《With You Is Without An End (16+) (COMPLETED)》chapter 18: A gift and a Trip


Leilah 's POV.

Oh My! What have I done!.

I cried myself to sleep when he left. I had given myself to him cheaply. No one has ever gotten this way with me before. Yet I had let him in with ease.

I spent the next hours in the bathroom looking at my body. Memories of hours before, flashed through my spine.

He had worshiped my body with ease. He had been a different person hours ago.

I watched him take me in his mouth like a man in love. He was like the men I in those romantic movies. He was hungry and passionate.

I am supposed to be hating myself but here I am wishing we could do more again. It had taken all the power in me to resist him yesterday.

Am I falling for him? Rather, Have I fallen for Waleed?.

I am one to tell Amal everything, but not this. I shouldn't be discussing My Marital escapades with anyone, I should behave like my mum does when it.

But I really need to talk to someone.

I pulled my robe over my body and texted amal

Me: "Amal? Hey... "

Amal : hey Mrs. I was about calling you. "inserts sad emoji"

Me : OK.... Are you OK?

Amal : I had sex with Dave last night!

Me: OMG! Wait! I have to call you.

I called Amal and I was shocked by how she had been crying.

why is she crying? I thought she knew where she stood in Dave's life... Unlike me.?

.she makes a quick rundown of how Dave had taken her home and they had made love. She told me she felt too easy because it's only been barely two weeks.

I tried to console her in my own little way. I suck at giving advices but then I ended up telling her to pick his calls whenever he does call. Poor Amali, she had ran out of his house before he woke up.

She told me just how She wouldnt be seeing him anymore....

Is that even necessary?

She even had to lie to my parents that she was hanging out with Waleed and I at an event. Which they believed easily because they saw pictures of Amal and I hand in hand with Waleed holding my waist and Dave walking with Austin.

I have to go to her. She needs me.

"I just need to be alone now Lee.... I will talk to you later " she said.

"don't be hard on yourself. Al... I know Dave is a good man. I think he wants more than a one time with you?"

"you think so? "

"yes. I do believe so. I will call you in two hours then, you take care"

The call ended and as I turned around, I nearly dropped my phone. I was faced with my own Dave.

The man who won't knock on my door. He probably dont see the need in knocking on doors in his own home. Bloody Bad habit!

He stood, drop dead gorgeous in his blue suit. He paired the suit with a light shade of pink shirt and finished with white pair of sneakers. I mean who wears sneakers on a Monday morning if not Waleed.

"hey, Are you OK? " He walked to me for a quick kiss.

Instead of dodging or running away, I stood still like a fool, welcoming him in.

"salaam...did you sleep well? " I couldn't raise my head to face him, not after yesterday.. And not after Today.

"salaam. Yes I did" ... He replied in Arabic.


I am suddenly excited for no particular reason. Conversation in Arabic, the language sounded so sexy in his mouth.

"Tell Amal, Dave is a good man. It is Dave I am scared for. He is still trying to recover from a bad relationship , taking a chance with Amal is making my friend fall again after five years of watching him suffer from depression." he sad as he raises my chin. He does that all the time.

He heard everything! Oh NO!

With a light smack on his chest. "who eavesdrop on Girls talk. Wal! " it was more of a statement than a question .

" ouch, I want to kiss you more today but i have to go to work for some meetings...." he smiled. " I wasn't eavesdropping. I only came here to say bye" he replied in Arabic again.

I shamelessly pulled a goofy smile across my face.

"come with me" he starts dragging me out of the room.

"no no no. Don't be a caveman. I have to put on my veil and my clothes. " showing off my robe to him.

" it's OK. We are alone In the house. No one will see you."

I followed him down the hallway to the stairs like a flogged puppy.

We get to the garage which contains about 12 cars. From Vintage to Newly produced exotic cars.

"Here. Your car arrived while we were at the Al-azazys" handing me keys to a car.

I suddenly stopped breathing. Everything stops working around me.

"where is it?"

He pulls the covers off a car and there, my whole world stopped.

"you got me a Red Ferrari! a freaking Red Ferrari!" . I jumped on him, Showering him with kisses.

I have always dreamt of owning a Ferrari but not one this New! This Expensive and This fancy!

Waleed was laughing laughing hard seeing me make a fool of myself around him.

"you can drive to go see Amal but with Naomi OK? "

I nodded. Anything to make him happy. Waleed gives me exactly what I want. He does that effortlessly. I should be able to make him happy too.

I am not one after money, but I am one after the good things life can offer. Good Cars, good Husband, good Job, a good family and a happy marriage. I am a sucker for everything good.

"and you will be taking me on a ride when I get back. its a Date" he kisses me lightly on the cheeks. While I kept jumping in excitement like a 12year old.

Then he gets into his Range Rover and drives off. Saying something About Abdel coming over to take a custom made Car back to its manufacturers for some quick work.

I ran into the house. Hurriedly, Picking out what to wear. After what seemed like an hour, I was ready to go to Amal 's firm. Mama Naomi looked more excited than I was When she came in.

I made sure she ditched her work outfit for some girls day out. she hopped in with me. She told me it was her first time riding in a car as expensive as this.

Waleed had given everyone cars to drive around for work and private issues. She had opted for a KIA, I clearly underestimated Waleed's Generosity.

Like it wasn't my first riding in a Car like this too.

Amal raced down to check out the car once we got to her firm. We all went back up with Naomi following us closely after having coffee together from the coffee shop nearby.


Another hour had been spent talking about random things, avoiding the real reason I came to see her, until Dave bursted into the office

Oh oh!

"why aren't you picking my damn calls... AL! " she said, before closing the door to the office.

