." Then he performed dogeza.
'Arise.' I said. 'I shall bestow upon you a name. ISSHIN. From here on out, you shall carry that name and brandish it with courage, bravery, honor, and compassion. With your name you shall seek glory upon the halls that I shall create. With you name you shall instill fear upon those who wish to seek our destruction. Arise, Isshin.'
I can see from Isshin's body, something welled up in his heart core. It build up and then spreads into his whole being. Then he stood.
"I am truly and eternally grateful, Creator." he then bowed almost 90 degrees.
'Why don't you try and move around a bit. Walk in cicles...' and so he did. Even though his whole body is made of hard rocks and metals, it doesn't look like it. His muscles contracting and expanding just like the original ones, it doesn't looked like a stiff solid marble.
'Now go on a slow jog.' he then complied. All seems normal and nothing out of the ordinary. I then ask him to do some other basic movements like running, sprinting, jumping, jumping from side to side, and all other else. 'Yep, all seems what I envisioned him to be.'
Acquire Blueprint: Dire Wolf Acquire Blueprint: Gray Wolf Acquire Blueprint: Brown Wolf Acquire Blueprint: Forest Deer Acquire Blueprint: Forest Hare Acquire Blueprint: Forest Rats Acquire Blueprint: Red Oak Tree Acquire Blueprint: Firewood
After the battery test that I had Isshin conduct, I dug once again going south. The center of the mountain was expanded, I made it dome like. then to the south goes a long tunnel, straight to the outside. I only made a small opening as the entrance, enough to fit a cart. I will expand the entrance, but not today, someday.
I still have no idea what I will put here on the first floor so I had Isshin go outside and collect some specimens. Although I did not specifically ordered him not to kill the animals that he brings here, he brought them all here crippled or knocked out.
And to recount what happened, this is how it went..
The first were a hare and a rat. He didn't need to cripple or knock them out, he caught them only using his sheer speed and strength. The rat and the hare were both squiggling in his grasp all lively.
"Creator, I have brought these. Will they be enough?" presenting to me the hare and the rat.
'Excellent! Very good job Isshin!' I told him, it seems his eyes had shone there when I approved of his effort. 'Now hold them still and I will try to use one of my ability on them.' I said and then exerted my skill "Influence" on them suffocating both the rat and the hare with my mana.
It only took a moment, 'A moment in medieval time equates to an exact time of ninety seconds. Unlike "A MOMENT TO REMEMBER" which took 1 hour and 57 minutes.', for both to be fully under my "Influence". Then Isshin let bot the critters go. The hare hop around and under the shiny core, that is ME, in the middle of the dome. The rat too scurried all and about the room. Both of them taking a glance at the shiny and beautiful(handsome in my case) thang, THAT IS ME. 'Aw shucks!'
Since me praising Isshin spurred him, he took the initiative and venture out once again. It took him a little while actually and he brought a whole pack of wolves with him. And not just any packs, the Alpha of this pack is a Dire Wolf⭐⭐⭐. 'Blue colored name? Does that make it Rare in rating then? And three stars? What does it mean?' I pondered. Welp. Also, he did not, technically, brought them, he was chased. That was my initial thought. But apparently, he let them chase him. Mind you, he was running and fighting them with nothing on. And since I made him to be human like to a point, his dick is dangling there and everything. 'I have to make a cloth for him somehow.' Then a popup surfaced.
Warning! Dungeon Invasion Ongoing!
Threat Level (Difficulty) Dire Wolf⭐⭐⭐ led Wolf Pack (14) 15-30 (Fairly Challenging)
Now this is Isshin's first combat experience, and it's says something about him fighting a whole pack of wolves. So I checked his stat. But before that... queue in the boss music.
Right now I can only play it in my "head"... I will make sure that the last room, where Isshin will be guarding me, there will be a retinue of bards that will have to play this music or at least have them try to replicate it. Bards that will fight back if attacked, it will have a morale check on the enemies and a buffing effect on Isshin.
So onto his stats..
Dungeon Minions
Homunculus Name
Isshin⭐ Level 1
Species Health 1,580 Mana 940 Homunculus (Human Male, Variant)
'One star LEGENDARY rating? The Dire Wolf had three though. Would more stars add if he gets more stronger? Seem like he also gained XP with him capturing the two critters. Anyway, what I want is a more detailed overview. SYSTEM? can you at least help me here?'
Minion Status Overview
Homunculus Name Isshin⭐ Species Homunculus (Human Male, Variant) Level 1 22% Faction
N/A Alignment Neutral
First Born
"First spawned minion and first LEGENDARY all at the same time"
+ 5% to all stats
Guardian Deity
"Spawned a LEGENDARY Guardian Rating at first spawned."
