《Meeting the Millers》|04| Mindset transformed


I felt better this morning, my migraine disappeared and I was able to get up without any problems. I also had the chance to speak to Melissa over the phone, she wants me to come over at around 4:30 this evening. I did my usual routine this morning, the only difference is that I was actually happier this time, my thighs don't feel as large as they did yesterday. Now physically you can't transform in twenty four hours, but your mind can.... If that even makes sense.

My thoughts kept reminding me that I did good yesterday at the gym.... I agree even if my body doesn't.

I let my hair drop down to my back before heading downstairs, Enzo's still annoyed at me but I could care less at the moment. He got the car back, let's move on "Hi C" Matteo says from the front room

"Hey Matty" I ruffle his hair before walking into the kitchen

"Morning daddy"

He's working today, I can tell from his attire. "How do you feel Mi hija?" He asks softly

I half smile, "Better"

He places a kiss on my head, "That's good to hear. Your mom and I won't be home tonight so I'll see you tomorrow"

I say bye and with that he walks out the door, "Hey, you good?" Santi asks as he walks in

"Yeah why?"

"Lola said you weren't feeling well last night"

I wave it off, "I'm ok, how's Adri?"

"Still in a mood, she's staying home"

Of course

I nod as I check my phone

"See you in school"

"Try not to fuck Dylan" He teases

"Fuck you" I say amused, he grins as I walk towards the door

"Later Matty"


I passed Enzo on my way out of the house, he was coming in. I ignore him as I head over to Sienna's car and she smiles as I get in. "Hey Rodriguez"

"Hey Moretti" I reply

Sienna's Italian, one of the reasons I love going round her house is because her mom is an amazing cook. She makes the most amazing carbonara and I begged her to teach me how to make it like her, "So what am I hearing about you finding a job"

I told her when we texted last night, I was too happy and I just gad to let someone know, "You can officially call me a babysitter" I say proudly

She pulls out of my driveway. "How rich is the family?"

I scoff, "Rich enough to buy both of ours, she's paying me 100$ an hour"

Sienna raises her eyebrows with shock, "Don't forget to share, what did your mom say about it?"

I snort, "Bold of you to assume that I told her"

"You haven't?"

My mom and I rarely talk to each other about ourselves.

I shake my head, "You and I both know that she hasn't asked about my life in years"

"Well anyhow, I'm proud of you"

I smile in return

"How did you even land that job anyway?" She frowns

"It's not like I went out expecting to get it, I saw Grace trying to cross the road and I noticed that she was alone so I helped her get back home" I shrug

"Right.... The quiet child, correct?"

"She has selective mutism"

She takes off her seatbelt after parking, "Well make sure to tell me how it goes later"

We get out of the car and I link arms with her as we head inside. Our favourite redhead just so happens to be standing by the lockers..... she's not alone. Sienna and I look at each other and then back at Zoe before walking towards her, "Aaron?"


"Well if it isn't my other two favourite white people" He throws an arm around both of our shoulders

Aaron, also referred to as A- aron. Lastly referred to as the person that Zoe has been crushing on for god knows how long, it's cute honestly. You can never really tell what his motives are though, he flirts with everyone.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I ask

"There's a party at Eliza's this weekend"

"Friend stealing Eliza?" Sienna frowns

Junes replacement

"What?" Aaron says confused

"Yeah, that Eliza" Zoe clarifies

"I've been put off" I say truthfully

"You definitely have to come, your siblings will be there" Aaron persuades

Ok I'll be real, I love going to parties with Santiago and Adri. I'll ask if they're actually going, Sienna narrows her eyes. "What about Enzo?"

Why does it matter if Enzo goes?

Zoe frowns, "Who cares, we're going"

Sienna looks at me expectantly and I sigh, "Sure"

She smiles excitedly, "See you ladies there" He salutes before backing away

Zoe's smile is so evident, she might aswel have a sign on her head that says I like Aaron, "I think your drooling" I tease as I reach over to wipe her mouth, she swats my hand away

"Shut up"


"Santi give it back!" I hear Matty shout as I enter the house

"Come get it pussy" I don't know what they're fighting about but the next thing I know, Santiago's running up the stairs and Matty's following along. I walk towards the backyard after noticing Enzo standing outside with a blunt in his hands, he watches me walk towards him as he exhales. The sun shines over the two of us, browning our hair even darker than it used to be.

