《Girls Need Love》Chapter 8 - How Much Do You Hate Me
Micah pulled up at an uptown Condo and we headed inside. She was humming from the time she got out the car until she opened her front door. I sat on the coach as she walked into the kitchen.
"Want a drink?"
"What kind?"
"Alcohol" she laughed "I'll mix something up"
"Why not"
She laughed as I heard her opening and closing cabinets and her refrigerator. She came back with two tall glasses of what looked like red wine.
"What is this?" I laughed as she handed it to me
"Just drink it boy" she sat on the floor "I swear you boujee boys are so worped"
"Boujee? How am I boujee?"
"It's just a rich kid thing" she shrugged "I may not have grown up with a silver spoon in my mouth or with money, but after twenty-three years and several experiences I've learn men are much boujeer than women"
"I'm not a spoiled little rich kid you know. As a matter of fact you are a baby compared to me"
"Oh please! How old are you?"
"Four years? Really?"
"Girl I'm a grown ass man"
"Ooooh grown ass man" she waved her hands
There was a silent pause before we both broke out into laughter.
"So new friend Micah-----"
"Yes new friend Travis"
"Tell me about you"
"Not much to tell"
"Are you from here?"
"No. I was born in San Diego"
"How'd you end up on this side of the world"
"Long story"
"We got time"
She paused and studied the glass she was holding before taking a deep breath.
"My mom was killed... " she looked at me "More specifically, my father killed my mother"
"I'm so sorry! Micah you don't---"
"No" she sighed "Most of my friends know the story so i'm not too broken to tell it to you"
"If you want to you can"
"Ralph isn't my real brother. Our mom's were best friends from birth. When my mom was killed, she took me from San Diego to their home of Hawaii. Ralph's dad was an asshole though so long story short I ended up in foster care. Umm the first foster family I had was cool, but they moved to Texas. So that's when Mommy packed up her and Ralph and moved back to the main state. Everywhere I moved they moved. My last family was when I was sixteen..... let's just saw a lot of bad stuff happen then. But some good happen too. I let them make money off me and moved in with Mommy and Ralph. I had run away to live with them so much the state just gave up"
"Wow, that's a lot for a kid to go through"
"Well in the words of my ex, it built a hell of a lot of character"
"So was your last family here"
"Ralph and I moved here when I decided to go to college. Mommy lives in this rinkie dink down in Tennessee"
"So Ralph all you got here?"
"Ralph and my friends"
"Well I'm glad you days are brighter now"
"I have my days you know but you right they on the way to being brighter"
"So your turn" she and walked to the kitchen "Start talking"
"There's nothing to tell about me"
There was a pause before she came back with a class pitcher of her concoction.
"I'm sure that's not true"
"I mean" I took quick gulp of mine "I grew up here, went to school here, and my career is here"
"Which is?"
"I own an engineering firm here"
"It's small don't be impressed"
"Engineering is a major field to be in"
"I guess"
"I honestly just didn't want to go into law like everybody else. I wanted to be my own person"
"I can understand that" she smirked at me "But I gave you a mini life story and you barely gave me anything"
I laughed "I'm serious there is nothing to tell. My family is a little fucked up but I'm sure Reagan has told you that"
"Actually she hasn't. She always talked about how much she loves you and her sister and her mom----"
"But not my dad and definitely not my mom"
"Well" she shrugged "I don't bring it up for her to speak down on them"
"It's cool. Trust me I'm use to it now. This has literally been happening almost all my life"
"So have you and Reagan always been straight"
"She doesn't know but when she was really little nah. I was five and six she was 2 and 3 and I dam near hated her. I didn't know any better but all I knew is some baby that wasn't ours was taking my dad's attention away from me"
"What changed"
"When she turn four and could really play my dad started taking us place together and had a man to son talk about me protecting my little sister no matter what. I don't know after that I just felt like I had to protect her from the world"
"That's sweet"
"Her and Live are my world until I have a wife and kids. They can get married and become mothers but they'll always be my baby sisters"
"You know something?" she smiled at me "You're a really nice guy. I needed to meet a nice guy like you Travie. I kinda lost hope that there were any nice guys left in the world"
"I'm glad I change your mind"
We kept drinking and talking until we were really drunk. Micah went and changed into some pj that consisted of a tank and some super short shorts. She called me to her room which was nicely decorate in a deep purple and asked to watch movies. My costume consisted of silk boxing shorts so I just took of my shoes and climb in bed with her. She laid with her head on my chest and we watched a bunch of comedies joking around throughout. Before I knew it we were asleep.
