
Little snakey ate normal human food, wang yibo was surprised, lin xi yibo mother said it must be the baby, he must have made little snakey eat normal food just like a human being.

Yibo and little snakey retired to bed, yibo wrapped his hand around little snakey slightly distended stomach. Little snakey fall asleep minutes later, hearing soft snores from little snakey, yibo smiled.

"Good night my beautiful snakey, i love you." Yibo whispered and kissed little snakey soft hair, closing his eyes wang yibo was consumed with darkness within minutes.

The next day little snakey woke up early as usual heading to the kitchen, he found yibo mom preparing breakfast. Lin xi saw little snakey and smiled.

"My dear, your up early, do you need something to eat? I have prepared cheese here do you want it?" Yibo mother asked and gave little snakey the cheese, little snakey silently hissed and took the cheese from lin xi, having a bite, little snakey facial expression changed, after few minutes, he started eating normally.

"Does it taste weird?" Lin xi asked again. Little snakey nodded his head and continued to eat the weird food. Looking at his father in law to be cooking, little snakey decided to steal some ideas, maybe he will prepare something delicious for his boyfriend wang yibo after they have returned back to their home, little snakey knows this is his possession parents house but they have their own house, where they will do all the naughty thing's he loves the most.

I didn't sleep well last night. Not only last night but for the past few weeks since wang yibo decided to end it with me. I love him so much, i will do anything for him, even if it means dying or killing anyone just for him, I'm crazy over him. I will not be able to live on without him, he made me love him so much and he just abruptly broke up with me, I've always tried to be the best girlfriend i could be, i have tried being perfect, but he still decided to ditch me just like that, if i will not have him then no one will.


I woke up in the morning, i showered and prepared myself, caressing my small bump, i smiled in satisfaction, he's thinking of leaving me not so easy, he used a condom so what, the discarded condom filled with his semen will still make me pregnant, i realised his sudden change of behaviour since that manipulative snake came into his life, even if he's a magical being, he has no right of destroying someone else relationship, their's a lot of single men/women out there, he could choose one and have him or her all by himself and no one will be bothered.

That snake he's just an animal, compared to me, he's nothing, he might be poisonous, vicious but that doesn't mean he's smarter than me, I am a human, he's a snake, their's a very big difference.

"You vicious snake, let me make you hate the man you think he will forever be yours." I whispered before going downstairs to meet my mother, we have some very important people we need to meet, i will be going to be Mrs yibo soon, not just soon but very soon.


The lan family was having breakfast with wang yibo helping little snakey eat his food, because the facial expressions he keeps making whenever he eats made the maids to secretly laugh, now they're confused where their young master boyfriend came from, because one since he came yesterday, he has never talked, if they are not mistaken they heard him hissing, second it seems like he has never eaten the food that was prepared, his eyes and expressions suggest so. Lastly his eyes colour, his eyes are very scary, you wouldn't dare look at him for the second time, because you will regret looking at him.

The door was knocked and Stella mother together with her daughter entered, yibo mother invited them to have breakfast with them though he has no idea who they were.


"Have a sit and have breakfast with us, I'm lin xi." Yibo mother said. Stella looked at wang yibo and smiled, little snakey didn't bother with the visitors, he was busy eating with whatever his boyfriend is feeding him, even if it tastes weird, he have it apart from that weird bitter medicine, he will kill someone if he will ever be forced to drink that, speaking of that, all the folic acid tablets that he was given by the doctor from the hospital, to boost his blood levels since he is pregnant, he hasn't taken any of them, yibo knows he has a lot of work to do, especially how is he going to make little snakey take the medicine.

"Hello lin xi, I'm Bijun and this is my daughter Stella, I came here to talk to you about an issue concerning your son wang yibo and my daughter Stella." Stella mother answered with a smile on her face.

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