《A Stupid Hot Head-Natsu Dragneel fanfiction》I'm Home


"You're going to burn your house down Natsu, why did you even try that?!" I yelled at the screen.

"Oh god! Lucy help me! I have no idea what I'm doing!" Natsu exclaimed frantically.

"Natsu!" I giggled as I watched Natsu on the laptop screen.

"What?!" he pouted.

"You are a horrible cook," I laughed. It was a Saturday night and I was skyping Natsu. He was trying to cook some food, and was failing miserably. There was smoke rising from the pan and the fire alarm had gone off. He had finally gotten everything under control, but now I was dying from laughter.

These past three months have been pretty great. Natsu and I had stuck to only being friends and now we are closer than me and Levy are. I eventually told Levy about me and Natsu making up after a month. She was already suspicious though, since Natsu had began to talk to everyone and was back to his old self and I had been a lot happier. She wasn't as mad as I thought she would be. In the end, she was just happy we had solved everything and are happy again.

"Well, you'll just have to cook dinner for me when you get back," he mumbled.

"Yeah, I whispered, trying to hide a smile. Natsu didn't know this but I am moving back to Magnolia tomorrow. I wanted to surprise him, so to make sure he doesn't find out I have only told Levy.

"Luce, when are you coming back?" Natsu asked.

"I don't know Natsu," I lied.

He groaned, "I need you here!"

"I wish I could be there with you Natsu," I sighed and looked at him.

"Yo Luce, I wanna stay and chat but I promised Gray I would go over to his place tonight," Natsu said sadly.


"It's okay bye, have fun!" I smiled cheerfully at him

"Bye princess," he teased and logged off.

"Don't call me princess, it's weird," I contorted my face in disgust.

"You're right, I like Luce way better anyway," Natsu smiled.

"Haha now go before Gray gets mad," I told him.

"Bye Luce!" he exclaimed then logged off. I sighed and looked over to the suitcase that had all of my clothes in it. I leaned my head on my desk, trying to hide the huge smile on my face. All of this is over now. I can finally be happy, and I can be happy with him.


Today was the day I would be going back to Magnolia. It wasn't very far, but being away from it for so long made it seem like it was miles away. I was at the train station with my father and we were saying our last goodbyes before I returned.

"Bye dad," I said and hugged my father tightly.

"Goodbye darling. Please visit soon," he told me and hugged me back.

It was amazing how much our relationship had changed. This change is one reason why I appriciate how things played out. It lead me to my father again. I'm not the annoying reminder to him anymore. I am the most precious memory of my mother to him. I am also his daughter, that he loves with all his heart.

After saying goodbye one last time, I went onto the train that would take me back to Magnolia. I hurried to find a seat and sat in a corner quietly. There weren't many people and I ended up zoning out while listening to music. Before I knew it, I was back in Magnolia.


I wasn't meeting Levy until tomorrow, which took a lot of convincing. I told her I wanted to surprise Natsu today and couldn't hang out with her. She was upset, but agreed. She knew how excited I was and how much I needed to see him. So, today would just be me and Natsu.

I walked rapidly to my home, wanting to get there as soon as possible. I missed this place so much, I was so happy to be back. When I was nearing my street, my paced quickened even more, my bag dragging behind me. Then, the small place came into view. The first thing I saw was a figure nearby. The figure was tall and had unforgettable pink hair.

I stopped in my tracks and just stared at the figure. Their back was to me and had no clue I was there. A small cat was by their feet, pawing at their legs. Then, the figure turned around and stared at me. I smiled and then pink haired boy ran to me. I ran too, happier than I could ever be. I jumped up, my arms wrapping around his neck as he grabbed me tightly.

"Lucy! What are you doing here?!" Natsu exclaimed in shock.

"I was going to surprise you, but you're already here. I'm finally allowed to come back," I told him with a gigantic smile. Natsu grabbed my face and smashed his lips onto mine, surprising me. I missed this, the taste of his lips, the feeling of closeness. I missed all of this.

When we finally broke away from the kiss, we were both panting and smiling. Tears ran down Natsu's face and I gently wiped them off. "Natsu what's wrong?" I asked worried.

"Nothing, I'm just so fucking happy you're here," he said. I laughed and felt myself begin to choke up.

"I missed you so much Natsu," I whispered and buried my face in his chest, feeling him wrap his arms around my waist.

"Lucy?" he asked.

"Yeah Natsu?" I mumbled into his chest.

"Will you please be mine? I won't ever let you go again," he said determined.

"Natsu, I've always been yours," I smiled and kissed him again, this time the kiss being soft and gentle.

Everything was perfect. I was happier than I had ever been. I had everything I needed. I had my father back, I had my caring friends, I was back home. But, the most important thing was that I had My Stupid Hot Head.

So, that's the end of A Stupid Hot Head! I hope you enjoyed it and liked the ending. I may or may not post an epilouge. I don't know yet. And dang, we are at almost 8k reads!!! That's amazing!! Make sure to vote, comment, share with peeps, and follow me!! I am writing another NaLu fanfiction and will be starting another one soon! Love ya!-AdyLuv

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