《Walking With Jesus A Daily Devotional》Day Eighteen


Day Eighteen.

Verses: "'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.'" Philippians 4:6-7

Maybe right now, you are struggling with anxiety and/or fear. Maybe you are worried about your grades this semester. Maybe you are worried about a new job. Or maybe you are worried about a loved one. No matter what you are facing, God is here to help you through it.

Next week my Mom is having brain surgery. So you could say I am anxious and worried about her. We are hoping that taking her brain tumor out will cure her horrible migraines. I am most worried about the fear of the unknown. I believe that the fear of the unknown is always the hardest because as my Dad proudly says: "you don't know, what you don't know." (He loves to give me and my family his words of wisdom.) But right now, more than ever, I need to put my faith and trust in God.

In life, things change: people change, circumstances change, and the weather is always changing. But not God, He is always faithful, true, and good. (Psalm 33:4) We can always put our hope and trust in God. Because God is so trustworthy. He is always here for us and He loves us so much. Even when people and this world changes, God never will. He will always be there for us and always love us. (Psalm 121:1-2)

If you are struggling with anxiety or fear, run to God! Instead of spending your time worrying, you can be spending your time praying to God. Only He can give you true peace, rest, hope, joy, and love. Spend time reading the Bible, there are so many chapters about fear and anxiety. God knew we would struggle with anxiety and/or fear so just pick a chapter out of the Bible and start reading. I am currently reading Luke and it has really helped me. By spending my time talking with God and reading His word, I feel more and more at peace. You can feel at peace to!


Go to God! I know He can't wait to see you.


Dear God,

I know I am struggling with fear and/or worry. I pray that as I spend time with you by praying and reading your word that I grow closer to you. Help me feel your peace, rest, joy, love, and hope. I know you are so good God. I just want to be closer to you. I know you love me more than I could ever imagine so please come into my heart and help me. I need you God.

I thank you for all my many blessings and for Your son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen.


Hey beautiful! I am so sorry it's been a few days since I have posted. Life has been crazy busy.

I hope you are doing well. I hope you enjoyed this! Thank you so much for reading. I love

you so much❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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