《Abandoned ✔️》Chapter 4- you got yourself a deal


"You shouldn't have left Vee, you know it's a tradition to have back to school parties at my place with only us 6," Kate says while putting on her mascara.

"Well, keep having that douche at your house and all of our parties can turn into disasters," I snap and regret everything that came out of my mouth.

She puts the mascara down and looked away. I feel bad. "I'm sorry."

"No. No, you're fine. He deserves it," Kate slowly spoke, right behind me.

I look at her and her face fell. Violet and I share a meaningful look and nod. "Anyways, on a happier note, I am throwing a party at my place tonight. To forget about all of our problems and all, there's a lot of booze."

"Sounds perfect," I say as I pull out one of my crop tops from the closet and black ripped jeans.

"Make sure that you're not stealing it from your mom's bar," Kate says as she puts a pearl necklace on.

"Don't worry, I got Miranda to get it for me," violet says as she applies eyeshadow to her face.

I walk over to the washroom and wash my face because I am not ready for school. The sleep monster inside me is demanding some sleep and I can't give it what it wants so I need to stay fresh.

"I swear Miranda is more like your friend than your older sister," Kate says and violet and I smile.

"Well, What are older sisters for?" I chuckle and they join in.

"Seriously, your sister is the only sane person in your huge-ass family. I swear I would hate to have a joint family. I can't get used to my brother," Kate says to which I don't respond to.

"At least you have a real family," I mumble under my breath but they both catch my words.


"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought up family nor Liam," Kate says as she walks over to me.

"No you're fine. I mean it's all luck you know and mine has never helped me," I reply back and they both pull me into a hug.

"By the way, did you study for anatomy?" I ask and both of their face is completely shocked and horrified. "Don't tell me you forgot to study."

They frown and look down. "Perfect. Just perfect," I say and take my bag.

"C'mon Vee, you'll help us right?" Kate asks and I don't reply.

"Pweasee...?" Violet turns me around and pouts.

"I don't think we are the only ones who'll need your help," Kate says and smiles at me.

"I'm sure they didn't study either," I say.

"Did you?" Violet asks and I nod my head sideways. "You'll ace it."

"Hopefully," I reply back.

"C'mon now, you're like the valedictorian of our class. Of course you'll get an A," violet scoffs.

"And so will you guys."

"Perks of having a valedictorian bestie," Kate says.

"Amen to that."

Both of them start walking out of my room but they wait near the stairs for me. I follow them out and close my bedroom door behind me.

Suddenly I started sweating and shaking when I left my room. I look back at my bedroom door and then back at my friends.

"Silly me forgot my purse, I'll be back," I say and walk inside my room while both of them walk downstairs.

I quickly rush to the bathroom and open the drawer to find some pills.


"What in the world is happening here?" Tyler asks as we see a huge line in front of us, waiting to walk into Anatmy class.


"We are like ten minutes late and still there's a huge line here," I groan and Violet chuckled.

"What is happening though?" Tyler asks again we just shake our head sideways and give him a confused look.

"Apparently, this year he's picking up everyone's cellphone and providing us all a pencil and eraser. Also, we are sitting in some sort of alphabetical yet random order," some girl in front of me speaks and groans.

"Are you fucking kidding me? How am I going to cheat off my phone now?" Tyler groans.

"How am I going to cheat off my eraser?"

"How am I going to cheat off Vee?"


"Guys calm down. I have the diagram in my backpack, we can get some last minute cramming done," I reply and they frown.

"After you, I call it," Kate quickly calls.

"No, I call dibs."

"Guys we have enough time for all of you to read over it," I say and I pull out the anatomy worksheet with diagrams and definitions. I take a quick glance at it and hand it over to the others who snatch it from one another.

"You're so lucky to have photographic memory," Tyler whines and I smile.

"One at a time, geez," I say and Kate takes it in his hand first and Chris also reads off it.

"I always get fibia and tibula confused," violet says as late hands her the paper.

I chuckle and continue. "It's tibia and fibula."

"See, I told you," she replies.

After what seemed like an eternity, we all walk in class and he quickly tells us to put our backpack in the front of our class. After that he takes up our phones and anything that screams 'I'm-going-to-cheat.'

"Well, sit down where your name is written so we can get started," Mr. Helton speaks slowly.

Everyone looks around to find their names so they can take a seat. He placed me all the way in the front, Kate sat all the way to the right while Chris sat on the left. Violet seemed to be somewhere in the middle, Tyler sat at front on the right side and Ian sat on the left front.

Helton seriously needs a dose of his own medicine now. I'll show him what it'll cost him for separating us.

I make a face and he passes out the test.


I turned the test in and sit in my spot while almost everyone is still taking the test. Perks of having a photographic memory.

"Ms. Stavish, would you mind volunteering for the yearbook?" Mr. Helton asks and I internally groan.

"No," I reply quickly.

"Even if I say it's extra credit?" He asks and I give him a dumb look.

"I don't need extra credit," I reply back and hen he turns his head and I follow his gaze which falls on my friends.

"Volunteer for the yearbook and I will give your friends extra credit," he replies.

I don't know if I trust him but he seems serious.

"You serious?" I ask and he nods in all seriousness. "Well, then you got a deal."

"Great, they are in the auditorium right now," he replies.

"Now?" I ask and he nods. "Why do you care so much about the yearbook?"

"Do as I say," he replies and I sense that he is hiding something.

I smile to myself and pick my bag up and leave the class. I finally have something on him, just have to find out what it is.


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