《Meeting the Millers》|03| Slave to the brain


The gym is where I'm supposed to be, but I guess using the steering wheel will have to be my workout for today. Honestly I don't even want to go home yet, my phone has buzzed about a hundred times and I just know that I'm in for a rollercoaster as soon as I get back.

Miss brunette and I have gone through two neighbourhoods already and I'm hoping that third times the charm. The houses around here are quite large, some as large as my house and some even bigger. I know that this girl doesn't talk so I'm kind of having to look at her every time we pass a house, her eyes have been fixated on the window for awhile now. But finally after what felt like hours I know I located the right place.

Wanna know how I know? Because as soon as I stopped in front of two black gates, she gripped onto her seat and sat up a little. So yeah, I know how to read people, communication is overrated. I lean forward so that I can look out of the big window, as I tilt my head to the side my eyebrows raise. This house is a work of art, and I mean it. First there's the two gates that are tall as fuck and make you feel as if your going to visit someone who's in prison. Then after that it's just so spacious, except for the parked car next to the bushes. Oh and we can't forget about the fountain, I'm starting to wonder how someone so rich could lose their child.

"Wow" I whisper with shock before undoing my seatbelt

"You sure this is the place?" I ask, she just looks at me and I smile softly

"Let's go"

I get out of my side of the car before walking round to open the door for her, she looks down at the ground almost as if she's afraid to move. "Its ok, I'm gonna take you home" I say softly

Eventually she gets down and we walk towards the gate. I do wonder about this girl, it's clear that she understands English.... Maybe she's just quiet around people she doesn't know. I press a silver button that connects to the intercom and a buzzing sound fills my ears, after a few seconds a voice is heard. "Hello?" A woman speaks

I look down at the little girl for a second, she's staring ahead at her house. "Hi I um-.... this may sound weird but I found your daughter trying to cross the road and I-

"Grace?" The woman sounds so relieved

So that's her name

"Um, yeah" I answer

The gates open almost immediately, "Come in"

I actually expected her to come outside to collect Grace but I guess not. She walks through first and I follow along shortly, looking around as I do so.

The fountain water is probably ten times better than any other water, I believe that everything rich people own is much better than what proletariats have, hell they're comforters are probably better too. Grace and I walk passed the palm trees before walking up the steps that lead to the house, the door is already unlocked when we get there.


So I know I said outside was good but inside? Even better. Whoever designed the interior definitely made a whole lot of money, the floors are marble, none of the lights are ordinary, it's fricking chandeliers. There's an island in the kitchen -also made of marble- and the living room has plush sofas. Then there's the staircase that was probably taken out of the ballroom from Cinderella and placed into this house.

As I stand there taking the place in, a middle aged woman comes into view. You can tell that she's Grace's mother from the similar features that they share, the eyes, the nose etc. The woman is wearing a white shirt which is tucked into her pencil skirt and she has a pair of black heels to finish off the look

So she must've come back from work

"Grace" She says with relief before bending down to hug her daughter, Grace returns the hug as her mother picks her up.

"I told you not to go to the park without me" She says softly

She doesn't reply, she only looks at her mom with her arms wrapped around her neck.

I wonder if she's quiet all the time

Finally the woman looks at me, "Thank you for bringing her back"

I shrug, "It's no problem"

"What's your name dear?"


"I'm Grace's mother, Melissa" She says softly

So we have Grace and Melissa, interesting

"Where did you find her?" She then asks

"I was actually driving to the gym and I saw her run onto the road" I reply as she puts her daughter down, she goes upstairs

"May I ask how you were able to bring her back?" She then asks curiously

"I drove with her around the neighbourhood. She's not much of a talker which I don't mind, I just had to pay attention to her body language when we were looking around at the houses" I answer

Call me crazy but I swear I saw a little sparkle in her eye, kind of.... Melissa just has that look that says she's impressed and has a suggestion. "Can I offer you something to drink?" She suddenly asks

"A water please" I smile as I follow her into her Kardashian kitchen. If you know the Kardashian's then you know how they go all out with their kitchens

I take a seat at the island as she opens the fridge, "How good would you say you are with children Carmen?"

I snort, "With six siblings? I don't think I'd be able get away with being bad at looking after them" I joke

She smiles as she sets down a glass filled with lemon water. I won't be surprised if I start flying after drinking from this glass, "Are you the oldest?" She questions

I shake my head, "No, I'm the third born. I'm seventeen"

Melissa sits opposite me. "Your probably curious as to why I'm asking all these questions" She says amused

"Just a little"

She half smiles, "My daughter has selective mutism, and as far I'm concerned your the only one who was able to handle her pretty well"


You know what, that makes a whole lot of sense. I've never come across anyone who has selective mutism, this is interesting. I raise my eyebrows, "Really? I honestly thought she was just shy" I say amused

Melissa smiles, "People tend to think that. Her past babysitters all started running out of patience with her because she never spoke"

I frown, "They all knew what mutism was right?"

