《Muddy Green Waters || Draco Malfoy》13 - Retaliation


I spent the next few weeks keeping myself to myself. Pansy had gone back to her usual self - sending nasty retorts and sniggers behind my back, with Tracey and Daphne doing whatever Pansy did. I didn't care. I just couldn't be bothered to be upset by it anymore.

I was too ashamed to approach Harry, Ron or Hermione and admit they were right all along. I was too scared of the rejection and of the disappointment in their eyes.

So I literally had no friends to talk to in Hogwarts. I hated to admit just how lonely I felt. I just wanted to concentrate on getting my school work done and counting down the days, weeks, months until I could leave.

However, one evening when I was studying in the library I sensed someone sit down on the chair besides me.

"Hello Rosie," I looked up from the essay I was writing and was surprised to see Hermione.

"Uh, hullo Hermione," I murmured. I shifted some of my books aside so that Hermione could spread her things out.

"I noticed you are not so friendly with Pansy these days, is everything ok Rosie?"

I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to control the sudden surge of emotions. I wanted to tell her how humiliated I had been and how lonely I have felt. But I had my pride. So I just shrugged my shoulders.

"Look Rosie, I don't blame you for wanting to try and fit in with your house. They have made it hard for you in the past and Pansy's offering of a friendship must have felt like some sort of relief." Hermione said gently.

I was so grateful of her understanding so I forced myself to look at her and give a smile. "Pansy was never a friend of mine, Hermione. I was an stupid fool to not see who my true friends were. And for that I'm truly sorry."


Hermione grinned and simply gave my hand a quick squeeze. I could have cried.

"What about Harry and Ron?" I said, remembering the disgust on Ron's face and the disappointment in Harry's eyes.

"Oh they'll come around - you know what boys are like with their pride," Hermione laughed. "Besides, it wasn't as though you were dating Malfoy or anything!"

I felt a sudden heat rise to my cheeks and quickly ducked down under the pretence of retrieving something from my bag so she wouldn't see me blush.

"Ha ha! As if!" I forced a laugh, probably a bit too hard but if Hermione had suspected anything she didn't show it.

"Look anyway, there was something I needed to talk to you about." Hermione lowered her voice to a whisper and looked furtively around as if making sure no one could listen in.

"Go on." I said leaning into her.

"Just before Christmas we formed a sort of group. We, well Harry, is teaching a secret Defence Against the Dark Arts class to students who want to retaliate against Umbridge."

My mouth dropped open. "How are you doing this? Didn't Umbridge put out some sort of decree preventing this sort of thing?"

"We meet in a special place called the Room of Requirement which helps us remain undetected." Hermione explained. I had never heard of such a room. "We are meeting tonight, please say you'll come along."

"I-I... yes! Of course I will. But will Harry mind?" I was keen but also worried about what kind of reception I would receive.

"He will be fine Rosie. I promise you. This is about learning the tools to defend ourselves in case of an attack, and Harry knows what it is like to be in that position and wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy."


So I went along with her. It was amazing. Harry greeted me with a warm smile and enveloped me in a hug when I arrived. I felt so blessed to have my friends back. Although Ron was a bit more reluctant to be so forgiving but I could see he would thaw in time.

I hadn't realised just how skilled Harry was and he was even managing to teach the group how to produce fully corporeal patronuses. I was amazed.

By the end of the lesson I could still only produce an incorporeal patronus but it was more than I could achieve before. I felt happier than I had done in ages as I walked back down to the dungeons and not even Pansy's snide remark about the air smelling filthy when I walked into the dormitory could ruin my good mood.

I had my friends back.


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