《Walking With Jesus A Daily Devotional》Day Twenty-Four


Day Twenty-Four.

Verse: "but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer." Psalm 66:19 NIV

My Mom had her brain surgery today and it went really well! Praise God! She is doing good! For the past couple of weeks before her surgery, I have been praying, a lot. I have been praying everyday. Instead of worrying, I have been trying to pray. I know that God hears my cries.

Maybe right now, you are really struggling. Maybe you are dealing with tough circumstances and just don't know what to do. Maybe you are struggling with an illness or maybe you have lost a loved one. No matter what you are going through, the best thing to do in whatever circumstance you are facing: is to pray.

I read this book called: "Fervent" by Priscilla Shirer. She talked a lot about no matter what we are facing: we need to be fervent in strategic prayer. The best way to fight the enemy, aka the Devil is to fight Him with fervent prayer.

If you are really struggling, my advice to you is to get serious in your prayer life. Start by praying everyday. I love to write down my prayers and you can read my prayers in: "Hey God, It's Caty" which is another book I write on Wattpad (just look on my profile and you can find it).

How do you get serious in your prayer life?

1.Pray everyday

You can pray many ways: writing it down or talking outloud. You can choose either way, just whatever way works best for you. Make sure that you pray, everyday. I know sometimes it can feel like God doesn't hear you but He does! Just like in the verse above, God hears you!

2. Spend time reading the Bible, most everyday


I know it's hard to sit down and read the Bible everyday. That's why I said to do it most everyday. But the more time you spend in the word: the closer you will feel to God and you will learn more about Him.

3. Remember that God hears you!

God will love you forever. (Psalm 136:1) God will never leave you. (Hebrews 13:5) God will comfort you. (Isaiah 49:13) God will help you and always be there for you. (Psalm 121:1-2) God hear your every prayer. (Psalm 66:19)

So what are you waiting for, go start talking with God today!


Dear God,

I know that I am struggling. I know that when I am struggling, I need to pray. So as I begin to pray everyday, I pray you hear my cries and help me. As I read your word, help me learn more about you and grow closer to you. Help me build a close, real, and personal relationship with you Lord. I need you and I love you.

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


Hey beautiful! Thank you everyone who has been praying for my Mom! The surgery went great and she is doing good!❤️

Thank you all so much for reading! I love you so much❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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