《Lola's Birthday Wish》Chapter 15- What Lola wants
"Well where's the newest version?" She asked the speaker on the other end of the cell phone
The CEO put on her blue business suit and brushed her hair. After several minutes the person on the phone replied.
"You don't know? you put me on hold for eight minutes just to tell me you don't know? Why didn't you just say that outright and tell me you'd get back to me when you found it?"
The CEO put her lipstick on. "Look, I've been trying to get this new model on the production line for months and I turn around for two seconds and suddenly the prototype I asked you to update has vanished. I'm just asking how this happened.....Please don't cry over my phone, hang up and go to the washroom. Alright, you pull yourself together and find out what happened to the prototype design. I'll be there in fifteen minutes."
Tatiana hung up the phone and powdered her face. Lola didn't know what was wrong with this company. It almost seemed like someone was trying to stab Tatiana in the back again. Could someone be plotting against Lola?
Lola got into the limo and Robert greeted her good morning as he drove her to work. Micheal called and told Tatiana how much fun he had on the last date and the two flirted a little bit.
Tatiana hadn't even given a thought over the fact that Tatiana hadn't called Tatiana over the last few days....
......Lola. Lola hadn't called Tatiana over the last few days.
.......or was it the other way around?
"Ma'am? Are you alright?"
The CEO clutched her head and told him to keep driving. She looked at herself in the mirror to make sure her makeup was alright. And it was only now that she noticed her face and hair were a lot more stylish than the suit she was wearing. She would have to fix that after she got to work.
The CEO arrived at work and began issuing instructions to her subordinates. Here, she felt more at home.
Amongst the challenging hustle bustle of the corporate world.
The true game of thrones.
She arrived in her office and sat down to look over the forms from the legal department.
Sally walked in.
"Instructions boss?"
"Yes Sally. Heather Landyard in the tech division has misplaced some prototype designs. I need you to go get an update on that."
"Need it right away?"
"No. But I don't like it. To have something like that happen so soon after I'd retaken my position.....find out whats happened. Discretly."
"Got it."
"Then head over to advertising. The head of the department is someone new. Someone I haven't met. Meet them for me."
"You'll think of something. Whatever you do, make it last thirty minutes to an hour I want a clear picture of how they run things."
"Got it. Anything else?"
"Yes I don't want a big lunch today. I'm planning to have Lynnsagnia tonight."
Sally stood there for a second.
"You meant lasagna."
"Yes. Thats what I said."
"You called Linsagnia."
The CEO chuckled. "That's just what my dad calls it when he makes it."
Sally's eyes went wide. "Your dad?"
"Yes. He's a frightfully good cook."
"You're talking about the one who died right?"
"Don't be ridiculous! My dad is.....oh wait that's right.......he did die didn't he?...........no wait.......Lynns still alive. Who's the one that died?"
Sally put her notebook down and quickly slid close to her boss. "Tanya? Whats happening? Talk to me."
The CEO looked up at Sally and said, "Who am I supposed to be again?"
Sally quickly hurried her boss out of the office. Urging her to take the rest of the day off and to not let any of the employees see her leave.
The CEO sat at her home. Her luxurious designer mansion. Up in its highest floor she sat with her dozens of plants and tended to each one individually.
The plants calmed her mind and relaxed her. They always did. She had been an avid gardner ever since she was a little girl competing in high pressure children pageants. Performing in front of the audience in Slovakia. Before her parents died and her siblings....what happened to her siblings again?......
..........oh yeah. They all left after she ruined her seventh birthday party.
Was that before or after she moved to America?
The doorbell downstairs rang.
Tatiana L Loud, got up and rinsed the dirt off of her fingers. Her orchids had fungal rot. She couldn't understand how that happened. She'd have to consult her botany colleagues about this.
The young woman walked down the stairs and opened the door.
Her heart leapt into her throat.
But for the life of her she couldn't understand why.
A grim faced old woman was standing outside. She was dressed in very wealthy clothes and carried a designer purse. Her short silver hair gleamed in the night and her lips her pressed together in a seemingly permanent state of disapproval.
The CEO didn't have any idea who this person was but her body felt immense terror at the sight of her.
"Well child?" said the old woman.
And somewhere in Lola Tiche's mind the memories bubbled out and rose to the surface.
Dana Vanderwald. The womans name was Dana Vanderwald. The woman who had adopted Tatiana Tiche, brought her to America, and sponsored her education.
"Of course Madre. Come on in."
In a flash the CEO transformed into a dutiful daughter and stood aside.
More memories bubbled up. Ms Vanderwald comes to visit her protege once a month. Tatiana had hidden these meetings from Lola as they were too personal. At one point, Tatiana even canceled a meeting with her foster mother because she was in Lola's body at the time and wouldn't dare leave Lola in charge of such a visit.
