《The Kissing Game》Chapter 8


"I hate our grade," Hannah said, huffing. "They're all so obsessive over a stupid game."

I couldn't help but smile, knowing Hannah once sided with them three weeks ago. It was amusing to see her finally come to her senses as she glared at our fellow classmates.

"Don't waste your time giving them a reaction," I said, placing a hand on her shoulder. "They're not worth it."

"I know." She sighed. "But they threatened you. They called you rude names and they won't freaking stop looking at you. Honestly, they're looking at you and I feel uncomfortable."


Hannah shook her head, looking upset. I couldn't help but feel guilty, knowing it was taking a toll on her. Having to put up with these people was draining my energy, and slowly, I found myself withering. It had only been three weeks, yet I was done with everything.

Looking up, I saw a group of boys staring at me. They stood at the side of our English classroom in a group and they seemed to be studying me. Since I was used to it, I simply stared back at them. They then proceeded to roll their eyes and ignore me.

"I don't know how you just take it," Hannah said. "I always thought you were strong, but this proves it."

I looked over at Hannah and grinned, delighted over the compliment. She smiled back, but I noticed the worry in her eyes. I wished there was a way to reassure her, but I knew she was the type of person to worry easily. Because of that, I simply ruffled her hair, earning me a grin from her.

"No wonder you're not passing the kiss. You're a closeted gay," someone suddenly said.

I whipped my head to the guy who had spoken and saw that it was one of the boys who had stared at me. His group was behind him and they looked angry, and I simply narrowed my eyes at them. I was prepared to fight.

"At least I'm not an asshole." I smiled at the guy. "And gay is supposed to be an insult? What century are you from?"


His eyes narrowed at me. "Zoey, you need to watch your mouth."

"Why? So that I don't hurt your feelings?" I pouted. "Poor baby."

I noticed one of his friend smiled, but they were quickly shoved away by another. The other guys besides the one I was talking to then proceeded to shove each other around, angry, and I simply rolled my eyes. Guys were so stupid sometimes.

The guy in front of me suddenly placed his hands on my desk. He gave me a smirk as he leaned forward, bringing his face nearer to mine. Catching a whiff of his stinky breath, I tried to subtly move away.

"I think you like me," he said, eyes shimmering with mischief. "Girls are always sassy to the men they like."

"What?" I blurted out, flabbergasted. "You have to be joking."

"No." He leaned closer. "I'm definitely not."

He kept moving forward and I tried to move back, but I couldn't do much with my chair being attached to my desk. With wide eyes, I watched as he kept coming at me. It seemed like he wasn't going to stop and annoyance filled me, wondering what he was doing.

"Eric, stop," Hannah said next to me, sounding worried.

Eric didn't. He kept moving his face to mine and I quickly put my hand on his mouth, seeing that he was puckering up. My heart was racing with nerves and I stared at him, my eyes bulging.

"What are you doing," I snapped, my voice shaky.

He shoved my hand away and said, "I'm going to kiss you. I'm going to help the entire school by taking the kiss from you."

Eric held my hand to the desk and when I tried to use my other hand to block him, he did the same thing. He then began to zoom in on me and I tried to squirm away, but it was hard with him holding me. Hannah gasped next to me and I saw her about to intervene, but suddenly, Eric was shoved away from me. He fell to the ground and with my heart pounding, my eyes went to who stood in front of me now.


Axel stood there, glaring down at Eric. Rage was coming off of him and with wide eyes, I watched as Axel loomed over Eric. I had never seen Axel look so angry.

"What the fuck!" Eric exclaimed, scrambling up. "What was that for? I was trying to help everyone."

Axel suddenly grabbed Eric's shirt, pulling him to him. Their faces were close and with Axel's fury so evident, I noticed that Eric shuddered. The sight pleased me, even though the scene in front of me was worrisome.

"Don't you ever dare touch her," Axel growled. "I swear to god if you ever do I will kick you ass.

"What?" Eric looked confused. "I... Why the hell do you care?"

"Did you hear me!" Axel pulled Eric so close that I could tell that all Eric could see was Axel's cold eyes. "Don't ever go near her again!"

Eric and Axel stared at each other for a bit. Eric looked confused, but it was clear that he wouldn't test Axel. With how mad Axel seemed, anyone with a brain would know not to mess with him. With my chest rising and falling quickly, I hoped Eric would just walk away.

"Fine," Eric said finally, causing Axel to push him away.

Eric turned around and stormed off, muttering something I couldn't understand. Axel simply shook his head, but then he looked at me suddenly. When his eyes met mine, magically, all of the anger in him vanished. He was suddenly calm and one of his eyebrows quirked up, leaving me dumbfounded by the sudden change.

"Didn't I say to call me when you need help?" Axel asked, staring at me.

"Didn't I say I didn't need your help," I shot back, oddly defensive.

He gave me a look and I looked away, knowing I should be thankful. But with him, it was hard. I was just so used to hating him that it was hard to feel anything but anger towards him. That was why, I scowled at him.

"I'm fine," I said, serious. "Okay? I don't need you to use me to unleash your anger on others."

At that, Axel grew annoyed. It was clear in the way his eyes darkened, but he didn't say anything. He simply shook his head and ran his fingers through his hair, and then turned around.

"I don't know what to do with you," he muttered, walking off.

I watched him shove his hands into his pockets and saunter off to his desk. Once there he plopped down and just sat, staring at the table. He didn't look back once and that left me staring at him, wondering what he meant.

"Are you okay?" Hannah asked, bringing my attention back to her.

"Yeah," I answered immediately.

Forgetting about Axel, my mind went back to what happened. My heartbeat raced at the thought that someone was about to force themselves on me and I then felt sick, realizing just how desperate my peers were getting. If they were willing to do this, I needed to start being careful.

"Well, well, well," Hannah then said. "Since when did the hottie become your security guard."

"He's not." I rolled my eyes, but I couldn't help but blush. "He's just putting up an act to win the kiss from me."

"Are you sure?" she asked. "He seems to care about you. I mean, I'm a bit heartbroken. But, if someone were to win his heart I'm happy it's you."

"Wow, how touching. You're letting me get the boy I hate."

"Zoey, I think you're the one putting up an act here. I know you don't hate him."

I didn't say anything to that, but I felt more blood rush into my cheeks. It was embarrassing and looking away, I knew she was right. For some reason I was forcing myself to hate him, but I didn't know why.

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