《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 18 - Breakdown
I am just so stunned while staring at her. Like a dear in headlights, I am frozen. All I can do is stare at her.
I am having a hard time believing that this lady is really standing in front of my door. I scan her fully to make sure that she is really here, and I am not some how hallucinating.
Alicia is wearing a black fur coat, a pair of jeans, and a burgundy pair of ankle leather boots.
Her hair is different!
"You went to a different stylist?"
I can't hide the disdain from my voice.
I immediately walk up to her and examine her sheik short jet black bob.
"What do you expect when you don't answer my calls?"
She rolls her eyes at me.
She does have a point. I cannot even think of any rebuttals. In fact, I am silent.
"So we're eventually going inside your apartment, or we will stay out here all day?"
Right... Apartment.
I go into my purse to take out my bunch of keys and unlock my apartment door.
Next, I take off Khloe's clothes and lay her on the couch. I then go take off my outwear.
Alicia hands me her jacket and I rest it on a hanger in the closet. I do the same with Khlo's and my stuff.
"So what do you think of my hair?"
I can hear her smirk as she speaks.
"It's cute or whatever."
I mumble indifferently while going towards the kitchen to wash my hands.
"Cute is all you have to say?"
She says following me to the kitchen, and then washing her hands after me.
"You forgot the 'or whatever' part."
I respond making us both let out a laugh.
I miss this: our friendship.
I let out a sigh thinking about it.
"Want something to drink?"
I ask and in response she nods.
I take out a cup and rinse it in case any cockroaches or any other bugs were in the cupboard when the lights were off. Luckily she does not make a big fuss nor question me. I'm pretty sure she does not have to worry about that in her probably big house she lives in.
"Help yourself to whatever you see."
I respond to her.
I pick up Khloe and bring her to her room. I change her from her warm outside clothes, and put her in comfortable ones. I've practically mastered the ability of changing her without waking her up. So, she stirs not once in her sleep.
After I put her in her bed, I go to my room to change into more comfortable clothing.
I walkout to see Alicia with a photo album in her hand.
I let out a sigh as I sit next to her.
"This book belonged to your sister Celine?"
I correct her.
"As you can tell, my son has informed me very little on this situation."
Situation? Is that what she calls it?
"How does this 'situation' honestly make you feel?"
She lets out a sigh.
"I'm a Taurus. I fear instability. I do not like not knowing what the outcome is. You asked for honesty so I'll give it to you. My heart was ripped out from my chess when I found out I had a grand child that I knew nothing of for six many years."
For the first time in my life I see Alicia cry.
"I'm looking at these baby pictures and this stranger is holding my son but it is not my son, it is my grandson what is the splitting image of my son, that I never knew anything about. I'm disgusted by the fact that none of you told me."
I look down sadly at my fingers.
"From all the hard times you went through with your kids. Having to get guardianship over your niece and nephew from that murderer of your sister who had these kids live with a child molester and abuser. It makes me sick to think that the future of my grandchild and his sister was not promised. What would have happened if something unrepairable happened to my grand baby and I had never knew of him?"
I start crying. I actually break down thinking of everything that my children went through. Constantly seeing their mother with drugs, alcohol and different men. I start crying, because I don't know why life caused my sister to negatively morph into such an evil and selfish person. I cry because I was to weak to tell the truth because I didn't want to lose my kids.
Alicia stops tearing up and looks at me with an unreadable expression. I can't stand the weakness I am showing in front of Alicia, and decided to get up.
"Excuse me."
I mumble as I go into Khloe's room and lock myself in there. I wipe my tears and lay myself next to her on the bed hugging her.
My eyes flutter open when I hear my phone alarm go off. I quickly reach in my pocket to turn off the alarm. I look at my phone, but realize it is not my alarm that made the noise it's someone else's outside my door and- wait! It is 4:30!
"Oh shiiip!"
I quickly censor my self because I don't want Kh- Hold the fuck up!
Where is Khloe?
I quickly scramble out of bed to be met with what feels like a brick wall, or
I roll my eyes as he holds me from falling.
"I turned off your alarm and decided to take the kids out."
I see he has his phone in his hand.
He went through my phone?
"Where are they now?"
I ask walking out the door to look for them.
"With my parents."
His words make me frozen.
I try to formulate some type of sound, but I am too confused and angry.
