《My Precious Flower》Chapter 9: Ruined Proposal



Meanwhile, with Isaiah and (Y/n):

Isaiah pulled (Y/n) into a secluded hallway and released her hand.

"What do you want?" She asked firmly.

Isaiah silently opened and closed his mouth, trying to find the right words.

(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Well if your not going to say anything, then I'm going to go find Mirabel." She started to walk away.

"I'm sorry!" Isaiah blurted.

(Y/n) froze. She had never heard him apologize before.

"I...I'm sorry for being rude to you at the Gift ceremony. I...I didn't mean what I said. Can you please forgive me?"

(Y/n) looked into his eyes with a shocked look on her face. Isaiah looked nervous and upset. She had never seen him look so vulnerable before.

"Um...it's ok. I forgive you." (Y/n) replied.

Isaiah's eyes lit up and he smiled. "Oh, thank you mi pétala!"

(Y/n) yelped as he picked her up in a hug and twirled her around. He then set her back down and kissed her cheek.

Both of their eyes widened once they realized what had happened, and they stared at each other with flushed cheeks.

Isaiah stared into her beautiful eyes and slowly found himself leaning in. (Y/n) didn't stop him, and found herself leaning in too. Their eyelids closed halfway and their noses were about to brush against each other.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and the noise startled (Y/n) and she jumped away from him.

"U-Um...well, Mariana is certainly going to get a great husband...uh...I should probably go home now..."

"No!" Isaiah yelled.

(Y/n) jumped and her eyes grew wider. Isaiah chuckled nervously before clearing his throat.

"W-What I meant is, uh...you should stay...for, uh, dinner...that is."

"Oh, I wouldn't want to impose..."

"You wouldn't! I promise. Please stay?..." he pleaded.

For some reason (Y/n) had trouble saying 'no' to him, so she let out a sigh.

"Okay..." she agreed.

"Great! I-I'll get you a chair." He announced, wrapping an arm around her waist and leading her to the dining room.


"The Guzmáns and the Madrigals together will be so good for the Encanto." Abuela said.


"Yes, then let's hope tonight is not a horrible disaster." Mariana's mother joked.

"To a perfect night!"

Mirabel was staring Dolores down making sure she didn't say anything.

"Salud!" Everyone toasted.

Mirabel kept staring at Dolores who whimpered in response. (Y/n) was sitting between Mirabel and Isaiah and looked between the two in confusion.

"Avocado?" Mariana passed a bowl in front of Mirabel's face.

She moved the bowl away as quickly as possible, but Dolores was already whispering into Camilo's ear. Camilo coughed, and shifted into Mirabel, then Bruno, then himself, but his eyes were wonky.

Abuela and Mariana's mother noticed this, and Abuela chuckled and poured more wine into her glass.

"Camilo. Fix your face." Félix told him.

He shook his head and looked at Mirabel with concern.

Mirabel tried to say something, but Isaiah put a pitcher in front of her face.


Mirabel moved the pitcher and saw Camilo passing the secret along to Félix who spit out his water in shock.

"Mirabel." Abuela called. "The cream please."

"Pá, the cream?" Mirabel repeated to her father.

Agustín chuckled and handed the cream to Mirabel, who passed it to Isaiah.

"Mirabel, what is going on?" (Y/n) whispered to her.

"Uh...nothing, don't-don't worry about it."

Mirabel then looked over and saw Félix whispering into Pepa's ear, while a storm cloud was forming above her head.

"Pepa, the cloud." Abuela pointed..

"Clear skies, clear skies, clear skies." She whispered to herself.

She then leaned over to Julieta and told her, and she looked over at her daughter with concern.

Mirabel brought her gaze down and noticed the floor underneath her was starting to crack, and stuck her head underneath the table.

"Mirabel." Mariana called.

Mirabel hit her head as she came back up.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything's is great. She is just excited." Agustín reassured "For the proposal. Which, uh, you should do, Isaiah. As fast as you can."

