《The Father of my Sister's Kid; DILF (Adult Perspective) #Wattys2015》Chapter 3 - Kye Tanner
"Haley put him in the car."
I say while walking Kyle to her.
Her eyes still show that she is in shock, but she does as I tell her. I don't want Kyle around to hear this conversation.
"That's him right? He's the boy Selena said is mine."
He says in shock.
"That is the kid you degraded and called a bastard. Now please, he has been through a lot these past few months. You made it clear that you want nothing to do with him, so just leave my poor little Kyle alone."
I observe his expression and am amazed by the sudden astonishment, pain, and hurt expressed on his face.
"That boy is my son! You want me to leave my son?"
He shouts at me in disbelief,
-his answer surprising me.
"What proof do you have that he is your son? You are just making an assumption-"
"Bullshit! You know just by looking at him that Kyle is mine. For fuck's sake! Selena named him after me! My name is Kye Taner."
My jaw drops.
"Kyle's middle name is Leon-Taner."
I mutter to myself.
"Who the fuck has two middle names? Selena obviously gave him my last name for a reason. If you want I'll do a fucking paternity test. It won't change the fact that it is my sperm that created him."
I get so fucking angry!
"You don't deserve Kyle as a son! You're an arrogant asswhipe and-"
He cuts me off.
"Whatever you have to say does not change the fact that I am his parent and you will never be. So quit playing house and quit thinking you are a fit mother because you're not! How old are you? 20? Taking care of two kids with no job? You are even worse than Selena. At least she had money to take care of her kids from basically prostituting!"
I can't stop the tears that start to fall from my face after hearing his words. I can't take anymore insults. I cover my face as the tears fall. Everyone is probably staring at me, and I am just so embarrassed and fed up with everything that has happened, but most of all, I do not want him to take away my Kyle.
"I'm sorry. I take it back."
I hear the asswipe say, and I realize he is closer to me. As a result I walk away from him.
"We're not done-"
He states, but is cut off.
I turn to see a familiar looking female come to meet him. She kisses him on the lips, making me scowl. When I watch closely I notice it is the woman who cut in front of Khlo and took the dryer from her.
Immediately, I wipe my tears and walk over to her. I almost slap her, but instead tap her shoulder.
Her black eyes stare into mine and she looks at me as is I have ebola.
She is very beautiful. I'm not going to lie. Her hair is a luscious burgundy color and she is wearing an expensive looking grey suit.
I greet her with a fake smile and shake her hand. She still has a scowl, but I don't care.
"The next time you abruptly cut in front of my child and take anything from her, hand dryer or whatever... just joking. There won't be a next time. That's a promise."
I then look over towards the assholè and then back to the cúnt in front of me.
"As for you and Mr. Taner, you both are perfect for each other. You're a selfish bitch and he's a piece of shit. I hope you enjoy the rest of your fucking night."
The look of disgust and shock is clearly blatant on her face as I walk away. She came at the perfect time, because she stopped that assholè from continuing his conversation.
Just like I expected, Mr. Tanner did not say a word about Kyle being his kid. I mean why would he want his girlfriend to know there is a possibility that he is a father? That would mean he cares enough about Kyle to claim him.
I am not going to lie. It does sadden me because I had little bit of hope that even with all the verbal abuse this man gave me, there was genuineness in his passion for Kyle. I was hoping that he would love Kyle for the simple fact that Kyle may be his. I did not want him to be like Selena and my parents who thought that bringing children into the world is not enough of a reason to love them.
"Good job Ms. Clyne.
My new boss compliments my work on my new clients hair.
It did not take me a long time to find a job. In fact I got a job within just two days. My portfolio was pretty good and diverse. It showed expertise in my styles ranging from braids to colored pixie cuts.
"Thank you Ms. Gladys. I really enjoy styling hair, and have been doing it since I could remember."
Ms. Gladys seems to be a nice old lady and I actually like her as my new boss. I had no choice but to tell her about what caused me to get fired from my old job, and I ended up telling her about my past.