"Let me explain."
He starts lifting his hand in the air defensively.
I give him my undivided attention.
"Mom told me about how she popped up uninvitedly and without permission, and whatever she said to you upset you and as a result made you hysterical."
I'm always crying everyone must think I am so weak.
"I know how stressed you must be, even though you do well at hiding it. So I immediately came here when mom called me. You were asleep, but Khlo just woke so I decided to take her and mom out for lunch, and later picked Kyle up from school. Mom offered for me to bring the kids by her so you would get a break. I also have plans for us tonight-"
"Oh no!"
I quickly cut him off.
I shake my head at his words.
"Exactly. Thanks but you may bring me my kids back and that's all that will be needed.
He has the nerve to respond as if I gave him a question to answer, or a topic to negotiate.
"What do you mean nope?"
"Nope as in the opposite of yep. As in 'Nope I will not be bringing the kids back now, because quite frankly you are not in a mental state right now to take care of them and yourself. I'm not saying you're crazy and gana kill them or some shit, but you just need a little break. So you'll see them after our date tonight. Were going someplace fancy, so wear heels. I'll be back in two hours."
My jaw drops but Kye places a finger under my chin and closes it. He then places his lips on mine and kisses me. I am so stunned and so embarrassed by the way that I blush that I turn around when he looks at me with a smirk.
I try to formulate words in my mouth to respond, but I am just so shocked. Right when I am about to turn back around to respond to Kye, I hear my front door not only close, but lock.
"That wipe still has my key!"
I get so mad when he leaves before I can say anything.
I rush to my phone, and call Haley.
"Hey Lai! What's up?"
"Oh gosh I have so much to tell you. I don't know where to start."
"Oh fuck! You did not give your virginity to NFL player? Did you? Well not yet, did you?"
"What? Stop it! Of course not!"
"Well when you do, make sure you give me details. I'm close by so give me five mins"
"Wait! All of that happened since the vacation? Ms. Gladys- I didn't think she had it in her. Wow and Alicia just popped up today? Aww but it is so sweet how Kye took the kids to comfort you. Plus he's single now, and so totally wants you! Oh my god! I can't believe yall made out- several times! When is he picking you up? "
I look at the time.
"In half an hour."
I mutter.
"Half an hour!? Why aren't you getting dressed."
I role my eyes.
"Besides the obvious being that I was talking to you, I don't want to go."
"Please go."
I roll my eyes at her words.
"I'll iron an outfit while you shower, shave, make up and etcetera."
I roll my eyes.
"Don't make me look like a sluth."
Kye says as I open the door.
He looks sexy. He's wearing a navy blue suit with a blue button up that is not buttoned all the way.
His hair is combed back, and he smells so damn good.
My now jet black hair, since I last colored it a few days ago, is straightened and parted down the middle. I actually have on a full face of make up. Extra Haley picked out a red dress with an open back along with gold pumps and my white fax fur coat.
"You look handsome."
I say while trying to contain myself from eye rapįng Kye.
He does not respond to my words. He does not even say thank you. All he does is stare at me.
I start to fidget with my hair from nervousness, and then remember I forgot my gold clutch.
"Excuse me."
I mumble while walking towards my room to get my clutch. I find it on the dresser, and am about to leave.
"Use protection, and make sure he pops that cherry tonight. You look so good Lai. I want to fuck you, and I didn't even know I was a lesbian until now. What am I going to tell Steven?"
I burst out laughing at Haley when I hear her words. She is sitting on my bed and I walk up to hug her.
"You know I'd pick you to pop my cherry over any man."
I whisper in her ear joking along.
We both laugh again, and I am so happy, because I was so nervous a second ago.
"Love you Lai. You look so good."
"Love you Hale, I have my awesome stylist to thank!"
When Kye said fancy he was not playing any games. I'm pretty sure they tax water in this restaurant.
We enter inside and are immediately ushered to our table. As we walk to our table I start to fidget with my dress because all eyes are staring at me. I guess Kye and Diana came here often, and now everyone sees me as the home wrecker. Just fucking perfect.
We get to our table, and Kye surprises me as he pulls out my chair for me.
"Thank you."
I tell him and he smiles in return.
I watch him as he walks back to his seat. We are then given two menus by our usher before he leaves.
I look down at my menu, but can't read it because it's not in English.