I woke up the next morning to the smell of french toast. I got up and walked around looking for Micah. I walked in the kitchen to see her sitting crisscross in a chair with a plate of bacon and french toast in front of her and another across from her. She was reading a book and hadn't notice me. I walked up behind her and tickled her.
"Ahh! Stop!" she laughed "Stop it!"
"Okay okay" I let her gor
"You're a jerk" she said as I sat down "I was nice enough to share my with you and this the thanks I get"
"Pretty much"
"Fuck you!"
"I think that would complicate the friendship but I'm flattered"
We both laughed and before we started eating. We talked a little after we eat before I looked at the time and knew I needed to go head and head home so I could make it to brunch. Micah walked me out and gave me a hug. I kissed her cheek before I let go and headed home to change
Once I got home I showered, got dressed, and went to meet up with my parents. When I got there Olivia and Tim were seated with my parents. We went through the motions of brunch before Olivia went off with some friends and Tim and I headed to the bar to meet up with the fellas. I didn't expect Tim to ask about Micah but I also wasn't surprised.
"She's cool people" I responded laughing while driving "Why?"
"Nothing" he chuckles "Just thought maybe y'all were hitting it off"
"You could definitely say that. I don't know though... She's not looking to be with anyone and neither am I"
"Sooooo yall fucking?"
"Dude come on!" I shook my head "Do I look like Marcus or David?"
"I'm just asking. I've kinda grown a special place in my heart for Micah. She's a really good person. Like the little sister I never wanted"
"Don't worry I think Ralph will have the big bro talk if it ever get's there. But seriously, we just friends and kicking it"
"Well be ready for the conversation we walking into"
"You know everybody saw you leave with her bruh"
"You serious"
"Dead ass"
I shook my head as we pulled up at the bar and got out. We headed inside and sat down with the fellas near the bar. We instantly started joking around and talking about the game. Everything was cool until David brought it up.
"So you disappeared last night" David sipped his bear at me "What happen with that?"
"Just dipped out early no big"
"Yeah him and his songbird wanted some quality time" Marcus egged on
"Bruh chill" I laughed "Yes, I left with Micah and we kicked it. BUT THAT IS ALL! No story to tell. We not fucking. We just kicked it. You know what friends do"
"Really" Marcus eyebrow rose "So where'd you sleep last night?"
"Not at home"
"Bruh if you smashed you smashed"
"I didn't smash!"
"Just be careful dealing with them type of chicks" David sipped his beer "Never know what you getting involved in"
"What's that suppose to mean?" I felt some kind of way "What kind of chick am I dealing with?"
"You know what I mean. Them round the way females. She's either after money or status. She's nothing new around here and we all know that. That--"
"Chill D" Tim glared at him "You clearly don't know Micah so maybe you shouldn't speak on her"
"Look, I like Micah. She's my friend and that's it. But what we not gone do is sit here and disrespect her" I looked at David "We got that?"
David got up and left without saying anything else. We all shrugged it off and went back to drinking and talking about random shit. I was more focused on Micah texting me. We decided to hang out for dinner. I knew I couldn't tell my boys anything because they'd blow it out of proportion so I just decided to leave and handle of few things before our outing.
I left the shop early to head home and get ready for my night with Travis. We agreed to go to a movie then get some food. When I got to my place, I showered before lathering up then I threw on a crop top and some jeans. I grabbed my jacket before heading out to meet Travis. It kinda felt weird chilling with him but he was cool people and we had I clear understanding.
When I got to the movies Travis was standing outside holding the tickets. I laughed before hugging him.
