《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 4 - Boldness
Totally, utterly, bone crippling, and paralyzing shock is what I am in, as I stare at Kye Tanner who is standing in front of my queen sized bed.
Immediately I turn to see if Kyle and Khloe are awake, and right on cue Kyle starts to turn in his sleep.
It is because of that stupid phone that keeps ringing.
"Get out"
I yell whisper at him as I quickly get off of the bed.
I then aggressively push him out the bedroom and close the door behind us.
"What in God's almighty fuck?"
I say with eyes so wide they can fall out from my face.
He then has the nerve to put up a finger, silencing me.
"I have to answer this."
He says annoyed looking at the caller ID.
"Hey babe."
He answers the call and I scowl on the inside when I realize that he is talking to his girlfriend. The same one who stole the dryer from Khloe-
"Nothing. Just at work. I'm kind of busy right now."
The same one who he refuses to tell about Kyle!
I roll my eyes and walk away from this conversation.
Let me go and brush my teeth and think of a way to avoid this awkward situation before Kyle or Khloe wakes up.
I get in and and put the tooth paste on my brush. Angrily, I scrub my teeth.
I don't even get to rinse my mouth as I hear Kyle call my name. I quickly run towards my room, and my heart drops when I see him standing in front of Kye.
"Who's this?"
Kyle asks with a confused expression.
The wipe starts but I make sure to cut him off.
"This is Kye he's a ... friend."
I have to swallow down the nasty taste in my mouth from that statement.
"Oh Kye! Like my nickname."
Kyle states smiling making me fidget.
"Are you okay Lai?"
Kyle asks me and I plaster on my fake smile.
"Why do you ask?"
I state while angrily staring at the wipe.
He is literally burning a hole in the side of Kyle's head. He is making everything so damn obvious!
"Well you seem uncomfortable. You keep moving around, and you seem irritated."
He states walking up to me.
Kyle then tippy toes and rests his hand on my forehead.
"As you feeling okay Lai?"
He asks with a little worry, making my heart smile at how caring my boy is.
"No Sugarplum. You just know how much I hate rats, rodents, or any other type of unwanted visitors. There's a big one in plain sight, and it has been bothering me for days now. I just want to dispose of it, but it is so bold and stubborn."
There is actually a smirk on the Wipe's face from my metaphor.
"Do you know what I'm talking about, wipe- I mean Kye?"
I rhetorically ask him not expecting an answer but of course he has an answer for everything.
"Nope. My home is not infested with roaches or rodents like your cheap apartment seems to be."
He says with a large smile on his handsome, stupid face.
"I can only imagine."
I respond rolling my eyes.
"I'm going to brush my teeth."
Kyle states awkwardly as he walks to the bathroom.
"Okay sweetie."
I respond as he walks away.
As soon as he far enough away, I angrily walk over to wipe.
"Why are you here? Wait- how did you get here? Look! I don't know you. Whether or not you are Kyle's father, I will kill you if you try to harm any of us."
The Wipe does not seem to be intimidated at all by my threat. He instead chooses to walk closer to me until our chest are touching.
"It's not easy to kill a man as important as me."
He says as his eyes pierce mine.
"You all bleed the same way."
I respond poking his chest.
Before, he could respond, The bedroom door behind me opens. I turn to see Khloe.
"Goo mawning."
Khloe states.
"Good morning Sugar."
I walk over to her and greet her with a big smile.
She walks out of the door way rubbing her eyes and stops in front of Kye Tanner. She stares him down and does not say a word.
"I guess you're not the only one who less than adores me."
The wipe says to me.
"That's my girl."
I whisper to Khloe, but it is loud enough for Kye to hear.
He immediately looks at me angrily.
"Go to the bathroom and brush your teeth with your brother, sweetie."
I say pulling Khlo's arm and turning her so that she is no longer facing the wipe.
She then walks towards the bathroom.
"I used the spare key that you put in the plant outside of your apartment door-"
"How the hell do you know that is where it was located!"
I shout in horror.
"You even said it yourself that I stalk you. I have to know everything about the woman rasing my son."
I whisper a little scared while thinking about my past.
