《Girls Need Love》Chapter 6 - Sparks
******* A Month Later *******
Ralph, Reagan, and I got ready for the wedding before meeting up with Alex and Layla at Layla's house. Alex and Ralph loaded up the truck with our equipment and a few of their homies showed up to follow us there to help with unloading.
When we got to the venue, I thought I was in a new fucking world. It was stunning. As the guys set up, Reagan went off to do her maid of honor thing, and I went inside to find a piano for Alex to practice on. The wedding planner snatched me up and told me that I would be singing to an instrumental so the rest of the band the make the stage look "bulky". I shoulder shrugged it and went to my spot to see how it would look. Once I got a grasp I headed to the sound room to practice with the music.
I had only practice for about ten minutes before someone came into the sound room. I turned to see David in a tuxedo and his puppy dog face.
"Can I help you? You lost?" I spoke as if he was a stranger
"Can we talk?"
"Nah, I'm busy" I turned away from him trying to restart the song
"B please" I felt him walk up behind me so I moved "B----"
"Stop! Just stop! There is nothing for you to say to me. There is nothing to discuss. There is no us. I'm good. You go be good with your wife okay" I opened the door "I gotta practice"
"Look, I'll leave you alone. Just hear me out"
"You got two minutes"
"The door?"
"Stays open. I don't trust you."
He sighed "I wanted to tell you I'm sorry. I should've never done what I did to you or her. It was all on me and I'm sorry for that. I know I hurt you. I know I hurt you like you've been hurt in the past.... I never wanted to be just another mistake in your life. I really do love you B. Maybe one day you'll forgive me. I don't know, but I wanted you to know that I'm beyond sorry....and that I'll always love you"
"Times up" I looked the other way
I could see from my peripherals him shake his head before walking out. I shook my head before heading outside to find Layla. I hugged her immediately and she knew what was wrong. I took a deep breathe and sighed.
"His managed to find you in this big ass space"
"It took everything in me not to beat his ass"
"Calm down. We can light up after this and relax but don't let him get to you. You look bad as hell right now. Make him regret everything he ever did to wrong you"
I laughed "Bitch you always know what to say"
"Hey I might be a lesbian but I am a girl. I'm like the best of both worlds all wrapped in one"
"Now come on before this crazy white woman with the headset start yelling"
"The wedding planner?"
"Look she aint identify herself. She had a clip board and a walkie screaming"
We both laughed before heading back inside with others. Ralph, Alex, and Layla sat at the back on the bride side. I stood behind the bride side as well. Reagan was in the wedding party but was walking in right before Olivia. Everyone was taking their seats and it was almost time to start. The music began to play and the wedding party walked in.
Tim entered walking up the isle. He went to the bride side and kissed a woman on the cheek, then went to the groom side and kissed what looked to be his mother and shook his father's hand. He shook hands with the pastor before taking his position. The rest of the party entered. When it got to the end, my mouth drop when I saw mystery man Travis walking down the isle with a bridesmaid. I quickly caught myself before anyone noticed. Reagan had to walk in with David as the maid of honor and best man. The flower girl and ring bearer came in and it was my cue. I began to sing and everyone stood. Olivia walked in with a man who resembled Travis. I sang Love & War by Tamar Braxton as if it was my wedding day. I soften my voice as she got closer. They timed it so I would stop at the end of the second choirs with her at the alter.
When I finished singing, I took the path the wedding planner showed me to get to Ralph. The wedding was your typical beautiful moment. Layla had tears in her eyes and all. When it was over everyone clapped and cheered. We, the band, dipped off to our set up. Ralph's friend Greg, who helped set up was also a DJ so he started the music up and we played around with songs until people came into the reception all. I sang random love songs while we waited for the cue that the bride and groom were coming. Olivia told me that she wanted their first dance to be to Love by Musiq. Tim didn't know but it was the song he told her describe their love.
"Love! So many things I've got to tell you but I'm afraid I don't know how... cause there's a possibility you'll look at me differently... Love! Ever since the first moment I spoke your name, from then on I knew that by you being in my life things were destined to change cause...... Love! So many people use your name in vain! Love! Those who faith in you sometimes go astray! Love! Through all the ups and downs the joy and hurt! Love! For better or worse I still will choose you first....."
