《Slenderman X Female reader》2


Slenderman POV

I was about a mile away from the Manichean enjoying my walk when I heard a twig snap. I quickly went to investigate the intruder, as I know that it isn't one of my proxies What I found was shocking. It was a girl. She looked to be about eighteen or so, and she look sad. Her beautiful e/c eye's where dull, and full of pain and sorrow. She was warning a f/c hoodie that seemed a bit to dig for her, a pair of black skinny jeans, f/c sneakers, a black rimless hat (beanie scene slender probably doesn't know what there called), and last of all she had necklaces with a pendent of some kind on it. She also had a black bag with her.

Out of curiosity I started to follow her making sure not to make a noise. After about fifteen minutes or so she stooped next to an old oak tree. "There it is" I heard her say in a soft, and gentle voice. I continued to watch her as she sat on an old dead tree, and appeared to be writing something. After a few minutes of her writing she stood up, and exchanged her book for a rope.

I silently watched in slight horror as she tied a noose, and hung it from the tree. 'What is she doing!?!?' I think to my self as I see a few tears leave her eyes. I will not allow this. I will just have to bring her back to the Manichean, and make her my mate. Then I see her start to fall from the tree with the noose tied securely around her neck, but before she reached the end of it I quickly came out from hiding and garbed her.

I stood there in complete silence until she finally opened her teary eyes. Once she saw me her eye's widened, and she noticeably got tenser. Then she said something the broke the heart I wasn't sure if I had or not.



"I- if your going to kill me please just do it.." I said to the strange wight being holding me up. It didn't have any facial festers at all, but I swear I could see a frown. I allowed some more tears to escape my eye's as I waited for well something to happen. Then after a moment it spoke. "If I was going to kill you I would not have wasted my time to save you." It's voice was deep, and clear like that of a man's. The words it spoke made my small sob's from before turn into full blown bawling

It carefully took the noose from around my neck, and let it go allowing it to swing in the slight breeze that was flowing through the forest. It then warped it's arm around me in a protective manner. "W-Why? Why do y-you care?" I said between sobs. "I would just prefer that my mate stay alive is all." He said in a calm tone.. wait... mate? "W- What do you mean?" I asked my sobbing going down a bit. "Well I've decided that you will be my mate, or as one would call it lover." "It stated as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

It then set me down on my feet vary gently, as if I would brake. Witch in my current state I vary well could. "My name is Slenderman, but you may call me Slender or Slendy" The now confirmed 'he' said. "And what is it I can call you love?" That one word alone made me uneasy. I looked down at the ground before replying. "Y- y/n" He then garbed my bag, and picked me up once more. I just now seemed to notice how incredibly tall this man is. It then hit me. "Umm... hey.." I say in a quiet voice hoping not to make him upset. "Yes dear?" He asked 'looking' at me. "where are we going?" I finally spit out after a moment's heathenish


"We are going back to my home. Witch is now your home as well, as long as you promise me something." He said in a serious voice that made me want to shrink. I just looked up at him, and waited for him to continue. "Promise that you will stay mine, and only ever look to me" His words confused me. 'If we are going to his house then why is he worried about that. Dose he not live alone?' I think as I stutter out a small. "Promise"

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