"Look I'm sorry for taking the car ok?"

"Why was it so hard for you to ask"

"Cause mom really pissed me off and I just wanted to leave" I say truthfully

"You were gone for three hours"

"I know..... but I got a job" I reply

He frowns, "What?"

I smile a little, "Yeah it was unexpected.... I took this little girl home after she got lost and her mom asked me if wanted a babysitting job" I shrug

"Props to you" He says amused

"I'm actually supposed to go there in a hour....."

Enzo sighs before taking his keys out of his pocket and handing them to me, I smile as I take them. "Gracias"

"Shut up" He replies before inhaling

I never really understood the concept of smoking.... Except for the fact that it can be relaxing at times, one's thing for sure is that my dad hates it. He knows how much it can ruin you and that's why Enzo makes sure he doesn't do it around him, Daniels lucky that he's at college and can smoke whenever.

"Enzo" I suddenly say

"Carmen" He says in the same tone

"You and Sienna aren't hooking up are you?" I ask

My brother frowns at me, "Why would you even think that"

"I'm just asking..... are you?" I ask curiously


I nod slowly, I don't know why I felt relief when he said this. "Cool" I reply before stubbing out his blunt, he looks at me annoyed and I shrug before going inside.


I had to get out of the car to buzz the intercom, Melissa opened it for me after awhile and I drove through the black gates to enter the Miller driveway. I parked the car besides the fountain, once again I don't think I'll ever get used to the amount of space around here.


As I walk up the steps I can't help but notice that my thighs still feel a little sore from yesterday, so do my abs. I ignore the feeling as I knock on the front door, it's opened by a lady who looks a little older than Melissa. I have a feeling she's a maid, it fits the rich people scene.

The lady smiles at me, "You must be Carmen"

I nod in return, "Yeah I-

"Carmen, come in" Melissa gestures from the kitchen

The lady opens the door wider for me, "I'm Julia"

"Nice to meet you Julia" I reply before walking past her, she's so nice.

"Take a seat" Melissa offers. I sit on the spinny chair behind the island

"How are you?" She asks

"I'm good, how are you?"

Melissa smiles, "I'm ok"

My eyes are drawn to the sheets laid out on the table, "So this would be your work schedule, I thought it'd be easier to show you like this"

I nod as I read, "Yeah this works"

"So Monday- Friday Julia will pick Grace up from school and you wouldn't have to get here until 4:30"

I'd be working from 4:30-8:30 which is fine by me, that means I make four hundred dollars a day, I'll be fully loaded by the end of the month for sure. "Does Grace have any interests?" I then ask

Melissa nods, "Painting, drawing, dressing up, she loves all of that"

I smile, "I can do that"

She stands up, "I guess this would be a good time for you two to properly meet"

"I'll wait in the living room"

I know I shouldn't really check my phone at a time like this but I'm curious to see who texted me.


I turn off my phone as Melissa comes back down the stairs with Grace, I learned that she was six years old. "Grace, remember Carmen from yesterday?" Her mother says

She looks up at her and nods before looking back at me, "She's gonna be your new babysitter"

I smile, "I'm looking forward to getting to know you Grace"

She doesn't show any signs of disagreement so I have a feeling that all signs are a go, "How about we-

The front door opens before slamming shortly and Julia frowns as she looks back. I didn't actually look back to check who entered the house since I was too busy assessing Grace's body language.... But then I heard them speak. "Who the fuck is this?"

I frown as I turn around

No fricking way

Before me stands mr blue eyes, a.k.a mr chestnut hair, a.k.a CARTER. Somebody grab me a gun or something, this is horrible.

