《The Jewels of Mahavhar: The Great Stone of Grigori.》Chapter XXII: Heartless
Maruth’s night was long and weary, the truth she had learned of who she was made it hard for her to fall asleep quickly. She stared at the ceiling for long, thinking about her life, how everything changed against her will. She missed the times she couldn’t get back to, the memories she locked behind and those she cherished. Maruth and Haruth never knew their mother, but their father has talked about her and told them stories about her great magic and kindness. She never misses her; how can one miss one they have never met? She always told Haruth. Haruth… She missed her brother. What would he think when he discovers what she just knew? He would probably laugh it off, she thought. He always does. There was a single candle burning next to her, she blew on it when she decided to sleep and leave her pondering to the morning. When she closed her eyes, she felt tiresome and didn’t fight the sleep.
Zion, sat at the edge of his bed staring into nothingness, filled with wonders and fright. To the forsaken father, to the ruling son and the peerless daughter, to you descendants of the ascended… He remembered the words in the book and shivered. “Listen to me Zion… a day may come when you will be in this bed… with your progeny next to you, saying their grieved goodbyes, crying and whatnot… but it won’t matter. Before your last breath and your last hearts beats you have to confess, like my father did before me. We carry the blood of the ascended.... Mahavhar is more to us than a teacher Zion, he is our predecessor. We carry Mahavhar’s blood.” Zion recollected the last words of his father Gorhan in his deathbed. Zion thought his father was fevered and restless from death and so never paid attention to what his father had told him. Never, until this night. They have resonated in his head endlessly, the face of his daughter pained him. You hurt her once again, you’re a shameful father and faithless son. He reprimanded himself in his room, darkened by the night inside him and outside. Zion pulled himself to his pillow, too languid to cover himself, he surrendered to sleep.
“You talk too much of shame and pride for someone who’s own blood shamed all of us!” Maruth heard a familiar voice say spitefully. “Am I dreaming?” She whispered. She was in fact asleep but the voice she heard didn’t seem like a dream. Blurred was her vision and she couldn’t move either, but she knew she wasn’t in the room she slept in.
“Maybe not.” Answered Zion who also heard the same thing.
“Avva? What is going on?” She asked her father. “Where are we?”
“I don’t know...” He replied. Zion couldn’t move either. He looked around, to try and make an image of what was happening around him but everything was hazy.
Maruth tried to move her hands, she felt trapped in her own body for a moment and it suffocated her.
“Breathe Maruth, breathe deeply and don’t panic.” He father tried to advise her. “Focus my child. Your body answers to you, not you to it. We start with the fingers.” He assisted her while he tried to do the same thing. “Focus. We’ve been summoned here for a reason. Focus my child.”
She tried to do as her father told her. The young witch focused on her fingers and although it was hard but the two of them succeeded to move their fingers, and after that they managed to move their hands, then arms and then their heads. They turned to each other and their apprehensive eyes met. Their vision cleared slightly and in front of them they saw figures standing up and two silhouettes lying down. One of the two was moving slightly whilst the other was still.
“What is this? Why are we here?” Inquired Maruth.
“This is a vision. A real time vision... but how or why are we here, that I don’t know...” Answered her father.
“We can ask them, no?” Suggested Maruth.
“I presume they don’t know we're here. Well not all of them, one of them must be behind this.” Zion was confused and anxious by the nature of this magic.
“Let’s get closer at least.” Maruth stepped ahead and her father followed slowly.
“Help me... please... someone...” The two heard a voice whimper in pain. The voice came from the silhouette that laid down and twisted in agony. The closer they walked towards it, the clearer it became.
“Avva that’s a woman. She’s dying!” Said Maruth hurrying towards Olum.
“Wait! Don’t go!” Protested Zion and held her by the arm.
“But why?” She asked her father.
“She’s doomed child.” He replied. “Look at her eyes. She’s unwelcomed.”
“Did we trespass? How?” Maruth was lost. “How did she trespass?!”
“Unwillingly I presume. Just like us.” He guessed.
“Helain... Haruth... someone help me...” The dying woman moaned.
“She said Haruth!” Zion exclaimed. “He must be here!”
