《The Retribution of the Ice Cold Maiden》15-How do you like them apples?


"Teacher Ren, what's wrong?" the Marquis asked as he realized something was not right after seeing Teacher Ren's face.

One should know that the Marquis knew Teacher Ren for quite some time. The guy barely showed other expressions than his stone face, no matter what the situation was. He was such a solemn person, that he actually knew how to react when sung happy birthday to at a party.

But the same person was showing such a flustered face as if someone younger than him approached him and said, "Ren, I am your Birth Father."

"Teacher...?" Nicholas called out to Teacher Ren too.

"Teacher Walker...!?" Teacher Ren called out to Claire again. She had a panicked expression on her face but she still managed to say a few words.

"I-I don't know what you are talking about---- Arghhh...!!" Whack...!! Her face met with her old friend, the Fireplace poker again.

"Stop spouting nonsense and come clear. Otherwise, I may not be able to stay calm anymore." Selena ordered in a cold voice.

The Crowd felt a burning sensation on their face when they saw the Teacher getting hit on the face and the following sentence made their mouths twitch.

'Calm? This is being Calm? If this is calm, then the Barbarians are freaking Saints.' The Crowd thought.

"Somebody take that thing away from her...!!" The Marquis ordered in panic.

In response, the maids and butlers only looked at each other.

'Bruh... You are kidding, right? Do we look suicidal to you? The Lady is beating up the woman without holding back. If God himself tried to interfere, she would probably beat him up too.' They thought.

"Teacher Ren, please explain to us what is going on, otherwise we may have to prepare a body bag." Nicholas requested Teacher Ren.

"I-I..." Teacher Ren took a minute to gather his thoughts, "This... Every answer on these Arithmetic answer sheet is marked correct..." he replied despite not believing his own words.

"Eh? Isn't this good then?" The Marquis asked. Even if Selena never told the Marquis about her bad grades, he still found out. But he didn't bother before because Selena may not have academic skills, but her talent in handling any situation was better than others. Not to mention she was already engaged to Grant back then, so he was not worried about her future.

"U-Usually... but..." Teacher Ren stood up and looked at Claire once with a complicated expression before replying, "All the answers on these answer sheets... are wrong."

"WWHHHAAAATTT....?!" The Crowd exclaimed in shock.

Nicholas felt his mouth twitch. To think his sister was this bad at math. He finally was better than his sister at something. He was feeling pretty good about himself as he picked up an answer sheet from the ground and studied it. But the more he studied it, the more confused he felt.

"Er... Teacher? Is it just me or the equations used in these examples are wrong too?"

"WHAT?! Let me see...!!" The Marquis immediately thought of something and grabbed the paper from Nicholas's hand. He read the paper carefully so as to make sure he did not miss anything. His face warped in horror after reading the contents. The Equations used were indeed wrong. To put it in an example, if 3+3=6, then the sheet had 3+3=9. The meaning of the symbols were swapped out. The Addition(+) symbol's meaning was swapped with the multiplication(x) one. This was also true for the other symbols. So this way, when the student came up with an answer, and if you factor in the swapped symbols, and if the Teacher already knew about the swapped symbols, then the answer is considered correct. However, the mock-exams were examined by other teachers. They did not know that the Symbols' meanings were swapped for Selena, so they would obviously fail her.


"Teacher Walker...!! You better have a damn good explanation for this grave treason...!!" The Marquis was trembling with anger. No wonder Selena beat her up. A Teacher is a person one trusts to teach them properly and help them gain a proper understanding of the world. Unlike parents, who a child trusts since birth, a teacher is someone who was being trusted by the child because the world says so. However, taking advantage of that same trust and ruining a person slowly was one of the worst crimes in the world.

"Lies...!! All lies...!! She is framing me...!!" Claire immediately blurted out. Other than those papers, Selena had no proof. Claire was actually prepared for such a situation. Whenever their lesson ended, she would always take all of Selena's answer sheets with her to burn them later so as to make sure to destroy all evidence. Even with that, she also made sure to mark Selena's papers with a different pen and handwriting style in case she misses one.

"Teacher Ren...!! You can go back to my office and look at other papers of mine. The handwriting is not the same, hell, even the pen used to mark them is different from what I always use." She cried out to him.

"This..." Teacher Ren was confused seeing the confidence on Claire's face. Chances were that if he did check it out, her statement would be correct. However, he was also not an idiot. He was watching Claire for some time now and she did not even look at the papers even once, as if avoiding them due to guilt. But somehow, she knew the handwriting and the pen used on those papers without properly checking them out. His suspicions about Claire grew but unfortunately, the latter was well prepared and he had no proof of her crime.

"I trusted you..." a cold voice suddenly sounded and Claire looked up to see the cold face of Selena but with minute traces of pain in her expressions. She unknowingly looked down in guilt and after gathering her courage, she looked up and said to Selena with a righteous face.

"I trusted you too. I trusted you to be an upstanding citizen of this country and worked hard toward that goal despite your failure over and over again. But who would have thought you would be the fox who called the grapes sour because you could not reach them. You beat me up and tried to blame me for your failures, even planting false evidence. If your mother in heaven was here, then she would have---- AARRRGGGHHHH......!!!"

A sharp scream of agonizing pain came from Claire's mouth as Selena stepped on one of her already fractured leg. The pain was similar to being stabbed a hundred times with needles and she almost blacked out, but before she could, Selena's cold voice brought her back.

