《ɪɴᴇxᴘʟɪᴄᴀʙʟᴇ sᴇᴄʀᴇᴛ》ЗУРГАА: ӨНГӨРСӨН БА ИРЭЭДҮЙ
Жонгүг хэдий уйлахаа больсон ч тэдний дунд асар эвгүй байдал үүсэх нь тэр. Тэхёнд энэ бүхэн байдаг л нэг үзэгдэл бол Жонгүгийн хувьд тийм биш. Тэр танихгүй нэгний амнаас бананатай сүү уучихлаа шүү дээ?
" Уг нь би энэ үйлдлийг зөвхөн өөрийнхөө Жонгүгт л хийж өгдөг байсан юм. Гэхдээ чамайг уйлаад байсан болохоор яаж ч чадсангүй."
Тэхён аль болох тоохгүй мэт царайлахыг хичээх бол Жонгүг дахиад л шоконд орон хэсэг чимээгүй болох нь тэр. Тэгснээ гэнэт л чанга чанга инээгээд эхэлсэнд Тэхён үхтлээ цочих нь инээдтэй.
" Өөрийнхөө Жонгүг гэнэ шүү! Чи тэгээд уйлж байгаа хүн болгоныг барьж аваад үнсээд байдаг хэрэг үү?"
" Тийм утгаараа биш. Чи түүнтэй минь хэтэрхий адилхан болохоор л өөрийгөө удирдаж чадсангүй. Тэрнээс бол чамайг яасан ч үнсэхгүй. Учир нь би түүний уйлж байгааг харж чаддаггүй байсан юм. Одоо ч мөн адил. Харин одоо яагаад уйлаад байснаа тайлбарлахгүй юм уу?"
Тэр өөрөө ч юу болоод байгааг ойлгохгүй байгаа хэрнээ түүнд тайлбарлаж чадна гэж үү? Энэ бүхэн үнэхээр үнэн бол Жонгүг яах ёстой вэ? Магадгүй өөртэйгөө уулзаад тусламж хүсэх хэрэгтэй байх. Энэ бол ирээдүй тиймээс дахиад нэг Жонгүг байж л таараа.
" За тэгэхээр чиний тэр яриад байгаа Жонгүг хаана байна? Би түүнтэй уулзах хэрэгтэй байна."
" Миний яриад байгаа Жонгүг гэнэ ээ? Тэр яг одоо өөдөөс минь хараад сууж байна."
" Аль хаана байна?"
Жонгүг тэр даруйд өөрийгөө хайж эхлэх бөгөөд золтой л олчихсонгүй.
" Жон Жонгүг чи хаана байна!"
Сүүлдээ тэрээр шантарч эхлэх бөгөөд өөрийгөө хичнээн дуудсан ч ирээдүйн Жонгүг гэх нэгэн түүн дээр ирсэнгүй. Учир нь түүнд ирээдүй гэж байхгүй. Одоогийн Жонгүг зүгээр л түр зуурын түүнийг орлогч.
" Тэнэг хэвээрээ байх шив. Явцгаая би ажлаасаа хоцрох нь!"
" Би хамт явж болох юм уу? Үнэхээр болно гэж үү?"
Жонгүг нэгэнт цаг хугацааг алгасаад 2024 онд ирчихсэн юм бол түүнд очих газар байхгүй. Өмнө нь амьдарч байсан газраа очиж болох ч тэр олохгүй нь лавтай.
" Тэгэхээр сонс, би чамайг хаанаас гэнэт гарч ирчихээд уйлж унжаад намайг танихгүй мэт царайлаад байгааг мэдэхгүй ч, би чамайг ингээд орхиод явчихаж чадахгүй нь, бяцхан туулай минь?"
" Ингэхэд чи хэн юм? Би чамайг амьдралдаа анх удаа харж байна. Тийм байхад яагаад дотно юм шиг аашлаад, барьж авч үнсээд надад ингэж туслаад байгаа юм? Бас "хаана байна?"
