《My Precious Flower》Chapter 3: Show Off



Miracle entered the house carrying the basket while (Y/n) walked right behind her.

"You sure you don't need any help?" (Y/n) asked.

"No, I've got this. Don't worry." She reassured her.

Mirabel ducked past people carrying instruments and accidentally backed into someone carrying a bench.

"Sorry. Excuse me." She apologized.

Casita built a new staircase that led up to Antonio's door.

"Lift it higher. Higher!" Abuela instructed to someone trying to hang a banner over the new door.

"Hey, nice job over there." Camilo commented.

"Yeah yeah."

"Camilo, we need another José!" Abuela said.

"José!" Camilo shifted into the man to hold up the other end of the banner.

"Luisa, the piano goes upstairs!" Abuela called.

Luisa dropped the barrels she was holding. "I'm on it! Careful sis!" Luisa said, as she almost bumped into Mirabel.

Suddenly, a gust of wind started blowing around the house. (Y/n) turned and saw that Pepa was stressing out and had created a tornado.

"My baby's night has to be perfect, and it's not perfect, and people are going to be coming. And nothing's ready." She ranted.

Her husband Félix was trying to protect the decorations from her storm.

"You're tornado-ing the flowers! The flowers!" He called to her.

"Did someone say flowers?" Isaiah said from the railing.

Pepa stopped her tornado, and everyone looked up to see vines wrap around Isaiah and swing him down, spreading flowers everywhere. (Y/n) watched with slight interest as everyone else cheered for him, except Mirabel, who had a bored and fed up expression on her face.

"Our angel, our angel." Félix praised.

"Please, don't clap."

Isaiah lowered himself into the floor and handed Pepa a bouquet of flowers.

He then turned and noticed (Y/n) standing nearby and made a giant bouquet of flowers appear in her hands. The girl nearly stumbled from how big it was.

"There you are mi pétala. Beautiful flowers for a beautiful woman." He said smoothly.

"Uh...thanks...I guess." She replied politely.

I'm all honesty, (Y/n) didn't know how to feel towards Isaiah. Sure, she thought he was handsome, and talented, and she admired the work he did for the community.

However, she also though he could be a bit arrogant and big headed, and she wasn't overly fond of the way he treats Mirabel. Still, he was always polite to her, so she was civil and polite to him as well. But mainly she tried to avoid talking to him as much as possible.

"(Y/n), do you think you can help me find a place for this?" Mirabel asked, holding up one of the objects from the basket.


"Oh, sure!" She handed the large bouquet of flowers back to Isaiah and rushed off and Isaiah scowled at his sister.

"Thank you." Pepa praised him.

Isaiah plastered a smile on his face that showed off his perfect teeth. "Oh, it's nothing." He replied, waving his hand near Mirabel's face, covering it with flowers.

"A little brotherly advice, if you weren't always trying too hard, you wouldn't be in the way." Isaiah snarked. And he wasn't just talking about the decorating.

"Actually, Isa, this is called helping. And I'm not in the way. You are." Just as she said that, Mirabel walked right into a pole.


Julieta was in the kitchen cooking for the Gift ceremony, when Mirabel stumbled in carrying the basket.

"Whoa." She muttered.

Mirabel grunted as she carried the supplies in and set them down on the ground.

"Mi vida, you okay? You don't have to overdo it." Her mom said.

Mirabel started setting things on the counter, and Casita carried them across the countertop.

"I know, Mamá. I just wanna do my part like the rest of the family." She reassured.

"She's right, mi hija." Her dad's face appeared in front of hers, and his nose was all swelled up from bee stings.

"Eesh." Mirabel cringed.

"First Gift ceremony since yours. A lot of emotions." Agustín placed his swollen hand on top of Mirabel's making her cringe.

"Bee stings, dad!"

"And I've been there." He continued.

Julieta turned around and saw her husband. "Ay, Agustín." She sighed.

"When me and your Tío Félix married into the family, outsiders who had no Gift, never, ever would..."

Agustín turned his head to reveal his swollen ear, while Mirabel just kept unloading the basket.

"Surrounded by the exceptional, it was easy to feel, un-ceptional."

"Okay, Papá."

"I'm just saying I get it."

"Eat." His wife said, shoving food in his mouth, making his bee stings go away. "Amore, if you ever want to talk..."

"I gotta put out the stuff." Mirabel interrupted, avoiding the subject. "This house isn't going to decorate itself."

That comment made the party streamers on the ceiling droop in sadness.

"Sorry, you could. You look great." She corrected.

