《Reckless Entitlement》Chapter 7: Maya
"Just wait a second," Tasha said over the phone. "I'll be down in a second."
I waited in my car outside my house. It wouldn't be the first day of school without Tasha making us late because she decided on a last minute outfit change. She was lucky I was in a good mood or else I would have let her walk to school.
But thanks to my wonderful new apartment, I was able to get the best sleep of my life. I almost thought I was dreaming until I woke up and was still in my own bed with no small children running around or Roxanne stinking up the house with her bad cooking and cigarettes. I spent Sunday finishing unpacking my bags and I did it all without wearing any pants, or a bra, for that matter. It was splendid.
"I'm here! I'm here!" Tasha said running up to my car. She flung the door open and slid on the cracked leather trying to pull her skirt down in the process. She wore a short denim skirt with a sleeveless striped turtleneck, a red beret sat atop her curls.
"It's about time," I said. "I was going to leave without you."
"You say that all the time," she replied. "But you would never do that."
That's what she thinks. "How was your second night in your apartment?" she asked smiling.
"It was fantastic," I gushed. "I loved every minute of it."
"I bet," she said. "I would kill to have my own place. You know Trey had Monique over again." She rolled her eyes when referring to her brothers on again, off again girlfriend. She has four older brothers, Thomas is the oldest shortly followed by Terrell, Travis, and then Trey who was only a year older than us. And he was by far my least favorite out of the four. It's not even that he's constantly trying to sleep with me, but he's just downright annoying. He thinks his good looks are a substitute for a personality and that might be enough for Monique but it wasn't enough for me.
"Did she spend the night?" I asked as I drove us to school. My car dipped slightly as I went over one of the many unfilled potholes. Jefferson Heights needed some maintenance, to say the least. The city saves most of it's resources for Westbrook, but they should spend some of those tax dollars fixing up this neighborhood and buying new textbooks for the schools that desperately needed it.
"Unfortunately," she groaned. "And I could hear them having sex through my bedroom wall."
"Gross," I said disgusted. I would die if I had to hear that.
"I swear, Maya, the next time that loud heffer stays at my house. I'm coming to your house," she told me. "I can't take it."
"You're welcome anytime." I pulled into the school parking lot, there weren't many cars there. It was only the first day and still kids didn't bother to show up. Some were flashy with large shiny rims and dark tinted windows. Those were the cars of the drug dealers, here only to set up shop and sell their supply to the freshman that were stupid enough to take it. I stayed away from those guys they acted like their drug money and flashy clothes somehow meant they were gods and the rest of us were just peasants beneath them.
"Is it too late for us to transfer to East Chapel with Nia," Tasha asked looking up at the decaying building. "I know my test scores aren't that high, but I have an excellent personality."
"That you do, Tasha," I agreed. "And I'm a quick learner. Do you think they'll let me in too?"
She snorted, "Oh, who are we kidding? They're not going to let our asses in."
We laughed knowing it was true. Nia got the luck of the draw. She was here with us one day and she was there the next. It happened so quickly it didn't seem real.
We got out of the car and walked across the cracked cement parking lot and into the building. It had the ever present stench of mildew, and the sweaty smell of summer. I'd plug my nose if I wasn't so used to it.
"Text me when you get your schedule all right," Tasha told me as we prepared to split up to go to homeroom. "I hope we get some classes together."
"Me too." Classes without Tasha or Nia are always the worst. I usually sit in the back row and pray no one talks to me.
"Now I have to go to Ms. Francis' class, it smells like farts in there," she complained.
"Have fun," I said knowing she wouldn't.
"Later." We split up and went to our own homerooms. Mine being Mr. Taylor's class. He wasn't a bad teacher, just old. He was from Jefferson Heights and came back to help the community, and he wouldn't let us forget it.
I took my usual seat next to the yellow tinted window that looked out onto the street. The half-full classroom was almost all freshman goofing off and trying to impress their friends. I ignored them and waited for Mr. Taylor to arrive. I just wanted to get this day over with, I wanted to go back to my apartment and lay on my couch and listen to music--pants less.
As I was daydreaming, Mr. Taylor walked in. Round pot belly hanging over his jeans and his goatee gone completely gray. He held a stack of papers in his hands that I knew were our class schedules.
Two boys pushed each other around. "Hey, settle down! Now I have your schedules if you'd sit in your seats I'll pass them around."
