《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 19 - The Date
Kye's POV
It's corny, but I stop talking once she smiles. It's like everything stops. Who would have known she had teeth, or could at least smile and so fucking beautifully.
She is really attractive. Any man would be lucky to have her in his presence- much less have her. I guess I am catching a little bit of feelings. Or is it that I just want to fuck her? Let's be real, she is so fucking sexy. Lai can scream sex appeal by simply blowing her nose in a tissue.
On a real note, I need to be less aggressive with Laila. I don't want her to think that I am only perusing her because of my current heartbreak with Diana. I know that is what she assumes. However, when we kissed the other day at her apartment it was no mistake.
I missed her soft tender lips. I kept reminiscing on how they tasted when she kissed me on the cruise. I had amnesia, and was engaged to Diana, but Lai's lips tasted so much sweeter than her's. Like a sweetly diabetic drink after having perfectly salted and oily Lays chips. Probably bad for you, but so fucking good. Just as I shamefully imagined how sweet her lips would taste when I first researched her and found her at her job.
The flare in her little nostrils when I made her irate, the way her cheeks flushed, and the intensity in those doe brown eyes, but damn the way her bosom rose from her hard breathing. I just had to infuriate her more. When she's mad she's just so fucking -
"I've never been to Texas before."
Laila says cutting off my thoughts.
She actually looks ungraded for once and scared. It pulls at my emotions in a weird way. I know she is nervous about the move, but quite frankly is inevitable because it's the best and only option to ensure the safety of our son.
Wow. I really said our son.
Well she is truly the best and only mother figure that Kyle and his sister ever had. I'm surprise they don't call her mom.
"Do you prefer Texas over
New York?"
She asks me when I don't respond to her first statement.
I would answer, but her face is so distractive, and her body too. Especially tonight. Her dress hugs her curves and I am actually jealous of such an inanimate object. I actually fantasized about my hands replacing that dress. When she removed her jacket my jaw slacked because of her exposed back. I swear Celine- Selena was no where as attractive as Laila.
"I'm sorry may you repeat the question?"
I ask once I see Lai rolls her eyes because I ignored her question, but honestly it not my fault I forgot what she said. Who told her to look so damn attractive?
"I asked if you prefer Texas over
New York?"
I know my answer already, but I just act like I'm thinking so that I can stare in her eyes while she looks at me.
"I prefer New York now because that is where my family is currently, but Texas is where I grew up. Texas is my home."
I answer.
"So if your family moved to Texas with you?"
"Then it would be perfect."
She nods her head at my words.
I watch her lips as she licks them after taking a bite of her food. When I picked up my son today, I asked him what was Lai's favorite food. He told me three things: Cheese, pasta, and sea food. I purposefully brought her to a restaurant where the menu is in all Italian because she would have no choice but to let me take control of the date. It may sound selfish, but Lai takes my mind off Diana and I like that allot. Even before I found out Diana cheated on me I started to forget about her and focus on Lai. During my amnesia, I forgot about Diana and only remembered Lai, and now Lai continues to make me forget about Diana. That's probably why Diana threatened Lai last time, because she knew how much of a threat Lai was.
I honestly really love Diana. I don't know what I did to her to make her betray me that way. In a way I am dependent on Lai to take my mind off Diana. I don't think I would ever want anything serious with her or any other woman. However the thing is Lai is not just any other women. She is unlike any other women, and if I am fortunate enough to have her get Diana out my system, who can measure up to get Lai out my system.
"So what's your favorite color?"
Lai asks me.
"Looking for small talk?"
I ask and she nervously smiles at me confirming that my statement was correct.
I decide to take her out of her misery and just answer the question.
"My favorite color is currently red. It'll probably changed by our next date depending on what color you chose to wear then."
Her cheeks redden my favorite color: Laila's Blush Red. I smile as she nervously takes a sip of her wine.
"What's your's?"
I ask her when she finally puts the wine down after gulping most of it down.
She surprises me when she shyly looks down away from me and speaks.
"Currently Blue"
Why is she so nervous to say blue is her favorite color?
The waiter then comes back and fills up Laila's glass with wine again. He smiles at her and she smiles back, and frankly I don't like it.
"You have a thing for waiters?"
I mentally scold myself once the words come out.
The waiter then quickly leaves without saying anything.
"Ones that fill my cup with alcohol? Of course."
She retorts back with a smirk that I know she has either picked up from me or my mother.