The house perked up at this.

"Corazon, remember!" Her mother called after him.

"Yeah, remember!"

"You have nothing to prove!"

"You have nothing to prove!"

"Mm Hmm!" Mirabel gave them a thumbs up as she walked away.


Mirabel set candles onto the place mats that she and (Y/n) had made for the family.


She set one down for Luisa, and Isaiah, and was in the middle of putting Abuela's together.

"Ah, los musicos! You can set up over there."

"Clean your rooms! I don't care how big they are."

She stood up and looked at the picture frames that had each of the Madrigals standing in front of their door when they were kids.

"Hey. There you are." (Y/n)'s voice rang in her ears.

She looked at her and smiled. "Hey. What do you think?" She asked, gesturing to the place mats.

"I think they look great! You're really talented." She praised.

"Ah, well, you helped too." She shrugged modestly.

"(Y/n)! You could come help me with the decorations?" Abuela called.

"Coming!" She responded. "I'll see you at later."

Mirabel waved to her before turning back to the pictures and feeling a bit disheartened.

"One hour!" Abuela's voice rang through her thoughts, and she backed away in shock, her foot knocking over the candle that was on Abuela's placemat, lighting it on fire.

"Oh! No, no, no!" Mirabel whispered. She stomped on the fire to try and put it out.

"Maybe you should leave the decorations to someone else?" Abuela suggested.

"No, uh, (Y/n) and I actually made these as a surprise for you." Mirabel informed, still trying to stomp out the fire.

"Mirabel, I know you want to help. But tonight must go perfectly. The whole town relies on our family, on our Gifts. So, the best way for some of us to help...is to step aside. Let the rest of the family do what they do best. Okay?"

Mirabel gave her a strained smile and nodded.

"Pepa! You have a cloud!" Abuela called to her daughter.

"I know, Mamá! But now I can't find Antonio. What do you want from me?!" She yelled before storming away. (Literally)

Mirabel started walking towards her room when she heard her mom talking to Abuela.

"Mamá, be nice to Mirabel, okay? You know tonight will be hard for her."

"If the Gift ceremony doesn't go well this time, tonight will be hard for us all."

Mirabel opened the door to the nursery and sat down on her bed, sighing heavily. She then reached over to her night stand and pulled out a present, when she heard a knock on the door.

Mirabel opened it and (Y/n) was standing there.

"Hey. I'm back."

"Wow, that was quick." She commented.

"Well, you know your Abuela, I tried to place flowers where she wanted, but it didn't take long for her to end up asking Isaiah to do it."

Mirabel chuckled. "Come on in."

(Y/n) entered the room and sat down on her bed. "So what's the gift for?"

Mirabel held her finger to her lips and sat down next to her.

"Everyone's looking for you." She whispered in a sing song voice.

Nothing happened. Mirabel dangled the present by the floor.

"This present will self-destruct if you don't take it in 3...2...1..."

A little hand shot out from under the bed and grabbed the gift.

Mirabel and (Y/n) crawled underneath the bed and got on each of Antonio's sides.

"Nervous?" (Y/n) asked.

Antonio sighed.

"You have nothing to worry about. Your gonna get your Gift and open that door, and it's gonna be the coolest ever. I know it." Mirabel reassured him.

"What if it doesn't work?" Antonio whispered.

"Well, in that impossible scenario, you'd stay here in the nursery with me. Forever. And I'd get you all to myself." Mirabel joked.

"I wish you could have a door." Antonio told her.

"You know what? You don't have to worry about me, cause I have an amazing family, and an amazing house, and a pretty great best friend." Mirabel looked over at (Y/n) and held up her fist.

(Y/n) giggled. "Heck yeah, you do." She bumped their fists together.

"And an amazing you. And seeing you get your special Gift and your door, that's gonna make me way more happy than anything."

"But alas. I am gonna miss having the worlds best roomie." Mirabel sighed playfully.

She then pushed her present towards Antonio. Antonio opened it and gasped, pulling out a stuffed jaguar.

"I know your an animal guy, and I made this so, when you move into your cool, new room, you always have something to snuggle with." Mirabel explained

The floorboards started moving, and Casita bounced a clock along the floor signaling that it was time to go.

"Alright little man, you ready?" (Y/n) asked Antonio.

Antonio nodded and started to crawl out from the bed, when (Y/n) and Mirabel pulled him into a hug.

"Sorry, we gotta get one more squeeze."

Casita bounced the floor underneath them, making them laugh and roll along the floor.

"Okay, okay, we're going!" Mirabel laughed.


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