《STORM 4 | Josh Christopher》Chapter 3


Storm's POV

"Hey Storm, how are you?" Saweetie says as I walk into her office, there stood Annie as well.

"Hi Saweetie, hi Annie. And I'm..." again, I still couldn't find the words. They looked at me weirdly as I stood there. I just put my hand up and did the ok sign. Storm from now on just say ok and keep it moving.

"That's good. What brings you here today?" She asks me as I took a seat in the chair in front of her.

"I wanted to start working again" I said to her.

"Really?" She says giving me an amazed look.

"Yes! I'm ready" I said smiling at her.

"Wow ok! I'm glad to hear that. My question is, how do you wanna go about this?" She says opening up her computer.

"Well, I was thinking just photoshoots. No runways, no events, no guest appearances. Just straight shoots" I said to her.

"May I ask why?" Annie says.

"I'm not ready to show my face to the world. I don't wanna face the criticism and opinion of others just yet" I said looking down.

"Storm, I get that you're scared. But you can't keep hiding forever. Eventually you're going to be seen or put out there" Saweetie says to me.

"I'm not hiding anymore if I'm considering to work right?" I say to her.

"Are you going to at least log back into your social media accounts?" She says while typing into her computer.


"No?" They both asked.

"Why would I do that?" I ask them. Like what kind of question was that.

"Well I mean...why not?" Saweetie says, in more of a question.

"You want me to log back in, just to get hated on again by everyone?" I ask crossing my arms.

"Storm it was a long time ago, people aren't going to bash you anymore" Saweetie says. Sis we don't know that.

"Saweetie please" I begged.

"Storm, log back in for a day and see what happens. Ok?" She says.

"Fine" I mumbled. She nods and then continues to type on her computer.


"You have a photoshoot tomorrow with Fashion Nova. They want to be the one to show case you as you make your way back to the modeling world. Something small but it's a good start" She says. I nodded and stood up.

"I'll email you the details ok?" She says.

"Ok, it was nice seeing you two" I said grabbing my bag. I was about to walk away when Saweetie calls me back.

"Hey Storm?" She says.


"Everything is going to be ok, alright?" She says.

"Ok" I said before waving at them. I walked out of her office and out of the building. I put my sunglasses on and walked with my head low, so no one would notice me. I opened my car door and got in. Good, no one spotted me. I sighed and put my purse down in the passenger seat. I turned the car on and drove off starting my ride back home. As I drove, my phone started ringing. I pressed answer on the car phone and seen Luzzy's contact.

"What's up bestie?" I said.

She asks. She sounded irritated. That's weird.

"No I'm not, why?" I ask her.

She says.

"I'm on my way" I said and hung up. I then made a U turn because Luzzy's house was in the next direction. I hope whatever it is, it's not life changing. I can't take anymore life changes right now.

As I arrived at her house, I parked the car and grabbed my purse. I locked the car and walked up to her door. I knocked and she opened it.

"Oh thank god you're here" She says and pulls me into a hug.

"Everything ok?" I asked her and she pulls away from the hug.

"Girl No...." She says. She then closes the door and we walk up to her and Mikey's shared room. She plops down on the bed and I sit on the edge of it looking at her.

"What's up?" I ask her.

"Trouble in paradise" She sighs.

"Y'all arguing?" I ask her.


"More like not talking" She says.

"Why?" I ask her.

"Mikey's on his bullshit again. The partying, the hanging out with the boys late. The quote on quote late practices. Nigga you know practices don't end at 3am" She says rolling her eyes.

"Well I mean, that's how they all are right? Josh is like that too. They work hard Luzzy, sometimes they wanna go out and have fun and that's ok" I said to her.

"If he wants to have fun, he can have fun with me. What do you need to go out for?" She says which causes me to laugh.

"Oh and there's more. Tell me why some girl name Deja is all up in his phone talking about Oh Mikey, when are we gonna hang out again. And blah blah blah" She says in a high pitch voice. I looked at her weirdly before laughing. Luzzy is hilarious.

"Deja....as in Deja Kelly? The one in the WNBA?" I ask her.

"I don't fucking know her last name, or care about what she do" She says rolling her eyes.

"Didn't her and Mikey have a little something a few years ago?" I ask her.

"Maybe, it definitely wasn't when he was with me. Because I would've ended him and her life" She says. There's that inner crazy in Luzzy. Or what she likes to call her "inna gangsta".

"Have you tried to talk to him about it?" I ask her.

"Yes, but every time I do it results in us having sex" She says.

"Mikey knows what he's doing" I said laughing. Only Mikey to try and save himself and Luzzy falling for it.

"He uses his compliments and looks to get him out of trouble. He knows the kind of affect he has on me and abuses it for his own good" She says shaking her head.

"Where is he right now?" I ask her.

"At the mall with Josh and Bronny" She says, that instantly makes me confused. Wait what?

"The mall? Josh is at the gym" I said to her. She instantly gives me a confused look. Erm...

"Mikey texted me this morning saying he'll be with Josh and Bronny and that they're going out to the mall" She says.

"Someone's lying" I said. I grab my phone and look for Josh's location. I make up my face as I see he's some neighborhood. This is definitely not a gym.

"Hold on, I'm going to FaceTime him" I said to her and she climbs down the bed and sits beside me. I press the FaceTime button on his contact and he declines my call.

"I know he didn't...." I said as I click the button again. He declined the call again. Then he regular calls me.

"Hello" I said putting the phone on speaker so Luzzy can hear.

He says. I hear a lot of chattering in the background. Some voices even being women.

"Why'd you decline my call?" I ask him.

He says.

"Is Mikey with you?" I ask him. It's quiet for a bit before he answers.

he says.

"Put him on the phone Joshua" Luzzy says.

he says before me hanging up.

"Did he just hang up?" Luzzy asks.

"Yes" I said looking at my phone in my hand. What's he hiding?

"They're hiding something from us" he says and plops down on the bed again.

"They sure are" I said and put my phone down. Whatever Josh is hiding from me, I'm going to find out regardless. He can't keep shit from me no more.

"Don't stress yourself over Mikey Luzzy. When he comes home just try to talk to him again, and keep your pants on" I pointed out and she laughs.

"Ok, I will. Thank you Storm" She says and grabs a hold of my hand.

"Was that the urgent thing?" I ask her and she shakes her head.


"Then what was it?" I ask her.

"I think I might be pregnant" She says shrugging. My eyes widen and then I blink a few times.

"I'm sorry what?"

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