I feel his eyes on me, and when I make eye contact he is looking at me with what actually looks like concern.
"Well you ask -not break in and uninvitedly enter. It is easy for me to kill you. I already do not like you."
I say taking a deep breath of air.
"It's not that easy to kill a 'rodent.' Then again you probably learned allot about killing from your sister."
He says bitterly making my mouth drop.
"You know?"
I whisper.
"I do my research on everything."
Before I can respond, the kids come back.
"I brought you guys breakfast- even you Mike Tyson."
Kye says looking at me while covering his no longer black eye.
"No thank-"
"What is it?"
Kyle asks enthusiastically while cutting me off.
"Well I got pancakes-"
Both Kyle and Khlo yell out cutting off the wipe.
He smiles and then continues.
"Waffles, bacon, sausage, eggs, hash browns, and hot chocolate."
Kyle surprises me as he runs up to Kye and dramatically hugs his leg.
I am surprised at how much Kyle is being friendly towards Kye. I realize Kye is too, because when I look at him he is staring back at me nervously. His eyes tell me he needs help. The wipe actually looks scared and looks like he doesn't know what to do.
'Hug him back'
I mouth to him, and he awkwardly wraps his arm around Kyle.
He awkwardly hugs him, and a flash of emotion passes through his eyes. I actually notice that his eyes get shinny.
All of a sudden Khloe runs and hugs the wipe too, and I know it is only because she's following her brother .
Monkey see monkey do.
Emotions come over me, and a tear actually escapes from me when Kye hugs her too. I do not know if it is a tear of sadness or joy. I quickly wipe it though before anyone can see.
"Let's eat!"
Kyle say excitedly while letting go. He leads the way to the dining room and we follow.
"Stop acting like I don't feed you guys!"
I playfully scold after Kyle and Khloe as they take their usual seats at the dining table.
Kye hands me the food and some paper plates and I give out the food.
"You're not hungry?"
Kye asks as he takes a bite of his food.
I have not touched my plate yet.
I respond covering my food.
He responds as he shrugs his shoulders.
I turn my head towards Khloe and Kyle and notice they are happily eating.
You would swear my cooking is bad with the way these kids are behaving.
"So Mr. Kye. Are you and Lai boyfriend and girlfriend?"
We both shout at the same time with looks of disgust.
"I knew it!"
He says cheerfully.
"You're grounded. No Tv for a week."
I respond and immediately Kyle pouts.
"That's not fair!"
He whines and I realize he's right.
"It's not. Uou should get two weeks. Don't ever say such a mean thing about me and Wip- Kye. Besides he has a troll of a girlfriend already."
I take a bite of my waffles that actually taste good.
"Troll of a fiancé actually. We are getting married at the middle of next year."
Immediately I lose my appetite. I can't believe -well it was none of my business anyway. Yes he's attractive but I would never and have never and could never like this cûnt of a man. It is bad enough that I am having breakfast with him.
"So what brings you here if you are not really Lai's boyfriend?"
Kyle asks the golden question.
"Well I wanted to meet you guys and have breakfast since I was in the neighborhood. Is that okay?"
The wipe responds.
"I guess. The breakfast is good."
Kyle states smiling at Khloe and me.
I scowl back.
"So how did you guys meet?"
"Why so many questions?
I respond to Kyle.
"Besides Henry, I don't see you with guys."
He responds.
"So you though I would throws away my standards and settle for someone like him."
That's the nicest I can construct the sentence.
I start laughing.
"You know what you're un-grounded you're a funny dude that just likes to make people smile."
I wipe my tears from laughing so hard.
"So after breakfast what are you guys doing?"
The wipe asks changing the subject.
What is he up to?
"I have football practice and Khloe is having a play date at her friends place."
Since when is Kyle so open with strangers?
"Oh so you like football eh?
"Yea I love it!"
"That's cool. I like football too. In fact, used to play. Now I coach it when I have time."
Kyle says.
"We should play sometime. If you want. I can give you individual coaching."
He states making Kyle smile.
"Thank you!"
He shouts happily.
"So what do you do for a living?"
I ask.
"I am a retired NFL player."