The boys settled down and sat in their seats begrudgingly as Mr. Taylor began passing the schedules around. He had a large stack but half the kids weren't here so he got through it quickly. He bumped through the aisles passing out the schedules. But I didn't get one.
He walked past me, and back up to his desk without a word. "Look them over until the bell rings and then you're free to go."
As everyone else looked over their schedules, I went up to Mr. Taylor's desk. I've never not gotten a schedule before. "Uh, excuse me, Mr. Taylor. I didn't get a class schedule."
"Oh, Maya, I meant to tell you Ms. Stevens wants to see you in her office."
Already, the school day just started. I gathered my stuff and to the second floor where Mrs. Stevens office was. My thighs burned as I climbed up the stairs. Man, moving really did a number on me.
Slightly out of breath, I knock on her hardwood door. "Come in," she called through the glass.
"Hi, Ms. Stevens, Mr. Taylor said you wanted to see me." What she could want I don't know. I couldn't have done anything the school day just started.
"Oh, yes, Maya sit down." She instructed me smiling broadly. A clump of red lipstick stuck to her front tooth. I sat in the chair in front of her desk setting my backpack on the floor.
"Is this about my schedule, because he didn't have one for me this morning."
"Yes, and no," she answered vaguely. Okay, that was unhelpful. "Don't look so worried I have good news." I tried my best to not look worried but I was starting to become anxious when she took so long to tell me what my class schedule was.
"Maya, you won't be having any classes this semester," she said.
"What?" I asked confused. Maybe I hadn't heard her correctly.
"You won't be having any classes this semester or the next," she responded. "You have all your credits."
"But how?"
"Well you've been taking classes during the summer since you've gotten here, this summer excluded, there's nothing left for you to take."
"Okay, so what does this mean?"
"It means you graduated," she smiled. "Well, technically, you can still walk with your class if you want to but if not we can just send you your diploma."
I graduated.
"So..I can just leave?"
She laughed, "Yes you can leave."
"Oh, okay," I said still in shock. How had I graduated and not known about it?
I slung my backpack over my shoulder and began to walk out of Ms. Stevens office.
"Maya!" She called after me. This better not have been some practical joke.
I turned to face her. "Yes, Ms. Stevens?"
I've graduated. I fucking graduated. But what do i do now?
Initially, I was just taking a few extra classes to get away from Roxanne's in the summer, but I had never expected to graduate early. If she would have known that I was simply taking them because I wanted to and not because I needed to she would have never let me take them, so I pretended to fail classes a lot. This made her think I was a complete idiot, but I was alright with that.
I left the Jefferson building and sat in my car. It's only eight-forty five, I have all this time on my hands, and I don't work today. There are some things I need to pick up for my apartment.
My apartment--I love saying that.
The main thing I need to get is groceries, what little pizza Sam left behind was not going to last much longer, and thanks to Nia's grandma I have a gift certificate to Stan's. A girls about to load the hell up on groceries! But before I do that I should probably let Tasha know that I won't be a school today, or ever for that matter.
Hey, I won't be able to drive you home from school today.
Trey is dropping off his car so I can drive to my internship, but what's up?
I graduated.
You what!?!?!?!
I went to Ms. Steven's office and she told me that I graduated early. You know, from all the summer classes I've taken.
Ugh, I'm so jealous. Nia's gone, now you're gone too. Now I have to spend my senior year friendless with a bunch of dusty musty bit---you know what I'm not even going to say it because I'm trying to be a better person. But I hate that you two won't be here with me.
I felt bad that she was going to be alone but if anyone can withstand being at Jefferson it was Tasha. She plays no games, not like anyone would try her, the girls were too busy trying to get with one of her four brothers and the guys "respected," them too much to ever try her.
You'll be fine, Tasha. We'll still see each other all the time.
You're damn right we will. Now that you have your own place I'm going to be over all the time.
Noted. I have to go to the grocery store but I'll talk to you later.
I'll call you. I had no doubts about that, she loves talking on the phone more than she loves texting.
The grocery store that Nia's grandma supervised was only a few streets over from the high school. Stan's grocery was by far one of the nicest places in the neighborhood. Newly renovated it looked fresh and clean. I grabbed a cart from the corral, and entered the nicely air conditioned grocery store.
