
Wang yibo arrived where Stella told him too. Mentioning his name at the receptionist yibo was showed the room number where Stella was in, knocking wang yibo entered and found Stella sitted waiting for him.

"You really came babe, i thought you wouldn't." Stella said and hugged wang yibo. Yibo frowned and pushed Stella away, sitting down yibo looked at Stella.

"One I'm not your baby, we have broken up for a month now, two tell me what you want, i don't have time to waste here." Wang yibo answered.

"You think i will allow you to leave me for that useless cobra snake. So funny, what about this baby I'm carrying which is yours, do you want him or her to be fatherless?" Stella said with teary eyes her voice cracking up. She has loved wang yibo so much and he just couldn't break up with her, this is so unfair to him.

Wang yibo chuckled and got up. "You expect me to believe that? We've been using protection, i think you should find the real father of that baby."

Stella got up and stopped wang yibo from leaving. "Do you trust condom so much that you think it will always be safe, your my first, your the man who took my virginity away, now that I'm pregnant you want to dump me? Aren't you so cruel?" Stella shouted in tears.

"Right I am your first but that doesn't mean I will be with you forever just because I am your first. And get this in your head Stella, I am always careful with the kind of condom i use and i follow the correct procedure, I don't mess so easily, sweetheart please just let it go, i love that snake you call useless and I'm not going to leave him." Wang yibo answered and walked away leaving the crying Stella alone. Getting in his car, yibo remained for few minutes and drove off towards his parents, he's sure little snakey is back now.


Getting in the room and finding it empty, the first thing that he did is discard the clothes he is wearing and took a shower, coming out of the shower, yibo put on some clothes and headed downstairs. He found xichen carrying little snakey on his back, little snakey seems to enjoy being carried by xichen, but seeing wang yibo he immediately got down and ran towards wang yibo, yibo smiled and opened his arms, hugging little snakey, yibo relaxed and all his worries dissapered in an instant.

"It looks like you were having fun little snakey." Yibo said, little snakey smiled and looked at xichen who smiled at him. Sitting down yibo placed snakey on his lap. Little snakey started kissing wang yibo neck, his hand caressing wang yibo chest. Yibo looked at his brother who only winked, seeing little snakey has no intention of stopping, yibo made little snakey to look at him.

"Are you horny now babe?" Yibo asked little snakey, yibo touched little snakey crotch and found him to be hard, little snakey moaned loud enough for the worker's who were nearby to hear. Wang yibo didn't bother with them. "I'm always ready for you my beautiful snakey." Yibo added and carried little snakey bridal style, going to his room. Yibo placed little snakey on the bed and hovered on top of him, his little beautiful snakey is horny and needs to be sated. Such a beautiful baby, no one will be able to reject him, he's a treasure that needs to be kept and taken good care of. He will always keep this treasure on his side.


Stella arrived back at her parents house crying. Stella mother was worried, she wondered what might have happened to her precious daughter.

"My love tell mommy what happened? Who made you this miserable tell me." Stella mother asked her daughter while wiping her tears away.


"Mom he left me, he left me." Stella sobbed in her mother arms.

"Who left you?"

"Wang yibo left me, when I'm pregnant with his baby, he rejected me just because of a faggot, a useless poisonous snake seduced my boyfriend." Stella answered.

"He really dares to leave you for a man when your carrying his child. My love don't worry, that wang yibo will take responsibility whether he likes it or not." Stella mother said while rubbing her daughters back.

"But mom how, he really doesn't care, he has no affectation for me, i saw it in his eyes." Stella answered.

"Mommy is here, everything will be planned for, your pregnant so he is going to marry you, we will go meet his family tommorow." Stella mom answered.

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