But what about last month?
"I missed you last month." Said the CEO, who was now beginning to suspect she was Lola Loud after all.
"Yes." said the old woman coldly. "I figured you had enough on your plate. How is the rehab?"
"Complete." Answered quite-possibly-Lola. "Been sober for weeks now. Speaking of which, I hope tea is alright?"
"Satisfactory." Said Ms Vanderbelt.
This word triggered emotions in the young CEO and in that moment she realized that she WAS Lola. She had been in Tatiana's body for so long now she could barely remember being a little kid. It actually felt like she had aged thirty years and her childhood had become a distant memory. (despite the fact that her childhood was still going on right at that moment with someone else enjoying it.)
"Is something wrong child?"
"No Madre. Nothing."
After freshening up in the bathroom, Ms Vanderwald came out to find the dining room table covered in pink linen. With a plate full of low fat biscuits and a brand new sparkling tea set sitting on top of it. Lola poured the earl grey with poise.
"Milk, no sugar?"
"Yes." said Dana as she looked over the tea set. "This is new?"
"Yes. I just bought it." Replied Lola, remembering that she had bought this set on the spur of the moment. Having missed her tea parties (At one point having one with Blueberry)
"Rather tasteless." said Dana
"I can add more sugar if you want?"
"No the tea is fine. I was referring to the cups." she pointed to the pink hearts not he side of the china. "rather juvenile don't you think?"
Lola's face went pink. The two women made some more small talk about the corporation. Politics. The newest technology.
Dana Vanderwald was the daughter of a failed restaurant owner in Pennsylvania. After the family went bankrupt she left home and got herself the best education she could find. In the nineteen seventies she married Norman Batwell, divorced him, and doubled the money she got in the settlement. She never had any children with him, which was a blessing since Norman was a petty man who took delight in inflicting even the smallest of emotional injuries. The concept of taking Dana's children away would have been irresistible to him.
Instead Dana moved to California and invested in the silicon Vally. By the late nineties, Bill Gates had made her an even richer woman than before.
When middle age hit she made another investment. In a brilliant little orphan from Eastern Europe that she could mold in her own image.
"So you're a drunk."
It wasn't a question. it seemed this women never asked questions, she just made statements and waited for you to say something.
"I have a problem. Yes." Lola maintained her composure. "Its embarrassing but I'm dealing with it."
"Embarrassing for you."
"Yes. Or....I mean it was.... but I'm...."
"Dealing with it. I heard you the first time." Dana's eyes bore holes into Lola. "In the last three weeks, I have had no less than two dozen phone calls from friends....business associates...and people who don't like me. Offering their condolences about my daughters alcoholism."
"I'm sorry to hear that." Said Lola
Wrong thing to say.
"Those are the exact words they used. "I'm sorry to hear that", "What do you think caused it?", "I've been hearing rumours..."
"Its just-"
"And you couldn't even be bothered....to warn me." Dana's voice was barely a whisper. "I could have helped you. I could have taken care of this quietly. You never....EVER!--"
The word "ever" went up five notches and echoed throughout the house.
"-give people reason to think you're out of control. It makes you look weak and it gives your competitors ideas. How dare you.....HUMILIATE me......like this."
Dana made a sharp intake of breath and breathed out. "Drunkeness is for other people." Dana sipped her tea.
"......Yes Madre." Lola replied.
The conversation continued for a few more minutes. Dana Vanderwald shifted over to more professional topics. She was a minor stockholder in Tatianas company, too minor to stop a mutiny from the board of directors, but she had enough to act as a possible swing vote on certain decisions.
A status that she wielded with great dexterity. If the board was split fifty fifty, Dana would side with her foster daughter, all she required in exchange was a monthly update as to what Tatiana was planning so that she felt in control at all times.
At least thats what Tatiana believed. Lola Loud had other ideas.
"She's enjoying this." Lola thought to her self. "She doesn't have to come here to find out how the companies doing. She just wants to boss me around. Mean old lady."
As Dana received her up date she took moments to "instruct" her prodigy on the clothes she was wearing, her posture, her personal life, and made a few more shots at Tatianas out of control drinking. Lola replied in one word affirmations and tried to get the conversation back on her company.
Soon Dana was up to date with everything going on at Tiche tech. "Before I go, there's a book that I've been meaning to read. "Self mutilation". I believe you might have a copy."
Lola's eyes went wide. "You...want to hurt yourself?"
"No." Dana replied with a slight hint of venom. "It's by Harold Mcarthy. It's about the psychology of the working class. In fact, I'm sure you have a copy. You mentioned it to me a few months ago."
"I guess."
"Speak up girl, and don't slouch."
"I said I might have it upstairs." Lola repeated much louder. She quickly left the table and scurried upward. Anything to get away from the horrible old witch.