“Do you think he called us?! Is he one of them?” Asked Maruth pointing at the shapeless shadows.
One of the two figures standing in front of the dying woman turned quickly and they saw his face.
“That’s him!” Said Maruth. “What is he doing here? What is going on!?”
“He looks alarmed. His stance... he is in combat!” Observed Zion.
“I despise deeply all Sahr that walk this land, but Summoners I hate more. Your guild think too highly of yourselves.” They heard the familiar voice say once again.
“Is that...?” Asked Maruth frightfully, looking at her father, hoping she was wrong.
“Galenhaim! Haruth is fighting that beast!” Confirmed her father.
“Thank goodness we have his heart.” Sighed Maruth, unaware of the situation.
“No child... this does not look right. Galenhaim wouldn’t dare fight in the first place. Something is wrong. Haruth what are you doing?” Zion held his head, a sudden pain pierced through him and he grunted and fell to his knees.
“Avva what’s wrong?” Maruth grabbed his arm.
“STEP BACK YOU UNDYING HATE!” They heard the voice of a witch scream.
“Avva someone is helping Haruth!” Said Maruth.
“It’s probably the summoner Galenhaim talked about. What is Haruth doing with that person?” Zion grabbed his daughter’s hand and stood up. He then stepped ahead in heavy and reluctant steps towards the silhouette of his son.
“What are we going to do?” Asked him Maruth while following him.
“Get answers and maybe help your brother.” Replied her father.
He didn’t sound old and weary, he was once again the determined and strong person Maruth knew, and courage built up inside her.
Their sight cleared up with every step they made, and when they were close enough, they were finally able to see distinctly. It became so vivid Maruth almost forgot it was a vision. They saw the witch fight with her dagger the enormous Veer and Haruth was behind her holding a beating heart in his hands. When Zion reached his son, he tried to grab his shoulder but Zion’s hand went through it like smoke.
“She won’t make it!” Protested Maruth who was watching the duel between the witch and the veer. “It’s pointless she can’t even reach him!”
Suddenly Galenhaim let out a raging scream, it froze their blood.
“HARUTH! LEAVE NOW!” Cried Zion.
“Avva?” Whispered Haruth in surprise, who heard his father’s cry like a distant whisper.
“You can hear me?! Haruth it’s avva! Run!” Insisted Zion.
Maruth covered her mouth in fear when she saw the veer impale the witch effortlessly.
“You!” The veer screamed. “You will not live another day with MY heart in your hands!” Galenhaim rushed in a terrifying speed towards Haruth.
The young wizard managed to dodge Galenhaim’s blow. The veer’s fists cracked the marbled floor and sent pieces of it flying, the ground shook and his anger grew greater.
“The audacious blood of Sahr and the proud blood of Veer shouldn’t mingle. Consequently you will get people like you who know no limits and look down on everyone. That cursed prophet stained everything he laid his hands on, I will not let his kin interfere with my being!” Galenhaim roared.
“What the fuck are you talking about?” Haruth’s hands were full of his plan. Unable to fight back he kept on dodging the veer’s attacks while the heart beat faster and faster. It would have burst out of his chest if it was there. Thought Haruth who almost dropped the heart several times because of the violent heartbeats.
“Avva!! We have to do something!!” Yelled Maruth to her father.
Zion was already trying to figure out a way to help his son in distress. He pulled all of his stones in confusion. Think Zion! THINK! He thought. He was able to hear me. How? How are we here? The Summoner... Zion ran towards Massin who was lying motionless bleeding to her death. She’s still alive! He thought. “Lady! Please! Are you the one who brought us here?” He said, expecting her to hear him like Haruth, but she didn’t reply. “Please! Haruth’s life depends on it! Please say something if you can hear me!”
“No...” Massin coughed blood. “Your blood... You’re linked... Haruth summoned you... make use of it and save them... all of them if you can...”
“How? How can I help?” Zion asked aimlessly.
“You’re a scholar Zion... figure it out...” She smiled and all light faded of her eyes as she closed them for the last time.