I bet he didn't know I was there as he quickly turns to say Hi to mama Naomi and I.

I "Amal... I will see you later, Mama Naomi and I have somewhere else to go to" picking up my purse to leave.

Amal hugged me tightly. "please don't leave alone with him."

I hugged My cousin back Whispering in her ears "listen to him... hE's not as bad as you think".

I had just gotten home from Amal 's when someone buzzed me.

Waleed(husband): Enjoying your new ride?

Don't blame me for saving his number like that.

Me: yes. Thank you.. Work is good?

Waleed(husband): yes... I have to be in Rome in few hours for a meeting tomorrow. Wanna come?

Me: if you want me to. I will be bored here anyway

Waleed(husband) : let Naomi pack a bag for you and I then. I will be there in 20minutes, get ready.

I threw my arms in the air and called out to mama Naomi. we both hurried upstairs to grab his things and mine.

"trust me with This Leilah. We don't need you stressing yourself here when you favorite spaghetti sauce is down the hall do we?" mama Naomi said.

At the mere mention of that. I forgot all manners and raced down the stairs. Allowing the woman pack the things herself.

Minutes later , Mama Naomi had taken the bags down while I laid out an outfit for him.

I am not been too forward.

I only want him to wear something more comfortable for the trip. I have never been to Rome. I don't even know how far Rome is but I know I hated seeing him sit for hours in suit through out the London trip.

Placing the outfit on his bed. I took time to survey his closet. I was about pulling a white wrapper out when all types of condoms fell to the ground from a chest- like box.

Oh God!

" I will also need some of that " I jumped as I heard his voice behind me.

"I didn't mean to Pry. I was just looking around"

"it's OK.. Lee" he smiled.

I turned around to see him pulling out his belt. I was about to leave when he pulled me back.

"stay.... Please... You are hardly ever here. I won't strip naked.. I promise. "

He made me sit on his bed while he took his clothes off. Leaving him with just his shorts. He puts on the outfit I had picked for him. Motioning for me to lead the way. I turned my head to where the condoms laid on the front.

"I was only joking". He smiles.

Texted my parents about my sudden trip . I opened a new message from Amal saying she and Dave were now OK.

I took my seat beside him in the back seat of the Limo. Waleed held my hand all through and basically made business calls throughout the 20minutes ride to the airport.

we were greeted by reporters who kept asking about some big business move he just made. He stood to answer questions about his company he just reportedly sealed a deal with some company to produce crude oil.

With His hand on my waist. I had to smile to the camera.

"?"a reporter asked.

"we are going on our honeymoon. I have been tied down with work to... now... We are off to do that" my face lightens up in shock.

Mixed feelings consumed my stomach. How could you make me pack for two days for a two weeks long honeymoon!.

"are you excited Mrs Akhmad" the reporters rushed to my side.

"of course... Who wouldnt be.... I am married to the best husband in the world afterall " I answered, digging my nails into his palm.

I could tell he was fighting off pain.

"really... Waleed! " the pilot announced take off.

"it was meant to be a surprise. We would have gone earlier but for this deal" he said, smiling,

Then, He kissed my cheek. " I won't deprive you of a honeymoon because of the circumstances surrounding us.. You deserve it"

"so what am I going to wear in Rome!"

"we aren't going to Rome " he laughs

"we are going to the Bahamas And don't worry. Naomi Packed for a week. We will also shop for the other week. "

"what! Naomi knew and she didn't tell me!" Feigning anger.

I have always wanted to go to the Bahamas!!!

"everyone knows..... Amal , your parents. I had to ask for your favorite dream place. you know "

That was all he needed to steal a kiss from me. I kissEd him First for being so considerate and another for being charming.

We kept kissing And before I knew it, his hand crept into my jacket. It stayed that way until we got interrupted by the female Hostess.

"Mr and Mrs Akhmad. My name is Erica. I am here to take your orders" she says politely.

my face heats up. I quickly adjusted myself. My jerk of a husband kept smiling.

we made our orders and the hostess disappeared into a tiny kitchen space.

"are you shy?"

"Hmm" nodded.

"Baby ...you don't have to be" He turns my face around to face him.

"you know it's OK for us to do all these. we are only acting like a normal couple "

This is all acting to him?

"don't get me wrong. This is what normal couples do. We are only being normal. Not stare at each other all the time like you are doing now"

I tore my gaze away from him.

"We have to laugh sometime, you know" with that, he kissed me again.

"and you look good....baby! " his eyes scanned through my outfit.

He retires to his laptop, continuing his business.

Then it hit me!

He had called me "baby", the butterflies in my Tommy started to dance to Justin Beiber's " baby".

I watched him make calls and receive documents from his secretary back home and work on them on his laptop without failing to interact with me at at any chance he gets.

I got to know that Uthman is his manager and a shareholder in his company and Austin, Does a lot of businesses with him especially when it involves Shipping of goods. I also found out Dave was not only a model, He had inherited a shipping company from his late parents. No wonder they were called "billionaire friends " by the tabloids.

I informed him about my need to take a nap. He called out to the Hostess and I am taken to a large bed by Emily. I didn't know such big bed existed on his jet . I pulled my jacket, shoes and Veil ,slipped under the blanket.

I felt an arm under mine after a few minutes ,sluggishly, I opened my eyes to find him asleep beside me.

I can't fight him off when he looks so peaceful, can I? .

My thoughts Raced back to what he had said a while ago

"All of this is normal"

And really, I don't want to act like its odd.

I played around the soft hair curls on his hands.

"you like it? " he said, startling me.

shamelessly I nodded. He turns me over, chest to chest and took my lips in his.

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