"Uh, I was actually gonna..."

"You we're actually gonna. Great!" Mirabel cut in, spinning Isaiah's chair to face Mariana.


Mariana looked to her mother.

"Well, since everyone here as a talent, my Mariana wanted to begin with a song." She explained. "Luisa, could you bring over the piano?"

"Okay." Luisa got up from her chair and covered her face with her hands.

"Mirabel..." (Y/n) began, but Mirabel had already gotten up from his seat.

"Uh, it's actually family tradition to sing after." She pulled out Mariana's chair and went over to Isaiah's and forced him to his knee.

Mariana gave her a weird look, and Isaiah glared at her but pulled out a small box. He stared down at it in with sadness. Wishing he was kneeling down in front of the girl next to him. But he sucked it up and just pretended like he was proposing to (Y/n).

"(Y/-, uh, Mariana! The most beautiful woman I've ever met..."

Mirabel noticed some cracks along the floor and leaped on top of them to cover them up.

"Um..." Isaiah hesitated, looking at her.

"You're doing great." Mirabel gave him a thumbs up.

(Y/n) looked at her with furrowed brows.

"The most perfect girl in this entire Encanto." He continued.

Mirabel heard chittering and saw some animals grabbing the pieces of Bruno's vision from Agustín's pocket.

"No." She whispered. She looked to his left and saw Luisa struggling with the piano still sobbing.

Mirabel looked under the table and saw that the animals and put the vision together on a tray.

"Will you marry..." Isaiah lifted the lid off the box.

"No!" Mirabel shouted diving for the vision, but the animals moved it away before she could.

Luisa tried to move the piano, but she fell to the ground crying.

Pepa's storm cloud grew and lightning and thunder boomed all throughout the house.

"What is happening?" Mariana's mother cried.

"Mirabel found Bruno's vision. She's in it. She's gonna destroy the magic and now we're all doomed!" Dolores shrieked.

The animals brought the vision onto the table, and Mirabel made a dive for it, only to push it towards Abuela. She looked down at the vision, and back up at Mirabel, who stood there frozen.

Behind her, the house began to crack. The cracks spread all along the walls and the floor around Isaiah, scaring him and causing him to grow a flower that hit Mariana in the face.

The cracks spread near (Y/n) and she screamed and jumped back tripping over her chair and falling on top of Isaiah. He immediately wrapped his arms around her and held her close as the chaos continued.

The doors to the house suddenly burst open, and a crowd of people stood there with a congratulations banner.

"Felicidades!" They shouted, before they saw what was happening.

Pepa's cloud finally caused a down pour and Abuela looked back at Mirabel, unable to speak.


Mariana's mother led Mariana out of the house while she clutched her nose in pain.

"Señora, por favor!" Abuela called after her.

Mirabel ran after her. "Abuela, please! There's got to be an explanation!" She yelled.

"I hate you!" Isaiah snarled as he passed her.

Luisa followed, still crying. "I'm a loser!"

"Luisa!" Agustín chased after his daughter.

"What did you do?" Pepa asked as she too, sprinted past him.

"I'm not doing anything! It's Bruno's vision! It's..."

"Mirabel!" A voice called from behind her.

She turned around and saw (Y/n) sprinting towards her. She immediately engulfed her in a hug.

"Are you okay?" She asked, fearfully.

"Yeah. I'm okay." She pulled away and took a deep breath. "I'm..."

Mirabel paused when she saw some rats running along the floor carrying pieces of the vision.

Mirabel and (Y/n) glanced at each other before she took her arm and pulled her along. "Come on."


Mariana and her mother ran out of the house and Abuela followed behind them.

"The magic is strong! Everything is fine! We are the Madrigals!" She slammed the doors to the house closed as the crowd watched with concern.

"MIRABEL!!!" She screamed, as thunder rumbled.


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