I sang the full song and watch them dance. For the first time, in forever, I really believed in love. They looked at each other with a beautiful love and a passion that no one could break. Tim looked at her like he found everything to live for in her.
When they finished their dance. Greg DJ a few love songs and instrumentals for them to eat to and talk. I went to the hallways to take a break and drink some water. I stood behind a pillar and took off my shoes.
"Beauty is pain right?" I heard a familiar voice
"Travis" I smiled when I turned to see his face "What do I owe the pleasure?"
"I saw you set out and just wanted to say hello"
"Hello to you too" I involuntarily giggled a little "I saw you're in the wedding party. You know Tim or Olivia?"
"Tim has been my friend before he and Live got together, but Olivia's my baby sister"
My mouth dropped and I broke into laughter.
"Something about that funny"
"Only that it means you're Reagan's brother"
"These are facts"
"You know Rae?"
"Very much! I'm Ralph's sister"
"Oh so you're her friend that found her love in a tattoo shop"
He chuckled "It was no offense, but when you're brother told me the story of them meeting I found it pretty funny"
"I never wanted them to date. My brother's a great guy, but it definitely limits the conversations we can have now that I know it's about my brother"
"I understand. Tim and I cut those relationships convo quickly"
We both laughed
"It's good seeing you again" he smiled "Beautiful as ever"
"You're truly shameless with this flirtation"
"I'm just a gentleman. Are you in a relationship?"
I laughed "No I'm not"
"Then I'm offending no one by letting you know how beautiful you are"
"No you're not"
"And if I was, I'm sure you'd let me know"
"I would"
"Well" he smirked "Think its about time for those toast. I should get back"
"I guess I should too"
He gentle grabbed my hand and pulled me into his intoxicating hug. He kissed my cheek as before then let me go and headed back inside. I don't know what it was about him but he was memorizing.
I collected myself from the mini wet dream i had for Travis as he walked away before walking back inside. It was indeed time for the toast. David spoke some bullshit about finding the happiness he has blah blah blah. Then Reagan spoke sharing loving sisterly sentiments. I was about to start back singing but Olivia stopped everything to get a toast from Travis.
He stood up chuckling "Umm thanks baby sis. You know how much I love to be put on the spot" the crowd laughed "Well, I've known Tim since we were sixteen. I've seen him be a knuckle head right alongside the rest of us. You can imagine when he pursued my sister the heart attack I had. But" he paused "He's always been a respectable man that I can call friend. Live doesn't know but he ask for my permission to date her. He ask my father for her hand in marriage. And before he every made all these public promises to here..... he made them to me. I trust him with my sister because I know I can trust him with my life" the crowd awwed "Olivia you are the baby girl. Reagan, myself, dad, mom..... we'd do anything to see you happy. So to see you glowing with happiness today.... I'm just happy that you'll have everything you deserve and more with this man. You're still my baby sister and I will always be your protector. But I honorable pass that torch to your well capable husband. I'm proud of you baby sister. You have official bet me and Rae at something. To Tim and Live!"
He raised his glass and everyone joined. His speech was too beautiful. I hung on literally every word. When he finished almost every woman in the room was crying and Tim even had a tear. He looked over at me and I smirked at him before cuing the band to start. I started with Must Be Nice by Lyfe Jennings before going through a plethora of R & B love songs. As we got toward the end of the reception, Greg DJ so the guys could pack up the equipment without ending the music.
I got off stage and headed over to Reagan when someone grabbed my hand. It was Travis and he smiled at me while nodding toward the door. I looked at Reagan who was surrounded by bimbos trying to talk to her sister so I agreed. We walked outside to a balcony were you could see the sunset.