He says and immediately everyone including Khloe looks up.
"Wait you're the Kye Tanner?"
Kyle asks getting up from his seat. I am shocked at how intelligent this boy is.
"I have only heard about you from my mother. She named me after you. You're a legend! Holly cow! The Kye Tanner brought breakfast for me!"
He shouts jumping up and down.
The Kye Tanner that is possibly your father I think to myself.
I am speechless. I knew he had money but I did not know he was that rich.
"How old are you?"
I ask still in a daze.
I blackened the eye of a retired NFL player.
He could have sued my ass off!
Will he?
"31"He states.
Selena fucked a millionaire before.
"Holy shit"
I mumble to myself.
Khloe and Kyle scold me.
I mumble still trying to digest everything in.
For the rest of the breakfast I do not say anything. I am just deep in thought.
What if the court gives Kyle away to this retired football play since he is richer than me. He could hire a better lawyer.
Oh god I would go insane.
I look at the time and it is almost 11. Kye and Kyle have been taking non stop for over an hour now.
"Kyle you have to get ready for practice."
He pouts.
"Ugh but I'm in the presence of a real NFL legend. What if I never see him again?"
"Oh trust me you will see allot more of me."
Kye responds.
I want to shoot him so bad!
"You promise."
Kyle sticks out his pinky for Kye to pinky promise.
"I promise"
He states as he stretches out his pinky and pinky promises with him.
Kye then puts his plate in the garbage and goes to his room to get ready.
"Khloe we have to get you ready for your play date too."
I say towards her ignoring the state I feel from the Wipe.
I then put her empty plate in the garbage and cover my plate and put it in the fridge.
"So I guess I'll wait here till you comeback."
The wipe says but I ignore him because I am still angry at his behavior.
Who the hell does he think he is breaking into my home... well he had the key- but he stalked me to know where I put the spear keys! NFL player or not, he needs to know his place.
I walk with Khloe to her's and Kyle's bedroom and get her dressed.
"I really like that Kye Tanner dude."
Kyle says as he puts on his socks.
"That's nice."
I respond not trying to give away my disdain for the man.
"Don't you think it's awesome that you are friends with a famous person? The Kye Tanner. You know what most would do just to be in his presence?"
I don't respond and listen to Kyle go on and on and on, as I dress Khloe.
We finally finish, and I walk out with them into the living room, and see Kye is sitting in the couch looking at a family album.
I shout and throw him Khloe's jacket. Of course he catches it.
"Put on her jacket. Her hat, scarf and gloves are in the sleeves."
He does not complain and actually smiles at Khloe as she walks to him.
I put on Kyle's stuff and carry his duffle bag for him.
I look down and realize I am wearing shorts and a T-shirt.
Oh shit I am not ready.
I showered early this morning when Kyle woke me up from bed with his nightmare. All I really have to do is put on some jeans.
"Hold on."
I say as I quickly run to my bedroom and slip on some jeans. I grab my hoodie from my bed and get out the room.
"Damn that was fast. What? You thought I would kidnap them or something?"
The Wipe asks as he buttons his long trench coat.
"That is exactly what I thought."
I respond.
I put on my coat and walk with my kids outside the apartment.
He follows and I lock the door behind us.
I say to him as I stretch my hand out.
He slaps my hand giving me a high five.
"I already put them back. You can check. I made copies."
"You little-"
He scolds and my hand starts to shake.
Just let me give one blow with my fists to his temple. I promise I just need one chance to knock him out.
I grab my kids hands and walk them to my Tahoe.
I strap Khloe into her car seat, and Kyle into his boster seat. I go back to my driver's seat and am in horror when I see Wipe jump into the passenger's seat. He turns and smirks at me. He's doing this on purpose!
"Jesus give me strength!"
I shout and thankfully no one questions my blatantly strange behavior.
I don't even bother to attempt to kick the Wipe out because I know he won't listen,
The first stop is dropping off Khloe at her friend's place. Her friend is actually Haley and Henry's little cousin.
When Haley comes to the car to get Khloe, she sees Kye and her mouth drops.
"Tonight we need a talk!"
She scolds me angrily.
"It is not what it looks like."