I don't know why I get irritated with Lai's response. Is it because she did not deny possibly having a thing for that man that clearly finds her attractive when I'm the one here who has taken her on a date?
"So what do you look for in a man, besides one who is a waiter that serves alcohol?"
My question makes her laugh.
"I'm not looking for a man so I cannot answer."
She says sipping her wine again.
"Well based on past relationships."
I push for an answer from her because I really am curious to know.
She starts to fidget with her clothes and looks uncomfortable.
"This concerns you how?"
She responds with a rude reply, unsurprisingly might I add.
"I want to know if I muster to anyone of your past boyfriends."
I answer truthfully.
Her cheeks go red again and she laughs.
"Who said I'm straight?"
My jaw and heart sinks at her words.
"You're a lesbian?"
I ask.
She starts forming tears from laughter.
"Im a heterosexual Kye. It's a joke."
I let out a deep sigh of relief.
Laila's POV
Did he actually exhale?
I shake my head at Kye.
"Why all of a sudden you are showing interest in me?"
I am so curious to know.
"I always had interest in you. However, I was unavailable."
My eyes widen at his blunt words.
"So you're a cheater."
I state.
"No. Diana is a definition of a cheater. I never stepped out in our relationship, or in any of my pasts. Yes I found you attractive, but I have eyes. Shoot me for that, but don't crucify me for cheating because I never disrespected my relationship with Diana."
I squint at his words because,
"I find it hard to believe that you have never cheated in any of your past relationship. You're a retired football player. You've won championships. Women probably try to sell pussy on a golden platter to you whereever you go. You even had a one night stand with my sister and we know what as a result happened. You are no saint."
I take a bite of my delicious food, so it does not get cold.
"I'm not a saint but I'm more of a saint than a cheater. The only women I've kissed outside of my engagement are my mother and you. In addition, you kissed me not the other way around."
He says with a smirk.
I roll my eyes.
"Let's not forget. I did it to shut you up. You were about to tell Kyle that you're his father. He was not ready for that big news yet."
"Sure, because the only way to shut me up is molesting me. You kissed me with force and without my permission. You tried suffocating me with your lips."
He has the nerve to say. I actually feel a little embarrassed. Was my kiss that bad? I don't have experience. Wait. He did enjoy it! He kissed my back!
"Oh please. Don't act like you don't like my lips suffocating you! You always harass me with your unwanted kisses."
I respond rolling my eyes again at him causing him to chuckle.
"Really? Really Laila? Unwanted kisses? You're lying so hard. You know you want me and my kisses so fucking bad."
I become hyper aware of his body as he leans closer to me. I feel the goosebumps formulate on my skin as the scent of Kye uninvitedly invades my sensitive nostrils.
He says in a husky voice- that husky voice.
I try to respond but am distracted by the way his tongue wets his lips.
"Be honest. Do you find me attractive?"
My eyes widen when the words slip out from my mouth like butter.
Fuck. I should not have admitted that.
He laughs at my flustered face, and people turn back to look at us.
"Shut up. It's not that funny."
"Oh Lai it is. But if you're that uncomfortable I will stop. Let's play a game."
Oh great.
"No thank you."
I quickly respond.
"What? Why?"
He asks offended.
I get irritated.
"Look Kye. Enough with this game already. It is clear that we do not like each other. We never have and we never will. The only reason why we are not ripping each other's heads off is because we both share a relationship to Kyle. Can we just hurry this up and get this over with so that I can go back home with my children whom you have taken away from me!"
He puts his hand over his heart, and acts as if my words have physically hurt him.
"Ouch. Where is all this hostility coming from?"
I roll my eyes at him.
"When have I never been hostile with you. I don't like you. Enough with this shit! You may be desperate because of what you encountered with Diana a few weeks ago, but don't use me to get her out your system. That's not only unfair to me but shameful and wicked of you. So enough with this crap."
I get angry and stand up trying not to make a seen. I'm just so annoyed. It's just that he clearly admitted he still loves Diana so why am I here?
"I'm ready to go."
I say looking at him and he is silent.
In fact, he looks pissed off.
"Once a bitch always a bitch. Don't even know how to fucking thank the man who's bringing her to a fucking five star restaurant."
My jaw drops at the derogatory word he has called me. I want to just walk up to him and slap him, but what will that solve. I can't always let my temper get the best of me. In return, I walk out the restaurant and get my phone out.
