《Second Chances》Bonus Chapter 5....
"Make sure to tell her the dress will be ready in a week. She'll have plenty of time to try it and make any more adjustments before her big day." I spoke loudly into the speaker phone as I placed another pin in the dress in front of me. Grabbing another piece of fabric I placed it where I wanted it to go, holding multiple pins between my teeth.
"How is Hannah's coming." Rina asked.
"I'm almost finished with it." I spoke around the pins.
"Mia are you still working? Don't you have a date to get ready for?" Rina questioned through the phone.
"I wanted to add one more piece, I'm practically ready."
"You work too much Mia." Rina sighed.
"Once this dress is done I promise I'll take a few days off." She wasn't wrong. For the past four months I have been working non-stop on this wedding dress and I only had about a week to go before it was finished.
"You better. I'll go ahead and call Ms. Anderson to let her know. Anything else you need?"
"I think I'm good. Thanks for closing the store for me tonight Rina."
"No problem. Oh Ben is calling me, I'll text you later." After a quick bye the line went silent. I focused on the last piece of fabric I had in my hand, pining it so I could sow it on tomorrow.
Once I was happy with what I had done I leaned back in my chair. Groaning under my breath I rolled my neck trying to get the tension out of it. These past four months have been exhausting. While it was a dream come true designing a wedding dress it's been a lot of work. More work than I anticipated when I said I would do this.
While it was exhausting and stressful I loved it. I loved finally being able to do what I've always loved. After losing my mom I couldn't bring myself to pick up a piece of paper to design anything. That dream of making my own fashion line was put away in a box in the corner. It just wasn't a possibility.
Now six years after my mom's passing and giving up on that dream it was finally becoming a reality.
What got me trying again was Hannah and her wedding. Literally a week after she got engaged she started looking at dresses at the shop. We must have gone through twenty or more dresses trying to find the one.
One night I was sitting on the couch scrolling through Pinterest when I suddenly just got an idea. For the first time in 6 years I grabbed a piece of paper and started designing a dress. More specifically my best friends wedding dress.
I didn't tell anyone what I was doing, not even Hunter at first, wanting to keep it to myself just in case something happened. I either quit half way through or it turned out horrible or I lost my knack for it. But as soon as I had the sketch in hand and had gotten a few pieces of fabric I knew I had to make it.
The look on Hannah's face when I told her what I wanted to do. I wish I could have recorded it. I don't think I've ever heard someone squeal so loud before. Instantly she was on board and fell in love with the design I had made. After her picking out the color and fabric she wanted I started on my first ever wedding dress.
Now four months later I was almost finished. A lot of blood, sweat and tears were put into this thing. I was just hoping nothing would get in the way. Hannah was a sweetheart but if this dress wasn't absolutely perfect I was a goner.
Getting out my head I reached over to grab my phone to check the time. Seeing that I only had ten minutes to get out the door to meet Hunter for dinner I cursed, jumping up. I had gotten to distracted and now needed to rush to finish getting ready. I may have lied to Rina that I was already ready to go. It was only a half lie though. I only needed to get dressed.
In record time I managed to finish my hair and put on a sexy dress that hugged my curves. I was out the door in 8 minutes flat, giving Walter a quick kiss on the head and telling him to be a good boy, before shutting the door behind me. I sent Hunter a quick text telling him I was on my way I got in my car. Seeing that the sky was grey and cloudy I silently prayed it wouldn't rain just yet. While I loved the rain I didn't want to run in the rain to get inside the restaurant and be soaked.
I made my way to the cute restaurant by our house. The day Hunter and I moved in we had absolutely no food in the house so we went in search of something to eat and came across this cute little italian restaurant. It was ran by an older couple that were literally the cutest people ever. Ever since that night we've been coming here.
I felt my heart tug in my chest as I thought about Hunter. These last few weeks have been....hard. I wasn't quite sure what was wrong with us. One second we were curled up on the couch watching tv, talking about everything under the moon. And the next we were completely silent with one another, staying on opposite sides of the couch.
Hunter was spending more time at the gym or with the boys. He wasn't at home as often as he use to be. He wasn't all to blame though. I've been so focused on making this dress I haven't been around as much either. I've been either stuck in the spare room, at the bridal shop, or helping Hannah with something for the wedding.
I was hoping doing out for a dinner date will get us back. I hated the distance between us. I hated the fact that it's been a month since we've even touched one another. And I hated that this past week I felt something different coming from Hunter.
I wasn't sure what it was but he felt even more distant and didn't seem to even want to be around me. I was trying my hardest not to come to any conclusions. Doing that would only make things worse. I trust Hunter and I know after tonight things will be better than ever between us. A little dry spell between us was nothing.
Pulling into the parking lot I checked my reflection one last time in the visor before turning the car off. The clouds were getting darker above me as I quickly got out of the car. Feeling pretty confident that Hunter would like what I was wearing I entered the restaurant. It was slightly busy but not too bad for a Friday at 5 o'clock.