Жонгүг машинд суусан цагаасаа эхлээд тасралтгүй үглэсээр байх бөгөөд олон утгагүй зүйл ярьж түүнийг хангалттай залхааж байлаа.
" Би хаана байна л гээд байх юм? Энд бүлтийгээд сууж байгаа биз дээ! Эсвэл сохор юм уу?"
" Тийм биш ээ! Дахиад нэг чиний яриад байгаа Жонгүг байх ёстой? Чи намайг гэнэт гараад ирсэн гээ биз дээ? Тэгвэл өмнөх Жонгүг яасан юм? Тэр хаана байна?"
Тэхён энэ асуултанд л хамгийн их хариулахыг хүсэхгүй байлаа. Түүний юу яриад байгааг төдийлөн сайн ойлгоогүй ч энэ тухайд лав биш.
" Сонин юм яриад байлгүй буу. Бид ирчихлээ?"
Тэхёны жаргалтай царай хормын дотор өөрчлөгдөж хүйтэн хэрцгий царайгаар солигдох нь тэр. Магадгүй энэ түүний өөр нэг төрх байх.
" Хөөх, чи үргэлж ийм байвал үнэхээр царайлаг харагддаг юм байна шд!"
" Намайг чи гэхээ боль. Орчин тойрноо мэдэрч амьдраач, би одоо ажил дээрээ байна, жаалаа?"
Жонгүгийн хүүхэд шиг зан илт гараад ирсэн байх бөгөөд хөөрхөн инээмсэглэсээр Тэхёныг даган өнөөх том компани руу орлоо.
I Have to Text my Ex, or the World Explodes
Do you have an anus? If you do, here's a great little nonsensical story for you to turn off your brain and read while you're stuck in the toilet with nothing to do. Here's the premise of my new story: Andrew Garage thought he was the Chosen One.Stuck in a time loop that reset whenever a meteor crashed to Earth, he was determined to save mankind and get himself out of the loop. On his seventh try, he finally eliminated the catastrophic meteorite with an Antimatter Gun.However, a self-proclaimed Goddess suddenly appeared and sent Andrew back into the loop again because he saved the world 'the wrong way'. As Andrew bitterly scavenged for solutions, he found out that the reason the meteor kept crashing into Earth because. . . he kept ignoring his exes' texts. Great for people with anuses and people who want to destroy meteorites. Not recommended for people who expect actual logic like NOT winning the lottery five times in a row.
8 89Don't Come Inside, Okay?
Lars Cromwell just got dumped by his girlfriend of 3 months, apparently because she found someone better. Although the normal man would have been bummed out by this, Lars didn't particularly mind. Because Lars just won the lottery, which meant he was about a billion dollars richer now. And he had one less person to share it with! Even if he was single, at least he was filthy stinking rich! In any case, this is Lars' story. A story that begins just like how many others do. With his death. Join Lars as he reincarnates into another world as his Avatar together with his favorite game's Dungeon and it's NPCs! = This Work is on an indefinite Hiatus. I do not know when I'll get back to this, but I plan to rewrite a bunch of stuff when I do. If you liked this, keep following it so that I can inform you of when I improve this! = Hello, I'm Lire, and this is my 2nd fiction. I recently got into the whole dungeon thing, and thought that I wanted to write one of my own! Chapter Length: 2000+ Words. It can only be more, never less. Chapter Release Schedule: Whenever I can write. I am juggling this with my main Fiction, so yeah... Disclaimer: - Don't expect much statistical growth from the MC. Although I plan for him to refine his techniques and increase his repertoire. - You can guess from the name, but there will not be too much action in the dungeon itself. Plus, the dungeon has been fully built, so not too many things will be added either. The whole idea is to kill potential intruders before they enter the Dungeon. - This will be more like a Kingdom building story, than a Dungeon Building one. MC will try to dominate his surroundings so that he can keep his Dungeon safe. - There will be Slice of life elements, since realistically speaking, events aren't supposed to happen all the time. - This work is inspired, to a certain extent, by Murayama-sama's Overlord Light novel. Minus the 'emotionless' undead MC, and the premise of misunderstandings. The NPCs will also be aware that they were characters in a game, that came to life for some reason, so no need for MC to role-play to pull the wool over the eyes of his own allies. Also, unlike Overlord, there is a chance for the cast of characters to increase through a built-in gacha system(This is not a spoiler, this will literally be explained in the first few chapters.), except that the rates are absolutely abysmal, so it won't happen frequently. Maybe I'll use a poll to decide the next ally? We'll see.