"Really? Best friend I could've bought my own ticket"
"I know, but now you can buy the popcorn and our drinks"
"Shit that's more than the ticket" we laughed "But deal just buy me some sour patch kids"
"What we going to see anyway"
"Get Out?"
"Alright I guess" I teased
We went inside, got our snacks, and headed into the movie. Everything was cool. We laughed and joked about the movie the movie the whole time. It wasn't too crowded so nobody was really worried about our childish antics.
When it was over we headed to Backyard Burger across the street to eat some food. After we ordered we sat down and started talking.
"I've never gone to eat at a burger place for dinner and actually sat down inside " Travis shook his head "My mom would lose her mind if she knew this"
"Really? Why?"
"My mom is hella boujee! She always been a prim and proper kind of person"
"What about being out on your own?"
"Well in college I might've hit a couple drive-thrus but never actually kicking it"
"That's crazy... I use to love it. I mean until I was what? Sixteen? This was the closest I got to a restaurant"
"Yeah, I mean when you in the system it people don't jump at the chance to spend money on you if they don't have to. And Mommy didn't make those kind of decisions for a long time so I didn't really get much more than a McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy's, Backyard Burger.... those places"
"I never thought about the fact that other people probably had drastically different experience. I mean I'm not stupid, I knew there were different lives because of Reagan and her mom.... but you definitely grew up harder than most"
"I got use to it.... when life knocks you down a bunch of times before you're old enough to understand, you don't know anything but that. I mean I'm no orphan Annie but it was definitely a hard knock life" I shrugged "I'm much happier now"
"When did it all change?"
"The first time.... it was my first love. He changed everything for me. I mean he wasn't the greatest person but he was the best too me. He changed everything about himself for me. But that of course didn't last. I was young and dumb and he was essentially an asshole"
"After that?"
"I moved away, went to college, started working and saving money, and now I have everything I want on my own. My condo, my car, my everything...."
"You definitely have a lot to be proud of"
"I'm sure you do too"
"I mean I guess. I honestly just live every day the furthest from my family shadow as I can"
"Ooooh finally some baggage" I joked
"I wouldn't call it baggage" he smirked "I just have gotten to the point where I'm tired of being what everyone else wants me to be"
"And what's that?"
"Depends on who we talking about"
"Lawyer then judge. You ask my mom maybe even a Senator"
"Olivia would probably be the same as my parents. She's always been the 'they just want the best for you' voice in the back on my head. Now Reagan.... Rae probably just wants me to be happy.... but sometimes it feels like she just wants me to be like her. And it's nothing wrong with it but I feel like I let her down because we are different. She's more like you"
"And what are we like?"
"Hard working, smart, beautiful.... you can explain how you got everything you have, and no one else can take credit for it?"
"You can't?"
"From birth until 19 no. I bullshitted my way through everything because once it was on me to succeed, I knew if I failed my parents would find a way to make it go away. They got me into school everything"
"So what changed at 19"
"I started dating this girl.... we were just alike. She made me realize I didn't like who I was"
"What did you do?"
"I applied to another school, transferred with my halfway decent grade. Nobody knew but Reagan. I worked hard, got a job, stop asking for things.... stopped expecting things. I graduated Summa Cum Laude on my own. I started my business with two classmates who are good friends. Now, I know my parents have bragged on me so my client list isn't all me but its my business"
"Seems like you have a lot to be proud of"
"Don't sell yourself short. I mean look at how many people take hand outs left and right but attribute their success to themselves. There are plenty of people pretending that they work for any of the things they have. Take your credit"
He smirked "I guess your right"
"Get use to it"
We laughed and talk some more in attempts to getting to know each other. Travis was really cool and down to earth. Completely different from David but also even different from Tim. If I didn't know where Travis came from, I would think he's no different from Ralph and the boys. Everything about him was humble and sweet. When the night ended, we walk to our cars making jokes about the halloween party. He told me about his friends swearing we were sleeping together, which gave me my own tickle because I knew David was steaming.
We hugged from the millionth time that night before parting ways. Riding home, all I could think about was Travis and our friendship. If nothing, at least he was a good friend and I could piss David off for the rest of his life. Win-Win!
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