《Storm Drains (pennywise love fan-fic) *completed*》Chapter 19


I was floating in mid air. In complete darkness but I wasn't scared. I felt relief, I felt purity. My hair floated around me, tickling my face. I was spinning slowly, reaching out for nothing in particular. I began to float higher and higher and I felt as if I was supposed to reach something. I looked up and saw a soft light. My body filled with happiness and serendipity. I smiled as I felt myself growing closer. I knew I was close to perfection. A place where I wouldn't feel pain or fear. A place I would be happy for an eternity. My fingertips nearly touched the soft light before I felt a pair of large hands around my body. I looked down confused as my eyes widened in shock. Two large gloved hands gripped my waist and began to slowly pull me back down. I struggled against them, as I looked back up at the light in desperation. I squinted as it glowed profusely. The hands gripped me tighter as I fought against them. I screamed but nothing came out. It was as if I was underwater or in space. My mind began to spin and I felt myself beginning to black out.

"Don't go" was all I heard before I fell into complete darkness.

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