《Viking Tribute》Chapter 15: Arrival


I remember vividly that morning, when I first saw the rugged coast of the island that was to become my prison.

It was the break of dawn, and suddenly a man shouted 'Land, land!'. The bridge instantly became a hive of activity, the crew rushing to slide the oars into place and push their sea chests in between, while hailing each other joyously.

My captor grinned and gave the signal to start rowing, which they did in frenzy, launching the boat ahead in their haste to get home.

Shrugging, I focused on the sight ahead: the jarl had been right, it was beautiful. The sun shone on the calm waters, playing with the reflection of the dark cliffs topped by green fields. Snow covered mountains filled the background.

Our ship entered a deep bay, a fjord as they called it, and followed it until we reached a black sand beach below a small village. There was no sign of the other longship, which I found strange. I assumed it had been delayed.

I was escorted to a very large longhouse on the side of the hill. Its elevated position gave it a panoramic view of the surroundings, which added to the stone wall surrounding the settlement, made it a safe homestead.

The walls and roof were of turf covered in grass and flowers, and from afar it was fairly indiscernible from the surrounding greenery. That was, until one noticed the low carved door surmounted by two dragon heads, sticking out at one end.

An old woman stood proudly in front of it, beaming, a line of servants and slaves behind her. From her rich garb, covered in jewels and her air of authority, I presumed she was the lady of the house.

She addressed my owner with words of greeting, and he responded by striding to her and hugging her tightly, kissing her cheeks. She was clearly a close and beloved relative. He pointed at me and she smiled, and then signaled me to come forth. Calling two servants, she gave them instructions.


"I welcome you in my house, Sunngifu. Follow these women, they will take care of you."

I bowed and obeyed.

"I am Mildred and this is Svana", said the older one, who was certainly no more than three years my senior. The other was younger, Ailith's age maybe. They seemed delighted to have me as their charge.

"Are you Anglish? You speak without an accent."

They giggled.

"My mother was an Anglish slave who married my father, she taught me the language," Svana answered, "so was Mildred before her husband bought her from Lord Einarr. It is very frequent here; we don't have enough women, so our men have to find them elsewhere. My grandmother Emma came from your country. We are free, but we won't think lower of you for your status."

She liked to blather, this one, I could tell.

"Let's get you installed, and bathed, we'll have time to talk," cut Mildred.

I stared at them and followed wordlessly. They couldn't have been more different. Svana deserved her name: she was slim and graceful, quite tall, with stunning blue eyes and curly light blonde hair, fighting against her circlet. Mildred was petite, plump, with a darker skin and hazel eyes, a few black strands straying away from her kerchief. Still, they were kind and friendly, and I was grateful for it.

I squinted to accommodate to the dimmer light when entering the house. The first room was delimited by a thin timber wall, preventing cold drafts to get any further. Many hooks held tools and cloaks in the narrow space.

Opposite to the entrance were the latrines, and we passed through the doorway to the side to access the main hall. I stopped briefly in my path, gawking. The room was immense, over twenty feet wide, and easily twice that length. Sculpted and painted wood pillars held the high roof, and colorful tapestries hanged high on the walls. Wide, low benches doubling as chests lined the base of them, covered in thick furs, with various weapons dispatched above them. Curtains allowed them to be used as beds for the night.


A vast hearth warmed the space, brightly lit by the vent above it and surrounded by long and narrow tables, with assorted seats. Cooks were busy preparing the next meal, and delicious smells escaped from the various pots. More sunlight entered through small openings below the roof, covered in thin oiled skin. Even the floor was shining!

The servants hauled me forward, towards the next room. We passed the dairy and reached the living area, the center of female activities. A few women were there, mending clothes or working on their loom. A second hearth occupied the middle, smaller than the first, a kettle simmering on it. I savored the warmth and comfort after several days of chilly sea wind. I envisaged sitting there with a cup of herbal tea, but this wasn't to happen yet. I was dragged to the last of the four doors left unexplored.

"This one at the end is the second way out, this one is the mistress' bedroom, this one the guest's bedroom and this one is Lord Einarr's chamber," Svana let out in one breath.

Opening the latter, she pushed me in.

"This is where you'll sleep, as you are to serve him at night."

I blushed up to my ears, and stared at my new cell. It was big enough, a remarkably carved bed dominating it. It had Anglish linen sheets and soft fur covers, with a blue silk duvet folded at the bottom. A weapon rack was fixed to the wall on its left. More tapestries gave it a homely feel, while a table and chair, as well as four locked chests, completed the furniture.

"One of these is for you, we need to measure you for clothes."

They made me undress and try several garbs. Mildred left and came back with her arms filled with undyed dresses, more smocks and a thick cloak. I sighed in relief when I touched them; the quality was far better than the one I was given in Barra. They wouldn't itch as much, and the smocks were fine linen.

Mildred grinned.

"Lord Einarr wouldn't want you to have a rash. He'll have good use of this soft skin."

I glared at her and Svana joined in:

"Is he well endowed? I've only seen him at rest, he must be impressive once in action."

"Svana!" I was horrified! How could a maiden speak such crude words?

"I've seen Mildred husband's too, and the other men, they are definitely not as big," she went on without shame.

I expected Mildred to chastise her, but when she spoke it didn't help.

"My husband's shaft might not be as long, but he has bigger balls."

My eyes were ready to pop out, yet there was more to come.

"Children, stop talking about things you don't know! My son takes from his father, and my late husband was no doubt one of the best hung men on the island."

I pivoted on the ball of my feet, facing the lady who had greeted me in her house, Lord Einarr's mother.

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