《Walking With Jesus A Daily Devotional》Day One


Day one.


"'A person's steps are directed by the Lord . How then can anyone understand their own way?'" Proverbs 20:24

Maybe right now, you are really struggling with your past. Maybe you have been through a break up, been diagnosed with a horrible illness, or lost a loved one. No matter what you are going through, you feel stuck and don't know what to do. God is saying: "Grab my hand. I am here for you. We can make it through this. You can move on from this."

I don't know what you need to move on from, but I know I am moving on from the time in my past when I was in an abusive relationship. Thankfully I am out of that relationship and haven't seen in him in years. But I was struggling with moving on from it. After lots of therapy and talking with God, I feel I am finally moving on and moving forward.

How do you move on?

Talking with someone about it. I went to a lot of therapy sessions. You don't need to keep it to yourself. Talk about it till you are tired of talking about it. Therapy really helps or just talking with someone you love and trust.

Talk to God about it. If you are mad at God, be honest with Him about it. Tell Him how you are truly feeling. He wants to help you and be close to you. So reach out to Him, He is waiting.

Write about it. Try journaling or writing poetry. When I was really depressed I used poetry to really help me. Now I use writing prayers and writing Devotionals. Just write however you want but just get your feelings out on paper. You don't have to read it to anyone or publish. Just write to help you and writing really helps me so hopefully it will help you as well.


Remember: moving on takes time. God will help you every step of the way so reach out to Him. He loves you, can't wait to be close to you, and He will help you move on and let go.


Dear God,

I am struggling with moving on from (fill in the blank with whatever you are struggling with). I pray you grab my hand and help me through it. Please help me become closer to you.

Thank you for all my many blessings and Your Son.

In Jesus's name, I pray, Amen!


What do you need to move on from? Talk with God about it.


Hey beautiful so I am changing up this book. I want this book to really focus on your walk with God and I wanted my Devotions in a different format❤️

I hope you love the changes I have made and continue to read and enjoy this book!❤️

Thank you so much for reading! I love you so much❤️

-xoxo Caty❤️

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