《Reckless Entitlement》Chapter 6: Nick
When Maya asked me if I was good at building things, I expected to build one cabinet or maybe a table. But instead I built a rooms worth of bedroom furniture. It wasn't too bad, except for the lack of instructions, and the constant googling I had to do to get the instructions.
But I did it. I found myself wanting to do anything Maya told me to do.
She looked so cute in her little overalls today. They made her ass and legs look amazing. She's so small, I would be tempted to squeeze her cheeks if I didn't think she would punch me in the face.
"Nick!" Maya said poking her head into her room. I brushed the dust off the top of a tall dresser I had just put together.
"Yes," I replied.
"Pizzas here."
"Okay, I'll be out in a second," I replied.
"My room looks amazing," she said leaning against the door frame. "I mean it'll be better once I actually have sheets on the bed. And decorations, but I like it."
"Maybe I should get a job at Ikea, you know building those furniture displays."
"I think you have a bright future ahead of you as an Ikea furniture builder," she agreed.
I placed a hand to my chest. "That means so much to me coming from you."
She smiled at me, before looking behind her into the living room. "Just come out when you're ready."
Maybe if being a mechanic didn't work out I could work at Ikea. It didn't seem like a bad job to have, and I could eat those meatballs they always have in their cafe. I cleaned up the mess of tools I had laid in the middle of the room. It felt good to see the once empty room now filled with furniture. Granted it still need some decorations, but the bed was finished and I'd set up her lamp, dresser, and side tables for her. I hadn't asked her if she would be living with anyone else, but it was something that I had thought about it while I was working. If she had a boyfriend he would be here helping her wouldn't he?
She'd caught me off guard when she asked me about my parents. No one ever does, where I live everyone knows about how shit my dad and mom are but they never ask me about it. They talk to me about them as if they're still good people, but they never have been.
Maybe the comment I made about not always being alone wasn't the best decision. I didn't want her to think that I'm a player--I'm not. Have I had a few hook ups since Crystal and I broke up, yes. But they knew I wasn't looking for anything serious, and from what I was told neither were they.
Now if Maya ever wanted to visit, I wouldn't mind. But I don't think I would want to just hook up with her. She interests me.
After washing my hands in Maya's small bathroom. I went into the living room where everyone was sitting around Maya's low coffee table. They sat pulling slices from the three large boxes.
I stepped over the moving boxes, trash bags and sheets of bubble wrap to get over to them. Seeing an open spot next to Maya, I took it with no hesitation.
"I thought you were never going to come out," Maya said taking a bite out of her slice of supreme pizza.
I crossed my legs under the table. "Was just cleaning up my mess," I told her. I took a napkin from the pile that sat on the table.
"Thanks," she said her voice muffled as she dabbed her lips with a napkin.
I looked around the living room, it looked nice. The posters that Maya was looking for earlier hung above her couch, all various sizes organized to cover the majority of the wall. A clothing rack stood in the corner of the room. From what I'd seen of her closet if she had a lot of clothes she was going to need the extra space. Crates of vinyl albums sat on dark wood dresser next to an old record table.
It was very....cute.
"I worked hard on that dresser," said Sam.
"We, worked on that dresser," Lavender corrected him. "All of us, Sam."
"Sorry, I mean we all worked hard on it," he sighed.
"Except for me," Maya said, "I was putting dishes away in the kitchen. But I could hear your arguing."
"I could also hear it." I could hear the loud sounds of Marcus and Sam arguing with Nia and Lavender over the instructions from Maya's room. I had to put my headphones in to stop from going crazy.
"At least you guys had some distance from the noise," Tasha chimed in. "They were messing up my focus."
Nia shrugged next to Marcus. "They were building it wrong."
"I don't think so," Marcus disagreed. "We were building it correctly."
"Uh, no you weren't," Lavender argued. "Because if you were we wouldn't have needed to help you."
"Please," Maya begged. "Don't start arguing about it again. I can't take it."
"Sorry," they apologized.
She sighed. "Thank you."
We finished eating our pizza without anymore discussion of the dresser. As we were all talking, I noticed that out of her friend group was the most honest, yet the most quiet. It seemed like she was silently evaluating all of us.
"Maya, I got you something," Lavender announced standing up.
"Lavender, you didn't have to get me anything," Maya insisted she tossed a crumpled napkin into one of the empty boxes. She and I were the only ones that ate any of the supreme, but Sam and Lavender had devoured the pepperoni.
"Just close your eyes, I'll be right back." Lavender went outside while Maya remained seated with her eyes closed. Lavender came back in slightly out of breath with a big basket in her arms.
"Okay, now open your eyes," she said sitting down next to her.
