《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 19: Honeymoon feva!


Waleed's POV:

our lips stayed locked for a while. I squeezed her nipples gently. They were already imprinted on her top. She doesn't fight. Her body responded like she has been waiting. I pulled the blanket over us. she wasnt comfortable being exposed.

She opens up, Not holding anything back and he kissesd me back with same passion I was kissing her with.

I took her top over her head and unhooked, she covered her boobs with a part of the blanket, holding the blanket tight.

"Lee...."Kiss".... .you need "kiss"... To "kiss"Trust me"

slowly, she let's go of the Duvet. She rubbed one of her nipple slowly. Under the duvet.

"they keep standing" she blushed.

Yes, they keep standing for me.

"you are so cute"

I took one nipple in my mouth, delicately wrapping my tongue around the excited nipple, she let's out a quick gasp.. Her fingers ran through my hair, she was getting too excited already. I moved my tongue round her belly button while still squeezing her succulent boobs.

Just Then, She started to shake?

"are you fine? I can stop if you want" I told her.



She Looked at me like she would scream if I go any further and I didn't want that to happen here.

"Lee.... " I returned my mouth to hers. I could tell She was becoming normal now.

"we have more than enough time for this. OK?" avoiding my gaze, she nods.

I help her Hook her bra over her boobs.

"Oh! I love this woman!"....hey! Did I just say that!

The pilot announces our landing. I helped her to her feet while she fixes her veil up. We exited the cabin to return to our seats.

As shy as she looked, I could tell my wife was quite happy and I?.... Happier.

Once we landed, I took her by her hand and led her through immigration. We received lots of welcoming smiles.

"it's been a while sir! I heard you are married now..."

Romeo ,one of my drivers arrived at the airport to Receive us.. He turns to Leilah and as soon as his eyes landed on hers, a huge smile appeared on his face.

"You must be Mrs Leilah Akhmad, " the man said to Leilah in his thick Cuban accent.

"my name is Romeo".

"HI Romeo, its nice to meet you " She replied, exhausted.

It was 8pm already.

"take us to the beach house " I told the driver who was blanked out, starring at Leilah.

Once in the car, I took her little hand in mine.

"do you come here all the time for business or fun? "


I am sure It had taken her a whole lot to ask that question.

" oh Leilah. come on.... I only come here for business not that stuff on your mind." she shrugs and started to stare out the window.

she wasn't convinced.

" I have these Business partners here. Would you love to meet them while we are here? I will be meeting with them for lunch tomorrow after all? "

"if you want me to"

Her eyes were starting to close. I drew closer to her and gently placed her head on my shoulder, with an arm across her.

observation 20, My wife cannot keep her eyes open while in motion. Except she is the driver.

We get to the Beach house in few minutes.

I am so used to lifting Leilah out of the car now.

while Romeo took the bags in, I opened the door to her side to lift her out of the car.

" I keep stressing you with my weight, Wal.... Let me walk today" she told me sleepily.

She stops at the living room of the small beach house I had bought on my first trip here so I could use this as a getaway anytime I felt like, she rubbed her hands against the Architectural ornaments and designs, taking it all in.

"you own this place, Waleed? turning around to look at me while I bade Romeo, good night.

"yes I do. I got it two years ago. On my first trip here. "

"it is beautiful.... I love it already. " she climbed the stairs while I locked up the house and followed her to our room.

Our room.

"we are sharing a room? " she asked as if scared of something.

"yes Baby. And a bathroom... and a toilet."

She rolls her eyes at me. It was too cute to not laugh.

"the other rooms downstairs are pretty occupied. . One has the beach stuff inside and the other is for guests. " I explain to her. I notice she is shaking again.

"you know I can stay in the guest room downstairs if you want me to"

"No No.... We will do fine here. we will be OK... right? "

"of course. There is a maid here but she doesn't live in the house, Davina. She'll come help us clean and show you around while I am away. we also have a spa very close... I own it too. We could go there sometime. " her face lit up

"that will be fun... OK."