"Carter I want you to meet Grace's new babysitter, this is Carmen-

"Why the heck would she need a babysitter?" He says confused

Grace runs towards him and he picks her up before giving her a little smile, his eyes then meet mine and he takes the time to asses me.

Like I said I hate when people fucking do that, it's a weird way of getting a first impression of someone, although it shouldn't really be a first since we're in the same history class.... And English class, I doubt he knows that though.

I just don't understand how I could miss something like this-.... Wait a minute, Carter Miller.

No wonder

"Because I always have work and your sister needs someone to look after her-

"That's what I do, we don't need an unexperienced teenager to do it" He says annoyed

"Right and where were you when I found Grace trying to cross the road all by herself?" I question

Julia's standing in the kitchen but I can see that she's narrowing her eyes at me curiously. Then there's Melissa who's looking at me surprised, has no one stood up to Carter or something? "No offence but I wasn't talking to you-

"Well your talking around me and that's the same thing"

"Grace doesn't need a babysitter" He says to me

"You don't get to make that decision" Melissa replies

"Well I should get a say in the matter-

"Carter I'm not arguing with you right now" She says annoyed

I don't know anything about this guy except for that fact that he's a dick and he has no respect for his mother. He looks directly at me, "You can leave now"

"No I think I'll stay just to piss you off"

"We don't even know you-

"Well if you opened your eyes then you'd know that we go to the same school, matter of fact we're in the same grade"

He frowns, "Really?" Melissa says surprised

I pick up my phone from the couch before nodding and Carter walks away with his sister.

What a dick

I sigh at Melissa, "I'm sorry he just really pissed me off and-

"No it's quite all right, that's the first time I've seen someone else get the last word with him" She says amused

I snort, "I hope this hasn't scared you away from the job" She then says wearily

"Not at all, I'll be here tomorrow at 4:30 exact"

She smiles, "Thank you Carmen"

"No problem, I'll see you tomorrow"

"Are you sure you wouldn't like to stay for dinner?" She questions

"I'd love too, but I should probably get home"

She nods with understanding, "See you tomorrow"

I smile a goodbye to her and Julia before leaving the house. Before I was excited for the job, I still am but now not as much... especially after figuring out that Grace isn't the only child.

You know that sixth sense you have when you feel like somebodies watching? That's what I have right now

I turn around before looking up at the higher windows, there stands Carter watching me. I lift up my middle finger as I back out of the driveway and he narrows his eyes.


My eyes light up after noticing my oldest brother standing by the stairs, I jump onto his back and he scoffs. "Aren't you a little too old for piggy backs?" Daniel says amused

"Never" I reply as he leads us to the front room

"I hear you have a job"

"Mhm, I start tomorrow" I reply

"How much is the pay?"

I frown, "What's with that question?"

"Because, you can't sign up for a job and have a shit pay" He replies

"Five days a week, from 4:30-8:30, pay is a hundred dollars an hour. Is that all?" I say amused

"Holy shit C" He says surprised

"Can you guys move?" Adriana says annoyed, we're sort of blocking them from the tv

"Wow I thought you guys would be happy to see me" Daniel scoffs as he puts me down

"Yay your here. Move now" Lola replies as I sit beside her

"What a loving family I have, where's Matty?" He questions

"Upstairs" Lola replies as I steal one of Adri's chips

"How you feeling?" I ask

"Good enough to go back to school I guess"

"Well I have good news for you"

She looks at me curiously, "There's a party on Saturday, a chance for us to get wasted"

My sister smiles before high giving me, "Thank god" she says with relief

Santiago collapses back onto the couch beside me, he then takes it upon himself to rest his legs on Lola and I, "Party? I'm in"

"Who's house?" Adriana asks


She frowns, "Friend stealing Eliza?"

"Why do you call her that that?" I say amused

She shrugs, "Heard it from Sienna"

"I don't care who's house it's at, as long as there's drinks" Santi says

"Lucky you guys" Lola mumbles

I put an arm around her, "Two years Lola, just two" I promise her, she rolls her eyes and I smile before focusing on the tv with her and the rest of our siblings

Today has actually been ok

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