My eyes quickly scanned the room looking for the face that I knew better than my own. Just when I thought I bet him here my eyes caught the familiar brown hair. I took a step forward but paused when I watched Hunter suddenly stand.
Confused I stood there watching as a tall blonde came into view, standing in front of Hunter and pulling him into a tight hug. I noticed the smile on Hunter's face as he hugged her back. He hasn't showed me that smile in awhile. I thought with a pang to my chest.
I wasn't sure what I was doing as I stood there watching as my boyfriend hugged and smiled at some random blonde. The two pulled away and seemed to be talking about something. When she leaned in and whispered something in his ear and he laughed my heart froze in my chest.
I've been trying my hardest not to think that the reason Hunter has pulled away from me was because he was cheating. That he found someone else but didn't want to tell me. I knew the thought was idiotic, I knew Hunter would never, but standing there seeing them interact like they've known each other for years made my head spin.
My head was suddenly filling with all the unwanted thoughts I have pushed back. One after another until I couldn't think straight. Hunter was cheating on me. That was the main thought in my head.
The rational part of me was telling me to calm down and go over there. To hear Hunter out. Maybe she was just an old friend? Or a fan? Just cause they hugged din't mean anything. But the fears in my head were drowning out the rational part. All I could see was them smiling and hugging and whispering. All common sense was now out the window.
I clenched my jaw painfully as they finally pulled away from one another, Hunter saying something. I wasn't sure what I wanted to do until Hunter suddenly looked up and his eyes met mine. As soon as he saw me they widened and what I can only assume as guilt flooded his face.
I was right he was cheating on me. He was probably finishing up this date before I should up. His expression undid me. Angry and hurt I turned on my heel and pushed through the doors. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my face as I went straight for my car, not even caring that in those few minutes of going inside it started to pour. In a matter of seconds I was already soaked.
My hands shook so bad I couldn't open my door and my eyes were blurry from the tears and the rain.
"Mia!" I knew that voice. I focused on trying to open my door before he could get closer. "Mia stop!" Hunter reached me before I could get my door open and leave. He stood off to the side and reached for my arm.
"Don't!" I snapped, yanking my arm to my side.
"Mia let me explain." A quick glance at him I found him soaked, the nice dress shirt he was wearing soaked and plastered to his upper body.
"It wasn't what it looked like." Seeing that he wasn't going to move or leave I decided I would just walk back to the house instead. It wasn't that far and I could get away from him.
Shaking my head I shoved past him and started walking in the direction of home. My tears were mixing with the rain as I walked but I didn't have it in me to care at the moment. It felt like my heart was being ripped from my chest.
Hunter, the only man I have ever loved, was cheating on me. And he didn't even try to hide it back there.
"Mia." I ignored him as I kept walking. "Mia. Mia."
"Hunter stop!" I screamed, coming to a stop and turning around. "How could you! How after this long." Every part of me was soaked from the rain and Hunter didn't look any better. None of that mattered right now. All I could feel was hurt.
"How dare you cheat on me Hunter. And you didn't have the balls to even tell me to my face." I spat, taking a step forward while pointing my finger at him.
"Mia that wasn't-"
"Wasn't what I saw?" I shook my head. "I just watched as some blonde came up to you and hugged you like you knew each other for years and the whispered in your ear. She made you smile that smile that is only reserved for me! Me! Not her! A smile you haven't given to me in a goddamn month!"
"Mia." Hunter started forward.
"I understand we are going through a rough patch. Both of us busy with work but I didn't think you would stoop this low."
"I didn't cheat."
"No wonder you weren't around this week or wanted to be near me. You were to busy with her."
We were standing only a foot away from each other, rain pouring down on us. I could hear cars behind me driving past and I bet they were all wondering what the two idiots were doing standing in the rain.
"Would you listen to me for a moment." Hunter started.
"I don't want to hear another word." I turned on my heel to walk away but a hand on my elbow yanked me back around.
"I was buying a fucking ring Mia!" Hunter yelled. "I was buying a ring so I could finally ask you to marry me!"
I once again froze at his words. Buying a ring?
"The blonde-"
"She was designing the ring. She happened to be eating at the same restaurant with her husband and brought the ring with her." I searched his eyes as he spoke. Was he telling the truth?
"Mia I would never cheat on you." He didn't hide the hurt on his face at the thought. "I would never ever leave you."
"But...but you haven't wanted to touch me in weeks! You aren't ever home." The tears were still rolling down my cheeks as I spoke.
"I was only keeping my distance so you could focus on Hannah's dress and I was busy trying to plan the best proposal to give you."
At the sincerity in his voice I felt my heart clench. How could I think Hunter would cheat on me? How could I let such a stupid fear get in my head?
