《Blue Fire》BOYS


The rest of the day was dull. Every hour seemed to tick by slower than the one before. Last period was the worst.

The sound of the bell, slamming books and squeaky sneakers, brought me out of my deep thought. I sighed and packed up my bag as quickly as possible so I could rush home and get ready. Maybe even popping a Xanax before heading out.

I checked the time on my phone. She said to meet her at the beach at 6, right? My head hurt. Why would she wanna talk to me I'm probably being set up or even stood up. I started to wipe the sand off my butt and gather my things when Michelle came running up to me. Her face was red, but laughing. She looked effortlessly beautiful. I was jealous. I had never been classically pretty like that, especially not after sprinting at full speed.

"SO sorry that I'm late! My mom made me clean up my room, and then she forced Me to take my little sister Kenzie to dance, so I had to do that. But I'm here now!" She gushed all this without taking a breath. I laughed, I couldn't help it.

"How have you not passed out?" I asked, laughing. She playfully shoved me."Hey lets go get a smoothie. OOOH, and after that, lets got talk to those boys over there." She pointed to a group of boys huddled around a beach campfire."Um, no, boys don't like talking to me..." I said. Michelle laughed. "Sadie, are you serious? You're like the hottest bitch I've ever seen. No lie. Those boys are gonna love you." I laughed and looked down awkwardly playing with my hands. "Ok, but, can I at least bring my book in case I get bored?" Michelle sighed. "Ok whatever! That's fine. We don't even have to talk to the boys, but I NEED a strawberry smoothie! Let's go!" She pushed me towards the cabana, red faced and thirsty. Everything was just the way I hoped it would be.

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