+ 5% to all stats of nearby allies
Combat Stats Attack 474 Magic 201 Defense 210 Magic Defense 110 Accuracy 122.25 Basic Stats Stat Effects Strength 150 +8
+ 474 Damage (Physical)
+ 1,580 Health
+ 47.4 Health Regeneration per Second (Natural)
+ 3,160 Stamina
Dexterity 98 + 5
+ 51 Weapon Damage
+ 72.1 Attack Speed
+ 103 Accuracy
Agility 100 + 5
+ 26.25 Movement Speed
+ 26.25 Evasion
Intelligence 90 + 4
+ 47 Damage (Magic)
+ 940 Mana
+ 28.2 Mana Regeneration per Second (Natural)
Focus 73 + 4
+ 154 Damage (Magic)
+ 38.5 Cast Speed
+ 19.25 Accuracy
+ 7.7 Critical Chance
+ 38.5 Critical Damage
Constitution 300 + 15
+ 315 Defense (Physical)
+ 157.5 Defense (Magic)
Skills Name Level Expertise Description Meditate 1 Novice
"Focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for faster Health and Mana regeneration."
+ 200% Regeneration Rate
'What's the faction for? Isn't he in MY faction?' Anyway, I looked into all of his stats and what I saw really delighted me. 'He have high stats for being just a level 1. Maybe being LEGENDARY has contributed to this? Or is it being a guardian? I guess it's from being a guardian, it only make sense.' anyway, he's currently battling this pack of wolves of 14.
They couldn't put a scratch on him considering that his skin is basically made of rock, but it's as stretchable as a real human skin. The wolves bites were meaningless with his skin, their clawing? Futile. They could only fall down one by one in Isshin's might. Most of the wolves got knocked out since Isshin is fight barehanded, only a few was crippled and then knocked out too. Though most of the wolves tried turning tale, he easily maneuvered over them and blocked their way out. This left them with only desperation even with the Alpha being there, a Dire Wolf nonetheless. But even this Dire Wolf started to cower in his might.
The last of the Dire Wolf's minion got finally knocked out, it thought that it's now or never, desperate to escape this hell hole that they have regrettably entered, it lunges itself on Isshin. Isshin the ever slick one, deftly ducked while also landing a counter punch that knocked down the wolf. The wolf tried to gather it's strength when it saw that no one was now blocking the long hallway that leads to the exit. It quickly jumped onto its feet and started to sprint when suddenly Isshing rushed sprinting to catch the wolf. He caught it by wrapping his arms around the neck and started choking it. Then the Dire Wolf passed out after a few moments, it tried to struggle as much as it could, but with the weight of a rock and mineral homunculus it could not move from where it's being pinned down.
After the whole beatdown. A popup screen then showed.
Gained 21,356 XP
Level UP!
Level UP!
Level UP!
Level UP!
Level UP!
Minion Gained Level! Minion Gained Level! Minion Gained Level! Minion Gained Level! Minion Gained Level!
This battle also netted Isshin 5 levels. All of his stats had increase by 3 per level up. There was also another one that I need to check.
Minion Gained Skill!
Barehanded Combat
So I checked the skill he gained.
Minion Status Overview
Homunculus Name Isshin* Species Homunculus (Human Male, Variant) Level 6 78% Faction
N/A Alignment Neutral Basic Stats Strength 165 +8 Dexterity 113 + 5 Agility 115 + 5 Intelligence 105 + 4 Focus 88 + 4 Constitution 315 + 15 Skills Name Level Expertise Description Meditate 1 Novice
"Focus one's mind for a period of time, in silence or with the aid of chanting, for faster Health and Mana regeneration."
+ 200% Regeneration Rate
Barehanded Combat 1 Novice
"Hand-to-hand Combat without the use of any weapons or tools."
+ 1% Damage when fighting barehanded
'That's kinda neat.'
'Most outstanding Isshin!' I praise the First Born kneeling in "front" of me, the floating crystal in the middle of the room, after he brought all the unconscious wolves into the dome. I then began to Influence them and turn them into my own minions. It took me 4 turns of an hour glass to completely subjugate all the wolves, Dire Wolf, which took the most time for more than a turn and a half. Isshin keeps knocking them out when the wolves comes to. It's much easier to subjugate them that way instead of a conscious one which I tried earlier. It took half a turn.