"Oh, Lavender you shouldn't have." Maya looked inside the basket, it seemed to be full of a variety of things. I saw plants and skincare for sure.
"It was my parents idea. They said I had to get you a housewarming gift, so we made you a basket. It has a few plants in it, some soap, a candle, and my mom threw in some skincare things too."
"It's too much, but thank you," Maya said gratefully. "I love it."
"I got you something too," Nia said pulling a card out of her purse. "Well, it's from me and my grandma."
"I didn't know we were supposed to bring gifts," Sam whispered to me.
I shrugged. Me either. I would have gotten her something, I don't know what, but I'm sure I would have found something. Flowers, maybe.
"No one was supposed to get me any housewarming gifts." She said taking the card from Nia.
"If it makes you feel better, I didn't get you anything," Tasha told her.
"Thanks, that makes me feel one hundred percent better," Maya said giving her a sarcastic smile.
She blew her a kiss. "Anything for you, babe."
Maya opened her card and pulled out a small piece of plastic. "Is this a gift card?"
"Yes, for groceries," Nia explained. "It's a grocery store gift card. Grandma said it'd be enough for your first trip."
"Thanks, you guys," Maya said. "But you shouldn't have."
"Well, it's too late," Lavender said. "And I should warn you that those succulents only need to be watered about once a week."
"I will remember that," she promised, looking at the assortment of air plants. "They're so little."
"Just like you," I was tempted to say, but once again, I was afraid of getting punched in the face.
"I'm exhausted," Sam yawned, laying across the couch. "I'm going to sleep all day tomorrow, and enjoy my last day of summer vacation."
"I'm not," Tasha said, "I have to prepare for my internship on Monday."
"I'm hanging out with Marcus," Nia replied. Of course they were, because when were they not hanging out.
Lavender said, "I'm helping my parents garden."
"I'm going to be unpacking," Maya said. "What are you going to do Nick?"
There's nothing I had to prepare for, school this semester was going to be a breeze, I don't have a new car to work on. I might just chill at home. I'm getting bored just thinking about sitting at home. "Uh, I'm not sure."
"I'm sure you'll just end up buying a new car," Sam laughed. "That's what he always does when he gets bored."
I shoved him causing him to tip over.
"Hey, no fighting," Maya reprimanded us.
"Sorry," I said. Sam stuck his tongue out at me. Sometimes he's like the annoying little brother I never had.
"And I won't be buying another car for awhile." Not enough space in my garage and with school starting I need to focus on filling out college applications. I've found a few automotive institutes I want to go to, but I haven't turned in any applications yet. "I might wash the ones that I have."
That would kill a few hours, my garage was currently full. I'd been neglecting the other cars that I have since I'd been working on the mustang, they needed some attention.
"How many cars do you have?" Maya asked.
"Ten," I answered without realizing how pretentious it sounded.
I saw her eyes widen a little before she hummed in response. "Interesting."
She must think I'm a spoiled brat.
She began closing the pizza boxes, transferring what little pizza was left into one box. She stood picking up trash as she went into the kitchen. While everyone else began helping Tasha unpack boxes, I followed Maya into the kitchen.
I admired the soft curve of her hips as she bent over and placed the pizza box in the fridge. Clearing my throat as not to startle her like she'd done to me earlier. Closing the door to the fridge she turned towards me, leaning against it.
"Yes?" she asked.
"About the ten cars thing. I didn't mean it to sound so pretentious," I explained. "Some of them aren't even mine, they're my dads." But most of them are, I would say seven out of ten.
She watched me as I struggled to give her an explanation she didn't ask for. "I know I might seem like the spoiled rich kid type but I promise I'm not."
"So you didn't use your dad's money to buy those cars?" she asked knowingly. "You used all of your own money? You worked for it?"
"And if you asked your dad for money right now would he give it to you?"
Maya exhaled. "Nick, you are a spoiled rich kid. Just because you don't have your nose stuck up in the air doesn't mean you're not. And I know you didn't mean to sound pretentious or be a brat about the cars. I asked you because I was curious, you were being honest."
She laughed. "And I was at your party last night. I saw them."
"Oh," I breathed. Now feeling slightly embarrassed about my babbling, "I didn't realize you'd seen them."
She nodded. "They're hard to miss. But honestly don't be ashamed of having nice things."
"I'll remember that," I said. "Thanks."
"You're welcome," she smiled softly. "Hey, rich boy, do you think you can help me unpack a few boxes or is that too hard for you?"
I laughed in spite of myself. "Ha ha, you're so funny."
"I try, my best."
Maya and I unpacked boxes side by side placing baubles on the dresser that held her vinyls. I caught Sam making kissy faces at us behind Maya's back. Discreetly, I gave him the finger. Rolling his eyes, he went back to laying on the couch and playing on his phone.
