《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 4


The next day

Storm's POV

"You look pretty mama" Chelsey said as she watched me get ready. Lola was here too but she was reading her book. She wasn't feeling well so I said she can stay home. But since I have a shoot today, I'm going to drop them off at Josh's moms house. Peyton was working so she brought LJ to the ball house. The boys were at school and Josh, well I don't know where Josh is.

"Thank you baby" I said to her as I did my hair.

"Are you excited to go back to work?" Lola says as she looks up at me from her book. She loved reading.

"Yea I am. I missed it" I said to her.

"That's good. I'm happy for you" She says and smiles at me. I got up and walked over to her and kissed her head.

"Thank you Lola" I said smiling at her.

"I want one toooo" Chelsey whined. I laughed and kissed her head too. My two babies!

"Ok guys let's go, grab your bags for Nana's house" I said and they got up. When they left, I took one last look in the mirror.

"You got this Storm, no turning back" I said as I stared at myself. My eyes then lead to the picture that I had of Melo on my mirror. I walked up to it and smiled as I touched his face.

"I miss you" I said as I sighed. Words can't explain how much I miss him...

"You ok Storm?" Lola asks as she came back with her and Chelseys bag.

"Yea" I said and turned to her. I grabbed my purse and phone and walked with her downstairs. Chelsey stood there waiting for us.

"Let's go see Nana!" She yelled. I opened the door and we walked towards the car.


"Get in girls" I said as I opened the door. They got in and I buckled Chelsey in her car seat.

"Mama where's daddy?" She asked as I fixed her seatbelt.

"He's at work baby" I lied. I have no idea where Josh is. He hasn't came home last night. When I see him I'm gonna beat his ass. I closed her door and then got in my seat. I turned the car on and fixed my mirror.

"You guys good back there?" I asked them.

"Yes" They both said. I nodded and turned the radio on before driving off. Ugh the dumb celebrity news is on. I never liked the celebrity news. I tapped my finger on the steering wheel as I drove. My ears then perk up when my name is mentioned. I turned up the radio and listened closely.

"Did you hear? Storm Christopher seems to be making a comeback today" A women says.

"Yes so I've heard. No one has heard or seen her since the passing of LaMelo ball" A man says.

"I don't blame her, she lost her best friend. It must've been so hard for her to lose someone so close" The women says. At least she understands.

"She hasn't spoken about the passing of him because it's her fault why he isn't here today." The man says. Well sir, who the fuck asked you for your opinion.

"We must know the full story from Storm, before we can judge her" The women says.

"I'm sticking to my story until she speaks up" He says. I turned off the radio and rolled my eyes. Even if I spoke about what happened, people are still going to have their opinion about the situation and still bash me. When the time is right, I'll speak about what happened. Even though I really don't want to.


"Mama, play Ariana" Chelsey says from the backseat. I giggled and waited till I got to a red light to touch my phone. I grabbed it and grabbed the aux cord connecting it to my phone. She has a liking to Ariana Grande's music. I thought it was cute so I played it for her. I smiled as I see her nod her head to POV.

"I wanna love me, the way that you love me" I sang along to the song. This song was so cute to me.

Soon enough, we got to Halona's house and we see her watering her plants in the front lawn. She smiled once she sees me park the car.

"Let's go guys" I said and opened my car door. I walked over and opened Chelsey's door. I unbuckled her out of her car seat and set her down. She instantly runs to her grandma.

"My three babies! Hi y'all!" She says with a big smile on her face.

"Hi Halona" I smiled at my mother in law.

"Hi Stormy" she says and pulls me into a hug. We rock side to side and she rubs my back. I love Josh's mom so much!

"How you are honey?" She asked me.

"I'm....ok" I smiled and looked down. That felt so weird to say....

"That's good to hear. And how are my beautiful girls?" She says and looks at Lola and Chelsey.

"I'm good Nana" Lola says smiling.

"I'm amazinggggg!" Chelsey says and smiles widely. She looks like Josh when she smiles.

"That's good to hear honey. I have lunch ready for you guys inside" She says.

"Yess!" Lola cheered. She grabs Chelseys hand and they run inside the house.

"Thank you for watching them Halona" I thanked her.

"No need to thank me baby. I'm glad you're going to start working again. Josh was telling me the other day he doesn't think it's a good idea" She says crossing her arms.

"Yea he didn't like the idea of me going back. But I need my life back, I need to live again" I said to her.

"I totally understand that. You are your own person and need to do what makes you happy. I know Josh can be very demanding sometimes" She says.

"Very demanding" I said shaking my head.

"But he does it cause he loves you. So I guess it's ok right?" She says and the two of us share a small laugh.

"You're right" I said smiling.

"I don't wanna hold you up. So run along" She says and motions me to my car.

"Ok. Thank you again. And remember to give me a call if you guys need anything alright?" I said as I opened my car door.

"We'll be just fine honey. You go and do what makes you happy. Also, they are spending the night" She says and I nodded. I got in my car and started it. Halona and I blow a kiss at each other before I drive off.

"Alrighttt...LET'S GO MAKE SOME MONEY!" I yelled in excitement as I got closer to the studio.

Let's do this baby!

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