I gained XP from subjugating them. Earned me 2 more levels which gets me to level 20. I can now have 4 floors. And after I subjugated the wolves, I had them rest, through Isshin, for a while. I had Isshin go out once more, but this time to get some wood, firewood especially. I will try to build a fireplace to keep my minions warm at least.
Isshin returned with the whole tree with him, a Red Oak Tree, while I finished making a firepit in the middle of the room. 'Not that I complain since I can just easily absorb it.' But I did not, I only took the chopped up firewoods for the blue print and that was enough to get me the blue print for the tree and the firewood blue print. So I had Isshin chop up the tree, barehanded, into smaller sections to make firewood out of them. It was quite easy for him.
I can't quite figure out where I wanted to put the fireplace since I am situated in the middle, by the way; floating myself up also consumes mana rather than being stuck on a wall or on the ground or ceiling. So I opted ino settling at the northend of the room to make way for a firepit in the middle. I willed the Winds of Magic to form some kind of pedestal where I will set myself for now.
And by focusing my will into Isshin, I was able to see through his eyes. I can now see myelf, what I looked like. I was now a fist sized cyrstal thay looked like obsidian but not quite really. From a distance I might looked like a black crystal, but upon closer inspection, it's blue. A very very very very deep blue. And I am spherical in shape so I looked almost like a tiny blue planet hovering on the pedestal.
And with that, I asked Isshin to start a fire since I still haven't leard any fire spells, even when I was still human. The only fire skills that I got to use was when they were attached to my weapons. I never bother learning magic spells anyway.
I gave Isshin a set of instructions on how to start a fire.
'Build a tinder nest. Your tinder nest will be used to turn the ember you create into a flame. Make a tinder nest out of the dry barks of the tree.
'Make a fireboard then make a notch on it. Then make a spindle, ideally a straight to feet long stick. Make it out of a branch.
'Place the bark underneath the notch. The bark will be used to catch an ember from the friction between the spindle and fireboard.
Start spinning. Place the spindle into the depression on your fireboard. Maintain pressure on the board and start rolling the spindle between your hands, running them quickly down the spindle. Keep doing this until an ember is formed on the fireboard.'
"Yes Creator, your will be done!" he enthusiastically replied and then get on with it.
As the Dire Wolf started to come to, I asked Isshin while he's trying to build a fire to have the Dire Wolf go out and hunt something for them, for his pack, something to eat since it has no injuries or not crippled. For I don't quite know yet if they can understand me if I oredered them directly, 'I might ask Isshin later.'
After a while, the Dire Wolf had returned, with a quite dead deer on its jaws. I did not gain any XP in that matter, but I gained the blue print though. It just set it down at the entrance of the dome so I tried to order it to set inside next to the firepit.
And it did! That means I don't have to ask Isshin anymore then.
'Sit.' I ordered,it did. 'Roll.' just to confirm. It followed what I told it to do. Seems like I can control my minions, well in a way with ordering them only. I don't know if I can, like take full control of their body. Or if there's an ability for me to use that's kinda like that.
Well, simce the return of the Dire Wolf, all the other wolves have come in to. I had them gathered around the firepit while Isshin finally lit a fire and the hare and the rat were just scurrying all about without any proper order. Some of the wolves limped over by the firepit whlie some were perfectly fine. I had all of them rest so they could heal from their injuries. 'I hope the crippled ones turn back to normal with the help of mana.' I prayed. Because if they don't heal, I might have Isshin put them down. Bit I hope it does not need to come that.
After they have gathered, I ordered them to have a feast of the deer that was brought in by the alpha. I had the most injured wolves have bigger portions, they might need them to heal up good. Isshin also took some meat. I had him skewered it in some branch and cook it by the fire. I wanna see if he also had any senses like sense of taste.
'Does it taste anything? Is it hot still?' I asked him to take a bite after it got quite cooked.
"I beg your pardon, Creator, but I cannot quite tell what it taste for this is the first time that I have this. And.. I don't know what is hot. I am sorry Creator, this one has failed you." he proclaimed while doing a dogeza sounding quite distressed by this predicament.
'No need to apologize, you have done nothing wrong. Instead, it is quite good to know what you think of those things. You have done well.'
"I am eternally grateful, Creator." he said and then proceeded to eat what's left of the skewer.
I did not get any deer skin blue print or if there' s anything like that. As Azunai the adventurer, the only way to get animal skins amd hides and leather are to trully process them. Would I still need to do that to? It's a bummer that I can't still get anything for clothing materials. Welp. Isshin need to bear a little longer then.
Anyway, as the day comes to an end amd the night succeeded, I had all my minions and Isshin sleep for the night. Tomorrow shall be another day.
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