I state.
"Well I'm glad you know what it looks like."
She states taking Khloe out the car.
She slams the door and walks away.
"Don't you dare slam my door like you pay for it! Must have lost your dog gone mind!"
I shout back at her.
The rest of the ride, Kyle and Kye keep going on and on and on about football.
When I drop of Kyle I give him a hug and a kiss, and am surprised when he gives Kye a hug too.
"Love you Lai. Can't wait to see you again Mr. Tanner."
He says as he runs inside the gym.
I let out a deep breath, and clench the staring wheel.
"You think that shit is funny?"
I ask.
"Never in your life try some shit like that again! Who the fúck do you think you are to stalk me, make a copy of my keys, and show up in my bedroom early in the morning while I am sleeping with my kids in bed?"
I start driving and am grateful yet surprised when Kye does not answer.
By the time we get back it is 12:00.
I lock the door behind me and walk to the apartment. Kye follows.
I take off my shoes as I get in and go to my room to change back into my comfortable shorts.
When I come out Kye is on the phone in the living room.
"What do you mean you went to my job and they said I didn't show up today? I am a grown ass man and you are not my mother. What are you checking up on me for? I told you I was handling some business. That's not a lie!"
I role my eyes and walk away so I do not have to hear the conversation between Kye and I'm guessing his troll of a fiancé.
I go to the kitchen and just stare out the window daydreaming. I don't think I would have ever pictured my life this way: at age 23 a mother of two kids. My sister and best friend turning into an alcoholic and dating a child molester and rapist who abused her kids. Losing my sister to suicide and learning that she is a killer. Having no family around since they are all dead and didn't care enough to take care of me.
What if Kyle is taken away from me? This man is a retired NFL player. He has enough money to buy all three of our lives.
I hear him call me and I turn around to see the handsome man in my kitchen.
Why couldn't he be ugly like his heart?
"Yea I'm coming."
I state walking towards him.
I look up when I realize he is staring so hard at me.
"Are you okay?"
He asks me with what I almost believe to be concern, but the devil does not have a heart so I know better.
"Like you care."
I respond walking out the kitchen.
I sit on the couch and wait for him to sit next to me.
He does not say anything as he sits, and it is quiet for a while.
I am about to speak when he finally opens his mouth.
"I can't believe I really have a son."
He says with so much vulnerability.
This side of him is weird.
"I don't even need a paternity test to make me more sure. He's so perfect."
He says and I am surprised when I see tears fall from his face.
I never thought I would have seen this side to him. I feel like I am in a twilight zone.
"I cant believe I said all of those mean stuff."
"Me neither"
I respond as I lean over to the table stand and take the box of tissues. I hand them over to Kye and he wipes his eyes.
"You should be ashamed. You have a nasty personality, and merciless tongue. You seriously need to go to therapy."
I respond but it does not seem like he is affected at all by my words.
"Did you guys go to therapy after Selena's demise?"
I shake my head no.
"Kyle does not talk about his mom's death at all. He acts like he's not affected but I know better. He and Khloe have nightmares about her and the guy that used to abuse them. This has been happening for over three months now. I was looking into some therapist that specialize in children. However, they are so expensive"
"You need a therapist too. When not around Kyle and Khloe, You are a very angry and explosive person."
I am listening to his words but I don't respond.
"I would like to spend time with both Kyle and Khloe."
I am surprised to hear from Kye.
"Khloe too? Would your fiancé even approve of that? You have not even told her about Kyle yet."
I say rolling my eyes.
"I will. I don't know how she will take it, but I am not choosing a woman over my son."
I actually almost believe the passion in his words, but I know better.
"So when do you want to take the paternity test?"
I ask while uncomfortably fidgeting with my fingers.
"Today I guess. All I need is to get his saliva on a q-tip and send it to the lab."
"Oh. I never knew it was that easy. So when I pick up Kyle he'll most likely will pass out from practice. When he's sleeping I'll just do it and put it in a ziplock bag."
He nods
"That works."
"What the hell is wrong with you?"
Haley yells at me as I enter her apartment.
"Oh I'm fine thank you."
I respond sarcastically.
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