She actually approved of my behavior and was happy I "put the asswhole and the boss' rat for a daughter in their rightful places."
"Well we are participating in a hair show next month. It helps bring publicity for the store. Based on what you've shown me in you're portfolio, I would like for you to participate."
The sixty-something year old lady tells me.
"Wow that would be awesome. I have never participated in one before."
I say a bit nervous.
"Well your coworkers will help you. We participate in one every year. Last year we came out fifth. We are aiming for first this year."
She says with a smile and I look at my coworkers who are trying to act as if they are not ear hustling our convo.
"Y'all are so noisy."
Ms. Gladys says chuckling while she walks away.
I laugh at their guilty faces as my client pays me.
"Thank you."
I tell her for the generous tip.
"No problem, my hair has never looked like this before. I will definitely refer my friends to come here. "
"You're so kind. Here's my card."
I take my card from my stand and hand it to her.
She looks at my card.
"Laila. What a beautiful name for a beautiful person."
I notice the lady looks at my hand to see if I am wearing a wedding ring.
She is about the age my mother would have been. She's a very beautiful woman.
"No wedding ring I see."
She mentions and I shake my head.
"Probably in the next life time. There's no one out in this one for me."
I respond.
"Oh the bullshit!"
The fifty something-year-old states.
She causes me to laugh.
"Probably you just have not met him yet, but I assure you everyone deserves a chance at love."
Oh gosh. Why did I start her up.
The lady goes on for another half an hour, because I don't have the heart to cut her off.
"You're right mam."
I say when she finally finishes.
"Mam? Do I look old to you?"
She then stands up from her seat and twirls around.
"You better call me Alicia!"
She says making the whole hair salon laugh.
"I apologize Alicia."
"You better."
She responds jokingly.
When she leaves I walk over to Christina one of my coworkers.
"So what exactly is this hair fashion show?"
I ask her as she colors her clients hair.
"Every year we have a theme. Last year was wild things. We basically have to do crazy hair styles on hair models. We are judged on creativity, technique, and speed."
"The winners recieve $10,000 each, an all expenses paid trip to Miami and a whole bunch of recognition."
"Wow. That's awesome."
I respond.
"So Newbie, next week Saturday we are going out clubbing. You should come so we can see what moves you got."
Anthony the secretary says.
Anthony is really nice on the eyes. He is about 6 feet; he has long curly hair, and is muscular.
I don't know. I don't like leaving my kids.
"I don't know. I-"
"Come on you're young live a little."
Melissa my other coworker buts in and says.
"It depends. If I find someone to watch my kids."
There eyes all widen.
"You're a mom?"
Christina asks.
"They are really my niece and nephew, but I am the legal guardian."
They respond nodding their head.
"That's honorable of you. To be a mother at such a young age... to get kids that are not even yours. It is a lot of responsibility. I have a four year old daughter: Rocsi. She is a handful. Especially since I am a single mother and I have to do everything by myself."
Melissa says.
"It is but I would not trade it for the world. My kids are such a blessing."
I respond siting on my chair as I wait for the next client.
"I can't see myself being a father. children require too much."
Anthony states causing me to roll my eyes.
He's very selfish.
I am turning through my radio station and an old time favorite plays. I can't help but sing to it.
"Them that's got shall get. Them that's not shall lose. So the Bible says, and it still is news...
Mama may have. Papa may have, but god bless the child that's gots it's own..."
I remember when I sang this song in my high school chorus performance. I was only fourteen, but the song appealed and connected with me on so many levels.
I may not be rich. I'm closer to poor than rich, but everything I had is because of the mindset I had and the hard work I did from the stage of a child.
Even with everything I went through, I still managed to survive and help provide a future for my niece and nephew. Going from foster home to foster home, avoiding the temptation of illegal activity just to survive. Damn. No matter what, I am truly a testimony and survivor.
I park my car in the parking lot, and take Khloe out of the car seat. She's sleeping, and I know it is because she has nightmares in the night. She and Kyle both do. They usually sleep in my bedroom, or I would have to sleep in their room.
I need to get them a nightlight.