8 124The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, is an American children's novel written by author L. Frank Baum and illustrated by W. W. Denslow, originally published by the George M. Hill Company in Chicago on May 17, 1900. It has since been reprinted on numerous occasions, most often under the title The Wizard of Oz, which is the title of the popular 1902 Broadway musical as well as the iconic 1939 musical film adaptation. The story chronicles the adventures of a young farm girl named Dorothy in the magical Land of Oz, after she and her pet dog Toto are swept away from their Kansas home by a cyclone. The novel is one of the best-known stories in American literature and has been widely translated. Its groundbreaking success and the success of the Broadway musical adapted from the novel led Baum to write thirteen additional Oz books that serve as official sequels to the first story.
8 98Frame of Mind (Fae Mythos: Gar Darron 1)
In a city of darkness and murder, the greatest danger is found in the mind.Alany hasn’t tracked anyone since the war, but when his lover goes missing, old skills are all he can trust.With no other leads, he is forced to contact a mysterious network of telepathic magi, and risk his sanity for hope.When the mind is no longer sanctuary, and even memories can be bartered, is there still power in love?The first book of a new series in Edward Eidolon’s Fae Mythos. A note from the Author: PLEASE leave a review and alert me of any plot holes, weak portions, and anything else. I am in desperate need of beta readers and feedback. I wrote this around the new year, 2020. It's about 40k words and the first in a planned series that follows Gar "Alany" Darron and his agency of detectives as they track missing persons in the city of Throne. I have the sequel planned but not written. Once this one is completely uploaded, I'll be uploading another, unrelated series that as of right now is roughly 160k words long, and somewhere in there, I'll write the sequel to Frame of Mind. I plan to go back and forth between the two series for the foreseeable future. Thanks for reading.
8 61HUD: Wargame (Sci-Fi GameLit)
★★★★★UNFRIGGENBELIEVABLE!!!!!! "HUD: Wargame is a sci-fi GameLit worth reading." -TienSwitch ★★★★★Rock-solid FPS GameLit. "Nic - the main character - is an ambitious, hyper-competitive perfectionist, and the story fortunately handles him correctly in that it does not push these traits too far." -Akaso ★★★★★This is a good one! "This is one of those stories where you read the first few paragraphs and can just tell that the author has the chops to tell a story. It's engaging and the rules are well thought out and clearly explained. The action is punchy and exciting. Anyway, read it." -HonourRae In the future, everything is a game. Even war. 18-year-old Nic Sigfried wants the high score. Virtually piloting a real-life robot, he'll face off against his peers with the help of his AI guidance system, RTIFIS. The prize? New worlds across the galaxy that are ripe for human conquest and terraforming. It sounds glamorous on paper, but this job might be more dangerous than he thought... HUD: Wargame is the first of a five-part sci-fi series featuring GameLit elements. HUD: Wargame contains some (simulated) violence and very sparing PG-13 profanity. Updates Monday-Thursday-Saturday.
8 429Don't Leave me (Stranger Things) (Stranger Things character X Reader)
Your stuck in a love triangle. Well not really there's three boys and you so that really wouldn't be a love triangle more like a trisqua- forget it we are calling it a love triangle. You moved back to Hawkins Indiana. It's been two years since you left. When you come back you had no idea what would follow the next day. You spent a pretty normal first day with your childhood friend Will when suddenly he disappears out of thin air only having a fallen bike as a clue. An adventure and mysteries await you. The day you learn of his disappearance you stick to his three best friends and a odd girl.
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