《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 21



Josh's POV

"Mmm" Storm mumbled against me. My hands caressed her beautiful brown body as I kissed on her shoulder, to her neck.

"How are you feeling baby?" I asked looking down at her. She had a bright smile on her face. I loved her beautiful smile.

"I'm feeling wonderful, I'm very happy" She says as she turns around. She wraps her arms around me and I look at her.

"I'm glad to hear you're happy" I said to her.

"I'm happy with my family, I'm happy with my job, I'm happy with my life, I'm happy with you" She says and I licked my lips.

"But most importantly, I'm happy with myself" She says.

"I'm so happy that you're happy" I said and lean down. We kiss and I wrap my arms around her.

"Ewww do you guys mind? I just ate" Marcus says as he, Kevin, Lola, and Chelsey walk in. We pulled away and started laughing.

"Is it a crime to kiss my husband in my own house?" Storm asks him turning around.

"No, but if you guys keep at it we might get another sibling. I think the 4 of us is enough" Marcus says and we all laughed.

"Y'all come here" I said waving them all over. They walk up to us and I pick up Chelsey, who put her hands out for me to grab her.

"Ahhh look at you all. My beautiful family" I said as I looked at everyone.

"I prefer handsome" Kevin says causing Storm and I to laugh.

"2 handsome boys" Storm says putting her arms around them.

"I love you guys, so much" I said to them. Storm pecks my lips and the kids smile at me.

"We love you too Josh" Lola says.

"Yea, we wouldn't trade you guys for the world" Kevin says, which made me smile widely. How'd I get so lucky?

I smiled in my sleep as my eyes slowly opened. As I touch the spot beside me, it's empty. What the fuck-

"Storm?" I said as I sat up. She was nowhere to be found. I got up and walked out of our room. I looked around and listened for any sound....it's quiet. Like I'm the only one here. I walked back to our room and grabbed my phone, when it turns on, I see a message from Storm.




I read her message twice before groaning. She really left. I was about to answer her message when I heard a knock at my door. I get up and walk downstairs, I open the door and Caleb, Shareef, Shaqir, and Dior walk in.

"Morning Gup" Qir and Dior say as they walked towards my kitchen. Now they're gonna eat all of my food.

"Sup" Caleb says patting my back.

"Hey man, Storm is gone too?" Shareef asks as we followed the other three into the kitchen.

"Yea man, she didn't tell me she was going" I said to him.

"According to Heaven, Storm sent the girls a message saying that they had to leave this morning. So they took the jet and left" He says shrugging.

"Did Heaven say where they were going?" I asked him.

"Nope, she said Storm wanted it to be a secret" He says. I sighed and rubbed my hand down my face. Oh my god...

"How does she just get up and leave?" I asked looking at him.

"Maybe she wanted to get away from your ugly ass" Dior says shrugging.

"It's to early for your energy Dior" I said putting my hand up.

"It's never to early. My energy runs like this 24/7" He says.

"Do you have a off button?" Caleb says to him.

"I don't know. Wanna come find it?" He says which makes Caleb jump at him. Dior screams and runs away from him.

"Idiots" Shaqir says laughing.

"Anyways, I don't like how she left without talking to me about it, and then brings the girls along with her" I said to them

"Did you guys recently have any deep conversations?" Caleb asks me.

"Yea, last night. She was opening up to me about how she felt towards things and problems that she's having right now" I said.

"So she just wanted to run away for a bit. That sounds ok to me" Shaqir says shrugging.

"Running away isn't the answer to everything, your problems are still there no matter what" Dior says.

"But this is Storm we're talking about. No matter what, she's going to deal with whatever she has going on. She's one of the strongest girls we know" Shareef says. He was right, 100% right.


"We just gotta give her time. She knows what she's doing" Caleb says.

"No she doesn't" I said shaking my head.

"Look bro, I know you're worried about her. But can you think positive?" He says.

"It's hard to think positive when all I worry about is Storm's mental state. I'm scared she might do something" I said sighing.

"Like what?" Shaqir asks.

"I don't know. But I'm just, I'm scared" I said looking down.

"Look Gup. I know you're scared but think about it like this, this time isn't as bad as last time. It's the fact that Storm considered to live her life again after what happened. Pshhh if it was me, none of y'all would ever see me again" Dior says.

"Ain't nobody wanna see you anyways" Shaqir says rolling his eyes.

"Your girl does" He says slickly causing Qir to glare at him.

"Just focus on you and do what you gotta do until she comes back, simple" Caleb says ignoring Shaqir and Dior.

"Ok" I said nodding.

"Let's change topics, Josh who's that fine ass girl that was on The Shaderoom post about you and Storm?" Dior asks smirking. I instantly roll my eyes.

"That's Cali, you probably remember her from AZ" I said and his eyes widen.

"Wait....the Cali you cheated on Storm with?" He says and I start glaring at him.

"I did not cheat on Storm with her, don't let that come out of your mouth again" I said pointing at him. He puts his hands up and shrugs.

"Sorry, let me rephrase that....the girl you were lowkey messing with while you were with Storm" He says and I roll my eyes.

"Don't make me have to beat your ass in my own kitchen Dior" I said standing up.

"I tell you about these tall ass, big lipped ass, body builder thighs ass, got braids don't know how to act ass niggas. Wanna get mad at me for saying the truth" He says shrugging. Caleb and Shaqir start laughing.

"Don't listen to him man, just sit down" Reef says and I sit back down.

"Anyways" I said.

"Is it that Cali though, the one Storm had problems with?" Shaqir asks and I nodded.

"Yes it is" I said.

"Damn she's bad" He says and Dior nods.

"She's fine as hell, Josh put me on" Dior says.

"She don't want no little boy" I joked laughing.

"Everyone wants the little boy. I'm 23 having 35 year olds wanting me" He says smirking.

"Ew" Reef says.

"Why she back in the picture anyway?" Caleb asks me.

"She's the kids biological mother" I said and they all looked at me.

"You're telling me the girl that would do anything to get you, comes back around because....you have her kids? Did you know?" He asks me.

"No I didn't, I found out not to long ago" I said to him.

"How did you know that they were her kids?" Reef asks.

"Well she told me their full names and said when they got sent to the orphanage. And when I asked the kids about her, they said that was their mom" I said shrugging.

"She's gonna try and steal you from Storm again" Shaqir says.

"Nah she can't, I won't let her. We aren't kids anymore, history isn't gonna repeat itself" I said to him. I would never let Cali play her little games on me again. I know all her tricks.

"What if you reject her and she tries to take the kids" Dior says and starts laughing hysterically. We all looked at him blankly. He looks at us and starts coughing before he stops laughing.

"She'll lose her life if she ever tried" I said shaking my head.

"Ooooo violent Gup" Dior says shaking his hands.

"I go crazy for my family. I told y'all already, I'm not scared to lose my career for people I love"

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