《Slenderman X Female reader》1


Slenderman POV~

I sat in my office after yelling at Jeff for trying to kill BEN..... again. This seems to be how all my day's are spent as of late. I mean yes I enjoy the company of my proxies, but there is something that they will never be able to give me. Love, and I know what your thinking 'Slenderman has emotion?!'. Yes. I do have emotion, and right now I am rather lonely. All of my proxies seem to have someone whether it be a lover, or a friend. But me.. I am not allowed such a luxury. "Sigh maybe a walk will help to put my mind at ease."


I walk further, and further into the woods, and away from the place I once called home. Why you ask. Well I'm sick of being used as a punching bag. My parents are no good drunks that regret having me every day sense I turned eight, and trust me they make sure I know how they feel. If they aren't at a bar, or past out (do to the alcohol) they beat me till I can no longer stand. I even have a long scar on my back from when my father cut me with a kitchen knife. I just couldn't stand it any more.

It was only worse at school though. The girls would gang up on me, and the boy's would spread roomers on how I'm a slut. When in reality I'm a virgin (If you aren't just say you are for the story's sake) One time a group of cheer leaders saw me walking back from school, and tried to hit me with there car. I ended up with a broken leg, and two pissed parents.

OK back to reality. I think to myself as I head just a little deeper into the forest. "There it is" I say rather quietly, as I see the huge old oak tree. Why am I at an oak tree? Well today is the day that I y/n l/n will commit suicide by hanging myself right here on this vary tree.


I gently set my backpack on the ground and take out my journal I then sit up agents an old dead log, and start to sketch the tree. It look's perfect, but I added something that is not in the tree yet. A girl with h/l h/c hanging by a noose on a lower branch. Then I start to wright my last entry.

-If your reading this then I did it. I ended the pain that I live though every day. You probably don't care, and I don't blame you. After all I'm the girl that is wished dead by every one, even my own parents. I've been planing this for a bit now, and am most likely to much of a coward to go through with it. If I do manage to do it though these are the last words I will ever 'say'. If someone dose some how find this all the way out here pleases don't call authorities I don't want to go back to that place even if I'm dead. I suppose that I'll see you in hell mom, and dad. I know for a fact that's where I'm headed, and with how you two act you cant be to far behind. I guess it's time. So I leave this world with one word. Bye-

I then shut my journal, and placed it back inside of my bag. Taking out the rope that I had brought along for well you know... I then closed my bag and started to tie the noose. How do I know how to do that? Well I've been practicing. Once I got the knot secure I started to climb the tree. I then tied the opposite end of the rope so that there would be a good difference from my feet to the ground. Then I placed the noose around my neck. Once that was all set I let my teary eye's give way to tears. Then I let my body fall...

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