"you should fresehen up. I will be downstairs making cooking" I ditched my shoes for flops , took my jacket off and shirt off.


Her eyes travelled all over my body. I suddenly felt nervous.

Leaving her alone, I slid down the stairs.

That was awkward.

Thirty minutes later. She appeared downstairs with her robe around her body and scarf tied to her hair. I had called her five minutes ago informing her I was done cooking. She picks up a spoon.

" I didn't know you could cook. this is good and you look hot in that apron. Chef! " she teased.

"granny taught me alot of things. "

we ate in silence.

An hour later. I got tired of watching Funny clips on TV with her. I love to see her laugh but I needed to sleep.

"We should go to bed Lee" I held my hand out for her to grab, instead she jumped on my back.

I had to carry her up the stairs , on my back.

As soon as we got in, she pulled her robe and Moved to the bedside.

"oh lee..i see you are extra ready for this honeymoon" .

She had a black laced night dress which stopped a little below her ass.

"mama Naomi didn't pack any decent night wear...sorry" she replied as if afraid she had wronged me.

.."I asked her to pack things like this"

I held her close to my body.

"After all it's our honeymoon and I want you to wear things like this for me."

I lifted her off the ground and laid her on the bed.

One look into her eyes and my shy wife turned around quickly. I turned her around and locked my lips with hers

"I know you think we are moving fast. Lee.... But you should be able to tell me what you want" I worshipped her body with more kisses.

"how about Alice? " picking at her fingernails.

I didn't see that coming. I and Alice......

I wish she knows She is the one in my head now. I got married to her and not Alice.

" you are my wife. She is not. And this is our honeymoon so let's not talk about her here. OK? "

I know my answer sounds dumb but that was all I had in my mouth.

She made no move to stop me when I pulles a strap of the exposing fabric down, revealing her firm boobs. I played with her boobs and watched her try to keep her eyes open at the same time.

I am awfully losing my self control with this woman.

I want to feel every part of her body at once ... Fuck! I am that hungry.

I kissed her everywhere, from Her face to her earlobes, her chin to her navel... Then I stopped when I felt her eyes open.

"Lee.... "

she quickly turned her face. Taking the strap of her nightwear back up.

I moved up to her and held her close . She started to whimper.

"baby , What is your fear ?" I asked her, holding her chin to face me.

"that you will go back to hating me after the sex because ....because..... I am not as hot as those models of yours " tears ran down her eyes like she's been holding it all in for weeks.

I hate to see her like this.

"is that all? "

I am uncontrollably getting too emotional with this woman.

She has had so much effect on me in just two weeks.

" tell me everything ...Lee... Please "

"and once you get what you want... Which is sex... I will mean nothing to you" she breaks down.

I pulled her into my arms. Laying on my back , I helped her to lay on me, I carressed her back to stop her from crying. Kissing her forehead occasionally.

"Have you fallen in love with me... Lee? " I whisper, afraid of what her answer will be.

"I don't know Wal.... I am confused " her voice was shaky.

She is clearly not sure about her feelings.

" Lee... I will never disrespect you again. There will be no Storming off to Paris or anywhere else without telling you first. It's not your fault we got married. I shouldn't be taking it out on you. I am sorry Lee "

She raised her head up and held my cheeks with both hands.

"promise? "

"I promie"

I kissed her lips this time around. Her soft lips that could drive a man to North Pole and Back.

"look at me.." I sit up, Making her do same.

"we won't be doing the open marriage thing. Let's give this a try Lee. You and Me.... No Alice....No one. Can we do that Lee? " I asked her.

Her red eyes starred at me like it was my act of irresponsibility, starting back at me. Only then did I see that she has actually been hurting, trying to put up with me.

"ok" she smiles... "promise? "

" I promise.."

Second in a day. Waleed.. What are you doing?

"we should sleep, Wife.".

"wife" she repeats, giggling.

"yes wife, We have a lot of things to do here in two weeks" I held her close.

Why am I am suddenly afraid of losing her?

I think I have fallen for this woman!

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