《The Jewels of Mahavhar: The Great Stone of Grigori.》Chapter IV: The Doomed
"Where is she? Where's my daughter?!" Humfrey rushed through the crowd that gathered around Poli who was laying on the ground inanimate. He fell on his knees to her sight. She was pale, the kind of paleness that covers a dead body, her eyes shone of a spectral green. "Poli! Father's here! My child! My sweetheart! " Humfrey held her face and kissed her forehead. She was cold.
"She must have passed away at dawn. Poor girl, she was still young." Said a man standing in the crowd. Murmurs grew in the crowd of how she could have died, how good and kind she was, how unfair it is that she had to die at such a young age.
"What is going on here?" Asked Krog who arrived on his horse, along with Haruth, Rudolph and Manyar.
"Poli, the maiden archer who was supposed to go with you, she is dead." answered the same man.
"Poli? Humfrey's daughter? " enquired Rudolph.
"Make way." Krog jumped off of his horse, followed by the three.
Her father was crying while holding her in his arms. Krog kneeled to get a closer look "Humfrey... let me see her." He was a skilled healer, but the moment he laid eyes on her, he knew his knowledge was of no use. "I am sorry." He apologized and stood up.
"It must be a winged serpent, these woods are full of them. Their poison is fast and nearly impossible to heal." Whispered Manyar at Rudolph.
"This isn't right! This is not normal! My girl... look at her Krog! This isn't normal! Her eyes! My daughter's eyes, they were never green!"
Haruth approached slowly, pushed Krog gently and sat silently beside Humfrey.
"She is not dead." He said. He heard gaspings behind him and whispers of surprise.
"What do you mean? What does he mean?" asked Humfrey desperatly.
"Haruth. What do you mean she's not dead?" Krog was intrigued. Everyone was waiting for an explanation.
"It's a threat, a message." The wizard's hands were shaking.
"This is my daughter!!!" Humfrey pushed the wizard away, Haruth was overawed.
"He knows. He knows I'm here." Mumbled Haruth.
"What in the cursed land are you babbling about? Speak for pity's sake!" Commanded Krog.
"Look at her neck... the mark in her neck... it's his. She's petrified... he petrified her. It's a message... He knows I am here." The wizard's confusion made him vulnerable.
"Is this because of you? I will kill you!" Humfrey jumped at Haruth and strangled him "Filthy sorcerer! Damn you! Damn you! Die!" Rudolph and Manyar intervened and pulled him off of the wizard. "Let go of me! I will kill him!"
Haruth was coughing, breathing heavily to catch his breath. "I can heal her." Said the wizard trying to coax the enraged father.
"Can you?" doubted Krog.
"Ay... but I will need his conscent." Confirmed the warlock while pointing at Humfrey. Hesitating, Poli's father looked at Krog, who nodded at him.
"Save her. Please." Humfrey was hopeless.
Haruth smiled in compassion. "Go home now, old man, light fire and get some boiled water ready. She will need a warm bath after we bring her back."
"Understood... Bring her back to me, she's all I got." The grief in the old man's eyes was deep and pitiful.
"Worry not." Assured the wizard.
"Manyar go with him and make sure everything Haruth said is ready. Give him my horse." Krog wasn't sure of what was happening but he had no choice but to trust the warlock.
"Alright." Agreed Manyar.
The old man left with his eyes tearing continously, he walked through the crowd like a drunkard towards Krog's horse. Manyar helped him mount, before he got on his own and followed Humfrey.
"Rudolph, bring me any beast, sheep or chicken, whatever." Ordered Haruth.
"Will rabbit do? I have plenty." Suggested Rudolph.
"Will do, hurry. We are running out of time." Haruth was holding Poli's cold hands, staring and examining her nails.
"Alright. SHOW'S OVER PEOPLE! MIND SODING OFF?" Rudolph yelled at the curious people that gathered around them. He jumped on his horse and left.
"Boy, come here." Krog called a boy from the crowd that started to diminish. "You run straight to the chief, tell him we'll be delayed and tell him what you saw here. Understood?"
"Yes m'lord." The child ran to fulfill his duty.