"Wow" I smiled "Isn't this all beautiful and shit"
He chuckled "I guess it is"
"So why bring me out here"
"I don't know. Something about you is just so intriguing to me. I guess I'm just trying to figure out what"
"I'm nothing special sweet love"
"I doubt that"
"Why? You know nothing about me"
"I can see it in your eyes"
"Ooooh sweet love you got that game that make a girl want to believe in fairy tales"
"It's not a game. But I'm guessing you don't believe in fairy tales"
"I never have. Life is never a fairy tale"
"Why you think I'm spitting game at you?"
"Hmm let see: you brought me out to the balcony with this gorgeous sunset, you flirting, calling me beautiful every chance you get.... I mean don't get me wrong, I'm flattered. i just prefer being honest upfront you know"
"Well" he stepped closer to me "Honestly, this isn't a game. I'm not trying to get the draws, I'm not looking for a relationship, and I'm not being anything more than myself. I really do just find you intriguing.... thought maybe we could be friends"
"You don't have enough friends?"
"I have plenty... just none like you"
"There's that game" I smirked looking away from him
"If it was game, I would've had your number by now"
"Hmm maybe"
"So you wouldn't give it to me"
"As a friend or as some guy spitting game"
"A friend"
"Why you gotta act so tough?" he laughed stepping back "I promise I don't want nothing from you. I just know when I see a rarity among a bunch of clones"
"Okay" I smiled at him "I'll bite. You want to be friends. Cool, let's be friends"
"You sure? I mean I'm a pretty dope friend. You'd have to give me A1 friendship here"
"Shut up!" I pushed him
He grabbed my hand to regain his balance. We both just laughed looking at each other. The chemistry between us was definitely undeniable but we both agreed on friendship. We just stared at each other until a throat clearing broke our trance. We both looked over to the door and it was David looking confused.
"Umm Trav, your dad's looking for you"
"AIght bet man!" he nodded "I guess I'll see you later friend"
"Bye bestie" I snickered
He hugged me in that amazing hug before heading inside. I watched him completely leave before heading toward the door myself. Before I could get to it, David closed it and looked pissed.
"What the fuck was that?"
"Who are you talking to?"
"B" he took a deep angry breath "Don't fucking play with me right now! What the fuck?"
"Look mind your business and worry about your bitch"
"No! I'm done telling you to leave me alone! Now move before you wife walks out here!"
I attempted to walk pass him but he grabbed my arm and squeeze it hard.
"Don't fucking play me B!"
"You got two seconds to let me go" he did "You played yourself"
I walked inside and found Reagan and Ralph. I kicked it with them until it was time to go. We left and heeded to their place. It was my last weekend staying with them before my new place was ready. I went to my room and got changed into my pajamas. Before I could touch the bed Reagan came in smiling at me.
"What?" i laughed at her awkward face "You're being weird again Rae"
"Correct me if I'm wrong, but did I see you walk off with my brother?"
"Oh my God"
"I did! What the hell" she laughed "How do you know Travis?"
"Carmen's fiance Keith is friends with him. We met at an art gala showing thing. Nothing big I promise" she raised her eyebrow at me "Reagan I'm serious. I'm not trying to get into anything with anybody including your fine ass brother"
"Payback!" I laughed "But seriously, your brother's cool. We're.... friends I guess"
"You say that now. Wait to that kitty cat downstairs ready to come out and play again"
"She and I will be fine. I told you, I'm opening a new chapter in life right now"
"Damn" she looked shocked "I never thought I'd see the day when you said no to dick"
"1) he didn't offer dick thank you very much and 2) I'm not that much of a hoe"
"I wouldn't say a hoe.... more like a feminist with hoelistic tendencies"
"Bitch bye!" I threw a pillow at her
I pushed her out of my room and closed the door. I had to admit, Reagan was kinda right. Travis and I could be friends.... but at some point sex would come into play and ruin everything and I would be back in the same situation I was before. I'm tired of niggas treating me like I'm worthless. Travis is cool, but he's definitely staying in the friend zone.
I woke up the day after the wedding in bed with Khari, my ex. I shook my head before getting up and getting dressed. The one thing about celebration is they always led to bad decisions. As I finish putting on my shirt, she sat up in the bed.