Lola entered the library and began searching for the book "Self-mutilation". Before long, she was taking books out of the polished wooden book cabinet and tossing them on the floor childishly.
"Where is the stupid book?" Lola whispered angrily. She wanted Dana out of her house as soon as possible.
But then Lola was momentarily frozen. Another book had caught her eye.
A princess in america.
"I remember this book." Lola thought to herself. "Why does Tatiana have something like this?"
Lola touched it and a flood of memories burst forth.
"Come on Lola! We all have to read a book if you want to go to the pizza party and your letting everyone down!"
"Okay, fine just give me the princess one."
"Is it so hard for you to read just one book?!"
"Yes! It is!!"
Lincoln stopped wrestling with his younger sister.
"It's too hard for me to read. So I never do. You think I don't want to read about princesses and unicorns and the bossy twins! Even though they have terrible hair...."
"Then I'll help you. We'll read the book together."
"Are you sure? I'm really slow......"
Lincoln took Lolas hand.
Now the images switched back to the library. Tatiana Tiche finished Princess in America and closed it.
"Mildly entertaining. I'm glad I read it but its not worth keeping. I'll put it on the third shelf until I find an opportunity to sell it."
Lola returned back to the present and stared at the book in her hand.
Such a warm and loving memory. She had lost it for a while there. What other memories could she did up?
Lola scoured the bookcase and found books by Edgar Allen Poe. There was a book of scientific theory. Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain.
"Lucy I'm so sorry! I borrowed you doll without your permission and broke her and now she's HAUNTING me!!"
"You broke her? .......She looks fine to me."
"That's not your doll...."
"How did this happen?"
"It started off as a tea stain and kind of spiralled from there. I'm a terrible sister."
"It's okay. I know you didn't do this on purpose."
"Lisa are you sure this is going to take my photo?"
"Don't talk or move. The radiation is quite deadly."
"Lori, I don't think I can do the pageant today. I'm sick."
"That's okay, we'll just hold our very own pageant here. Just the two of us!"
"Lana, you had to set up a campsite? how could you fail that?"
"You had to throw a fancy tea party? How could you mess that up?"
Lola held the plunger in her hands.
"I was worried you wouldn't be able to complete the last challenge and I didn't want to be a bluebell without you." They said in unison.
The books slid out of Lolas hands and hit the ground.
Her face felt warm and her vision was becoming cloudy with tears.
She wasn't just losing her childhood. She was missing out on her siblings childhoods as well.
She didn't want that. She didn't want this. How could she ever make such a wish as this?
"I've got to get out of here." Lola whispered to herself.
But as she turned to leave, she noticed a fireplace in the corner of her library. Images began to cloud her mind again.
These were Tatianas. "Why can I see hers as well?" She wondered.
She went over to the fireplace and touched it.
Tatiana sat in front of the fireplace and calmly ripped out a page of the book in her hand. She placed it in the fire without crumpling it. After the page had completely burned she ripped out another one.
Sally entered.
"Tanya? what are you doing?"
"I just read a book called "Self mutilation". Ever heard of it?"
"Can't say I have."
"It's by Harold Mcarthy. One of my directors sent me a copy."
"You're burning it?"
Tatiana ripped out another page. "Sally, Do you believe its acceptable to use the health care programs of the working class as leverage to garuntee their obedience? Holding it hostage as it were?"
"Being the daughter of a teacher, no. I can't say I do."
"This book implies that its not only acceptable. It's encouraged. Since the lower classes are responsible for all the problems that they suffer from. Hence the title, self mutilation. Mr Mcarthy has many other first class ideas just like that one and expounds them with shameless apathy. Joseph Goebles couldn't have written better filth if he tried."
Tatiana tossed the page in the fire and tore out another with slow meticulation. Savouring the destruction of the wretched thing. Sally coughed into her hand.
"Kind of a double standard since you've always be very vocal against book burning Tanya."
"I'm not a government body or a public institution. Nothing is being censored. This is my property. It offends me. I'm destroying it."
"O-kay. Ms Vanderwald is coming tonight. Just a reminder."
Tatiana looked up at Sally with sadness in her heart. Sally turned to leave but Tatiana made a noise.
"God I hate that woman." Tatiana whispered to herself as she tossed the binding into the flames.
"Straighten up child. When you go to this school you'll be representing me. Any calls from the teacher are not only embarrassing, they are a show of disrespect.
"A B plus? Is that the best you can do?"
"You don't need to go to parties. Parties won't get you into the top five percentile."
"Don't be ungrateful."
"You owe me everything."
"Madre. I got the highest score in class."
"Satisfactory. You may go and buy yourself something as a reward. I'll be back late. After my dinner engagement."