"Krog, help me carry her deeper in the woods" Demanded Haruth. "Careful, she might be heavy but she's like a hollowed egg."
"It's odd. She's cold and heavy like a corpse, yet her glare looks strangely alive and desperate." Said Krog who carried her of her legs.
"I told you she isn't dead. It's his work. I have seen him do it before. It's almost like he locked her soul. Now quickly, we don't have much time before she truly passes away."
They carried her in the woods, away from unwanted eyes.
"You talk about him like you know him very well. Have you been close to Zion?" Asked Krog.
"Sadly, yes. We weren't just close. We are related by blood. This is far enough, put her down. Zion is my father. Or at least was."
The forest was cold. Moss and mushrooms grew almost everywhere, the trees were all covered with a strange liquid. The people call it Dragon-snot, although dragons do not have any.
"I am sorry to hear that. Must be hard for you." Krog raised his head to look at the sky. There was barely any light coming through the density of leaves on top of them.
"It's fine. I was fond of him, at a certain time, but he was mad, or so my people thought. Now, enough chatting and take her clothes off."
Krog looked at him intriguingly.
"Come on! We don't have much time for gallantry. It is less insulting for her if it is you who strips her naked."
Krog did as Haruth asked him and stripped the motionless body of Poli.
"Who is she?" Inquired Haruth.
"Humfrey's daughter. She was..."
"Is. Alive. Remember? And that I know, I meant who is she? What kind of a person she is?" Haruth interupted Krog.
"She is a nice girl, everyone around here likes her, she is also a great archer. Which means a greater eyesight." Krog was unbuttoning Poli's shirt. "She likes hunting with her dog, I assume it ran away after whatever happened to her. The thing that did this to her must have taken her by surprise." Krog felt uneasy by undressing her. He never spoke to her before. When he was done he stood and looked away.
"Even the greatest eyesight wouldn't have seen what was coming for them." The warlock kneeled beside Poli. He took off a necklace that held a small bag. He opened it, pulled what looked like a small grey scale and put it inside Poli's mouth.
"What is this? I know it was your father's work, but what was it? Did he send someone to do this for him? Maybe they're still somewhere wandering these woods. We have to get rid of whoever did this. Nobody is safe." Krog scanned the forest alarmed, his left hand on his sword.
"Calm down. The thing left after doing this to her. Tell me, do you regret killing someone?" Asked Haruth.
"What?" Krog was confused.
"Answer me Krog. Do you or do you not?"
"Probably, I don't know. Cannot think of someone. Why does it matter?" Krog never met a wizard before, he had small knowledge if not any of that race. All he knew was that he despised them.
"You better think and answer me." Haruth was examining the strange mark on Poli's throat.
"...no, never." Answered Krog.
"Here, put this under your tongue." The wizard handed a silvery piece to Krog.
"What is this?" The man held the silver in his hand and turned it in his palm.
"Can you stop asking too many questions? Look." Haruth pointed at Poli's nails. "The nails on her left hand are blue, which means we are five more nails away from losing her once and for all. If we don't hurry, she will be stuck for eternity. Her soul will never know peace. Her body will rot and wither but her soul will never meet her ancestors. Now, enough questions, just do as I say."
Before Krog had the chance to ask where was "", Rudolph came galloping on his horse, with two boxes hanging of his ladder.
"Three rabbits. Is it good?" Inquired Rudolph jumping off his horse. "Wow! By the great giants, why is she naked?" He turned away from the sight of Poli's body.
"We will need their blood. If you may kill them, I am not very fond of butchery. Try not to scatter the blood everywhere, it would be great if you spill it all in one place." Demanded the wizard regardless of Rudolph commentary.
The two men slaughtered the rabbits as required. A puddle of blood was exactly what the wizard needed. Haruth grabbed one of his stones, this one was dark and unlike the others, it was repulsive. Rudolph and Krog stood silent, curious but silent. He soaked the stone in the blood and pressed it against Poli's naked chest. Rudolph once again felt very uncomfortable and turned away.
"That's not right. She won't like that." He whispered to Krog. He didn't get any answer.
