《Opposites Attract》Part 22: Mrs.Tran...


{Vivians Pov}

"What are you doing here?" I ask with a shocked look seeing John standing outside of my front door with a bouquet of red roses,

"Taking you out on our first date" he replies with a nervous smile as I noticed his bandaged hands holding the bouquet,

"But-" before I could even ask my question my mother pulled the front door I was just holding onto all the way open,

"Prince John!" My mother shrieks before bowing as his eyes widened,

"I'm so sorry for my daughters appearance, she never alarmed me that you were taking her out on a date. Oh my gosh! Vivian go change out of your pajamas now! Hurry up! Don't let the prince wait all night" She says quickly shoving me towards the staircase before grabbing Johns hand,

"Come inside prince John, I wouldn't want you to catch a cold before you take your lovely mate out on a date. Vivian will be getting done in a second, but for now why don't you come in and have a drink. Maybe a glass of water or-" before my mother finished rambling another voice cut her off,

"Or maybe a glass of rat poison would fit his highness better?" My older brother says glaring at John from the doorway of our kitchen,

"Damien stop" My mother groans,

"You're seriously letting some random pretty boy take my sister out in the middle of the night just because he's part of the royal family? What the fuck mom?" Damian snaps before my mother glared at him,

"Damian stop it, now" She says slowly as my brother turned his heated gaze to John who was standing between both my angry mother and older brother,

"Okay! Please stop. This is embarrassing as it is. Mom, stay here and keep John company while I get ready. You, follow me now" I say sternly towards Damian as he finally breaks heated gazes with my mate to follow me upstairs,


"Can you stop being over protective!" I snap as soon as my bedroom door closed and Damian sat on my bed,

"Are you seriously taking his side? Vivian he's going to be another asshole waiting to break your heart again just like the last one did" Damian retorts back making me more angry than before,

"You don't know that! You don't even know him! Just because some jerk took my virginity and ignored me afterwards doesn't mean my mate is going to do the same thing, we're mates for gods sake!" I reply back raising my voice as he looks at me with a disappointed look,

"Just please let me have this. I can't let the past overcome my future Damian. John is a good guy. Yes, I don't know what his future plans with me are but I want to live in the happiness he's been giving me ever since we met. I like him, and I don't want to stop" I say slowly realizing my emotions were taking control of my words,

"If you shed one tear for this boy, I'll break his neck" Damian mutters before walking out of my room before slamming the door,

Rolling my eyes, I decided to start changing out of my pjs to see what I have in my closet for a date. Or anything near it since I've never been on one and obviously most of my clothes were filled with baggy sweatpants and sweatshirts.

Digging through my closet trying to find something that wasn't a dark color like everything I wear, I ended up finding one of my old middle school dresses that I wore for one of the dances we had during those years. I may not like the story behind the person I took to the dance in the dress, but it was the only reasonable type of clothes I had for a date.


Taking a quick shower to make sure I smelled nice for my mate, I put on my dress noticing how smaller it became on my body. I mean I did become a little taller and my body did grow out more, but it wasn't like I had another option.

After blow drying and brushing out my hair down into its wavy style, I applied one of my moms lipstick and eyeliner.

As soon as I finished with making myself looking presentable in the bathroom mirror, I suddenly realized I didn't have flats or heels. I mean I was always used to dressing up with my brothers pass down clothes and sneakers.

Eh, whatever. Guess I'm wearing my black and white converse with my white and black middle school formal dance dress.

"And this was when she was in the middle school choir. Did you know she had a solo part in the performance and the choir teacher said she was the best singer even though she was one of the youngest student in there" I hear my mother says as I walked down the stairs quickly regretting leaving her with my mate,

"Mom stop!" I shriek while grabbing my middle school yearbook she was showing John on the couch in our living room,

"Why? You were a very honorably smart student, how could I not show you off to the man that will soon be fathering your future children" She answers as I groan while putting away the yearbook in one of the cabinets in the kitchen,

"Let's go John" I say quickly trying to leave before hearing my mother stop John from following me to the front door,

"Uh no. I need to take a picture, this is your first date and I want to have a memoir of this moment" She orders in her stern voice making John comply easily,

"Say cheese" She exclaims happily as me and John smiles awkwardly when my mother's phone flashes,

"Okay, you children have fun out there. Remember John, you can keep her out for however long you want. She really needs it after always staying indoors for so long" My mother murmurs as I groaned while deciding to walk out of the front door trying to get the night over with already,

Walking out of my house, I spot Johns Black Chevy parked in front.

"Your mom seems nice" John says as we both got into his car,

"Please don't ever mention my mother or anything she told you before I walked downstairs earlier for the rest of our lives" I reply while leaning my head against his window with like my hundred groan in the past hour,

"You look pretty. I mean, I've never seen someone wear a pair of converse with a dress before but you pull it off way better than I'd think anyone else could" He says changing the subject while taking short glances down at my dress and shoes,

"Can this night get any worse" I mumble to myself while covering my face as he laughs to himself.


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