After the flashbacks ended, Lola came back down the stairs.
Dana Vanderwald was waiting in the front hall with her jacket and purse.
"You were quite a while."
Lola took Dana's hands and poured ashes from the fireplace into them. "That's all thats left of your book."
The two women looked at each other. Dana's eyes demanding an apology and Lola's giving none.
After two minutes Dana dumped the ashes onto the floor and opened the door. "I'll see you next month."
Lola shut the door with force. " I'll be in Royal Woods next month. so goodbye and good riddance."
And she stuck out her tongue.
Too be continued
The book self mutilation is made up.
Princess in america was featured in the actual episode "Read aloud"
Little women and Prince and the pauper are real books and I highly recommend them.
- In Serial69 Chapters
The Lightning Mage
When Lyn falls for a girl who is out of this world, she did not expect her to literally not be from the world. *** Lyn Bronte is a talented lightning mage and an up-and-coming quester--someone who takes up quests against magical monsters and beings for money. When a cute waitress at a cafe reveals her hidden ability to perform magic on very specific items, Lyn recruits her into her questing team. Little does she know, Cydney harbors a dangerous secret that will threaten to wreck both their lives. It turns out that Cydney is not from Lyn's world--she is from ours, the world of iPhones, Wattpad and Harry Styles. As she attempts to get back home, she finds herself in a dilemma: how much is she willing to sacrifice to get home? And how much is Lyn willing to sacrifice for her? Perfect for fans of Naruto, Fairy Tail, and Isekai stories. Also posted on Wattpad, Tapas, and ScribbleHub.
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The Choice is Not Yours
Author's Note: (As of November 20, 2021) I rewrote all the chapters perhaps more than a year ago, but haven't announced that I did so. Because that kind of announcement would include something along the lines of, "I'm working on the story so expect new chapters!" But the truth is, I lack motivation to do anything. And I would hate myself if I broke a promise. I'm extremely sorry if you have been patiently waiting for uploads. These days, I've been studying, not well, but studying somewhat. I will definitely bring more to show, with regular uploads. If not this story then there's another story I've been writing that's really exciting to me. It's not exactly similar to this story since it has a male lead and he is a baneful asshole with even less morals. I hope you'll like it when it comes to existence. And I'll leave my announcement off with the aforementioned promise. Meet Amber, a tomboyish, unstable, and cheeky lass who likes to keep to herself. According to her, she'll live the rest of her life on auto-pilot mode, awhile holding onto the few things that make her remotely happy. However, she forgot that people never really leave you alone, be it humans or even the Gods. And exactly that happens, ending her monotonous life on such the Gods' whim. But at what cost to her? Will she be able to hold onto the things she holds dear? Or will she fail miserably and lose herself in the process? That's what the Gods want to know. Disclaimer: I do not own the cover photo.Warning: If you are easily triggered, I am not writing this novel for you.
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Vincent's Trials (Placeholder Name)
The story follows Vincent as he experiences the highs and lows of what life, love, and duty have to offer along with everything else along the way. Notice: The image used as the bookcover is not my own, nor is it a picture I have commissioned. It was found on Imgur in a D&D image dump an a reverse image search has shown that Square Enix bears some ownership. Should the original author of the image or Square Enix wish for me to take the image down, I shall so without hesitation. As such the image a place holder and will be subject to change. Thank you.
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Young Elucard is thrown headlong into the ruthless world of the assassin clan: The Black Rabbits. There he must survive the grueling training, deal with cutthroat competition, and wrestle with the vastly different morality of being a killer. The Dragon Realms Saga is a sprawling epic that features assassins, ancient magic, heroes and larger than life villains!!! This story will span 6 volumes and all the currently written books can be purchased on amazon here
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Silence ✔️
Zelda Harkinian is a girl with impaired hearing and has been bullied mercilessly for it her entire life. Years later, one of her former tormentors, Link Forrester, sets out to make amends, in hopes of earning her forgiveness and help with the new problems he now faces. ••The Legend of Zelda and its characters belong to Nintendo. Cover art was created by Finni Chang. If you would like your art removed, please pm me!Inspired by the Japanese animated movie "Koe No Katachi" (A Silent Voice). All writing is mine. Please do not repost my work anywhere else.Highest Rank: #1 in Zelink3rd place in the Popularity Contest under the Modern AU category for the Zelda Watty Awards 2018!Word Count: 52KPublished: January 22, 2017 11:07 PMCompleted: May 2, 2017 10:51 AM-KatyWritesStuff- ©
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POEM-Synonyms of life
This are some poems which i wrote without any grammar or any poetic devices. i just wrote it with my feelings. There are some poems through which you can relate and some which you feel out of your picture of your life, but i will hope you enjoy all of them and give me reviews about my shortcomings, i will try to solve those problems.
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