"So you just gone leave while I'm sleep"
"You know if you're going to treat me like some hoe you should leave the money on the night stand. Pretty sure that's how it works"
"Listen" I sighed "This was.... this wasn't suppose to happen. We had drinks and went back to what we know. We've been over for a month now" I shook my head "I guess I'm saying this is over for real Khari"
"Whatever Travis" she rolled her eyes "Next time you want some pussy call me"
"I won't"
I shook my head before heading home to shower. I got ready and headed to the country club to meet everyone for brunch. All our families would meet there after church. While I stopped going to the mockery we call a church a while ago, I still go to dinner to keep my mother from harassing me about it.
When I got there everyone was arriving just as I was. I ate with my mother and father talking about business then headed outside to mingle with everyone else. I found my boys and we all greeted each other.
"So what happen to you last night?" Marcus smirked "Saw you did away with the songbird"
"Nah David cockblocked the shit out of that one" Tevin laughed
"Whatever" David rolled his eyes seeming annoyed
"Me and her just cool. I met her through my guy Keith. Nothing like that"
"So where did you go?" all their eyesbrows were raised
"Khari called me-----"
"Fuck!" they said in unison
"Yeah" I shook my head "She was drunk at some club. I picked her up to take her home. She wasn't that fucking drunk but whatever. One thing led to another and.... hey it is what it is"
"Stop fucking that crazy broad" Marcus laughed "As your best friend I refuse to allow you to get trapped by her ass"
"Khari aint that bad" David laughed "At least she wasn't back in the day. Maybe you just got her dick dizzy man"
"Don't know, don't care. I am a free agent and I'm keeping it that way"
"That is until you meet little Ms. Songbird again"
"Dude chill" I laughed "Serious it's not like that. Micah's just a cool chick"
"Ooooh the songstress has a name" Tevin teased
"Fuck yall"
"You need to gone fuck her. That would definitely keep you away from Khari. Did you see that ass"
"Chill bruh" I shook my head "Look I'm not entertaining this"
I grabbed my drink and walked away shaking my head. I could still hear them talking about Micah's body. I must admit it was something about here I didn't get. Any man would lust after her, but something was different when I looked at her. She wasn't just some ass to get. She wasn't my next wife. I just wanted to be her friend. Weird.
"Yo Trav!" David walked over to me "Ignore them fools"
"I'm not worried about them"
"What was up with you and ole girl. Yall were pretty close on the balcony"
"Dude on my life there is nothing up. I literally met the chick a while back at an art show. We just talked a little. She's Reagan's friend so we spoke as friends. Nothing more"
"Really?" he shook his head "That's crazy"
"I know right" I laughed "To be honest, she bad as hell.... but it's just something about her. She cool people. I aint trying to get caught up in nothing with her like that. She's Rae friend.... that'd be to much. We just cool. I don't even got the girl number. People just be bugging"
"Well you know if they saw, everyone one else saw"
"I'm surprised I haven't heard from Reagan about it"
"Give it time. I say just do you. Don't worry about these women. The right one will come"
"Whoa! Who are you and were is David?"
"Ha ha" he rolled his eyes "I'm just saying"
"Damn! Gabby got you out here doing a 180!"
We laughed and chopped it up a little more before I headed home. Sundays were my days for rest in relaxation. Somehow I knew it wasn't happening today but I was going to try. I sat on the couch and turned on the game. Before I knew it I dozed off.
I woke up after about thirty minutes to someone knocking on my door. I shook my head before getting up to get it. Before I could fully open the door Reagan barged in.
"Damn sis! What the fuck?"
"Nigga I been calling you all day! I thought your ass was dead! I almost called your damn daddy!"
I laughed "A man can't sleep"
"Oh please! Sleeping is for the dead"
"Whatever" I closed the door and headed back to the couch "What you on sis?"
"Well" she smirked sitting in the lounge chair "I know you already knew what I'm going to ask"
"I don't but I probably could guess"
"Is a new friend"
"So you not trying to get at her"
"That would be correct"
"That's what I said"
"Wow" she looked shocked "I need to take bets on this"
"On what?"
"Whose going to break first" she laughed "I know both of you and I can't imagine you two being just friends. Especially Micah"
"What does that mean?"
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