This was the first time I've gone grocery shopping where I can get whatever I want and now I don't know what I want. Walking through the aisles, I searched for what I thought would be basic essentials. Cereal, milk, chips, ramen, coffee....tuna. Who knows I might need it.
I should get some type of vegetable, shouldn't I? I grabbed a bag of frozen broccoli.
As I stood in the freezer section looking at my frozen dinner options. I heard somebody say my name from behind me.
"Maya." Nia's grandmother stood behind me. Her green button down tucked into her khakis and the Stan's apron wrapped around her waist.
"Hi, Ms. Owens," I smiled. She hugged me, and I accepted. There's not too many people I let get this close, but Ms. Owens is one of the few I reserve that right for.
"It's so nice to see you," she grinned at me. "But shouldn't you be at school. I know you're not skipping on the first day."
I laughed. "No--no, I'm not. I did go actually, but it turns out I graduated." It felt weird to say out loud. I graduated. I knew I would, obviously, I made pretty good grades, but I thought it would be several months from now. I haven't even applied to any schools yet. Not like I have a lot of options, it's community college for me.
"You graduated!" She hugged me again this time tighter. "That's great, Maya! Wow, your own apartment and now this, I have to say I'm very proud of you."
"Thanks," I said bashfully. "The graduation thing was unexpected."
"Well, it's wonderful all the same," she said. "You should have something to celebrate."
"Oh, no, you shouldn't. The gift card that you and Nia got me was more than enough."
"Don't say another word, Maya. We're getting you something and I won't hear anything else about it." With that she was off to get me a surprise. Maybe I could sneak off before she had a chance to give it to me.
No, she knows where I live. Damn it, I have already received too many gifts.
I didn't see Ms. Owens again until I was at check out.
She came up to me with a smile and a cake...a cake. "I have a gift for you."
I placed the last bag into my cart. "Here," she said handing it to me. "For your graduation."
I took the square white box from her and looked at the top of the little round cake through the small plastic window. It was white with the words "Congratulations, Maya," in red frosting. It was admittedly a very cute cake.
"You shouldn't have," I said to her. "Thank you."
"I'm proud of you, Maya," she said. "You've done great for yourself, and I know how terrible Roxanne is, she always has been. And how she treats those children...how she treated you. I'm glad you made it out of there."
"Me too," I said. "I can't wait to eat some of this cake, it looks amazing."
"It's vanilla, my favorite." She looked down into my basket of frozen food. "I'll let you go I would hate for your food to melt."
"Okay, I'll see you soon, Ms. Owens," I said setting my cake into my cart.
"I'll be expecting you. Let me know how the cake tastes!"
Maybe getting an apartment on the top floor was a mistake. Lugging all my groceries, and a cake, I thought about how much easier it would be if I had gotten an apartment on the bottom floor. I wouldn't have to make two trips, but next time I'll be smart and bring a tote bag. It'll be better for the environment and better for my burning thighs.
I let out a deep breath as I set my load of groceries on my kitchen counter. "Wow," I said to myself. "I did a good job."
Slipping into my room that I had finished turning it into the comfy dwelling place of my dreams.It took everything in me not to jump pack into my unmade bed, but I couldn't do that. I stripped off my jeans, and threw on a large t-shirt. Better already.
Going into my living room, I flipped through my box of records looking for one of the newer ones. When James, my boss, told me about the new vinyl resurgence I was skeptical, until we got in the new Janelle Monae record, then I was sold.
I put it on the turntable and listened to her angelic voice fill my living room.
Time to tackle these groceries!
Ah, I can get used to this. I laid out on my couch with a fork in my hand and my graduation cake in my lap. It was only noon and I'd already eaten my fair share of buttercream frosting, and I don't feel guilty in the slightest.
On my laptop, a movie played with the sound off. It might seem weird but I prefer watching movies on mute. I'm not watching them in complete silence, I'll have the soundtrack playing in the background, or I'll pick a cd of my own to play. Music is one of the most important parts of a movie, I've seen too many movies where the movie is ruined by a god awful soundtrack. It annoys me to no end.
That's why I want to be the person who works on the song selection for films and tv shows. Not to sound cocky, but I'd be perfect for it.
Licking the frosting off my fork, I set the rest of my cake on my coffee table. Gosh, now I'm tired. I think I'm going to nap. Naps were almost impossible at Roxanne's she always had me cleaning something.
Well, I don't have to do that now, so guess what I'm going to do?
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