"Don't... speak of my mother. Your dirty little mouth does not deserve to talk about her." She snapped at Claire.

"You think I planted false evidence, right?" Selena continued. Claire looked with confusion and panic at Selena. Right now, the 16-year old girl looked like a Demoness made out of ice. Her very existence sent shivers into Claire's very soul.

Selena jerked her other hand which held the bag belonging to Claire. She threw the bag to Teacher Ren and said,

"Teacher Ren, please check the contents of the bag."


"No, don't...!!" Claire panicked.

"Why? Is there something in here that you don't want us to see?" the Marquis snapped back.

"That's..." Claire calmed herself before continuing, "What's the point of checking the bag? Since she created fake answer sheets, she must have also planted some fake evidence in my bag. Teacher Ren, do not trust whatever you find in the bag."

"Er, Sure..." Teacher Ren replied confusedly after checking the bag, "But first, I think you will need to open the seal you placed on the bag."

"Eh?" Claire froze on the spot. "The seal I put... is still present?"

Since magic was widespread in this world, there would obviously be magic equipments. One such item was the magic seal bag. It was similar to a fingerprint scanner from Soul's world. Every person's magic was distinctive from others, even of the same element. Even till now, no one has been able to copy someone else's magic signature which is why Magic Seal bags were a hot-selling commodity. The only way to bypass the Seal was to break it forcefully with either a strong force or forcing magic into it beyond its capacity. However, the end result is that the seal dissipates. The Prices of these bags can increase depending on the sturdiness of the seal. Since Claire's bag's seal was still intact, it meant that the bag had not been breached yet and the contents inside could not be changed or tampered with.

"This... This..." Claire looked at Selena with disbelief. 'If she did not open it, then how did she know...?'

"Yeah, bitch...!! How do you like them apples...!? I bet you wished you were dead right now, right? I know a couple of good mountains you could jump down from." Soul remarked aggressively. It was thanks to his radar that Selena knew the contents of the bag without breaking the seal. His ability to see through things was really useful.

As Soul was a programmer in his past life, he was no stranger to math. Hence, when he caught sight of Selena's answer sheet, he immediately found the problem with it. But just to make sure, he scanned Claire Walker intensely. But he couldn't find any evidence. Then, he turned his attention to her bag. He swiftly scanned inside it and found enough evidence inside to reveal the truth. When he relayed this information to Selena, she was obviously furious. Selena was aware of the Seal, but it seems Soul was so powerful, he did not even notice it and bypassed it without breaking the seal. Selena knew it was her trump card to corner her, so she thought of holding on to the bag until the Court Case, so she could give irrefutable proof. But, to her surprise, Teacher Ren was also here. So after making sure that Teacher Ren was not biased, she threw the bag towards him as his word was respected inside the Teacher's Guild.

"Th-This... I-I won't open the seal...!! The bag is my property and---- Hieee....!!" Claire suddenly panicked as Selena raised the Fireplace poker. But contrary to what everyone expected, Selena gently touched a fresh wound from Claire's thigh, smearing the tip of the Fireplace poker with her blood. Then Selena threw the poker at Teacher Ren and said.

"I don't have magic, but I am still able to use cheap magic bags like these by putting a drop of my blood on them. But one would have to use that blood within 10 seconds." Magic was in the blood. Hence it was a given that it would contain a person's magic signature. Since Claire's bag was one of cheap quality, it could be opened with her blood too. Of Course, the same can't be done for the better quality ones. Claire used a cheap bag because it was only used to store her books, and she definitely did not expect that someone would draw her blood to open it.

"Eh? Yes...!!" Teacher Ren quickly got to work. With the time limit of 10 seconds, he knew it was now or never. If he missed this chance, Claire would not be stupid to drive her magic through her veins again to give them another sample.

Drip... Bzzz... Kacha...!!

The Seal around the bag shut itself down recognizing the magic signature.

Both the Marquis and Teacher Ren quickly opened the bag and searched through its contents only to find it filled with books.

"This...?" Both of them looked at Selena with a puzzled expression.

"God, how dumb are these people?" Soul responded in annoyance. "Do we have to spoon-feed them everything?"

But unlike Soul, Selena remained calm. Without batting an eyelid, she said,

"Do you remember the question I asked when I came back down?"

"Question...?" Teacher Ren thought for a minute and it struck him.

He quickly searched for the History book in the bag. After finding it, he opened the book and jumped to a specific page. What he saw, widened his eyes in shock and disbelief.

"Elder Miren was born on the 22nd of the tenth month? During the reign of King Avalon the third?"

"Eh?" Marquis looked at Teacher Ren.

"'Teacher Ren, surely you are mistaken. Elder Miren was born on the 23rd of the eleventh month and that too during the reign of King Avalon the fourth."

"Of course, I know that..." Teacher Ren retorted, "I am just saying what is printed in this book."

"What?" The Marquis leaped with shock and looked at the book. After a minute or so, they both looked at each other as if they thought of something and immediately browsed through the other books in the bag.

"Th-This...? Steel is made from Iron and Aluminum? No, isn't it supposed to be Carbon?"

"Trees take in Oxygen and release Carbon Dioxide? This isn't right either."

"The current Pope of the Church is Polly? Who the hell is that?"

It didn't take the crowd too long to understand the seriousness of the situation. They stared intensely at Claire only to see the latter fall unconscious and froth from the mouth.


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