"Rudolph, you should leave.Krog will help me if I need anything. You should leave and make sure nobody comes here. Before you ask why, it is for your safety."
Krog nodded at Rudolph to do as Haruth ordered, and he left without any opposition.
"Put the silver under your tongue. I am sorry you have to witness this." Haruth seemed sad and guilty.
"Why are you apologizing? You are saving her life."
"Listen, we are going to the realm of the Doomed to bring her back. This spell is forbidden by the ministry of Falak, unless it is a matter of life or death. Once I throw this spell, the ministry will be alarmed and they might come. Hopefully we will be gone by the time they get here. I'm saving her life but endangering ours."
Krog didn't really understood nor had an idea of this Doomed realm nor the troubles he got involved in. He kept nodding in his confusion.
"Now, the silver under your tongue!" The wizard ordered firmly.
Krog did as he was told with no more hesitation. The coin felt cold in his mouth.
The warlock dipped his finger in the blood and drew an open circle surrounding Poli's navel. Then with his hands on the soil of the forest he chanted with a voice darker than anything Krog has ever heard. "I call upon thy, gatekeeper of the Doomed, Galenhaim." Smoke rose around them, while the stone on Poli's chest shone with a dark light. Haruth's eyes turned as green as Poli's and the forest disappeared behind the dark smoke. The world Krog knew seemed to be devoured by the darkness. He felt weak and scared.
It's cold. Thought Krog. Very cold.
"Who are you?" A voice asked. "Your name. Give me your name." It seemed like the smoke itself was talking.
"I am the wielder of the infinite oath fire, guardian of the sacred teachings of Mahavhar." Haruth answered. His voice changed. "Grant us passage, I lost a soul and it is wandering in your realm, I desire to bring it back." He sounded strangely sarcastic.
"Guardian you are already doomed. If it is Mahavhar you seek, he left a long time ago." The smoke storm roared and grew stronger.
"I do not. Her name is Poli. Give us passage or you will pay for it. I own you Galenhaim. I own you. You know who I am." Haruth pulled another stone, from his sleeve this time. It was as grey as the smoke and it looked strangely as angry as the smoke.
The smoke hissed when Haruth raised the stone above him. "Galenhaim! I order you to grant us passage!"
Everything fell silent, and in a blink of an eye they were in a very strange blue marbled room, with nothing in it but a sort of throne.
"I did as you said, Haruth. You are Doomed." Galenhaim stood behind the three of them, under his Veer apparence.
"Don't look behind you." Haruth held Krog's face. He was sweating. "What you are about to see may scare you to madness. Galenhaim is neither man nor wizard. He is nothing you've seen before. So if you want you can keep staring at the marbled floor and don't look at him." Krog nodded, but the second Haruth took his hands off of his face he turned and saw the Veer standing next to the empty throne.
Krog felt his teeth pressing against the silver coin. Where am I? He thought. What is that?
"Krog, look at me. Look at me." Haruth slapped him lightly on the cheeks. "The floor. Keep your eyes on the floor and don't spit the coin. It will keep you safe."
The man obeyed silently.
"Galenhaim. Good seeing you. As stubborn as ever, we will talk about this later, for now I will need a tracker." Ordered the wizard.
The Veer grunted and then whistled. A strange flying creature answered the call. It was as big as a bat. It looked like a giant moth with the face of a feline.
"This is Ilfa. A nightghul. They can smell the meal in your stomach and track you from miles..."
"I know what a nightghul is Galenhaim, you don't have to tell me everytime." He interrupted the Doomed creature. Haruth whistled as well and the nightghul came flying towards him. "Ilfa, find her for me." He pointed at Poli's body and Ilfa flew towards it, then around it. It growled and flew away.
"She will be back soon." Said Galenhaim.
"Was Maruth seen here lately?" Enquired Haruth.
"She was. For another purpose." Answered the Veer.
"Which is?" Asked the wizard.
"Training." Galenhaim sat on his chair. His horns were showing through his white hair. "Who is the man you brought?"
Haruth didn't answer. Krog was standing silent and didn't move an inch, still staring at the floor.