She laughs, "They did, but I think they were all secretly hoping that they would be the ones to get her to speak"


"I'd like to offer you a job if that's ok with you" Melissa then says

I raise my eyebrows with surprise, "As in like.... Babysitting?"

She nods, "I truly believe that you would fit the role"

Look, I said I wanted to take a break from work. But this takes me away from all the pervs and the outside world, it would be just me looking after one little girl.

Melissa can sense my hesitation, "The pay would be 100$ an hour"

I widen my eyes, "Holy shit"

She looks at me amused as I tuck a hair behind my ear, "Sorry, wrong choice of words"

"It's ok, I know I sort of sprung this on you unexpectedly so if you really don't want to do it-

"No it's not that, Grace looks like a really sweet girl and I'm honestly just in shock that you think I'd be able to look after her"

Melissa smiles, "I think I'm making the right decision, I'm impressed after today"

I half smile, "Alright....I'll do it"

She brings her hands together as she sits up, "Wonderful. I'll give you my number and I'll let you know what needs to be done, is tomorrow a good time for you to come over?" Melissa questions

I nod, "Sure"

We exchange numbers and before I know it, I'm outside again. Only this time I feel a little happier..... I actually got a job. Who knew that all it took was for me to bring a little girl home.

I exit the gates before getting into my brothers car, my phone lights up for like the hundredth time and I sigh as I look at my recent messages

Then there was the

Plus more messages

Relatives only start caring when your gone and it shows. It's literally only been an hour and they're all freaking out, if this was Enzo it would've been a different story. I better go to the gym quickly, I've wasted enough time.... Even if I got something good out of it


Exhausted. My body is tired and I swear to God, I felt like was gonna fall asleep whilst I was driving home. Why is my brain praising me for doing overtime at the gym but then punishing my body in return, it's a messed up concept. I was on the treadmill for an half an hour, then working on my thighs for another half hour, can't forget about the cross trainer, oh and then I was squatting for another while, it was torture but in the end it's worth it.

I need to shower.... And eat. "Fuck" I curse as I get out of the car, I should probably lie down. I make sure to lock Enzo's car before walking up the front porch steps and entering the house, the clock on the kitchen wall reads 18:45

Lola's washing up in the kitchen and Santiago is drying the plates. Adriana's on the couch with Enzo, he gets up after seeing me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

Santi continues drying up but I can tell he's listening. I lean on the fridge for a second before opening it and taking out strawberries. "What your not even gonna explain yourself?" He then scoffs

I drop his keys onto the counter, "You have your keys, now shut up and leave me alone"

Lola turns off the taps before turning to face us and Santi puts one last plate away before doing the same

"You stole my car and your the one that's mad? Tu est loca" Enzo says annoyed

-your crazy-

Jesus, my vision is not doing great right now. I'm seeing two Enzo's and three Adriana's, "Are you ok?" Lola frowns

I close my eyes as I breathe for a second, "Yes"

"Nice of you to join us" Mom says sarcastically as dad follows her down the stairs

I chew on a strawberry before walking past her, "Carmen" Dad says seriously


"Don't walk away"

"All she's gonna do is shout and find something else to blame on me-

"What like you stealing my car?" Enzo scoffs

"Oh my god get over it" I say annoyed

Dad sighs, "You can't just go out and not tell anybody"

"Enzo does it all the time" I refrain from wincing as I trudge up the stairs. Shower, eat, sleep, that's my routine for the night.


My light flickers on, I keep my head underneath the comforter not bothering to check who it is. I feel the weight of my mattress go down as whoever just walked in takes a seat, "Are you ok?" Lola finally speaks

"No" My muffled voice replies

"What's wrong?"

"Migraine" I mumble

"I thought it might be that" I uncover my head before squinting my eyes

"Can you shut off the light?"

She gets up before doing so and I lie my head back down onto the pillow before rubbing it. My sister puts down a bowl of Mac n cheese on the nightstand and I eye it, "I saved you some"

"What's the time" I ask her

"11:00 pm"

I sit up a little before opening the bottle of water on my nightstand. I push out a pill through the silver foil on the tylenol pack before swallowing it with my water and letting out a sigh. "What have you had today?" Lola then asks

"I don't know"

"Carmen" She says seriously

"Four strawberries" I answer

She hands me the bowl, "Problem solved"

I half smile as she gets up, "Night"


She turns around, "Thank you" I say softly

"Your welcome" My sister replies before walking out.

I type quickly on my notes app before turning off my phone and indulging my bowl of Mac n cheese.

What a fucked up night


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