I dial Alicia's number and on the fifth ring she answers.
"Hey Lai! How's the date? I hope you are feeling better?"
Her warm voice for some reason makes me irritated.
I don't know if it is because I envy Kye for having such a sweet good woman as a mother, or if it is because she is so happy while I am miserable.
"I'm coming to pick up my kids. What's your address?"
I state ignoring her question.
"But it's only 7:30 and Khloe and I still have so many more outfits to model and little Kye and my husband are making a kite"
Did she just say little Kye?
"Wait why does Kye need my address he should know it by heart."
I open my mouth to speak, but suddenly hang up the phone. They are having so much fun I don't want to spoil it.
I lean over on the railing by the front of the restaurant, and take a few deep breaths in and out.
"Miss are you okay?"
I feel a hand rest on my back, and turn to see a handsome tall man behind me.
He's probably 6'2". He is built and has blonde hair. What is the most striking about his are his piercing large dark brown eyes.
I open my mouth to speak, but am cut off.
"Don't fucking touch her!"
My eyes pop out my head when I hear Kye say these words.
"This your girl I didn't mean to disrespect you. I just wanted to see if she's okay-"
"She'snone of your fucking business!"
Kye yells as he walks up towards the stranger, and in retaliation the stranger clenches his fist.
"Watch you tone you fucker!"
The man surprises me when he yells back, and for some reason I have a bad feeling about this. I quickly grab Kye's arm and pull him away.
"I'm so sorry mister, but thank you for everything" I say as we walk towards the car.
When we finally get to the car, I push Kye.
"What the fuck is your fucking problem?"
I angrily shove him again.
"Who is that guy? Why is he fucking touching you?"
His response irritates my soul so greatly.
I take out my phone.
"Who you calling?"
Kye asks.
"A cab since you seem to be drunk as fuck."
"I did not touch any alcohol tonight."
I don't bother to acknowledge and instead start to walk away dialing the number, but Kye grabs my phone from my hand.
"What is your problem?"
I ask him as I quickly turn on my heels, but in return he opens the car door and sits down in the drivers seat.
Reluctantly I sit in the passenger's seat and slam the door after me.
I just stare at Kye in bewilderment and frustration.
"Laila. What is it about me that makes your blood boil and your skin crawl. Why do you hate me so much?"
Kye says while griping his steering wheel.
"I don't hate you. I just don't like you, and it is because you are an arrogant male specimen who thinks the world revolves around and answers to him."
"That's all bluff and bullshit."
My eyebrows knit together in confusion because of his words.
He continues.
"originally you disliked me because of the simple fact that you could not have me."
My jaw drops at his stupid response.
"I swear I just lost some brain cells listening to such a stupid theory."
"really is it a stupid ideology if it's correct Laila? You were attracted to me since the first time you laid eyes on me. I was attracted to you too. However what made us grow such an intense frustration and hostility towards one another was the fact that there was no way we would be together. I was engaged."
I suck my teeth at his nonsensical words.
"I disliked you because of the nasty and utmost foully reprehensible words that you used to berate my Kyle."
Kye rolls his eyes.
"Oh please. You forgave me for that so long ago when I sincerely apologized. Just admit the reason I easily crawl under your skin is because you want me."
That smirk on his face irritates me so badly.
"How could I want you when you admitted tonight that you are still in love with your fiancé? I will not be a pawn in your game of chess while you use me to get over Diana. I don't care how much I like you."
Kye then grabs my jaw and smashed his mouth onto mine. He passes his tongue on my bottom lip asking for entry, and I allow it by parting my lips. I close my eyes as he explores the inside of my mouth. Something in me takes over and I lean towards him to kiss him back. I surprise myself when I mimic him by grabbing his jaw with both my hands and nip at his bottom lip.
I squeal as Kye lifts me to his lap. What if people can see us?
I don't even realize I moan once I feel his mouth on my neck.
"Lai I really really like you."
My cheeks redden at his words.
"You can't really really like me and be in love with your fiancé at the same time Kye."
I groan as he- wait is that what a hickey feels like?
"Love and in love are two separate things. I will always love Diana, but for what she has done to me, I can't forgive her enough to ever be in love with her again."
I shake my head and pull from his mouth.
"You see me as a bitch. You disrespect me and lower my value with that word."
"I won't do it again and I am sorry."
"I don't believe you."
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