《The Kissing Game》Chapter 9


I was tall, but incredibly thin. My arms barely carried any fat or muscles, and the same went for my legs. I had never been athletic either, so I wondered what I would do if another boy tried to force himself on me.

I never thought I would be in that situation since most people left me alone, but thanks to the kiss I would be in that situation multiple times. And each time, I knew the guy would use his strength against me, leaving me defenceless. At the thought of Eric, I became nervous as I shut my locker.

Class would start soon, but I went to my locker to grab my textbook. And while I was there, I had allowed myself to think of yesterday. Nothing had really happened today, but still I couldn't help but worry. Especially after finding out how helpless I was in the situation. If Axel hadn't come, I wondered what would have happened.

Axel. Something in my heart stirred and I groaned, titling my head back. He was becoming troublesome in a way I couldn't control. And if I were to be completely honest, I was terrified.

Noticing I had five minutes left, I decided to go to the washroom to calm down. I had English next and with Axel there, I couldn't go to class with my cheeks so red. If I did and he figured out it was due to him, I would die of humiliation.

Walking quickly, I went to the washroom and went straight to the mirror. No one was around - thankfully - so I stood in front of the mirror, staring at myself.

My cheeks were tinted red and my round, chocolate eyes were wide. My long, blonde waves hung around me and I sighed, wondering how I looked as I began to fix any stray strands of hair. I hated myself for caring about how I looked all of the sudden, but I couldn't help it. It had become a bad habit in senior year.

Suddenly, the door to the washroom flew open. From the reflection in the mirror, I saw three, gorgeous girls enter. In the movies they would be your stereotypical, popular mean girls, but in my school they were just some girls in my grade. At least, I thought that was the case.

"Is that you, Zoey?" one of the girls asked.

As they all stepped closer, I recognized them. The blonde was Louisa, the short brunette was Amy, and the tall brunette was Ashley. Louisa was the one who had spoken.

I turned around to face the three girls and saw that they were all smiling at me. Staring at them, I then realized they were wearing fake smiles, so I crossed my arms over my chest, wondering where this was going. I was oddly thankful that girls were confronting me, knowing I didn't have the strength to take on guys.

"Yes," I finally said, eyes hardening at Louisa who began to smirk.

"Cute name." She stepped forward, placing a hand on her narrow hip. "For a bitch, I mean."


I rolled my eyes, tired of people throwing around the word bitch. It was used too lightly in today's society, and I hated it.

"What do you want?" I asked flatly.

"Why are you keeping the kiss?" Amy asked, scowling.

"Yeah," Ashley said. "Why are you ruining the game?"

"Why do you care so much?" I shot back.

"It's a tradition here. It means a lot to us," Louisa spat. "I don't know why you're ruining it."

I shrugged, tired of talking to these girls already. They had a judging aura around them that I didn't like, and I had a bad feeling they were also dramatic.

"Answer me," Louisa snapped, annoyed. "At least give me a reason."

"The reason is as simple as this," I said, smiling sweetly. "The game is stupid. All of you are a little too obsessed with it. I'm doing this entire school a favour by keeping the kiss."

Their eyes went wide and I simply smirked, which led to them narrowing their eyes at me. I noticed how offended they looked and I knew I needed to leave soon.

"The game is... Is fun," Louisa said, stepping forward with a look of annoyance. "You're such a mood killer. No wonder everyone hates you."

"Hun." I cocked my head to the side and pouted at her. "Are you upset about the fact that no guy will kiss you now that you don't have the kiss."

Her jaw dropped and Amy and Ashley's eyes went wide with horror. Knowing I might've went too far, I tried to go past them, but suddenly Louisa grabbed my arm. She pulled me back hard and I stumbled towards the wall. My eyes went wide as my back hit the wall and before I could even react, I was cornered by the three girls.

All of their eyes were filled with hatred and their hands were curled into fists. My eyes darted around, hoping for an escape, but there seemed to be none. I gulped, realizing I had messed up.

"What the hell did you say bitch?" Louisa spat. "Don't you dare talk to me like that. No one as ugly as you has the right to talk to me like that."

The other girls nodded in agreement and I heard the bell ring. Class began and with my heart racing, I knew I was both late and in huge trouble. This couldn't be happening.

"Look," I began. "I-"

"Shut the hell up!" Louisa snapped, bringing her hands up. "If you're not going to pass the kiss, I guess I have to make sure someone takes it from you."

My eyes went wide with horror as her hand flew to me. I winced and was surprised when her hand went to the front of my v-neck, grabbing it at the end of the v, and pulling it down. She yanked it so hard that my shirt tore open and I gasped. The girls laughed and humiliated, I tried to cover myself with my hands.