“No! I need more! Don’t fucking die now!” He pushed her angrily, and unexpectedly the body moved and his hands didn’t go through it like they did before with Haruth. Zion stood up in surprise, staring at his hands.
Galenhaim looked back at the body of Massin briskly, expecting a surprise attack from the witch. But when he felt no danger from her sudden movement he aimed back at Haruth with his menacing glare.
“How did you do that?!” Maruth asked her father.
“I don’t know!” He replied. “She said Haruth summoned us. It is our blood...” He stood up silently for a brief moment and his eyes widened when he understood.
“Maruth... I figured it out!” Zion stated with a smile.
“What?! Speak Avva! This is no time for suspense!” Protested Maruth.
“We’re not Sahr, but we’re not Veer either. We’re greater than that. Stay back child. Your father will prove his worth to you and redeem myself.” He declared. Zion took a heavy breath and closed his eyes. Mahavhar, wherever you might be, we are coming for you but first, lend me the power you owe us. Lend me the strength to save those you doomed against their will. Help me save my kin, your kin. Zion saw in the depths of the darkness he was in, crystal blue lights shining like lightning and he heard his hearts beat in unison.
“Free your mind of the shackles of reason. Free your body of the grips of mortality and free your hearts of the arrows of sorrow. Become one with my blood and let it flow through you like a raging waterfall.” Zion heard voices whisper to him.
Martuh saw her father’s body shine with a blinding fluorescence, it frightened her but also reassured her and she wasn’t the only one to notice.
Galenhaim halted his rampage and looked behind him in terror. Haruth also felt something odd. They saw a light appear where Zion stood, his body uncovering to them slowly. They couldn’t make up what was happening in front of them and it angered Galenhaim even more.
“What ruse is this son of Zion? You think your cheap tricks will save you?” He turned towards Haruth again, no longer paying attention to Zion.
“Oh trust me I have no idea what that is!” Haruth replied jokingly but honestly.
They were few feet away from each other, Haruth was against the wall when Galenhaim charged once again towards him.
Fuck I can’t dodge this I have to counter it! Haruth thought but before he could put aside the heart to parry the veer's blow, a body of light stood briskly between the two, deflecting effortlessly Galenhaim’s strike and sending him flying few feet away. The veer grunted when he fell on his back.
Haruth was blinded by the beaming fluorescence, covering his eyes he stepped closer. When the light faded, he was greeted with his father’s warm and grieved smile.
“Avva?” Said Haruth, stepping back hesitantly. “It can’t be...”
“It is me child. What are you doing here? Why is Galenhaim’s heart unsealed?” Asked him back his father, he was holding a long sword that rang with every single movement. His body was covered in crystal blue veins.
“Zion! You wicked cursed Sahr! GIVE ME BACK MY HEART!” Galenhaim stood up quickly and walked towards Zion.
“You dare lay your hands on my son and speak ill of my name! You will answer for this Guardian of Gates.” The old wizard gave the veer a freezing glare.
“Long I have been a puppet in your nasty plot, but only because it amused me. Do not think I will stand quiet when your unsupervised and irresponsible offspring tries to use my heart as a tool! I will take it back!” Yelled Galenhaim.
“If it’s the heart you want you can’t have it back. You’re one to talk about supervising others. Had it not been for my forefathers who took your heart, you wouldn’t have carried your duty! You are supposed to guard the passage! Many died because of your carelessness, how would Marduk react when he will learn of your disobedience I wonder.” Protested Zion walking in mirrored steps with the veer.
“You wouldn’t dare...” Galenhaim froze in his spot at the mention of Marduk.
“The Holy Council will send you to the abyss if they should happen to get a word of all this mess.” Declared Zion.
“The Council’s hands are full with Marid, they won’t bother with a gate keeper like me... and you know that. Your bluffing won’t work Zion!” Galenhaim smirked at the wizard. “Marduk has no time for you muddy mutants. Give me back my heart and I won’t have to kill you.” He smirked.
“We both know that won’t happen. You were trying to murder my son a moment ago." Objected Zion.
“Only because he was trying to mess with my heart. That child of yours was concocting something with that Summoner.” Galenhaim explained.
“If my son was dealing with a Summoner it must have been necessary... ill-advised but necessary.” Zion looked briefly at Haruth.
