《Opposites Attract》Part 6: Afterschool...


{Vivians Pov}

"Oh my gosh! I hope I end up being his mate!" Wendy shrieks as I was trying to focus on my English essay,

"He tried so hard to sustain himself from you today in the hallways but we all know he's madly in love with you" Kayla the blonde skank I was talking about before says patting Wendy's back as she nods along with the other plastic dolls in her group,

"Okay class! Before schools out let's get some review in for next week's test" Our teacher announces as I sighed,

"We have a test!? It's barely the 1st week of school though?!" Brittany asks with a confused look as Miss Angeles nods passing out papers as I almost fell asleep just by looking at her pass out our next assignment,

"I know, but let's not forget its Friday. And your all seniors now. It's time to start getting ready for college life and the first thing we'll start practicing this year is randomly scheduled tests" She says before the bell rang as everyone quickly got up with their stuff,

"Vivian, a word?" I hear Miss Angeles say as everyone walks out leaving my slow packing away self alone with the English teacher,

"I heard about the incidents you've been having lately with Wendy, if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always here" She says patting my shoulder as I scoffed before nodding,

"Thanks" I say sarcastically before walking out of her room with a groan,

Everytime teachers hear about Wendy picking on me they always say that they wanna help me out about it but they literally do nothing but talk to her mom about it but her mom is one of the reasons she's like that. Her mother let's her run her life like nothing. I'd rather just continue my life in highschool by myself alone. Like how it's been for the past few years.


I walked outside of the school looking around for my brothers black Cadillac before frowning seeing his car no where to be found. I sighed before walking to the side of the school seeing everyone getting picked up by their parents while I just sat by the stairs doing nothing but staring at the entrance of the school waiting for a black Cadillac to drive in anytime now.

I jumped when I felt a buzzing in my pocket as I just remembered I had a phone. I looked at the screen seeing my mother's name pop up before I picked up.

"Sorry for the last minute check up but your brother doesnt get off till 8, do you mind taking the bus?" She asks as I frowned seeing the last of the school buses moving farther away already with students,

"Sure, if I was able to turn back time I would love to take the bus" I say with a sarcastic chuckle as she sighs,

"I forgot Okay, I'm still at work and your father's still at his job fixing paper work and whatever they do over there. Can you stay anywhere at the school till 8?" She asks as I sighed before nodding,

"Yeah Whatever" I say before hanging up and moving back inside the school probably to go sleep in the bathroom like before or something,

"Vivian? What are you still doing here? Its almost 3" Miss Angeles asks as I passed by her room,

"Nothing, just going to the bathroom" I say with a smile before walking away as she stares at me confused,

"Vivian! Where you going?" My math teacher Mr.Mcollum asks as I noticed his class was full of students,

"To the bathroom" I say with a shrug before he stops me,

"Why don't you come and hang out with the other students, their just playing games and stuff until their parents get off and come pick them up around 5 or 6" He says with a shrug as I let a long sigh before shrugging and letting him lead me into the class where all the other nerd like kids were playing board games or doing homework,


"Wanna play mancala?" A girl with orange hair and glasses says smiling at me as I shrugged before sitting down in front of her and playing the other side,

~Time skip since I'm falling asleep rn😂 and I'm trying to finish this chapter before I go eat out with my sister~

"Are you sure you don't want me to drive you home or amything?" Mr.Dilemme asks closing his classroom door as I smiled before shaking my head,

"My brother gets angry if I hurry him and finds out I'm not where I'm supposed to be when he does get there" I say with a chuckle before my teacher sighs as we walk out to the parking lot,

"Stay safe, and if anyone touches you the school security should still be in the office right there" He says pointing at the school office as I chuckled before nodding,

"Yep, I'll keep that in mind" I replied before he got into his car rolling his window down,

"Have a good weekend and stay stafe okay" He says with a stern look as I nod before watching him drive off,

I turned around walking towards the bleachers since it was literally the only place that had a bench away from all the screaming people on top of the bleachers. I forgot there was a school football game going on tonight.

So I guess I'll just be sitting down here waiting for my brother that wants me to stay at school until he gets here in about two hours since its already past 6 now. Might as well just do my homework since I have two hours for myself. I say to myself before taking out all my class work along with my reading glasses before starting off with my physics homework.

"Oh shit! Look who's here!" I hear a familiar shrill voice shout as I groaned before trying to stay focus on my homework before I hear footsteps getting closer,

"Hey nerd whatcha doing here by yourself?" I hear the shrill voice asks as I ignored them before my homework was pulled out of my hands quickly,

"Awww, your doing homework? Whoops!" Wendy says with a sarcastic gasp as I watched my homework get ripped up quickly,

"Why don't you just leave me alone!" I snapped getting up frustratedly before she pushed me down with a laughing Brittany and Kayla by her side,

"Why don't you try to stop me?" She asks leaning down before grabbing my glasses as I gasped when she threw them onto the side as Kayla stepped on It,

"No wonder Andrew wasn't your mate. Your nothing compared to me!" Kayla exclaimed loudly before laughing as I felt my eyes water,

"Oh please Andrew don't leave, I-I-I love you" She says as I felt a sting in my heart remembering when I confessed to him the other night,

"Nobody would ever want a weak, ugly, pathetic little girl like you as a mate" She says grabbing my hair as I felt tears rolling down my face,

"Get your hands off her now!" I hear a deep voice shout as my heart started racing feeling my mate senses pick up just by hearing the voice.


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