I started crying in ernest at how stupid I just acted. I was acting like a stupid drama queen, drawing to conclusions before talking to Hunter first.
Arms wrapped around me and tugged me to a hard chest. I wrapped my own around Hunter's waist, burying my face in his chest sobbing.
"I'm so sorry. I-I saw the woman and I thought you didn't love me anymore." I wanted to punch myself for how stupid I was acting. This wasn't me, jumping to conclusions and blaming Hunter for stuff he would never do.
Hunter gently pulled away, grabbing my chin and tilting my head upwards.
"Mia, you are the only woman I want to be with." He spoke so fiercely that it made me feel even worse about how I acted.
"I don't want you to ever give me space." I hiccuped.
"I shouldn't have done that but I saw how important this was to you and I didn't want to get in the way." His thumb wiped at my cheek. "I wanted to make this proposal absolutely perfect for you but I pretty much ruined it."
"I don't need a fancy proposal Hunter. I just need you." Looking up at him I hoped he could see how much I loved him and how sorry I was for everything that just caused.
Hunter was quiet for a moment as he stared down at me. Even standing here in the rain soaked he was the most stunning thing I have ever seen. I needed Hunter like I needed air to breathe. Whenever he was around I felt whole and I knew with all of my heart that I would never love anyone like I do Hunter.
"Standing in the rain after having a screaming match wasn't exactly what I had in mind." Hunter's arms disappeared around me as he slowly got down on one knee, reaching into his pocket to grab a small box.
My heart was beating so hard in my chest I almost felt like I was going to pass out. I couldn't do a single thing as Hunter opened the ring box and sitting in it was one of the most gorgeous rings I have ever seen.
My eyes were glued to the stunning heart shaped ring in the box. I've never seen anything like it and the fact that Hunter went through all the trouble to get it designed made me cry harder. His voice finally made my look away from the ring.
(I'm sorry I had to add a picture of the ring! Omg imagine getting that ring for yourself? Ugh I'm so single)
"Mia Gibson....will you Marry Me and let me love you for the rest of our lives?"
When Hunter and told me a year ago at his parents house that he was going to propose to me one day I had known I would say yes. Hell I would have said yes right then but I knew we both needed to grow as a couple, to learn before we took that step.
And now standing here I knew without a single doubt in my head what my answer would be. I was more sure now than I was a year ago.
"Yes I will marry you!"
I was beyond nervous yet I had no reason to be. I was marrying the love of my life today. After almost nine months of planning and finding the perfect time to get married here we are. It's been a bit of a struggle trying to work a wedding into football season, my bridal shop suddenly blooming, and then having Hannah's wedding as well.
I didn't want to take Hannah's moment away from her so I made sure my own wedding was a good eight-ish months apart, Plus it gave Hunter and I more time to plan. While the two of us didn't really want to wait that long we were fine waiting. There were actually quite a few times the two of us almost eloped, not wanting to wait.
But now here we are on the day of my wedding. It felt surreal even saying that. All week I almost felt like I was in a dream, that I really wasn't going to marry Hunter and that all this time I was dreaming. But standing here in front of the floor length mirror I could confirm I was indeed not dreaming.
It was times like this that made me think about how my life turned out. That I somehow managed to get everything I had ever wanted. I got my love story, I got my dream job, I had the greatest friends in the world.
It has been seven years since I got that phone call that changed my life forever. Seven years since I found out my mother had cancer. Seven years of letting go the only man I had loved. Seven years ago of me not thinking I was good enough.
But somehow in the past two years my life changed. I got it all and then some. I was happy, loved. And I knew it was because someone special came back into my life. The missing piece of my puzzle came back into my life two years ago and re-arranged things once more. But this time it was for the better.
I also knew that somehow my mother was pulling strings wherever she was. Putting Hunter back in my life, giving me amazing friends, making sure her bridal shop along with my dream came true. I just knew she wanted me to be happy and she succeeded.
I blinked back tears thinking of my mom. I wanted so bad for her to be here right now. To be fussing with my hair and dress, making sure everything was absolutely perfect, that she'd be the one to walk me down the aisle. But I knew that even though she wasn't here physically didn't mean she wasn't here.
Tears filled my eyes but I quickly fanned them away. I couldn't cry! I couldn't mess up the makeup that Hannah spent a good hour or so on. If I did I was pretty sure I wouldn't make it to my own wedding.
Getting my emotions under control I softly ran my hands down the front of my dress. Another plus to waiting to get married was I was able to make my own dress. As soon as I had finished Hannah's I knew I had to make my own. I didn't want to brag too much but the dress was absolutely stunning. Exactly what I pictured in my head.
Instead of going for the usual white gown I went with a soft nude/pink color. The entire top later was completely lace as so was the train in the back. The bodice hugged my waist perfectly before flaring out slightly.
(This dress is STUNNING! Just imagine it without the straps. I would KILL for a dress like this)
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