I roll my eyes inwardly and look at Kye who is just shamelessly staring at me.
"I can't read this menu."
I say to Kye, but all he does is stare at my lips.
Do I have lipstick on my teeth?
I look into my spoon and see that my red lipstick is only on my lips. I have nothing on my teeth.
Then why is he staring at me?
I roll my eyes and tap Kye on his hand.
I call him.
He blinks and rubs his eyes as if coming out from a trance.
"Why are you staring at me so hard? No the real question is how am I suppose to order anything?"
I say slightly irritated.
I really don't care if I seem ungrateful. I don't want to be on a date with Asswipe anyway.
"You're not suppose to order, I am."
He says smirking.
"So translate the menu to me so I can tell you my pick, and you'll tell the waiter-"
He cuts me off smiling, making me roll my eyes in irritation.
I say clearly unamused.
"You are suppose to trust me. I'm your baby daddy."
He responds laughing hysterically at his horrible joke.
I don't say anything even when the waiter comes.
Kye has a full out conversation with the waiter in Italian surprising the hell out of me. I never knew he was bilingual. The waiter takes our menu after his convo with Kye and later comes out with calamari.
I take some with my fork, and notice Kye is still staring at me.
I lift up my phone to my face to take a selfie, and then Kye's phone buzzes.
He looks at his screen and is confused to receive a message from me. He opens it and looks at me confusedly.
"I just figured a picture lasts longer. Now you may stop staring at me."
I take another bite of calamari as Kye chuckles at me.
"So how's you and Diana relationship since?"
I ask.
He lets out a sigh.
"I found out she moved in with her boyfriend earlier this week. She returned half of the money she took from me, and now owes the rest with interest. I get so angry at myself for loving her."
I don't know why I feel a pain in my gut when he admits he still loves her, but I try hide it.
"You still love her?"
I ask trying not to show my nonsensical hurt. I knew this already. You can't get over someone in a week.
"I will always love her, she was my friend before my girlfriend or fiancé."
He says.
I feel used.
"Don't kiss me again. Especially since you're in love with Diana. You should instead try to work things out with her. I see that she loves you too. That's why she threatened me in the past for being around you."
I try to sound calm.
Kye is about to speak, but my phone rings.
"Excuse me."
I say as I answer the call.
It's Haley.
"You never told me you were moving to Texas!"
She basically yells at me through the phone.
I start to speak but am cut off.
"Please tell me my mom is just joking!"
Haley continues to yell.
I open my mouth to respond, but my phone is snatched away from me.
I turn around to see Kye with my iPhone now in his pocket.
"The food is here. Lets eat."
He says while walking back towards our table.
The nerve of him.
I don't even ask for my phone cause I know he will say no.
I sit down and look at the food in front of me. It is linguini with chicken shrimp and clam. My mouth waters when I see the food. I don't realize how hungry I am and immediately take my fork out to eat."
Wow this actually is good.
"Good right ?"
Kye asks with that knowing smirk, and I nod in agreement.
"See you should trust me more often. Who was that on the phone? Henry?"
"Haley, not that it is any of your business as to whom I converse with on my phone."
I take another bite of my delicious meal and then a sip of my water- never mind it's white wine. It tastes nice though.
"Did you tell everyone about the move yet?"
He asks while taking a bite of his cod.
Kye ordered different food from me. He has cod fish with mixed greens and baked potatoes. I wonder if he 'researched' that Alfredo pasta is my favorite, and that is his reason for specifically ordering me this dish.
"I originally only told auntie Rachel. However based on that phone call I just received from Haley, it seems that auntie Rachel told her about our move to Texas. I would not be surprised if Henry found out already too. I still have to tell Kyle and Khloe. I've just been too much of a coward to tell them everything Kye.
"That is why I suggested that I would tell them with you. However, you have to make things so difficult for no rational reason."
I roll my eyes at him and take another sip of my wine.
"What are they doing by your mom's place right now anyway?"
He smiles.
"My mom is most likely spoiling them. She is without a doubt going to stuff their tummies full until they can't move and then stuff more with dessert. My father is probably going to play football with Kyle in our backyard just reminiscing on old times. Knowing my mom she's going to turn Khloe into a diva if she's not enough of one already. They are going to play dress up with all my moms clothes."
I can't help but smile at Kye's words.
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