I rest Khloe on my shoulder and lock the car door behind me. Kyle has football practice today, so I have a couple of hours till I pick him up.
I head towards Target, and take the elevator. I only came here for a few things: pads, panty liners, folders, lotion, and most importantly a night light.
I take a basket and go to Isle 8 where I get my pads and panty liners. I know that in a few days Mother Nature is arriving, so I have to be prepared.
I get my folders for Kyle and walk to find the section with a nightlight.
"I know that you do not want to see me, but Ms. Clyne I really need to talk to you."
I freeze when I hear that voice, and I close my eyes to mentally prepare myself to face this man.
I try to, but I can't. I end up leaving my basket on the floor, and walk towards the exit of the store no longer getting it. I just know that if I address this man who is clearly stalking me, I will have a mental breakdown.
I go to the escalator and not once do I look behind me.
I make it to my car and strap Khloe into her car seat, but as soon as I close the door to go to my side, Kye Tanner is there.
I close my eyes and start to shake.
"I'm having a mental break down right now. I need for you not to talk to me, not to following me, not to address me at all. I can't take any verbal abuse at this point. Please just leave my family alone. Let us cope with everything that is going on right now."
I whisper everything that I am saying to this man because I have no more breath in me to yell or to even talk normally.
I am going to snap. I can feel it. I don't want to, but I will if he pushes me, because I don't have the strength to fight back.
"I'm sorry. Can we start over. I approached this situation very poorly. I take full responsibility on my part for that. I understand that you are just as clueless to this situation as me, and that you and your family are going through a rough time."
My eyes widen in shock at his words. Is this assholé being nice?
I look up to meet his beautiful eyes and look away once I see him looking at mine.
"I would not deny you the right from possibly being a father, but I can't live with you taking him away from me. He and Khloe are my life. They are all I have. I love them so much."
I don't even feel the tears falling down my face.
"I would never do that. I see the way you care for those kids. I also see the way they love you. I can't split up such a loving family.
I do want to take a paternity test, because I know for a fact that this is my son, and I can't ignore my child."
I look at the passion in his eyes when he calls Kyle is son, and it makes me angry because I doubt it's genuine.
"Did you tell your girl?"
I ask opening the car door and getting in my seat.
"Not yet. Why?"
He says looking defensive yet shameful.
I role eyes at him.
I say out loud.
"What do you mean?"
He says irritatedly.
"You made it seem like you cared about this boy. Meanwhile you can't even tell your girlfriend about him. Just leave him alone. You don't deserve to call him your son."
I slam my door closed and he opens it.
"You don't have the power to make that decision. Whether or not you like it, he is my son. How will I get in contact with you?"
He asks angrily.
"You probably know my social security with the way you stalk me. You'll find a way if you don't have one already."
I then pull my door closed again and lock the door.
I ignore the man outside my car window as I buckle my seatbelt and drive off.
I know he's up to something. He sounded too good to be true.
I reach for my phone and text Aunty Rachel at a red light.
I smile as I send the message.
I imagine the smirk she probably made while sending the text.
I don't visit Aunty Rachel as much as I used to. I miss Henry and Haley's mom. Besides I need to talk to her about everything that has happened.
I get to her house in about 20 minutes. By the time I park my car, Khloe is still sleeping.
"She's been asleep this whole time?"
I roll my eyes and turn around to meet Mr. Ass-Wipe.
He is wearing a gray trench coat and black jeans. He has on a Burberry scarf and black boots on.
"I should get a restraining order specifically just for your eyes."
Damn he caught me again.
"Are you going to follow me everywhere I go?"
I say ignoring his statement.
At this time Khloe chooses to wake up. I take her off my shoulder put her standing up.
She sleepily rubs her eyes as she stares at me.
"Hey sleeping beauty."
I say crouching down to meet her.
"Do you not put your kids to bed at night? She's been knocked out since you entered Target."
He says arrogantly.
"She has nightmares every night. She and Kye both do. I have to let them sleep with me in my bed for them to get any sleep."
I respond sadly.