"Now guys will force themselves on you," Louisa shrieked, laughing. "Someone will definitely steal the kiss!"

"Louisa, we should tear her clothes some more," Amy said, grinning maliciously. "Let's make it so that guys can't help but force themselves on her."

Louisa grinned the same way. "Good idea."

My eyes went wide with horror and I tried to look for a way to escape, but I couldn't with the three girls blocking my way in the small washroom. That left me unable to do anything as I tried to huddle into the corner of the room, knowing that I couldn't do anything. I knew that I could fight, but violence was never something I was fond of. That was why with fear pumping through me and with my face red with embarrassment, I just hoped it would be quick.

Amy yanked my hands away from myself so that I was fully exposed to them and Louisa's hand flew to me. But before she could do anything, the door to the washroom flew open and to my utter surprise, Axel came into view. When he saw the situation, his eyes went wide and they then flared with anger as he stormed towards us.

The girls all looked at him, gaping as if he was a god. To my surprise, Axel grinned at them suddenly, which brought blush to their cheeks. I simply stood where I was, staring at the scene before me.

"Hey ladies," Axel simply said. "What's going on?"

"Nothing," Louisa answered happily. "Just teaching a bitch a lesson."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Can I join in?"

My eyes went wide as they nodded their heads eagerly. He grinned and stepped closer to Louisa, causing her to flash him a smile. The moment she did that his grin fell and his eyes darkened, catching all of us off guard.

"Look. If I see any of you speaking, touching, or even looking at Zoey, I'll make sure you wished there was no such thing as The Kissing Game," Axel said, his voice like ice. "Got that."

Their eyes went wide with horror and I stared at Axel, caught off guard. But unlike yesterday, I was grateful. So grateful he was here and saving me from complete humiliation and the chance of getting forced on.

"A-Axel," Louisa stammered. "Why are you standing up for her?"

"Did you here me?" He glowered at her. "I swear to-"

"Okay!" Her face fell. "Fine. Let's go girls."

Without another word, all of the girls rushed out of the room. Fear was written across their faces and I should feel happy. The sight should be making me smile, but I just stared at Axel, stunned by everything. A couple of girls had basically assaulted me and I felt humiliated, standing there without being able to fight back. With what happened, I knew that I couldn't do this anymore. Not with how crazy my classmates were.

Axel looked at me and then abruptly looked away, causing me to flush when I realized my shirt was torn. Hugging myself, I wondered what to do, but then Axel suddenly shrugged off his leather jacket. He walked over to me and with his eyes still averted, he handed it to me. I stared at him, surprised.

"Take it," he said gently, staring at the wall. "It's fine."

I felt odd taking it, even though there was no other option. So I just stood where I was, staring at him. Axel then sighed and he looked at me, looking sad. Gently he then took my hand and I allowed him as he put it through the arm of his jacket. Pulling me forward, he helped me into his jacket.

As he zipped it up, he said, "Our school is pretty messed up."

"It is," I agreed, happy when he stepped away.

My cheeks were flushed from what he did and looking down, I saw that his jacket was big on me. People would probably know it wasn't mine, but there was nothing I could do. And if I were to be honest, I couldn't care less about what they'd think. After this incident, I realized I had news that would make me wearing a boy's leather jacket insignificant.

"How are you so calm?" Axel then asked, staring at me with these gentle eyes that made my heart stir.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "It's just the way I am. I internalize everything."

It was true. Even though I was upset, scared, and embarrassed, I tried not to dwell on it. I just tried to push forward and think of the future.

"That's not good," Axel said, suddenly grabbing onto my arm. "You're going to blow up one day."

I was about to say something to that, but suddenly, Axel pulled me forward. I crashed into his chest and his arms flew around me, bringing instant comfort. It was strange and I couldn't help but sigh, knowing I needed this. So hugging him back, I decided to just let it out.

"You were right," I said, burying my face into his chest. "I regret keeping the kiss."

"Our classmates our assholes." He stroked my hair gently. "But don't let them win. Don't give in."

"I won't. I mean, I have to give them something so that I'm... Safe. But, it'll work for the both of us. Kind of a negotiation."

Axel stayed quiet for a moment and I allowed the peaceful silence to overlap us. Being in his arms was oddly nice, so I closed my eyes and allowed the moment to seep in. It was a rare moment and I couldn't help but savour it.

Eventually, Axel said, "Okay. As long as you're happy, do what you think is best."

And with those words, any upset feelings vanished. Knowing someone was supporting me, I felt like what I would do tomorrow would be right. For everyone, it would bring peace to my school.

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