"Your ministry of falak is after you Haruth. They will have you cursed and cast you here. Stripped of all your beautiful jewels you like to wave around, you will be all mine." The Veer was smiling.
"Yes, yes, one day they will catch me and punish me. But I would rather die than give away your heart." The mage responded.
Galenhaim grunted again. "Ilfa is here." He said. "You must go out and follow my nightghul to your soul. You are running out of nails."
Haruth walked towards Galenhaim and outstretched his hand until it was close for the wizard to feel the Veers breathing.
"I will be needing a vessel. Give me yours." Haruth ordered.
The veer clenched his fists, his hatred towards the wizard shone in his eyes like daylight, and the wizard was aware of it. Galenhaim stretched his grey scaled left hand, and with his other hand he pulled a crystal vial from his left palm. The vessel was small and clear, its golden cap was set with three green garnets that formed a tiny triangle and beautiful ribbings swirling all around it. When he handed it to the wizard, he didn't want to let go of it.
"I want it back." The veer insisted.
"You will. I am not a thief." The wizard answered coldly. "Krog, follow me and don't fall back"
"One day wizard, you will answer for this." Promised the Veer following them to the only egress in the marbled room.
"Krog, you can raise your head for now, you won't have another chance to witness this cursed beauty." Haruth nudged the man. "Behold, the realm of the Doomed."
The scenery was beyond the man strangest dreams. It was in fact a marvelous sight yet it filled him with grief, something about this world carried a great sadness and an old guilt. The air was heavy like the one in deep caverns, the skies were of odd cold blue, the mountains that stood high in front of them seemed like slumbering angry stone monsters you didn't want to wake, for their wrath might be beyond any evil.
"Where in hells are we?" The silver coin made it hard for him to speak, but the scenery filled his mind with wonders, Krog stood in awe, frightened and impressed.
"The Doomed realm, the ancient world, the very first one. We don't have enough time for history lessons, we must leave. You can keep your questions for later when we find her. Now, follow me and do not trail" The wizard did not seem moved by their surroundings which intrigued Krog even more, but he kept his curiosity for later.
The nightgul was flying in circles and shrieking like a bat. Haruth got close to it and stretched his left arm for the little flying beast to land at. And as expected it did and Haruth pet it's fur with the back of his right hand. "Where is she Ilfa? Take us to her."
The nightgul shrieked once again and flew west of where they stood. The two of them followed.
"How does it know where to find her?" Inquired Krog.
"Poli, or at least her soul, isn't the first stranger to this dimension. Many creatures, be it men, wizards, dwarves and even giants have at least been here once or twice, either by accident or by witchcraft. And they won't be the last. Nightguls are strangely attracted to them. They are harmless creatures, very gentle and docile. I believe it is due to some shiny dust we are covered with from our world since these creatures feed on light."
Krog raised his hands hoping to see the dust Haruth mentioned. Turned them once then twice, inspecting any strange light covering him.
"Do not bother looking at yourself you can't see it." Assured the wizard.
They soon reached a forest, or at least what remained of an ancient one. All the trees were stripped of leaves, the branches were dark brown, and the earth was covered in what looked like ash, it oddly reminded Krog of his hometown. They could see Ilfa flying through the branches deeper and deeper into the forest. They followed in a hurry.
"Poli's soul must be surrounded by some of them by now, and since her soul has no body to protect it, they might carelessly consume her." Haruth carried on.
"How is this harmless? They are going to eat her!" Krog was not only confused and terrified but also angry. The silver coin in his mouth was annoying.
"It will take a lot of time to consume a soul." Haruth reassured the worried man. "We're getting close."
Ilfa flew back aggressively and shrieked at the wizard, who dodged the nightgul's first charge. He quickly reached for a stone in his pocket and yelled an incantation. Lightning struck from the gemstone towards the nightgul that dropped frozen.
"Something else is coming! Quick behind me!" Haruth was alarmed and kept his eyes on the trees in front of him. Krog was clueless and confused but only did as he was bid to do.
First came wind, then a roar. The trees danced left and right, but with no leaves to hither their sight, the two were at advantage or so Krog thought.
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