He does not say anything in reply and continues to observe us.
"Lai-Lai Where's Ky-Ky?"
Khloe asks me as she pulls my pants' leg.
"Kyle's in football practice remember. We don't pick him up for another two hours Sugarplum."
"My son plays football."
I hear Shit-head say, and my eyes wide for two reasons: 1) He called Kyle his son in front of Khloe and 2) He called Kyle his son.
"Kyle plays football."
I stress the Kyle part while walking to the direction of Aunty Rachel's home.
"Just like his pops."
He states with a big smile.
I roll my eyes.
"We need to talk."
I state.
"Yes we do. How about tomorrow during 12. At your place."
"My place?"
"Yes I want to see the living conditions of where my child resides."
"Who was that handsome man you were talking to?"
Aunty Rachel asks as soon as I sit down on the couch with her. Khloe is distracted playing with toys.
"Supposedly Kyle's Sperm Donner."
I say numbly.
"So that's who my children have been telling me about. I see the black eye is healing nicely."
Aunty says with a pleasant smile.
"He wants a paternity test. No mater how hard I try to deny it, I already know that he's the father. Selena even named Kyle after him. His name is Kye Taner."
Aunty Rachel's jaw drops.
"I always thought it was weird for a child to have two middle names."
She states.
"I checked his birth certificate for the first time, and Taner-Clyne is Kyle's last names."
Khloe runs to me to give me her toy Lego.
She says handing it to me.
"Mmh, but you didn't give me a spoon."
I say to her pretending along with her that the Lego is ice cream or 'I-Scream'.
"Oh no!"
Khloe says as she palms her cheeks.
"Wait I found it!"
I say cheerfully as I pretend that I take an invisible spoon from her right ear.
"Yayy. You did it!"
She says jumping up and down making me and Aunty smile.
"Thank you."
I say pretending to eat the invisible spoon with the invisible spoon.
Khloe smiles and then skips to go play with her toys again.
"Well he wants a test and he wants to meet me in my place at my home tomorrow at noon to talk. I'm guessing this is going to be about taking a paternity test.
"What do you feel about that."
I am asked by Aunty.
"Honestly I am angry that this guy that is the equivalent of a man who ejaculateś into a cup for a few dollars, wants to disrupt my son's life and take ownership when he does not deserve to.
"I understand you but you can not deny this man the right of his child. Neither can you deny Kyle the right to a father. You don't know him really. Also, this is probably hard on him to find out he possibly has a 5 year old son through a letter. For all you know he would be a positive influence in Kyle's life. You can't deny Kyle his dad regardless."
I let out a frustrated sigh because of how right Aunty Rachel's words are. She rubs my back, and I start to cry.
"What if he takes Kyle away from me? What if the court decides he's a fitter parent?"
"Impossible, but if he's a better parent think of how good that will be for Kyle. He would finally have two awesome parents. Now stop thinking about the negative."
I wipe my tears so Khloe does not see me crying.
"Make sure you ask him everything you need to know. Although he may seem like a wipe now, you might actually find him to be a decent person who knows."
I find that very hard to believe.
"I am making dinner tonight, my children are coming over. I hope to see you guys."
I smile at Aunty Rachel's words.
"It's Friday night, what if I have a date?"
"Please I do not know whether or not you are straight. It is not like I have seen or heard about you going on a date for the 10 years that I have known you."
My jaw drops.
"What! Can you blame me?"
"I like men Aunty. I just have never had time to date them. Plus I like sleeping peacefully at night not having to worry about a boyfriend cheating on me."
I say getting up off the couch.
I walk over and sit on the floor next to Khloe. She smiles as I start playing with her Barbie.
"You named your Barbie, Khloe?"
I ask.
Khloe nods her head.
She says smiling, and my heart breaks.
"That's a pretty name."
I respond.
I look at the time.
I then go into my purse and take out a juice box along with crackers, string cheese and Fruit Snacks that I packed for her.
"Thank cue."
She says as I hand it to her.
As she eats her snacks I comb through 'Selena's' hair.
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