“We need this for a greater purpose. It would be honourable to you Galenhaim...” Haruth tried to explain.
“Do I look like I care? I’d rather die than serve as a Summoner’s tool. Having my life in your hands was already degrading enough, I will not stand for this.” For a moment the veer sounded hurt and sad and Zion wasn’t unmoved.
“We can find an agreement.” Declared Zion.
“No way!” Protested Galenhaim and Haruth at the same time.
“Well at least we can agree on something.” Added Haruth. “You will serve a greater purpose, you know there will be a war and we want you to be on the right side of it.”
“You have no idea what you’re talking about boy. This war is older than any of you here and its pieces were set by greater powers than yourselves. You might carry his blood but you’re not him. You cannot stop the raging storm coming towards all of us. Our fate was long sealed and you will soon be doomed as well.” Galenhaim objected once again. “We talked long enough but now I am done. I am taking it back.”
The Veer charged towards Harurh but his father once again stood between the two to block his blow. Zion’s veins glowed with every strike and his teeth grinded.
“Haruth! Do what you have to do now!” Yelled his father at him. Galenhaim turned briskly towards Haruth.
I will not let you do that! The veer thought but the moment he tried to rush again towards Haruth, Zion threw his sword and grabbed a stone quickly and chanted a spell. It sent a shockwave that threw Galenhaim off his balance and sent him to crash against the marbled walls.
Haruth grabbed his guembri and sat next to Silverfang who was still deep in his slumber. The young wizard grabbed the heart of Galenhaim and put it on the guembri. I can do this. I have to do this.
Maruth on the other hand was still watching from the vision unable to interact with her family to help them and it frustrated her. How did father do that?! She thought. Think Maruth, stop whining about every little damn thing. She too closed her eyes and took a deep and concentrated breath.
Daughter of the forsaken. She heard voices in her head say. Wielder of the ascended blood. Trust in yourself and free yourself from grudges. You are destined to carry the will of the One. The world relies on the trinity. Free yourself and look beyond flesh. The voices echoed inside her head and she felt her body levitate. And deep in the darkness she was in she saw a luminescent beam appear, a crystal blue light shone like a burning star. Follow us. The voices said one last time.
With the same fashion as her father’s, Maruth's body uncovered with a fluorescence and Zion smiled, knowing it was his daughter.
“At last! You’re truly an amazing witch!” Her father declared proudly.
“Is that Maruth?!” Asked Haruth who stopped his work to look at the newcomer.
“Do not get carried away Haruth! Focus!” Yelled Zion at him. The old wizard was getting tired from the fight, his body wasn’t as it once was although hiis spirit burned like a young dragon. Galenhaim hit the wizard with his leg to his chest and threw Zion on his back.
Haruth grabbed his main stone and before he could chant he felt a dangerous threat aiming for his back. Galenhaim seized the opportunity to strike the young wizard again but once more someone interfered with his attack. Maruth jumped and casted a spell, creating an unbreakable shield that blocked Galenhaim from reaching her brother.
“Work faster! Don’t expect us so save you every single fucking time brother!” Yelled Maruth at Haruth. She took off the shield as quickly as she pulled it up, and she grabbed her main stone as well. The ring of oblivion shone with a vibrant red.
“I made this stone myself and only used it once. You will have the honor of witnessing its splendour, demon!” She declared to Galehaim who felt insulted when called a demon.
“I have had enough with your toys. You want Jadu? I’ll show you real Jadu!” Galenhaim screeched in anger. Veer didn’t need stones to manipulate magic since it was within them, the essence of their being and although Sahr were immune to it, it can still harm them like any sharp weapon.
“Oooh I’m terrified!” Joked Maruth who was unfazed by Galenhaim’s threat. “Enclose!” She yelled and a red substance similar to blood burst out of the stone and fenced in Galenhaim and the witch in a dome. “You will not be leaving this enclosure as long as I stand.” Maruth explained.
“I will crush you then!” Galenhaim declared rushing towards her, his jaws wide open and his teeth growing enormously to snap at her neck. Maruth didn’t move and smiled.
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