《Opposites Attract》Part 5: John John's birthday...


{Johns Pov}

"Happy birthday!" My family shouted as I walked downstairs with a smile,

"Happy 17th birthday my little baby" My mom says walking up to me with her lips puckered out as I chuckled before letting her squish my cheeks and kiss my forehead,

"If you want, you can stay home from school today" My dad says with a smirk as I laughed,

"Nah it's okay, I got some quizzes to do today and my game afterschool" I replied as he smiles widely,

"That's my boy, school first" He says patting my back as I nod,

"Of course" I say before my sister came up to me with a large chocolate cake,

"Make a wish" She says with a grin,

"I wish I could get to my car before school starts" I say quickly before blowing out the candles as she frowned,

"Your not supposed to tell people your wish" she says with a glare before I hugged her and patted her head,

"Whoops, maybe next time" I say moving past her to fist pump Kaden and my brother,

"See you guys later" I say as they all said goodbye before I closed the door and got into my car driving off to school,

"Made it barely on time today Mr.Johnson" Mr.Feeney says as I rushed to my seat where Ethen was hitting a irritated Christian,

"Happy birthday my man!" Ethen shouts getting up quickly as I got closer,

"My boys finally 17!" Christian says fist pumping me as we sat down next to each other with smiles,

"Keep it down back there!" Feeney snaps as we rolled out eyes before turning to each other,

"Happy birthday John" A voice says in front of me as I turned to see two of Wendy's closest friends sitting in front of me with smirks,


"I got you a present but if you want it your gonna have to meet me in the bathroom after 2nd period" Krystal says with a wink as I almost threw up in my mouth,

"Unless you want something better than that, meet me in the janitors closet after class is over" Jenny says glaring at Krystal,

"If there's something you want to talk so badly about during class then why don't you go tell it to Principal Holmes huh ladies?" Feeney says getting up from his desk as they turned around quickly,

"Nope!" Krystal says quickly pretending to write in her notebook,

"No sir" Jenny says smiling at him as he groaned before turning to chalkboard,

"Today's lesson is gonna be abo-" I groaned hearing him go on about stuff I don't even know about,

"So what you gonna be doing for your birthday this year?" Christian asks nudging my elbow,

"Is your hot sister gonna throw another big birthday party this year? Cuz I'd love to help her with anything again this year" Ethen says with a wink as I frowned,

"Last time you came over to the castle the alpha king almost killed you, how about trying not to get so close to my sister this year" I replied sternly as he chuckles,

"Hey it's not my fault she's hot as fuck, and plus every wolf at the castle was literally trying to get at your sister last year" Ethen says with a raised brow,

"Yeah but they didn't go inside her bedroom and waited there naked for her with a bunch of roses around the bed" I responded as he smirks,

"I was this close to having her" He says with a smile before I slapped his head,

"I'm not gonna tell you again, back the fuck off my sister or else the alpha king is literally going to kill you and I aint gonna help you this time" I say with a frown before the bell rang,


"Oh shit, it's a early release day today" Christian says as we got up to go to second,

"Goodmorning my lovely mate!" A familiar voice shouts as I continued to walk in the hallway trying to ignore the sound of heels coming my way,

"Hi baby" A high voice says hugging me from the back before Christian pulled her off,

"Wendy can you give the dude some space Jeez!" He says as she rolled her eyes before smiling up at me,

"Look I got you something" She says pulling out a necklace that says Wendy's property in gold as I put on a fake smile,

"Its.......nice bu-" before I finished Ethen cut me off,

"Your not his mate Wendy, as you can see he's not attracted to you. Which is literally the first thing that happens to you when you find your mate. Let's face it your never gonna be the love of his life okay. Goodbye now" Ethen says before pulling me towards our 2nd period,

"Thanks" I say as we sit down and he laughs,

"That's for saving me last year from the alpha king thing that you just reminded me about" He says with a chuckle,

"What time is the game afterschool?" Christian asks confusedly,

"Since we get out at 12:30 the game is gonna start at 1:50" Ethen says looking at the schedule on his phone as Christian nods,

"Maybe you'll meet your mate at the game?" Ethen says with a smirk as I chuckled,

"I'm pretty sure everyone at the school has already passed by me today and none of them had my mate senses picked up. I think she might be somewhere else" I say with a sigh before Ethen pats my back,

"Didn't you tell me before that your brother didn't find his mate till like a few years after his 17th birthday? Maybe it runs in the men side of your family to meet your mate at a later time?" He says with a shrug before I laughed,

"My dad met my mom on his birthday and they were instantly together from then on" I replied as his eyes widened,

"Never mind then" He says as I frowned to myself.

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