"Maya, I'm going to go," Tasha announced placing her bag over her shoulder. "Travis is on my ass about bringing his truck back."
"I guess that means I'm leaving too," said Nia. Marcus had been helping her hang something on the wall. I forgot that her and Tasha had arrived together.
"I'm going to go too," Lavender said setting down an empty box.
"Okay," Maya nodded brushing her hands on the end of her shorts. "You can all leave if you want. Thanks for helping me, I appreciate it."
"Any time, just not right after I have a nail appointment," Tasha said.
Maya just shook her head at her with a sigh. Marcus went up to where Sam was sleeping on the couch and smacked him on the back of the head.
He flinched waking up, "Hey, why'd you hit me?"
"Wake up, we're leaving," he told him.
"There's other ways you could have gotten me up." He stood from the couch stretching. "Bye, Maya, it was nice seeing you," he yawned.
Maya smiled softly at him. "It was nice seeing you too."
As they began to file out, I lagged behind. I wouldn't have minded continuing to help her, we'd emptied most of the boxes but there were still trash bags of things in piles on the floor. But I didn't want to overstay my welcome.
I gathered my tools and placed them in the small toolbox I had brought along. They'd come in handy, the tools that came with the furniture were much to small for my hands.
"Thanks for bringing those," Maya said standing over me.
"Your welcome," I said standing up. "If you ever need to borrow them you can. You have my number." And if not I would happily give it to you.
She nodded. "I'll do that." She wiped the sweat that had formed on her brow with the back of her hand as she looked around the room. "Looks like it's starting to come together isn't it?"
"Yeah," I agreed. "It looks good."
The place looked a hundred times better than it did when we first got here. The walls were a faded white with missing spots from where the paint had peeled years ago. The cold hard wood flooring was now covered with a ornate rug, and an interesting mix of thrifted and newly built furniture filled the living room. It felt more like a home than my house ever had.
"Are you nervous?" I asked.
"About what?" She asked confused.
"Living alone."
She thought about that for a second. "No. I'm more relieved than anything."
"I finally have my own space," she explained. "I never thought I would get that, and now that I do, I can finally relax. I don't have to worry about anyone but myself for a change. "
Funny, she's always wanted her own space and I've always wanted to share a space. "I get that," I said. "I should get going. I'm sure you're ready to enjoy your new place."
She laughed. "You don't even know. Goodnight, Nick."
"Goodnight, Maya." She closed her front door lightly behind me. The others had already left, leaving Maya and I's cars alone in the row in front of her landlords office. My car looked drastically different than hers. Her small hatchback was at least twenty years older than mine and from what I could see, the body was being held together with silver duct tape. I could hear the car coming before I saw it.
The inner mechanic in me itched to get my hands on it. I know I said I wasn't going to bring on any more projects for awhile, but I loved a challenge and her car was one if I ever saw it.
But I put all thoughts of tearing her car apart and putting it back together again out of my head. Slipping inside my own car, I started the engine that came to life almost silently. I could see Maya's silhouette through her window, she appeared to still be working.
I prayed she needed to use my toolbox, just so I had an excuse to see her again. Something about her unyielding honesty and sarcasm draws me to her. Stephanie couldn't hold a candle to her. Just the thought of her bored me in comparison.
I pulled out of the parking lot and began making the short drive home. The familiar tightening crept into my chest as I thought about spending another night there alone. The thoughts of getting a small apartment like Maya's had lurked in my thoughts for a while, maybe not something just as small, but everything felt small in comparison to the mansion my father had built. Large and obnoxious, the grand columns felt like prison bars to me. I hated living here.
Parking my car in it's spot in the garage, i almost felt sick stepping into the soundless house. I flipped on the kitchen lights to find it spotless with a tray of brownies on the counter alerting me that the housekeeper had been here. I knew the fridge would be fully stocked as well.
I'm capable of shopping for myself, I just never have to. I never have to do anything if I don't want to. I have the freedom to sit on my ass forever, but I would never do that. I would go crazy.
I went upstairs to my room, one of the only places in this house I felt comfortable. I set my toolbox on the table and stripped off my shirt and shorts tossing them aside. I collapsed onto my bed, my limbs felt heavy with exhaustion. Closing my eyes, I'd hoped sleep would find me for once.
I'd struggled with insomnia for most of my life. Unable to sleep for more than an hour or two if I got lucky. I've seen doctors about it, they'd prescribed pills, medical marijuana even, but none of it sticks. They say it's anxiety or something. I don't know but I want it to be gone.
Breathing deeply, I tried hard to force my brain to relax. I wanted to sleep. Escape into my dreams for a little while. Opening my eyes, I stared at my white ceiling.
Maybe tomorrow night.
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